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Everything posted by ghoulette

  1. Goodbye, Monica. If the children are our future, then the best parent should win.
  2. Ugh, this is so hard. Mac deserves some reward for raising all those kids who weren't is. I vote: Ned.
  3. I was getting serious "wife-from-'Gone Girl'" vibe off of Nina. I want Ava to have this kid so she and Sam can have cocktails, rolling their eyes as they throw shade at Mrs. Clay.
  4. I was really dreading the Molly scenes today, but Haley Pullos has finally outgrown that high-pitched screech. I'm hoping I haven't jinxed it, but I think now Sonny is back to being the only threat to the barware of Port Charles. I hate Ric, but I loved watching him because Rick Hearst is sooo good. The scene where he and NLG have it out over Sam? He deserved all the Emmys that year. But now? He just makes goo goo eyes at Liz and helps Cameron with his origami. My Julexis loving heart can handle this storyline as long as they UNLEASH THE HEARST. Fake Luke? He's Scott Baldwin. Hates Luke, hates Sonny for turning his daughter into a stripper/drug addict. So the real question is Who is Fake Scott? It's Victor Jerome. He's always wanted Lucy, only an old man who knew he probably needed to show anger but was too tired to give a crap because "dammit-it's-5:00-pm-and-my-blood-sugar-is-low-can-we-just-do-dinner-already-I-need-to-take-my-pill" would throw a chair as feebly as he did in the interrogation room scene, and he wears sunglasses inside because the light hurts his corneas. True, Victor found Julian disappointing at times, but he could just be cutting Jules a break now because Julian has FINALLY given him some grandchildren.
  5. He was also eating a lime for some reason. Maybe that's why he's throwing the barware. He's breaking the shell to get to the meat inside.
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