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Posts posted by Ubiquitous

  1. Crap. That douchebag from the Chevy commercials is back in a new one in which he asks children (in a homage or rippoff of Kids Say the Dumbest Things?) how the safety features work, followed by blank stares and shrugs. Well, I guess we're lucky they didn't give any "cute" explanations...

    9 hours ago, janie jones said:

    Oh and I'm married, by the way.  If they don't want the Million Moms to boycott their depiction of unmarried "sluts," they could show a couple high-fiving (using their left hands with the wedding rings, of course) because of the negative test.

    TBH, I figured someone would think getting MM to declare a boycott would be a great publicity stunt.

    • Love 7
  2. 8 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    I don’t think I could remain friends with someone who had a billboard-sized photo of herself in her bedroom.

    BWAH! I had forgotten to mention that! Schemer really is a vapid narcist.

    7 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Is that a thing now, shaking your posterior really fast so everything jiggles and bounces like jello? Guys are weird.

    It's called "twerking", and I thought it had run its course some years ago.

    6 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Did Ariana just pick her nose on camera?

    Arianna is serious about comedy.

    • LOL 8
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  3. As much as Lala claims to be "hood" and "gangsta", I was expecting a better reply to that nasty tweet about her than "You're jus' jealous!".

    I thought Flat Iron Tom's apology was sufficient, but then he kept yapping...


    7 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

    Lisa really needs a more supportive undergarment.  In the black dress, on the phone with Miami, her girls looked like they were touching her belt.  *Literally*

    I was too distracted by her labia-lips pink lipstick to notice.

    9 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

    Just when I thought Beau was being a good guy, shooing away a stripper, he does a TH that Stassi “scares the crap out of [him].”  He emasculates himself without any help from his girlfriend.

    Maybe it's me, but those strippers looked kinda low-rent.

    • LOL 9
  4. On ‎1‎/‎24‎/‎2020 at 11:19 AM, OnceSane said:

    "Don't Do It, Brittany". When the group heads to Miami, Beau confronts Sandoval for attacking Stassi at her book signing; Ariana accuses Schwartz of not pulling his weight at TomTom; Brittany has a meltdown triggered by an unexpected reminder of Jax's infidelity.

    Well, that was not what I was expecting to cause Brittany's meltdown!

    I swear to gawd I yelped thrice this week:

    1. Abruptly cutting to Katie looking like Chaka Kahn in her talking head interview
    2. Realizing that the Lifesize Barbie Real Doll at the table was Lala
    3. The camera moving over to the hag at the table that was revealed to be Jax's sister.

    Meanwhile, super sleuth Lisa Vanderbucks is on the case, tracking down what really happened at Stassi's book signing. Back in Miami, the participants keep bringing it up several times. Bored now!



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  5. 4 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    Or a married woman. Just because you're married doesn't mean you'd welcome a pregnancy.

    Isn't she in the minority of customers looking for a negative response?

    4 hours ago, mmecorday said:

    Check this out:


    Wait, is that really from David Lynch? I'd expect something like this:


    • LOL 1
  6. On 1/24/2020 at 2:54 AM, Ghost of TWOP Past said:

    So I've been seeing a lot of those late night adverts for gimmicky devices, and they keep saying something like, "And now you can get two! Just pay a separate fee." So, the deal is to get two for the price of two? Or what? 

    Yesterday,  there was an ep of "World's Dumbest Inventions", complete with bizarre commercials.  I am not sure if they were ever played on TV, but the one with a visual of a sped-up pet pissing everywhere rang a bell.

    On 1/25/2020 at 6:50 PM, SoMuchTV said:

    I think since the dawn of time, sugary cereals have been advertising themselves as “part of a complete breakfast “.  They’re just adjusting things around the edges. 

    I remember when "part of a complete breakfast" included eggs, bacon, coffee,  and a pack of cigarettes! 

    On 1/25/2020 at 8:45 PM, shapeshifter said:

    IMO this is a terrible PSA-type commercial. The concept was solid but the script is horrific and pretty much ridicules the message —again, in my opinion:

    That reminds me of "The Meanest Man in the World!" Commercial, in which the titular character,  among other things, kicked out the crutches from little Timmy.

    • LOL 1
  7. On 1/25/2020 at 1:19 PM, Katy M said:

    In a sense, yes.  The women are all happy with their B.C., and now are going to allow the men to have sex with them without any of them having to worry about babies, I guess.

    I'm still waiting for a pregnancy test commercial with a relieved unmarried girl discovering she's not pregnant. 


    • Love 15
  8. 18 hours ago, SarahPrtr said:

    First of all, I love all of the play-on-words nicknames you have given them.

    Didn't they talk about how flimsy the uniforms are in the pilot episode and how nobody above a size 2 can wear the SUR dress?  You could scrunch up the dress and hold it in the fist of your hand because of how small they are.  "Your boobs are flopping as you're serving food... it takes me 20 minutes for me to tape myself into my dress." they said.  And how Lisa tells them to wear big nickers.  But that's all Lisa's fault for choosing a dress like that.  Why WOULD you choose that kind of dress for your restaurant staff?  So inappropriate.  I don't want to feel uncomfortable while I'm having my dinner.


    Thanks! Glad you enjoy the nicknames.

    I don't remember anything specific about their costumes, err, uniforms before now, but that does ring a bell.


    13 hours ago, aussieinsydney said:

    I'm not getting any straight vibes from Brett either tbh.

    Now that you mention it, didn't he react or almost say something but catch himself in time?

    • LOL 1
  9. 1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

    But they don’t just wait tables they make money from this show, paid appearances and most of them have a decent enough following on IG ark make a pretty good living off of ads.

    Good point!

  10. On 1/22/2020 at 8:44 AM, Beden said:

    I have a vague memory of Slade and Heather at some upscale jewelry store looking for rings. For Jo? The blonde he ended up with whose name escapes me? At some point Slade asks the owner/salesman/whatever if they could make a ring using, basically, glass instead of the good stones.

    He was told...yeah...that's a no.

    That does ring a bell... remember the time Slade and Jo tried to "accidentally" bump into some tacky rich dude and wife who put gems (probably fake) on their car hubcaps and riding horses so Slade could do business with him? 

    • LOL 3
  11. 3 hours ago, MissFeatherbottom said:

    I think the reason everyone is making fun of her is because (to most of us) it seemed like she was making this statement as if it was her "theory" and no one before her had come to this conclusion.

    Good point! She did act like she thought it up all on her own, didn't she? 😃


    3 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

    In the Pumped Up version, it stated that Lisa was unaware that the girls were going commando, so I think you may be absolutely right!

    I find that hard to believe. 

    • Love 1
  12. 17 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

    I really don't like this Charli.  And when she was asked if she had mac n cheese and she was like, "no," you could tell she was lying.  Who gaf if you ate macaroni as a kid??  she has a "theory" that pasta makes everyone fat?  OMG - What an idiot.

    I hate to take the side of that moron who claims to have never eaten pasta, but I remember my PT and nutritionist telling me that fruits and vegetables, not whole grains (pasta), should be the base of the food pyramid and it's partially why we're getting fatter.


    15 hours ago, njbchlover said:

    When he said this, I wanted to ask Sandoval why is it okay, then, to jump back into bartending every once in a while at SUR?  (Didn't we see film of this happening in the season opener episode?)  

    Didn't Sandoval say something about bartending at SUR or finding himself getting behind the bar whenever he visited?


    11 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

    Her hair looks AWFUL that dark.  The lighter, softer look is much better on her.  She must have NO friends to tell her this.

    Having her hair pulled tightly in a ponytail n top of her head, a la Madonna during her pyramidal bra stage isn't doing Schemer any favours, either.

    • LOL 1
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  13. Did I infer correctly that the reason the new staff were having trouble with their training was b/c Schemer failed to give them successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbuck's official pink book of rules?

    3 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    And one reason someone gave was that because the fabric of the SUR dress was so diaphanous everyone could see her underwear. So it’s better to skip the underwear. So everyone will only see what underwear would have covered.

    Perhaps I am mistaken, but I think undergarments come in other colors than white.

    6 minutes ago, Jel said:

    Yes, it’s just too obvious that Sandoval was out of line by texting Stassi of all people. That is what makes me think it’s fake, fake, fake, fake.

    TBH, I'm not convinced that Stassi's book show at TomTom wasn't something TPTB made them do.

    • Love 7
  14. I cannot take either side in this week's argument dramatics. Stassi didn't need to respond to FI Tom (or at least not with yelling and pointing her finger in his face) and FI Tom shouldn't have texted those nasty things to her and shouldn't have gone to the event to confront her. You could tell he and Arianna were itching to fight when they arrived.

    7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

    So it's not okay to not wear a bra under your little SUR t-shirt dress but it's a-okay to prance around without your bloomers on when your hem almost brushes your undercarriage? I would love to see the health board's take on that one. 

    But (heh) that's how they get bigger tips! LOL

    I wonder how pentagram wearer Lisa Vanderbucks felt about what they had to say?

    10 hours ago, Steph J said:

    Danica, Dana, Brett, ... the brown haired one who doesn't know what carbs are, who the fuck are any of these people and why are they on my TV?

    Clari's (?) claim of never eaten pasta before was total bullshit. but I was disappointed they didn't randomly throw in a clip of DJ Muppet Baby's pasta rant.

    5 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    If I bought an Apple watch for a guy who immediately dumped me, I would do everything in my power to bury that story, not repeat it several times on Bravo.

    How does she afford that on a waitress salary? Apple Watches cost about $1K, right?

    • Love 6
  15. On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2020 at 11:40 PM, OnceSane said:

    "Next Level Rage Texts". Stassi throws a book party at TomTom but excludes Tom Sandoval from the planning; Sandoval rage texts her, leading to an epic explosion between them and forcing Tom Schwartz to pick sides; Scheana bonds with Charli over their mutual dislike of Dayna.

    Wow, Lala looks like the proverbial wet saddle in the opening credits!

    Fuck, I had forgotten about this show foisting Nicholas, Stassi's wise old younger brother on us at least once a season. Just stop it! What was the deal with her mother? I missed last season so I assume there's more to what she told us about her. Why is Schemer telling successful businesswoman Lisa Vandbucks, who is wearing a pentagram, about her private affairs with Brett? It just confirms his claims about you being desperate for a man. Speaking of desperate and stalker-like, love how she showed up with the guys hanging out and shooting the breeze in order to have a heart to heart with Maxx. Schemer then proceeds to act like a stalker and repeats the same things we heard about that perfect bf of hers who could install flat screen TVs in less than two minutes. Stassi gets a nasty text message from FI Tom, presumably b/c he felt excluded from her plans to sell her books she bought at Books-A-Million at "his bar", or maybe at the producers' request. Meanwhile, Schemer and some other girls decide they're going to make their SUR "uniforms" more slutty, sharing all sorts of things I did not want to know. Does Danica taking money from Brett and then having sex with him make her a hooker, and why is talking about his long talk with Schemer (who ignored him) as if it didn't happen last week? Later, at Statssi's "book signing", we discover Schwartz fucked up and didn't get bartenders lined up so they had to get some third stringers, including Mongo the moron. "Mongo make drinks!" Did I hear Schwartz claim he could have bartended? Oh, really? Oh crap, Nicolas is there! I guess he's going to hear about her losing her virginity after all.. OK, I really don't care about FI Tom's hissy fit and them all standing in a circle clucking and squawking, but I thought the quick cut-away of Kristen innocently sipping her drink while trying to eavesdrop was funny. Naturally, successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks has to get involved the next day. Schemer sucks as a trainer, BTW.

    • LOL 6
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  16. On 1/18/2020 at 12:23 PM, icemiser69 said:

    Have you all seen the Trojan train commercial yet?

    Take a real good look at the engine, it appears to be penis shaped.

    That man in the Trojanman commercials is so gross looking! I always feel like I have to take a shower after watching them. 

    36 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    Thank the lords that my parents don't have any debt and don't believe in funerals.

    Are they going to be turned into zombies?

    • Love 2
  17. On 1/17/2020 at 11:40 PM, aussieinsydney said:

    IKR?? Two episodes in and she is so far up her own arse, it's annoying af. She was almost, no, she WAS, squeeing with glee and self importance when she was flashing those rings around. Remember where you've come from hunty and how quickly you could end up back there, okay?! Whoever said she's changed from that sweet girl into a total big headed bitch, was absolutely right! I'm not looking forward to seeing what she's like by the end of this season.

    I always  thought Brittany's southern farm girl act was just an act. If memory serves, she flew to Vegas to meet Jax and claimed to have never seen this show.

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  18. On ‎12‎/‎16‎/‎2019 at 1:04 PM, mmecorday said:

    I prayed to God that He would remove those obnoxious Starkist Tuna commercials with Candace Cameron Bure and by golly I haven't seen one of those in a while.

    That's b/c she's in new ones hawking buffalo chicken in a pouch. Yuck.

    • Love 2
  19. 2 hours ago, janie jones said:

    Ohhhhhhhh!  I never saw the vomit bowl when people were talking about it before, but when I started seeing the ads recently, I thought they looked unappealing.  Now I know what people are talking about!  But to be honest, I don't think they look like a bad start for a decent bowl.  With less mashed potato, less gravy, and more other stuff, it would probably be good.

    I imagine, if properly made, it would be reminiscent of some sort of a chicken sheppard's pie, but not the way it appears in the commercials.

    7 hours ago, Broken Ox said:

    I heard my first ad for McDonald's fish sandwich, so I know Lent is coming.  

    And that means Shamrock Shakes are coming soon!

    • Love 4
  20. On ‎1‎/‎16‎/‎2020 at 1:16 PM, HighMaintenance said:

    I am thoroughly confused by those commercials with the hot DILF who is advertising capital one bank. So he proclaims THIS is the future of banking! And I am looking at all the actors in the background who are basically lounging in chairs looking at laptops and sucking down coffee. In one of the versions of the commercial, there’s actually a barista serving coffee at a counter. So, the future of banking is essentially Starbucks?

    I think this has been discussed before, but it's basically a café with ATMs on one side. I have no clue why this is so revolutionary or future-forward.


    23 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

    Old El Paso currently has a series of commercials where the taco shells are anthropomorphized and talk.  That particular one involves a mommy taco bowl, a daddy taco bowl, and a vegan kid taco bowl.  There are other ones.  I find them all kind of disturbing since someone is going to eat the tacos.

    Just to be clear, the child taco bowl claims to be a vegan. AFAIK, Old El Paso does not offer "vegan taco shells". I think this ad campaign is one that looks better on paper than after execution.

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  21. On ‎11‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 3:04 PM, chenoa333 said:

    As long as Josh has been in the OC jail (years) you'd think he wouldn't be having that type of problem with other inmates. 

    I cannot help but wonder why Josh was attacked. Did he piss someone off or did someone want to make a name for himself by killing the son of a former RHoOC?

    On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2019 at 1:31 AM, FortKnox said:

    Not to be pedantic, but the term "fake engagement ring" is ambiguous to me. I thought Jo meant the gem turned out to be fake (which would have been funny as hell) or it was a ring for a fake engagement for the show, but what she described was a ring with a setting to be filled at a future date.

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