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Posts posted by 4leafclover

  1. Glad I'm not the only one who was aghast at the "nipple placement."  I don't blame Tanya for heading to the other doctors for her boob lift/augmentation!  


    I hope Dottie has the motivation and courage to continue losing weight.  Someone else on this show last year had those petal-like skin flaps on the side of their hips like she had.  That can't be comfortable.  

    • Love 2
  2. Just when I thought Zoey couldn't possibly be any more precious, I see her interacting with her daddy over lunch and, well, thump goes my heart!


     I remember when my granddaughter was 2 or 3 and went through that licking stage--she licked everyone and everything.....to the point I walked into the room one day and saw her licking the dog!!!  Blech.  Then it was the biting-her-own-toenails stage.  Face it, little kids can be gross.  It's all part of the process, though.  


    Short hair, long hair.  Doesn't matter, that little girl is beautiful no matter what.  If her parents like it and she doesn't seem to mind, then it is really no one else's choice or business.  She lives in a hot, sticky climate where just walking to your mailbox will require a shower afterward.  I don't blame them one bit, and if I had a little girl who didn't care one way or another, I would likely do the same.  Why is it so hard for some people to accept that it may very well be Bill's idea to cut Zoey's hair?  He appears to be a confident and intelligent man, who are we to say it wasn't his idea if he clearly stated it was?  


    That was truly a sweet episode.  I hope we see  more like it in the future.

    • Love 9
  3. According to our local news sources, the fashion show provided food trucks for the purchase of food, a "swag bag" for each guest, a photo booth and a raffle.  Each person there had purchased a ticket to attend, and there were dog rescues there with dogs available for adoption.  There were booths where people could purchase clothes and toys for their pets.  More than likely, the vendors paid a fee to set up their booths.  A lot of things that we as viewers did not see.

    • Love 6
  4. You're absolutely right about the lack of bond between Jillian and her children--I knew there was something odd but I just couldn't put my finger on it!  It was like a disconnect, almost as if she was spending time with her neighbor's children or a distant niece and nephew.  And yes, it was obvious that Jillian has the role of breadwinner since she constantly reminded us of how much she had bought her girlfriend--i.e.  "Then she wanted a farmhouse, so I bought her a farmhouse."  Ugh!  I don't see why her GF wants to marry that bag of hot air!  

    • Love 1
  5. I was looking for a forum for Just Jillian as well.  I don't know about you but I found her extremely annoying on her new show--almost as if she was trying too hard to be tough.  She was loud, obnoxious, crude, demanding and controlling--but maybe that is her true nature and one that we didn't always see on BL.  


    As for Skin Tight, is it just me or do all those people seem sad?  Even after their skin surgery, they seem to lack the overall excitement and gratitude that we're used to seeing on all of the other shows.  

    • Love 1
  6. That was a great episode!  Chad took responsibility for his weight--didn't blame anyone or anything else, he worked hard and didn't give up or have pity parties.  Very inspirational.  I wish him and his family happiness.

    • Love 7
  7. As someone who struggles with weight issues, I find the food challenges irritating.  If this show focused on helping alcoholics stop drinking and learn better life skills, would they take the losers of the challenges to a bar and have them drink every bottle of liquor in the place?  I think not.  It's as if the very core of what brought the participants to that point in their lives in the first place, is not being taken seriously.  

    • Love 8
  8. Really, one of the best episodes Modern Family has had in ages.  I loved the conversation between Cam and Lily while he was doing her nails--"yeah, I get it.  I'm Asian."  Hilarious and cute.   And Cam taking Lily into her room to tell her to stop flirting was great parenting--explaining that he was mistaken with the advice he gave her earlier and that he understood her confusion.  We hardly ever see good parenting on TV anymore, especially with the younger kids.  We also hardly ever see Cam acting like a grown up anymore.  So that was refreshing.

    • Love 6
  9. I'm wondering if Nikki was prescribed medication post-op for the pulmonary hypertension she was found to have.  Those meds can slow down, if not completely stop weight loss.  Maybe that's why Dr. Now didn't give her such a hard time.  

    • Love 1
  10. My opinion on the matter is, people who "get" the plight of the chronically overweight would understand that mocking them ("waaah waaah I want pizza, waah waah I want brownies") is hurtful and unnecessary.  Especially those who make millions of dollars off of overweight people and who aren't really therapists but play one on TV.

    • Love 10

    I liked how Bill and Jen didn't make a big deal out Zoey being moody.  They just rolled with it and everyone ended up having a good time.

    This, to me, is what good parents do.  Otherwise, every minute is a battle and life becomes less enjoyable.  


    I'd like to see people refrain from calling Will and Zoey brats.  Calling children names is bullyish and unnecessary.

    • Love 17

    Nikki could of lost the weight without surgery.


    At 33 years old, don't you think she has tried many, many times?  It is the promise of the surgery that actually helps motivate most of the patients to lose the required weight before surgery.  The 2 months or however long it took her to lose the pre-op weight is more than likely the longest she had ever maintained healthy eating without a relapse.  The surgery makes success more attainable to the people like Nikki who are driven and motivated.  


    I hope Nikki continues to meet her goals.  She seemed sweet and had such a beautiful smile (I know, obese people hate hearing that but she did!)

    • Love 5
  13. Wasn't Zoey adorable when she found the little piano at Berings?  Her "come here, come here, come here!" got higher and higher until she was almost squealing with excitement.  I'm glad I wasn't there as her mom, I would've bought her everything in the store.  

    • Love 7
  14. @Jellybeans--I agree with you--I'll take cute and happy over murder and mayhem any day.   Will and Zoey are the luckiest and sweetest kids to have such loving and devoted parents.  I love it when Zoey gets excited and her voice just gets higher and higher.  And her conversations with the ice princess were golden--loved it when she was asked if she had a castle and she said "I have a home."  Almost brought tears to my old dry eyes!

    • Love 13
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