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Everything posted by SiobhanJW

  1. If Tyler were to tell anyone in the house about his power- she was the one person to tell. She's a vault- she won't tell anyone. I think he played it off well- that he was scared to burden her. I think she'll be fine, and he played it like I don't want to have to use it because I don't want anyone else to go up in my place.
  2. I think it's safe to say that regardless of what happens- Fessy will always be confused/blindsided.
  3. She was talking about all the houseguests. How "you people" are all here for the money and basically going insane. Lol.
  4. Haha right? L6 or at least Kaycee & Tyler are going to be really going for that win- so she isn't put on the block they can't lose their goat. But also are going to have to literally TELL SAM in front of everyone who to vote out. Haha.
  5. I don't think Brett or Kaycee are going to throw the HOH. Brett might be "in" on the other side- but he's been a target of theirs for weeks- evidenced by being put on the block. He knows how fast things move in that house and targets change- by Friday afternoon he could be the target again. His "team" is in danger- he's been loyal to Angela & Tyler since the beginning- he's not throwing. I think JC & Scottie will for sure throw it. The rest of the house is gunning for it.
  6. I think Scottie is voting out Bay- I think he was trying to convince Hay to cut her, at least that's what I got in watching a bit of their conversation. I also think that Tyler wasn't buying anything that Scottie was telling him about his conversation with Hay. In watching his conversation with Brett- he clearly wants to do whatever Brett wants to do- and after a bit of hemming and hawing on Brett's part- trying to play like he doesn't care either way- he said "I'm voting Bay out" and then Scottie was like okay then that is what we will do. I feel like we go through this every Wednesday/Thursday with Sam- She becomes stir crazy when she's in that house and can's smoke, she also doesn't like the yelling and theatrics. Yes she went to check on Bay after she screamed her head off yesterday- but I think that was more because she had lost her mind and Sam was worried about her as a person. But there is absolutely no way that she is going to vote out Rockstar and keep Bay stay when she is threatening to put up Tyler with her power. Tyler & Kaycee are her "team"- she likes other people in the house obviously- but she has made that pretty clear- not to the other HG's but for sure to both Tyler & Kaycee. She cried when he was put up by the Hacker, and her first question to Angela was if she was going to pull down Tyler with the Veto that's all she cared about. Kaycee is talking to her today- and she will do what she wants her to do, to protect them. She also did her standard- well I don't know, I'm so confused nonsense to Bay when Bay asked for her vote- that's the kiss of death with Sam- especially when she deflects and then says that she needs to ask a 3rd party what they think- or she says she's going to pick who she wants to evict between two dots. Lol. I don't know what the Final Vote will be- but I'm sure that Bay will be leaving. Even without Scottie- they have the votes. JC isn't keeping Bay.
  7. Is it possible that during her supersonic screaming earlier today she lost the brain cells that held the information that she has a POWER APP?!?!?
  8. Okay I didn't get a chance to watch the whole blow up earlier as I was at work and forgot my headphones. All I can say is WOW. I think her reaction was a bit over the top especially the supersonic voice levels she reached. I completely understand Tyler's reaction afterwards- I think he was in complete shock with how angry she was with him- over what he believes is something so minor regarding Angela. But I think he was really taken aback when she was like you have ruined my life in this house. He immediately realized that she had turned this into more then just game and she was accusing him of doing something personal- which he hasn't done. I think him being legit upset and crying afterwards was real. I am going to gander a guess and say he probably has never had anyone have that reaction to him before in his life- nor scream at him in that way. He's a pretty mellow guy. I honestly just don't feel bad for Bayleigh- she got herself into this mess. And if she can't see that them wanting her out is because she has a power- which BTW he kept trying to tell her during the House Meeting- and has nothing to do with anything else then that is all on her. It was never about the Hacker- it was just easy to use that as a scapegoat. I am not surprised that FOUTTE/The Hive- think they have the votes because they are still as clueless as they were yesterday. I'm over all of them in FOUTTE/The Hive- it was funny to watch them for a few weeks fumble their way through this game. Not anymore. If any of them win this game they will be at the bottom of my list of winners for sure. I'm rooting for a Tyler, Angela, Scottie, Kaycee, Brett win at this point, at least they all know what game they are playing.
  9. Guys- I think this season might be crawling into my Top 5 of all time- and most favorite in years. These people are all bat shit bananas and I love it.
  10. I wonder how they are going to spin this on the edit- are they going to make Bay the victim? Or show what actually happened?
  11. I'm not surprised- he played a horrible game inside the house- he would applaud more horrible game outside of the house. Lol.
  12. I think her first mistake was winning HOH- but yes if for sure snowballed from there.
  13. Honestly - what it comes down to is that I think L6 doesn't realize that they themselves are playing Big Brother and assume everyone else is so they are completely perplexed by some of the moves that The Hive has done. So they try and look deeper into it- but they don't realize that they are all actually kuckleheads who don't know what they are doing.
  14. The best thing is- I think Angela asked her about this last week and she told her that Tyler never said that. LOL.
  15. I wasn't able to watch this ridiculousness- but from what I'm reading- this probably only helped Tyler right? Lol. Was he yelling back?
  16. Because she has the power- which is why I don't understand how they can't see the alternative- the rest of the house doesn't want the power in the house. Lol.
  17. I realize that Hay doesn't have Livefeeds and doesn't know that Tyler has been working with the other side this whole time and the plan was for him to play the middle and get information from their side. But I'm still just loling that Hay thinks she’s going to be “exposing” Tyler’s game. It's funny to me that she's trying to expose someone while at the same time admitting to being a sketchball by lying about not being the hacker for days. She doesn't have a lot of credibility. And all for Bayleigh- who has a power. I just don't understand why they actually believe that the house would let someone stay in the game that has a power that could put them on the block. They really think that they can flip the house to keep her. It's just insane. The vote is going to end up being 5-2 and they are going to look like idiots. But what else is new with Foutte/Sacred 6/The Hive- whatever their name is now. Haha.
  18. They are something special for sure. Unreal.
  19. Hay wants to tell everyone about Tylers game- the only thing that will happen with that is that his alliance will be like Okay great- we already knew this. Can we go back outside now? Can we also note that this is all stemmed from Tyler saying "Good Morning" to Bay with a sleepy voice. I shouldn't be surprised that Hay doesn't realize that Bay is just blowing smoke about people being mean to her as that literally isn't happening- she's never been able to see the dynamics of the house.
  20. Don’t forget Tyler said Good Morning to her and he basically gave her a verbal lashing. Oh and also- he’s been similing and broke eye contact with her!! WHAT A MONSTER!! She apparently wants to “check him”- he would probably just sit there and shrug his shoulders. This is all game for him. I am 95% convinced that Tyler didn’t actually yell at Bay during the Veto meeting. He probably raised his voice like one octave higher then normal. I know we all wanted an Angela v Bay confrontation yesterday, probably wise for her to go to her room and stay there and say that she isn’t speaking to her without witnesses. She’s saying everyone is doing ALL THESE THINGS THEY AREN’T.
  21. I have no words for the stupidity that just has happened in the last hour. BAY IS LEAVING NO MATTER WHAT SHE HAS A POWER. I’m just going to keep repeating that.
  22. Sam just listens to everything Tyler & Kaycee tell her to do- so she'll evict Bay. LOL.
  23. Agreed. I remember EVERYONE was convinced that there was NO WAY Day was going to vote for Nicole- and she did. I could see Bay being bitter- but Rockstar is a fan of the game- so she could potentially be swayed. I believe Hay when she says she won't be bitter- she really likes BB- so I can see her wanting to vote for the best winner & she will sway Fessy to do the same. Sam is questionable- she'll vote for Tyler over everyone else if he's there- Kaycee over anyone else minus Tyler, then who the hell knows with her otherwise. The rest of them will vote game wise.
  24. They all still don't realize that it doesn't matter what Rockstar does- she DOES NOT HAVE A POWER & BAY DOES. She is leaving. They are NOT keeping that power in the house. That is why she is up there you dumbasses. Lol.
  25. I've heard JC say he's a Trump Supporter outright. I do remember Brett & Winston having a conversation (after Rockstar & JC's conversation in the Living Room about Politics) basically saying they didn't want to be a part of that conversation because it's not something they want to talk about in the house because they know it's a touchy subject. Brett did allude to supporting a few of the things that Trump has done while in office- and Winston kind of just nodded along- neither of them outright said they voted for him. Except for Rockstar who was on the opposite side in her discussion with JC- but they were both pretty cordial with each other. No one else has really said anything- at least nothing that I've heard/seen. I know Twitter started calling L6 the MAGA alliance- because they all decided that the 6 of them voted for Trump- even though we literally have ZERO idea if that is true.
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