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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. But Will writing about his mother and EEJ? Not believable he would be hired for that at all.  Plus the bad performance of nuWill.  This actor destroyed the role on every level.  As with KM and other bad actors, I really think the writers write to lack of strength. 


    And it doesn't say much for Will's vaunted writing ability if the job is head muckraker insider for a scandal blog. There is a certain irony in that Will seems to be written mostly as a reactive character, and Guy Wilson has very little in the way of reaction in any given scene. The writers clearly don't know what to do with him


    Will:  I get that Will is concerned about Abby getting hurt by Sami because when she gets started, there is no stopping her.  I feel like Will is perhaps coming from a place of viewing Abby and Sami as unequally matched opponents, which is something that people have mentioned on here before. 
    One thing I did like is that Will was mainly concerned for the little kids.  Nobody else really seemed to mention them, which is convenient for Abigail I suppose.  I also got the vibe that Will was concerned that Sami would be hurting herself through her quest for revenge ...


    Abby and Sami are unequally matched, and I think some of Will's "reaction" (for lack of a better word) to this situation is based on his lived history with his mother (when the writers can be bothered to remember it). But Wilson's lack of emotional connection to the other actors isn't selling it.


    If Adrienne's only role in the show is to show up and sling blame and judgment around, they need to write her out completely. The show already has the Hortons' Greek Chorus of Sanctimony.

    • Love 4
  2. BTW, when EBMD comes to the lab, just say this is private project, not a board one, and you're trespassing.


    I can't always see all the holes in the science, but this seemed pretty elementary to me. Really, really irritating.


    Pre-cracked eggs? Why, now you're just talkin' crazy!

    • Love 1
  3. If you're putting someone on a solo manned mission to outer space for 13 months (which BTW that's far more ridiculous than anything) the person will need to have admin privileges to deal with any problems that might arise with the computer system. That includes being able to delete, create, copy, and modify files. I personally would not be getting on board a station where it's just me, myself, and I for 13 months and not expect to have admin control over the computer software. Imagine if you need to reset a system, or create a workaround for corrupt sectors or because of a general malfunction, and instead of being able to fix things you get this message: "Permission Denied." or  even better "You do not have permission to proceed. Please contact your system administrator". Ya, NO. That's not gonna fly. I would expect the person on a solo manned mission to have admin rights on the computer system.


    But given that Doctor Agent Ron Butterfield and Revenge Sensei don't actually trust Molly the Pretend Astronaut (at least not enough to tell her of the mission's true purpose), I can't help wondering why (or even if) Molly had privileges on the system sufficient to delete the creepy alien bow-chicka-wowwow footage. Maybe there's still a copy of Astronauts Gone Invisibly Wild in a hidden drive somewhere?)

  4. "See here now, that crazy dame doesn't know shit from shine-ola! Whyyy the only thing that crackpot jezebel has going for her is the fact that she was Steve Rogers' squeeze, yeah squeeze! Stark sure wasn't using his brain when he hired her, yaknowwhatImean?*wink wink* Why, I oughtta...".


    Actually, I was thinking a little more mansplain-y. More of a "Peggy, sweetheart. We just beat the Nazis in a war, remember? Do you really think we couldn't tell if those crazy evil bastards were right under our noses? I know you gals did your best to hold our jobs while that war was on. But it's over now. You can leave the spy biz to us now, hmm?"

    • Love 2
  5.  And Kate looked fabulous in a blue long sweater and black skinny pants.


    And then Sami came back in, and gave Kate a hard time about what she ever saw in Rafe in the first place, thinking Kate must have been out of her mind at the time. "Hey, hey, hey!" Kate snapped, while toying with one of Stefano's (cheap-looking) cigars. "We're partners, remember?" Then they swilled more martinis.


    It was pretty fantastic, actually, even if Sami chooses to forget that she also lost her head over the boring-ass stick-in-the-mud Rafe.

  6. Wait -- I'm just getting caught up; so now even Lucas is telling Abigail that "anyone in their right mind who knows you will know this is EJ's fault. They'll know he's to blame"? What? Whaaat?!


    I get that you hate Elvis, Lucas. Believe me, I get that. But this is getting ridiculous. I think Abigail's actually trying to take responsibility for her mistakes. Why is no one letting her? Why is no one treating her like an adult human being with a will of her own? Disgusting.


    And, oh my God, "William," you know precisely what is wrong with Elvis. You've known for years he's a blackmailing swine. Don't be any more of an idiot than you can help. Jeebus.


    Is the logo of Dimera Enterprises some sort of phoenix symbol nonsense? Judging by the briefing that Sami was holding, it looks a little Third Reich-y.

    • Love 4
  7. /nerd alert/  Rosie the Robot was the Jetsons' maid.  Irona was Richie Rich's maid   /nerd alert/

    Dang! You're right. Something didn't feel quite right.

    Not that I'm trying to recover my nerd cred (... Right.), but WHY is the station Seraphim given a name that's in the plural?

  8. What did she expect Ben to do? "You're right, Sami...Abby? Total slut. I will never speak to her again. Thank you so much for caring enough to tell me even though we've never spoken before and I'm not quite sure why you give a shit about my relationship with someone you don't like anyway."????


    Sami should just consider herself lucky that Ben didn't finish off with "You're right; I shouldn't be with Abigail. Excuse me while I go see what your son's husband is up to... "


    I think the reveal to Ben might have had some impact storyline wise if Abigail and Ben were actually in love....


    No one in the soap media seems to be promoting Abigail and Ben. I do think Sami's reveal to Ben was a little dumb writing-wise in the sense that I didn't think Ben would dump Abigail for something that happened prior to meeting her, and also because of his own mysterious past where he most likely did somehting "bad," but I also couldn't get worked up about it because the show didn't build up a big connection between Abigail and Ben either for me to care that much ...


    It might have worked if Ben and Abigail were in love ... or interesting at all.

    • Love 2
  9. Am I the only one who thought the museumbot seemed a bit like an early version of Irona the Robot Maid from The Jetsons? (Also: I think Irona the Museumbot probably has a "Pff! Yeah, right, kid!" subroutine in answer to the "I'm not that species..." tomfoolery. C'mon, she's dealing with gradeschoolers! There have to be some presets for handling guff.) 

    • Love 3
  10. Worse, I'm afraid Kristen will sweep in and get the upper hand over both Sami and Kate, because apparently crazy trumps every damn other thing.


    It's odd in a way (though perhaps not a UO, strictly speaking) that Lucas has been turned into such a scold. He used to be a bad boy, as full of schemes and self-seeking as Sami. I agree that it has to do with how infrequently Bryan Dattilo is used.

    • Love 2
  11. What's going on with "John Woods" (I just can't with that name, I'm sorry) and his assistant, Miss Gummer (Julie?) I think she's going to be trouble for Molly. Oddly, it didn't feel to me like Julie was jealous of Molly's relationship with her husband, but of her relationship with Ethan the maybe-not-murderous childbot.


    I knew we'd see Evil Renée Walker again, but the show surprised me with the reveal that she's sleeping with Yasumoto. I don't know why Yasumoto is dying, but he's clearly manipulating everyone, including Dr. Agent Ron Butterfield. (Quit playing on Dr. Agent Ron Butterfield's emotions, Revenge Sensei!)


    And I agree with the speculation above that the Humanichs shells will eventually be filled with the "souls" of the invisible fingery aliens. Also: nice juxtaposition of the Neanderthal display and the wrecked Kryger, looking a little Australopithecus himself, there.


    I thought this was a slight improvement over the pilot, although one of the creepier aspects of the story is the "health monitor" telemetry implant thingy that Molly removed. I take it that's part of ISEA and that the populace at large isn't being monitored this way?

    • Love 1
  12. I would have liked it better if EJ had had an affair with Will, as played by Chandler Massey. Ah, what could have been.


    Sorry, I have to say I think this would have been gross. The "chemistry" between Massey and Scott was based on how abusive and controlling Elvis was with Will. I think turning that into an affair would have been a terrible idea, especially since when Will found out about the "grief sex" he was written as being under eighteen. There would have been an element of coercion there, if not outright blackmail. I find Elvis quite heinous enough, thank you.

    • Love 2
  13. Adding to the bizarre quality of the confrontation was Abigail's repeated reference to Eve as a "little..." this or that. Teeny Mansi trying to call out long tall DePaiva as a "little bitch"? Yeah, not in this reality, show. They're not contemporaries, they're not really rivals in any real sense, it doesn't compute. Just ... just quit it.


    I also wanted to say that Sami appears mostly just to be telling the truth. Mostly. I can't really fathom why she had to draw in Ben with her crocodile tears about how Abigail wasn't really her friend and so on. Sami's plainly false show of reluctance to say how Ben is affected by Elvis's affair left a bad taste in my mouth. I thought she was drawing out the conversation, almost savouring Ben's cluelessness about the "real" Abigail. Don't be creepy about it, Sami; just drop the science on him and get it done.

    • Love 3
  14. I think it was stupid of Abigail to go looking for Eve (and of course she has her mom's collapsible soap box in her purse -- brilliant, boes!), but if Eve had started up with that level of trash-talk about my relationship with my dad, I would have slapped the taste out of her mouth, too. Abigail's delusional about what the word "contract" means, but, holy crap.


    That whole scene was just. So. Stupid. It made Eve seem like a bitchy teenager, which means Abigail's a pre-schooler in comparison. So contrived, for so little purpose. Why do the showrunners think that Kassie DePaiva should be playing a woman who acts a third of her age? Is it to balance out Jennifer's school marm ancientness?

    • Love 2
  15. If part of Sami's revenge is going to be, as has been speculated, circulating the footage of Elvis/Abby sexycabintimes, then that might qualify as attempting to ruin Abigail's life. Personally, I think it would be just as satisfying in story terms for Sami to have confronted Abby about her part in the infidelity and then dismissed her, as being beneath her further notice. Or almost as satisfying. I guess I could never be a soap character - I fail to see the appeal of revenge as a career path.


    Also: I agree that the show needs to call a moratorium on men characters calling women "whore." A horatorium, if you will.

    • Love 3
  16. Jennifer and Abigail need to be on a LOT less - like Kayla/Adrienne levels of less. They can pop up at picnics to bring a basket of food or run into someone at Brady's Pub, but that's it.


    Or donuts. They can always bring donuts.

    • Love 5
  17. The underlying subject was Jordan and they were both strutting, but Scott was being such an arrogant piece of crap surgeon. Once a human limb is amputated, that's it. It's not like it freakin' grows back. TC's attempt to save the leg didn't work, but he made the attempt. Scott wrote the entire situation off. I agree that TC can be an arrogant showboat who likes to preen, but I also believe that he does care about those who matter to him, like Topher and Janet by extension and Drew and Rick by extension.


    I don't disagree with your characterization of either Tragic Consequences or Bailey the Trauma Surgeon here, but I'm not sure Scott was acting purely out of arrogance. TC's attempt to save the leg didn't work, and that meant Rick was at greater risk; a limb so gangrenous could have killed him. Scott was being brusque, and might have tried harder to spare his patient's feelings, but the state of that leg made the situation seem pretty urgent.

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