el perro fumando
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96 Excellent-
So three duets for Adam then? This is my first year to watch, but is that what's in store? (I love Adam, so I can live with that, but other heads may explode.)
I was confused by Adam's comment about Luke being lost as well, but I wondered if he meant he'd been lost for a while before his exit and now is back. Because that was exactly what we had just been saying: that the old Luke seemed back last night.
S07.E24: Live Semi-Final Performances
el perro fumando replied to Tara Ariano's topic in The Voice (US)
I agree with others that Matt, Craig and Chris are going to finals. Probably Taylor three names as the wild card. Hard to imagine anyone who left earlier displacing him, as even his lesser performances have been scoring pretty well on iTunes, so he's got a fan base that the other ejected singers don't seem to have. On the down side for me, I've grown bored with Craig, which is a shame, because he was really exciting, I thought, when things got started. I was rooting for him over the other three-named country guy because Craig just seemed to have so much passion and energy in his songs. I had high hopes he'd do some great Southern rock stuff. But instead he veered off into country and religion, and I just zone out now. I'm sure Old Rugged Cross was lovely for that genre, but it's just not my thing. Zzzz. Well, since he's certainly making it to next week, I'm just crossing my fingers that he'll break out the Southern rock for the finale! Best for last? Any of those three guys (Matt, Chris or Craig) could win and I'd be good with it. They all really put their hearts into it every week. Good stuff. Look forward to seeing what they work up next week. -
I figured Chris got the final spot because he was the actual No. 5 vote-getter. The separation on the iTunes chart between Chris and the other three was pretty big (in fact, he may have been higher up the charts than Craig). I assumed that's why he got the final performance. But ... maybe not.
I'll add my voice to the small minority of folks who enjoyed the show last night and who liked the direction it took with the Cranes. I like that they had it out, and I'll be interested to see where it goes from here. As long as the show doesn't drop it and have them all fine again now that Henry killed Moloch (and I agree that it wasn't some huge redemptive moment; I saw it as Henry throwing yet another tantrum about yet another parent's betrayal - with this one being an actual betrayal, whereas Katrina was trying to protect him and Crane didn't even know he existed). I thought it was a great moment, and I really am intrigued to see where things pick up when the show returns. Will Henry release our foursome from the trees? Will he team with them? Pretend to team with them? Walk away as the new Big Bad? No idea. But I'm intrigued. While my preference going in last night was for Crane to kill Henry (as I would have enjoyed the show going that dark with his character), I'm good with the Cranes separating and Henry killing Moloch. I'm not thrilled with poor Irving's death, since he was sidelined for most of the season and brought back to die, but I guess I used up my wrath earlier in the season when "Bones" killed a character off pointlessly (IMO) and I stopped watching. At least Irving was a badass MFing hero! He not only fought back but he took out a freakin' Horseman! Now THAT'S the way to send off a beloved character. And all of his friends were around him and filled with anger/grief. Abbie, of course, was broken up and on fire. But I really also loved Crane with the Captain there at the end. His attempts to encourage Irving, his panic, Katrina's panic, trying to save him. That really was heartbreakingly written. Of course, it also helps that this is a supernatural show, so I have faith that Irving will return somehow. That's my story and I'm sticking with it for as long as possible! This season has definitely been a little slow at moving forward, but I guess I'm used to shows with big mytharcs that have to drag out over a longer season, so I can live with it. It doesn't have the breakneck pace that season 1 had (probably due to the 5 extra episodes), but now that we'll be headed to the back half of the season, I'm hoping it will just continue picking up momentum and rolling toward ... something! Now that Moloch is dead, I really am perplexed as to where the show is going to go next with our ragtag team of heroes, but I can't wait to find out.
Other than losing their entire world? I mean, Ichabod was buried for 200 years, and Katrina spent that same time (mostly) in Purgatory. Both of them lost their son - once in their own time, and then in present day when they realized he was still around and was completely twisted up with Moloch, in spite of Katrina's efforts to protect him by giving him up. I guess I just see it differently. Both the Mills' sisters and the Cranes have suffered huge losses, IMO. As fun and funny as it is to have watched Crane dealing with present-day challenges, every once in a while they reminded us how hard it must be for him to have lost his entire world when he "died." Abbie and Jenny of course have suffered terrible losses as well. But I don't see that as one-sided at all. Miles may vary, and all that. Anyway, I liked last night's episode a lot, although yea, I missed Crane and wonder if the show was just giving him a break before next week. Sometimes shows that rely on two strong leads wind up having to give them some breathing room here and there, which is what this felt like. On the other hand, I actually like Hawley, so that was fun to see him helping out (and I loved his stuff with Crane! HA!). Love the Mills' sisters getting some interesting (and tragic) backstory exploration. And above all, so SO happy to see Orlando bust out of that place! I've missed him so much and can't wait to see what happens with him next week! (Now if we could just Andy back in the back half of the season. Feel bad for John Cho about Selfie getting dropped, but I sure would be happy to see our Andy back in Sleepy Hollow).
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Another possibility could be a seasonal episode thread. Maybe just a general season 10 thread (from here on out, leaving the individual threads as is) and then a thread for past seasons? I'm fine with an All Eps thread too as I said. To your point, it seems unlikely at this point in the show's lifecycle that posts will suddenly increase.
I vote for an All Episodes thread. I assume if it's all eps, we can talk about reruns on TNT or Netflix right? I stopped watching new ones, but I still love past eps and would love to read/write comments on some of them! Thanks.
Awww. Reading that makes me sad. I stopped watching, but I figure I'd tune back in for the birth of Sweets' baby. I was hoping for some tender moments, especially since I personally thought everyone (except Daisy and Brennan at the end) seemed weirdly emotionless in the funeral episode. And I really hoped for an emotional moment with Booth and the baby. But from this piece, it sounds like they're going to play the birth episode for laughs. At least they don't have the new guy delivering the baby. Or marrying Daisy ... yet.
Ha! I finally went today and found the Finder episode with Sweets in it. It was new Sweets material for me! Maybe I'll just pretend he moved to Florida permanently. Because yea. The whole death thing is still unacceptable for me.
Yea, I have to admit I was really disappointed in how this episode went out of its way to completely strip Sweets from the show. He only appeared in the previouslies as a dead body, no lines. He was pulled out of the credits (they couldn't give him a last week, eh?) and replaced with the new guy. And, as you said, there was nothing visual at all other than stripped bones. And although I was moved by Daisy in the baby name scene and in the bones scene, and by Brennan at the end, I was left pretty empty by all these other people who didn't seem to have any emotional reaction at all to the loss of such a close friend. (I was way more moved watching the little "Moments of Sweetness" videos by the five castmates online, where they were very fondly recalling their characters' relationships to Sweets). And I really wanted to see Booth react more than he did, I guess. Clearly the writers love to give Brennan all the "Look what I've learned about humanity!" moments, and I did love her relationship with Sweets. But Booth and Sweets were so close that I expected more emotion from Booth. We got his one "He was family" at the beginning, and some indiscriminate anger, but I would have liked to see Boreanaz tackle a goodbye Sweets speech. Lost opportunity to let him do the emotional reveal for once. Maybe they'll give him a chance to speak in the baby episode down the road. Oh well. Missed opportunity IMO. I was surprised, because I went into the show with a box of tissues, expecting to sob over the loss of my favorite character, and really, I only had two teary reactions, I think. Bummer.
I lied. I have to post Michaela's. Hers is incredibly sweet. These make me happy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj1c8RUqjvI
Is this the right spot to post these little Moments of Sweetness videos that Fox, I assume, put out there? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GXOG6sCL4k T.J. Thyne's is pretty cute. Don't know if they should be here, though, so I won't post Emily, Tamara and Michaela's unless I know they can go here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZTxji1SGNT0
I hope you're right, for the sake of those many fans who do still love the show. I don't hate the producers/writers for their decision. It just didn't work for me, and I wish, reading that interview with JFD, that they'd dug a little deeper and tried to find a more creative way to shift him off canvas while leaving the door open. Particularly because the show may be its home stretch, as you said, it would have been much more emotionally satisfying for me to know that he might come back. I didn't watch the Zack seasons much, and I get that they wouldn't want that kind of open-ended story, but they could have found a way to learn from that mistake. It was a huge FBI conspiracy, right? I still think even a witness protection thing would have been preferable to me. I could have maybe enjoyed the new team dynamic if I knew it was a temporary situation. It would have been more satisfying for me at least if the show got to enjoy the kind of victory lap that reunites the characters, even if only toward the end of the run. But, it is what it is, and they made their decision, which is what showrunners get to do. I'm just very happy to have Netflix streaming video. I see some good binge-rewatches in my future! And I'll hope that JFD's behind-the-camera successes don't mean he's done with acting, because I'd sure like to see him back on TV again soon. (He needs to set his sights on the type of limited season shows that HBO and cable do - 13 episodes and then you're freed up on other projects!)
Yea, maybe it would have been to difficult to get a little girl that age to do that much emotion. She was really cute, but I don't know if she could have pulled that off. But they could have pulled back and shot a scene through the window from behind her, with the emotion coming from Booth and/or Brennan's expressions and them just pulling her into a hug. That might have affected me more. It really was odd how cold everyone felt to me last night. Admittedly, I love the character of Sweets, probably BECAUSE he was the emotional one. He always brought the compassion/heart to the equation. I guess I went into last night with high expectations. Last week the lack of huge emotional reaction made sense in the bodybag scene: they had to detach to do their jobs with his remains.But last night I expected to see a lot of emotion bubbling beneath the surface for everyone, but it just wasn't there. to see Did Hodgins or Angela show any emotion at all really? Some of my favorite scenes on this show were Hodgins' long-ago "therapy" sessions with Sweets, as well as any conversation the two ever had (loved those two together on screen). And the Angela who counseled Sweets last year when he was thinking of leaving the job ... just seemed she would have been more emo. Anyway, I cried more yesterday watching the rerun of the subway episode on TNT than I did at last night's episode, which surprised the hell out of me. Frankly, I think I cried more at last week's episode, too, because by the time the show started, I felt pretty sure Sweets was going to die, so I was sad every time he was on screen. And I sobbed at the death scene and the autopsy scene. But last night, only Daisy and the bones and, to a lesser extent, Brennan's speech, which I did like enough to rewatch, hit me last night. But that was it. Oh well. It's probably all my fault - I just discovered Bones last fall and bingewatched the hell out of it all year. Figures that by the time I fell in love with it, it was inevitable that it would fall apart. I do hope for the sake of those who still love it that the show finds it footing again post-Sweets. Maybe now that the shakeup is over, they can reinvent themselves. ON EDIT: I also liked the scene with Cam planning the funeral, actually. That was at least a nice payoff of her connection to him. Always loved her scenes with him in his office, too. I've missed those kinds of scenes. When did they stop doing those? I can't remember the last time we had a Sweets' office scene.