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Posts posted by Ripley68

  1. I was pleasantly surprised at how well he did.  He has some rhythym, and he learned the geography. I like his goofy antics, as long as they are genuine and not just for the camera.  I liked his comment on how he wants to aim the bar higher than just being the best bachelor on the show.

    ETA: The judges didn't think he was too bad either. They gave him constructive criticism, which they only do to people who have potential and some actual ability to dance.

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  2. Simone suffers from Gymnastic hands/arms.  Laurie didn't have that problem as much as other gymnasts have had (Aly and Shawn both had it really bad).  I was pleasantly surprised by Nick. He isn't a horrible dancer - actually 1/2 way decent.  The baseball players dance was what DWTS used to be, simple choreography with someone who really doesn't have that much dance experience.  Kim sure has the dance around the star moves doesn't she?  Loved Mr. T's attitude though.  Didn't like Normani's dance that much, Nancy was obviously very nervous.  I like Heather, so it's not bothering me too much.  I did love Nick and Peta having a good laugh over the mismatch though.

    • Love 1
  3. The whole "we're coming to get your guns because you have too many," "We only have so many because you're coming to get them," exchange had me dying laughing.

    I'm loving that they are totally not going with a realistic view - and hope the nitpickers will just let be.  The handful of British soldiers against the handful of colonials (who are just milling in a pack) was hilarious too.

  4. I'm pretty sure Jack volunteered for Vietnam.  He either heavily implied it, or stated it outright to his friend in one of their conversations (or maybe to the neighbor lady).

    As for him not being able to find a job? In the 70's unfortunately veterans were not very highly thought of.  It wasn't really  until "Born on the Fourth of July" came out that the majority of peoples attitudes towards Vietnam vets started changing.  It seems like the prevailing attitude towards Vietnam vets was the "baby-killer" thing.  Jack not being able to find a job fall right in line with that.  One of the reasons why we have "hire a vet" commercials today.

    • Love 7
  5. Just because they show how Jack died doesn't mean that is the end of the role.  William's role is pretty much over because we saw all his interactions with Randall and family - and his main importance was in the present.  All of Jacks importance and interactions are in the past. As many of you have said, we haven't seen 7 years of their lives together, and just sporadic times as a family.  The question of his death is not the reason I watch this show.  I wish they would just address the elephant in the room and move on.

    I think its kind of nice that the Dad is the non-jerk for a change. In so many dramas, the Dad is the huge problem. Now, it does sound like he was absent most of the week, which they could delve into later. They'll just have to be careful so the kids don't see anything as their younger selves that would totally change what we know their adult opinions are.

    • Love 2
  6. Reading the first Duggar book again since I read it before girls were married. There are some real awesome quotes in there.

    Michelle"  "As I teach you to obey my voice, I'm also teaching you to obey God's voice."  So....her voice and God's voice are the same?

    Michelle tells the story of why she committed herself to God. She had stolen some money, everyone knew she had stolen some money, but she lied about it.  She felt really guilty. A friend took her to church where she heard, "I could be forgiven for everything I had ever done wrong. Everything!"  So her first reason for becoming a "Christian" was so she could be forgiven for the theft she was feeling guilty for.

    Jim Bob said that after first meeting Michelle, he prayed to God that, "...Michelle could be mine and that I could be her spiritual leader."  Am I the only one who thinks 'ew.'

    • Love 15
  7. Watched part of Jimmy Kimmel - definitely much happier together.  I'm guessing that watching the final episode right before going on didn't really do any favors for Vanessa's self esteem.  I did notice that even though they were obviously stressed, when they were holding hands, Nick was unconconciously stroking her fingers with his.  You don't do that with someone you don't like.

  8. Love that Jing is wearing shorts - and that her shorts, shirt and shoes all are the correct size and fit!  As for the 6 month ban...I'm torn. On the one hand, I see it as good so Jing can have a break from her family and they don't descend en masse to inflict their lives on her; on the other hand I can see it a s a dick move by Jeremy to brain wash Jinger.  We were going to enforce a no visit for 1 week after baby was born - yeah, I changed my mind while I was still in the hospital!  Free help was very welcome.

    • Love 4
  9. Kendra's parents look like they are 20 something.  Kendra looks very much like a southern girl.  She's cute, but her face is very round.  She has a nice body, but I bet she'll get a bunch of grief for her round face (people will say she looks fat), and become anorexic or something. 

    If they have been "courting" for a while - I'm guessing Joe wants to get some pretty bad and engagement/wedding is not far off. Does he have any skill/job/career JB has forced him into?

    Wasn't Joe closest to Jinger and Joy?  I bet he wants to get the hell our of tater town.

    • Love 3
  10. I'm currently reading "Victoria's Granddaughters" as I wait for the Victoria book I want to come available at the library.  Victoria thought everything involved with pregnancy, childbirth and babies was disgusting (though enjoyed what caused those conditions) and would have nothing to do with it.  2 of her daughters breast fed, and she was shocked and outraged that they would do that.  She only really started liking her children when they were well into teenage years. She never liked her oldest son and blamed him for causing Alberts death. I very seriously doubt Victoria ever looked lovingly at her baby the way shown in the series.

    Chellegame, what is "We Too?"

    • Love 2
  11. The reason more Bachelorette couples last than Bachelor is simply because I believe the men don't care as much that their "fiancé" slept with 1 to 2 other guys in the same week and a half as them (how long between dates is it?).  I can't see Vanessa being okay with her relationship with Nick after watching him with Raven and Rachel last night, especially Rachel.  I will never understand the "This is such a fairy tale," when just 36 hours before the love of your life (who supposedly thinks you are the love of theirs), was telling another woman he had such deep feelings for her, and possibly having sex with her too.  I would also have a real problem with the "I'm in love with both of them" that they have previewed.  "It was only said for the show," only goes so far as an explanation.  I want to know if he had sex with any of them.  I really liked the scene of him making breakfast for Rachel.

    This is the first full season of the Bachelor I've watched. Do the women always talk/yell all over each other for such a long period of time?  The AA girl sitting by Corrine was getting on my last nerve - she especially was talking over everyone.  The Pilates Instructor (I can not remember names to save my life) seemed to be one of the few with a clear view and a brain. 

    • Love 4
  12. Reading a book on Queen Victoria's Grand Children and came upon this quote from QV  on the birth of her 7th granddaughter that mad me think of Jill and Jessa: 

    "a very uninteresting thing for it seems to me to go on like the rabbits in Windsor Park."

    • Love 4
  13. I don't mind having pictures of parents around - mine all live far away, and this way DS can remember what they look like. Agree that pictures of ANYONE in the bathroom is creepy.

    When is Jill due?  She is huge already!  I know she got big with Izzy, but this is ridiculous. 

    I don't think Jill is unsanitary or unclean, I just think she's never been taught (or seen) how to take care of her face and hair properly.  All the Duggars have huge acne problems, so it has to be some genetic thing, not just food or lack of washing. Though Derrik is showing major acne too.  She needs to agree to have about 6 inches cut off her hair, and a couple of good facials (or even masks or biore pore strips), and she would look so much better.  Her bare feet only bother me when they are wearing sandals in places you shouldn't, winter, hiking, horse back riding. Around the house or yard, I see no problem with it - but then I am apparently one of those view people in the world who don't get squicked out over bare feet.

    Derrick looks so much better after the hair cut. The long hair just accentuated his sickly appearance.  When is he going to get those braces off?!?  I had what I'm assuming is the same surgery, and I only had to wear braces for 2 years.

    • Love 3
  14. Ahh, they're so cute together.  I missed why she skipped out on his speech, and why he wasn't upset?  I like this Jenna Coleman, too bad she couldn't have been more like this on Doctor Who.  Really don't care about the downstairs staff.  Hopefully they'll just stay with the noble people more from now on.

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