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Posts posted by seacliffsal

  1. The thing I was most impressed with was the machine that made water out of air.  If that technology works, it could change the lives of countless people.  Yes, it had a high price tag ($5,000), but that could come down.  I could see governments and NGOs being hugely interested if it's a real thing.  I was surprised Gordon passed on that (not a great short-term investment, but it could really be a benefit to them as investors as well as those who need water in the long-run.

    Not sure what I think about Lisa Vanderwhatever as I have never watched her in anything before.  But, I like that this is filmed in England (so hopefully lots of great sites to see), and I like Gordon.  So, I'm here for now.

  2. Things that make me go "hmmmmm" 

    Is it an individual immunity challenge/reward when contestants tag team it?  Doesn't that kind of change the meaning of 'individual'?

    • Does supporting your number one ally after trying to vote him out in a previous tribal council justify voting for someone else for sole survivor?

    Did Liz really believe that she could win sole survivor?

    Why was Liz able to eat pizza but not pasta?

    Does Jeff really think that Jelinsky (and probably by association Bhanu, Q, and Liz) make entertaining t.v. and that viewers fell in love with these players??

    Because of the shorter seasons do players not really care about any aspect of survival?

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  3. 47 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    Lately there have been a string of winners I actively disliked (Dee, Yam Yam, Gabler) or were mildly annoyed with (Maryanne, Erika). I don't know what accounts for that trend. Maybe the game is just designed for a particular personality type that rubs me the wrong way. I honestly can't remember the last time someone I was rooting for actually won. 

    And I have a strong sense the unfortunate trend will continue this season. 

    I think it's all a part of the 'new era'...

  4. This episode had me feel all of the feelings.  Several good/funny lines in the first part of the episode (including 'those were my pop-tarts' or something similar).  It felt quite light hearted until it wasn't.  

    You all were right that Crystal was the serial killer.

    My tears were flowing during the fantasy segment.  How happy Will looked throughout the fantasy and how much he wanted the family that he never had.  But, I really resented Angie when Will was arresting her and she said "I thought you would chose me."  No, Angie, you know who Will is and to expect him to be less than he is was cruel.  

    I don't know how much more the writers are going to have Will go through.  Give him some joy, not always heartache.  On Betty's gravestone it was written "she saved my life" and I think that is really true.  She is the only constant unconditional love in his life (and yes, I love dogs).

    Amazing episode.  I will miss this show until its return.

    • Like 13
  5. It's similar to The Weakest Link in which the contestants initially vote off the weakest players to build up the cash prize but then turn on the better players so that potentially they will go against a really weak player in the final.  In a cooking competition there's usually the idea that the 'winning' chef would be the strongest/best, but in this show the 'winning' chef may be one of the weakest in the competition.  For me, as a viewer, it's not a fulfilling 'win.'  In a cooking competition I want to see amazing chefs and amazing food.  The best thing about this show is the fabulous Italian scenery (oh, and the cats that apparently live at the house).

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  6. I think there are fewer weak chefs than last year (but we shall see as the season progresses).  Alex seemed more relaxed and encouraging so that's a really good thing.  However, I really don't like having the teams vote out the loser.  Maybe if Gabe and Alex identified the two weakest chefs/dishes from the losing team and then they voted among those two it would seem more fair than last year when it was 'vote out the best chef' and contributed to an overall lack of enjoyment of the show for me (along with Alex's negativity).  I enjoyed this first episode.

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  7. I had a hard time following the two plots in this episode.  Haven't had this problem with other episodes so don't really understand why I struggled with this episode.  Maybe they were trying to cover too much story or develop too many stories?

  8. I think Amy and Stephanie both missed the point of why people may not like them.  It's because they said mean and derogatory comments about other players behind their backs when there was no need to say such things.  Oh, and Stephanie is also presenting herself in a complimentary light as being 'new' to lying.  Maybe, maybe not.  And Amy is deflecting the criticism she has received by not acknowledging the things that she said.  Producers couldn't show such things if they didn't say/do them.

  9. I really didn't understand why Reba and Kate (?) were there.  And, I was really surprised about Brandon and Gracie-she stated that she was way more invested in him than he in her (which is a shame-they seemed like a good match IMO).

    The other two couples were very cute and some of my cynical reality show heart melted a bit.  Ty is way too infatuated with himself (IMO).

    I got tired of Jennifer Nettles after a while.  I prefer him in smaller doses.

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  10. I seriously think that everything about Liz could be an act.  Why would someone immediately talk about being a multi-millionaire and not needing the money? Get to the finale and proclaim 'I fooled you all?

    Why immediately start talking about how one can't eat anything?  An attempt to be taken on reward challenges without actually having to win the challenges? 

    Why make such a deal about not getting to go on the Applebees reward?  Trying to make people feel sad/sorry/protective?

    Why make such a big deal of not having a BM (which the other contestants wouldn't be able to verify anyway)?  So that she will be applauded/or seen as more sympathetic?

    Why being upset for someone else to get credit for a blindside?  Because she is intent on 'goating' her way to the end and then pulling out all of her 'great' gameplay?

    I really do think she is either faking or over exaggerating some of her issues.  Or, maybe, I'm overthinking her as I just don't like her (most likely this is it...).

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  11. Thanks for linking that interview.  Jeff has his perspective and we have ours.  However, I think he is forgetting about the mental breakdowns in the earlier seasons (some of which actually led to evacuations [Kathy, Brandon, etc.]).  And, he is using this season as an example of 26 days being soooo hard when in reality I think this season is an example of bad casting.

    But, no matter about what I think, Jeff runs the show so his opinion is the only one that matters (darn it...).

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  12. I think that Gabler's win may have ruined this show.  Maybe Liz signed up thinking she could just cause chaos, have meltdowns, talk in the third person, rub people the wrong way and still win.  Maybe too many goats will start thinking it's okay to go as a goat because it's now possible for goats to win.  Why else would Liz start pointing out her 'goatiness' as a reason to stay?  She is proudly waving the goat banner and there's no way I want her any where near to the finale.

    I didn't copy the quote (sorry) but another poster thought that Liz wasn't gluten free as I had referenced all of the gluten in the Chinese meal, but when the pizza award was given, Jeff made the pronouncement that there would be a gluten free pizza after which the camera focused on her and she 'looked' excited, so I made the assumption (rightly or not) that she was gluten free.  It was when Jeff was desperately trying to get Liz to a reward and then just out and out offered a personal jar of rice.

    Casting is too focused on 'sad' backstories.  Even building up Kenzie postponing her wedding.  I like Kenzie, but I don't feel sorry for her at all-her decision to postpone in order to be on the show.  I'm also tired of Jeff working hard to get sad stories-'Liz why are you upset?', 'Maria why are you upset?'  We know why Jeff, you don't have to include a segment in which they explain the obvious to us.  Especially as they chose to go on this show and knew that it meant actually being in Fiji and not seeing their families (for less than a month...).

    • Like 17
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  13. 45 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

    Survivor Australia is doing a crossover version and having Survivor legends from the U.S. compete with Australian contestants in an upcoming season.  I wonder if the U.S. version would ever consider something like this?


    Boston Rob mentioned this in an interview after he was eliminated in Deal or No Deal.  He stated that he thought the Australians would win due to physicality (he said they have some really physical challenges in that version).  It sounded like he was really not interested in being a part of this.

  14. My idea about the issue of having one team of judges who go to one restaurant first and then to the second which is well into service and therefore experiencing timing and serving issues that the first restaurant didn't have: stagger the opening times of the restaurants so that the judges are there for the initial service at each one.  So, one could open at 4 or 5 and the second open at 6 or 7.  The other customers are all getting a free meal and exposure so it shouldn't matter if they are eating earlier or later than would be normal.  Same for the judges.  And, we would be able to watch one restaurant straight through rather than jumping back and forth (I lost track of where we were from time to time during this episode).

    I think that Michelle and Danny should have received notes from the judges about their interactions.  For Michelle to ignore the judges until the first dish came out?  Has she never watched this show before?  The judges want TOTAL VIP treatment.  And, Danny?  Have you also never watched this show before?  The only table, and therefore the only order, that matters is the judges.  If the other restaurant did not have similar issues, I think their team would have lost for those two issues alone.  I have never worked in a restaurant, but enjoy this show and even I know that the judges are the only ones who matter on this show unless it's a challenge in which the other attendees vote.

    This whole season seems lackluster to me but I think it's because it got off to a slow start as the initial challenges were confusing (instructions) so we saw more mediocre dishes.  Now that the challenges are clearer, the level of food seems to have gone up.

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  15. I think the producers waited too long to get a Golden Bachelorette season together and the shine is coming off of the gold.  Too much news about Gerry and his false stories and then the divorce only 3 months after the wedding.  I think Joan is a disappointing choice (and won't have the traditional backstory of being broken hearted by the bachelor as she left before the season even really developed very much).  I anticipate that the ratings really won't be what the producers want/expect.  It probably should have been a 'one and done' or the producers should have rushed the Golden Bachelorette into production to take advantage of the good buzz and ratings before it all turned to rust.

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  16. I watched the HHI episode in which Gabe 'found' the house.  He is quite charming and was so enthusiastic about the region, the house, and all of the people with whom he interacted.

    However, if this season continues with Alex's dour demeanor and the contestants voting off the strongest chefs to eliminate their competition (why are the judges even there if they're not going to do the elimination [yes, I know they chose the winning/losing teams but it really ends up being meaningless when the teams do the actual eliminating]), this season will be as frustrating as the previous season.

    This show should really be an enjoyable treat (they're in Italy!), but the formatting takes away a lot of the joy.  Why, FN, why???

    • Like 4
  17. Regarding why the offer went up after Jordan eliminated the largest amount, I think it was due to all of the hype about 'up to 200 million dollars' (which was nothing but snake oil as that may have been the value of ALL of the cases, but only 1 case but 'excursion' went to the total overall value of the final case), the hype about the final showdown, etc., and there was no way the producers wanted the 'winner' to walk away with hardly anything after all the weeks of the show.  

    Each episode really seemed to lag during the suitcase portion as there really wasn't a 'pay-off' to how much each individual won as it went into a pot that only the final contestant could win (and usually doesn't throughout all iterations of this show).  The 'strategizing' of the contestants and alliances didn't really amount to much because it was 50/50 that the suitcase player went home or the person of their choice went home.  And, the week that a bonus suitcase stated "no elimination" was a total waste.  For me, Rob was the only interesting player and I was so over the mean girl alliance, I mean the 'night owls' alliance. Quite frankly, even though Jordan told us in a confessional that she didn't appreciate what they were saying about other people, she was complicent in their statements and sentiments because she never said anything to them.  It's a valid strategy, but it doesn't necessarily put her in a good light.

    Due to the glamping, provided meals, shower and toileting facilities, I wonder how Rob views this show versus Survivor during which one of the final challenges in the season he won I thought he was going to pass out or worse due to their having to run up and down the staircase numerous times in the heat.  Oh, and even though I have previously stated this, I really hope he got a huge appearance fee for this show.

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  18. I think there will be some bitter votes even though they won't phrase it that way.  In the interview that was posted, Venus totally pinpointed Charlie as the reason she was voted out (no, it was because you were being 'cute' by implying you had something like an idol or advantage which led him to doing the only logical thing and vote you out).

    I could see Maria being bitter as well.  

  19. 7 hours ago, Nashville said:

    My words were chosen more for comic effect than strict accuracy, but I still stand by my point: if in truth Liz had literally starved for ~3 weeks, her body’s metabolic functions would be so FUBARed Medical would’ve had to step in to prevent serious organ damage or failure.

    But, the thing is, every episode she shows us that she is full of it...

    • LOL 5
  20. I wasn't surprised that Rob was last out of the maze as several of us anticipated that after last week's episode.  If he had made it to the final two I absolutely believe he would have been in the finale as I have seen him do amazing physical things on Survivor, albeit he was much younger.

    Was so glad Stephanie was out right after Rob.  And, was really glad it was Jordan in the finale (as Rob was out).  

    Most of you thought Howie would be the banker-good call.  Interesting to see the differences between the two hosts.

    Amy just never shuts out.  After the $13 million dollar case was revealed and Jordan was devastated, Amy said to her twice 'I told you to take number 7."  Amy, just stop.  Hopefully I will never see most of these contestants on my t.v. again and will never hear 'night owls' outside of a nature show.

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  21. I watch Ciao House Season 1 and the kitchen was waaaay too small for the number of chefs (also watched that original HHI episode).  This house had a much better kitchen and, quite frankly, I think the kitchen had to be the top priority of the selection.  I knew the third house wasn't really an option, but I enjoyed seeing it.

    Liked how positive Gabe was and how joyfully he interacted with everyone he met.  This was a very enjoyable episode and makes me want to watch the new season of Ciao House, so the cross-promotion worked!

  22. I have seen casting calls for season two (and have read about this show being renewed).  I doubt I will be watching another season unless there is at least one contestant cast in whom I am interested.  The basic show itself doesn't interest me that much (as I keep trying to understand various elements of it and the appeal of potentially going home with $.01...).  I'm not even sure if I will watch the entire finale (depending on who advances), let alone another season.  Unless, of course, one of you-my dear posters- are cast (then, I will be here cheering you on)...

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  23. I, too, thought Ty was a 'player' from the start.  I'm just sorry some women were hurt by his being chosen for this show.  He'll probably have some women after him just because he was on t.v., but I truly hope the women he led on and then rejected are able to find joy and happiness.

    I am really glad that Brandon chose Gracie.  They seem like a good match.  I hope that she is able to adjust to life on his farm.  Although I grew up in a huge city, I did move to the country for someone and even though that relationship did not work out, I really enjoyed living in the country, starting a vegetable garden and working on the farm (of course, I was young then...).  So, I think there's a good chance they will work out.

    Although I never warmed up to Mitchell, I do think he is sincere.  He and Sydney seemed really happy so I wish all the best for them.  Not sure if they will work out in the long run as she had previously stated that she wanted to travel a lot, etc., and if he is truly a farmer, their schedules are totally connected to the farming seasons.

    Nathan and his choice (sorry, still don't know all of their names...) are adorable and I think they will work out.  She is not that far from cities and so can work in a salon if she so chooses.

    I am planning on watching the reunion next week.  Looks like Ty is in the hot seat a bit (good!).  Hope all of the couples are still together but who knows.

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