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Everything posted by SiobhanJW

  1. Nah he is hosting the Veto Comp.
  2. They usually throw the feeds back on pretty fast once the comp is over. Hide & Go Veto is usually pretty long like 4 hours or so- add that to it being Zingbot this week so he has to come in and Zing- I would say it would be about 5-6 hours. I think we are about 4 hours and change into it.
  3. I wish a lot of the times that we had a host that actually really enjoys the show and knows what's going on. I love Arisa Cox who hosts Big Brother Canada- she watches Live Feeds and tweets along during BBCAN. She does the same thing for BBUS- she's loving this season and tweeting away about it.
  4. I love how Angela is a "mean girl" that doesn't realize it and is unhappy with her life. But Brett MUST be playing a character. Of course Julie would say something like that. Double Standard much? But I'm not surprised- she always trashes women on this show and stands up for the guys. I am not saying that both Angela & Brett are angels by any means they have talked their shit- but Rockstar spent the whole week calling Angela an "entitled spoiled Princess" and other select things, it was literally all she could talk about. Angela heard about it and shot it right back at her in her goodbye messages. Rockstar was the biggest shit talker in there Julie- if you are going to talk smack at least know what the hell you are talking about. Rockstar even said in one of her interviews- clearly someone had told her what I was saying about her.
  5. I wonder if Scottie is now thinking wow I should have believed what Angela was telling me about what Bay, Hay & Fessy were trying to do during her HOH. I believe Tyler even told Scottie to be careful with Hay.
  6. This season really does have everything! We now have a medical emergency! I hope she's okay. Allergic reactions are not fun and so scary.
  7. Honestly- I don’t know if they really care all that much about Scottie. I was watching RHAP a few weeks ago and they said that the problem with Scottie is he hasn’t given them much material to work with- especially for his Archtype he’s supposed to fill. Most of the rest of the people in the house that have really shaped the storylines this season and they take most of the attention. I don’t think losing Scottie is really that big of a deal for Production.
  8. I really wish sometimes we had thought bubbles over the houseguests- specifically Brett. He always ends up in the most strange and awkward conversations and I always want to know what in the hell he is thinking.
  9. I think during Sam's nominations it was around 2 p.m. and then with Bay it was around 5 p.m.
  10. I saw this from Andy last night: I think it's all on how you handle it.
  11. So what's the over/under of Fessy picking HG's choice for Veto and picking Tyler? LMAO.
  12. Today is the anniversary of Tyler's father's death.
  13. What this Fessy HOH comes down to is who doesn't go anywhere near Hayleigh. The one person Hayleigh has wanted all season long was Tyler- she's mentioned she has a crush on him to a few people- but he's stayed FAR FAR away from her cuz of Fessy. This is paying dividends right now.
  14. Tyler just needs to make sure he’s one of the first people to talk to Fessy this morning to make this deal that Fessy wants. And then JC should never leave his side until nominations.
  15. All I have to say about the shenanigans of tonight- is that this season is the gift that keeps on giving. Man oh Man I love Big Brother. LOL.
  16. He'd be an idiot to do that- he knows Rockstar is coming after Tyler and that's his #1- why try and risk it. If he thinks Sam's vote is actually iffy- then if he does vote out Kaycee it becomes 3-3 and Rockstar stays- and he doesn't want that. Not only does he NOT trust Hayleigh- he doesn't trust Rockstar or Scottie. He's not going to help that side anymore. JC does way to much- sometimes sitting back and shutting your mouth is an option.
  17. Yup. So frustrating. It's clear being in the house on lockdown makes her go bananas. I don't understand why they don't just give her a Vape for the lockdowns or a nicotine patch. At least if she's still getting that relief of the Nicotine maybe she wont' be so all over the place.
  18. I don't get Sam's freak out- Tyler told her to do what she wants to do- twice now. Then she pushed and asked who was going to stay- and then he said it's leaning towards Kaycee whether you vote for her or not. She asked him what he wants her to do- he says Rockstar is coming after him- Kaycee is not. So she says okay I'll vote for Rockstar to leave. So I don't understand this freak out she is having currently. If this isn't strategy- it's just annoying at this point. Vote to Keep Rockstar if she's your BFF. Geeze.
  19. Hay can't vote she's HOH- unless it's a tie.
  20. You could be right on this- but after him flipping back to The Hive this week- L6 don't want anything to do with him so he's not in that good of a position. I also think that Scottie doesn't actually want Rockstar to stay- I think he's cool with her leaving.
  21. I completely agree- I don't think L6 is steamrolling at all- I also don't classify The Hive as "Underdogs" as I've seen people describe them as. There has been a pretty good back and forth this whole season. Foutte/Sacred 6/The Hive have won: 4 HOH's, 3 POV's, Hacker & Power App Level 6- 2 HOH's, 4 POV's, Hacker & Power App (but it only benefits the App Holder) Outliers- Sam winning HOH. What it comes down to is Level 6 just has been able to control who goes home every week, and just having complete trust in each other. While The Hive just cannot seem to trust each other. It was pretty evident in how each alliance handled The Hacker- Hay kept it a secret- and yes I think it wasn't a bad idea for her to take the shot at Tyler- if she communicated with her Alliance she could have really sat and thought about the pros & cons- who to use for Veto- who to pull down etc. Kaycee immediately told her alliance so they all were on the same page and making the right decision.
  22. Also can we just LOL at Sam asking Tyler when Kaycee was going to win something- she said it the other day and then again last night in her conversation with Tyler. She's thinking I've won HOH and contributed- Kaycee it's now your turn. Which I get- it's probably annoying to be in an alliance with someone that you don't perceive as pulling their weight. I know she doesn't know about Kaycee winning the Hacker- but she's not wrong. Let's go Kaycee. I do think Kaycee was throwing a lot at the beginning- I think she would have won the wall comp- but you can tell she dropped IMMEDIATELY after Kaitlyn did- she didn't want HOH. But I think she now knows that she cannot do that anymore- hopefully she turns it up tonight and wins. L6 are going to again put peanuts in their pockets- they did it for The Hacker comp- and Kaycee won- they did it for Veto and Tyler won. So I imagine this will become their "Thing" lol.
  23. In watching last night's episode after Tyler won the veto and he said "I love this game- I love it so much" made me realize just how much fun he's having and really enjoying every moment- he's living his dream. Obviously he wants to win the $500K that's his main goal. But you can tell he's just having the best time. I'm sure winning OTEV was a big deal for him as a Superfan- so I'm sure being able to freak out in the Diary Room about it was cathartic because he can't do that out in the house. Haha.
  24. I just flashed back to that Tyler/Sam conversation from last night. And I wonder if Sam hanging out with The Hive a good chunk of the day made her realize they have absolutely no idea what they are doing or what is going on which made Sam realize that she better stick with Tyler & Kaycee. Because that was a pretty flat out NO on Rockstars idea of a 5 person alliance, which made me LOL so hard. I don't think Sam really realized what Tyler was trying to do with Angela until last night when he explained it to her again- if they see the two of us as a duo then if I get thrown up on the block I go up with her not you and that's a good thing. I think it might of finally clicked what he is trying to do. You can tell the Angela situation really bothers her- she's feels as if she's being replaced. Also flashbacked to the mini-freak out that Hay was having in the HOH room last night when she was trying to figure out with the 6 meant etc. She was pretty much there- and I really think that the idea of a 6 person alliance on the other side was sending her in to a complete and utter panic attack that it was just easier to believe it NOT to be true and go with the oh it was just the 6th Veto Competition (even though it was the 7th). You could tell she had this look of absolute dread on her face and with the pacing back and forth. She started talking about how Alliances should have a solid core and then each person have their branch out for one person to pull in- she was basically describing what L6 did/has been doing. Scottie poo pooed that there is big alliance like that- I don't think he believes Angela, Kaycee & Tyler are able to have that complex of thought to carry out that mission all season long. Haha. He described Brett as the Victoria earlier this week- Scottie's reads on the house are sometimes spot on- but sometimes WAY off. Haha. The Twitter account that has been spoiling things all season long and has yet to be wrong tweeted that it was the Slip & Slide. The hats they wrote on were from the OTEV competition. I think with Tyler & Sam- he knows that she freaks out when she is told what she "must" do- as she did last week with the Bay vote- and he just didn't want to pressure her- it's easier to get her to that conclusion herself then to just outright tell her what to do. Which she did. Nope. I don't believe you can help.
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