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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. On 1/26/2019 at 3:28 PM, Latverian Diplomat said:

    For that matter, I'm never sure why the magic universal translator doesn't translate what they're saying to "Welcome to earth" or "Welcome to the ground". That would probably be the literal translation. Maybe there is special "code" to override that literal a translation. 

    I’d like to think that future translation technology will develop some sophisticated context-recognition subroutines, or something. There is folklore suggesting my own country got its present name because some people originally living here greeted some early European visitors with the equivalent of “Welcome to [our village],” only the translator interpreted it as “Welcome to [Name of Country]!”

    Or, to put it another way:

    Confused Extraterrestrial Person: “Wait, dude — you named your planet ‘Dirt’?”

  2. On 6/1/2022 at 6:03 PM, bunnyblue said:

    Ewan continues to be phenomenal as Obi-Wan and for his performance alone I wish this series was longer. 

    I find I'm riveted. But I'm also really hoping Ben rediscovers his strength of will somewhere. I can forgive a lot in this show, it seems, if I can watch McGregor work.

    This was a very compelling episode, and the pacing seemed better than in the previous episode. Vader does seem even more cruel than usual. His irrational hatred of Kenobi has clearly cooled a lot by the time of ANH, if the nastiest burn (see what I did there?) he can muster when they meet again is "Your powers are weak, old man."

    What page number is "You should have killed me when you had the chance!" in the Evil Overlord Handbook? I forget. (It was kind of fun to see Darth Vader get his Magneto on there.)

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  3. 2 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    I'm going to dispatch a couple Jedis to rescue your mom and then set up up with some sessions with our in-house shrink.

    ... who can actually, you know, read minds.

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  4. 20 hours ago, aemom said:

    And then that they ACTUALLY WENT THERE surprised me. So I have to give them props for making the mind-meld far more authentic. 

    What struck me about that scene was how much a two-way sharing (a true meld, if you will) it was shown to be; I don't remember a mind meld anywhere in the canon being shown as revealing as much about the one initiating the meld (that is, usually Spock) as about the one whose mind contains the information sought. I didn't get the sense the La'an was poking around indiscriminately, but that Michael had a definite presence in Spock's mind. Spock never seemed quite so vulnerable in a mind-meld before -- though perhaps that's a failure of imagination (or logic, ack!) on my part, if I never worked out that implication.

  5. 17 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    Because this is also a galaxy where Yoda and the Jedi council were always talking about how they sense this and sense that and can read people's emotions and see the future. But not one of them ever sensed even a tiny bit that the Emperor was evil.

    The other (possibly even bigger) WTF in the Star Wars universe. Apparently, the Jedi are so enlightened that they've moved beyond critical thinking, or strategy of any kind. Well, at least they're big on repressing emotion, because that's so healthy.

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  6. On 6/1/2022 at 5:35 PM, millennium said:

    I never liked Nurse Chapel. And for that matter, how I HATED Mrs. Troi. Mrs. Troi should have been in an episode called "The Nepotism Syndrome." Nothing dumbed down TNG more than Mrs. Troi (with the Ferengi running a close second).

    Nurse Chapel didn't have a fleshed-out character. Her fetish for Mr. Spock was weird and sad. (Maybe they were going for "unrequited and noble"?) Even as a kid watching TOS I was creeped out. But it wasn't a substitute for an actual character. In contrast, I always wanted to know more about Number One.

    I feel you on Lwaxana Troi -- the worst conception of a telepathic character in all of science fiction! Enraging "Give the boss's wife a showy part to get her off our backs" hogwash. Telepathy is maybe my favourite sci-fi trope of all, and Mrs. Backpfeifengesicht just ruined it. I'm still not over it (heh, clearly).

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  7. 31 minutes ago, Maverick said:

    Which of course doesn't jive with the completely different Klingons we've seen in this era from Discovery

    It was the Skeksis-Klingons that made me decide that Discovery (and this show, consequently) actually is set in alternate timeline, despite what the producers have said. It makes the headaches go away; try it! (It also makes the Continuity Fairy just say “Ah, you know what? F*ck it!” It’s fun that way.)

    I enjoyed the scene between Chapel and Spock. In particular, Spock’s “Oh, I know. Humans are almost as easy to tease as Vulcans” was rather … lovely.

    l always thought that the point of the “Always parted from me, and never parted” greeting was that Spock and T’Pring were already telepathically bonded, at least to some degree. But if the Vulcan version of Freaky Friday means that T’Pring continues to say things like “We are not in a town,” I might actually begin to like her a little. 

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  8. 45 minutes ago, paigow said:

    arrogant but roguishly handsome

    And, let us not forget, braver than she first thought (even if based solely on the obvious decrepitude of the hyperspace Uber ride).

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  9. I begin to suspect that the title "Grand" only occurs ironically in the Star Wars universe. Grand Moff Tarkin, Grand Inquisitor -- not that good at their jobs, really. (Though Peter Cushing could be genuinely terrifying in the role.) If a Grand Poobah appears, we know she or he will be basically useless.

    On 5/31/2022 at 11:28 AM, benteen said:

    Not changing Luke's last name is ridiculous. Plus, I don't think he ever would have expected Obi-Wan to hide his kid I. Such an obvious place.

    This was always the biggest "WTF?" of the prequel trilogy for me.

  10. On 5/30/2022 at 12:26 AM, Ottis said:

    Reva is not very scary or intimidating. The actor’s body language is too neutral. It makes her sound silly.

    I find her pretty scary, actually. I think the body language suggests discipline, but her attitude still strikes me as rage with a side of personal betrayal. Her position as "Third Sister" seems ironic; if it's a family dynamic, it's one full of snide backstabbing and undercutting. If anything, the Grand Inquisitor seems less effective than she. He's good at making spooky pronouncements, but not so much at achieving results, it would seem.

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  11. 6 hours ago, ZeeEnnui said:

    You know what I like about Baby Yoda? He doesn't talk. I am not a fan of precocious child actors, and Little Action Leia worked my last nerve.

    My reaction is kind of the obverse of yours, I guess -- for whatever it's worth. I'd rather watch a talented child play even a slightly bratty kid than a cutesy prosthetic. Grogu's babbling got old fast.

    • Love 8
  12. On 5/27/2022 at 2:25 PM, NeenerNeener said:

    Ten year old Leia is cuter than a bug's ear. Also a world-class brat.

    VLB is a pretty good actress for someone so young.

    Her line reading of "This would be easier with the army" was brilliant -- Episode IV Princess Leia through and through. Carrie Fisher would cackle with glee, I daresay.

    • Love 7
  13. On 5/27/2022 at 1:41 PM, angora said:

    Also, Leia frickin' Organa has been giving captors what for since day ONE. Love it.

    Yeah, me, too. The actress is a real find.

    On 5/27/2022 at 2:19 PM, RedElf said:

    Damn, Third Sister is a badass.  Wouldn't want to cross her.

    I can't figure out why Third Sister seems to take the existence of the Jedi as such a personal affront. And she's using a lightsaber -- a Jedi washout?

    On 5/27/2022 at 9:43 PM, Spartan Girl said:

    I think the Third Sister was the Youngling in the flashback. Calling it now.

    Until I read your comment, this had not even occurred to me -- truly. But it makes perfect sense. I'd like a seat at your table.

    I was skeptical about this show, or the need for this show. But I'm sold.

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  14. 13 hours ago, salaydouk said:

    Now I would not personally use it and currently even this site's spell checker is telling me the spelling is wrong, but if both dictionaries are telling me it is an okay variant who am I to judge.  

    Oh, I’m perfectly okay with judging. 😇 

    I feel fairly certain that Nimoy used the -a plural ending in TOS, as well. I suspect that’s part of why it struck as much as it did. (Of course, in the mid-to late Sixties using the -s plural probably was less established than it is now. What can I say? I’m a throwback.)

    La’an’s pronunciation of “resources” didn’t register for me at all … maybe because I’m Canadian?

    • Like 2
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  15. 13 hours ago, Katie111 said:

    Why is Delilah in France (in real life).  I know there was an issue with the actress being from Canada and Covid but why did she move there permanently?

    Szostak was born in Paris; I don't think there's a Canadian connection.

  16. On 5/19/2022 at 9:49 PM, SnazzyDaisy said:

     But the scene between him and his dad in the forest, that was beautifully shot. Kudos to the director - Joanna Kerns.

    I agree -- I thought in particular the overhead shot of the two of them with their heads together was lovely and moving. It was the only thing I really liked about the storyline.

    Didn't love the bait-and-switch approach to the way Gary got the news, but I also agree that the hints in earlier episodes about what was really going on with Gary were there, and amounted, so far as this show is ever capable of it, to subtlety.

    On 5/19/2022 at 9:49 PM, SnazzyDaisy said:

    Is the show trying to turn Gary into Jon 2.0 for the series finale? He took over Jon’s role of keeping the group together. And his death, like Jon’s, will bring the whole group together again.

    Oh, man, I hope you're wrong here. I mean, it seems likely to occur just this way, given the show's usual hamfistery (see "subtlety, lack thereof," above), but strikes me as overly manipulative and cynical.

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  17. I'm convinced Theo isn't going anywhere; DJ Nash has said, I believe, that his father was in a serious accident and uses a wheelchair. This suggests to me that Theo is, to some degree, anyway, an authorial insertion, and his sensitivity and insistent specialness is meant to be endearing, instead of eyeroll- (or rage-) inducing.

    I would think that having a memory card would be better for long-term storage of video than smartphone video cloud storage (... or whatever; I'm a bit of a blockhead when it comes to phone technology).

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