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Posts posted by joelene

  1. Heh---I thought I was alone in that one! I really didn't like or root for him on any level until S5. (And I also freaking adore Sideways Sawyer of S6!)

    You're not alone! If he wasn't such a hottie I doubt his behaviour would be so liked and accepted by the general fandom.

    I liked her too, and she had a really interesting profession and background. If only they had done more with her...then again, I find myself wistfully thinking that about many of the show's female characters.

    Charlotte had moxie. I wish they would have done more with her too, but while she was there she just had a very strong presence, I thought. And then there was that time when she hit Kate over the head with a big stick and just went, "What?" to Daniel. Amazing.

    Oh, and I love these choices, by the way! I'm feeling an S5 rewatch coming on...

    I could honestly list quite a few more episodes from season 4 and 5, but it seemed excessive :)

    Oooh, is it too late for me to steal this one for my own list?!

    Heh, steal away!

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who liked her. Or, more accurately, appreciated her presence on the show. On a show where way too many of the female characters were blandly similar, Shannon had a distinctive presence---annoying as it may often have been!---and really salient flaws.

    This. I might not have loved Shannon, exactly, but she was interesting and distinctive for sure, and I loved her interactions with the other losties. It was just bullshit killing her off. I would have loved seeing her evolve on the island. Can you imagine her being present during the time travel and hanging out with Dharma in the 70's? That I would have liked to see.

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  2. 1) Who were your 5-7 favorite characters?

    Locke, Charlotte, Ben, Juliet, Alpert, Rousseau, Mr. Eko, Shannon. Because I pretty much always loved or strongly liked them all through their respective run.

    2) Who were your 5-7 LEAST favorite characters?

    There aren't many characters that I pretty much never liked, except Charlie. Charlie is easily the worst. Then Michael. Then probably Jack and Kate, but they both became much better in the last few seasons. But they never stopped being insufferable whilst together. I really think Desmond became very annoying. Hurley too a lot of the time. And Sawyer was just an a-hole in the first three seasons.

    The rest of the main characters had ups and downs but I mostly liked them.

    3) How would you rank the seasons from favorite to least favorite?

    5, 4 (those two are pretty equal for me), 3, 1, 2 (1 and 2 two also pretty equal) 6.

    4) What were your 10(ish!) favorite episodes?

    Pilot, Raised By Another, Lockdown, The Man From Tallahassee, Exposé, The Brig, The Man Behind The Curtain, Through The Looking Glass, Confirmed Dead, The Shape of Things To Come, Cabin Fever, There's No Place Like Home (I can't choose just one of them...) Now, this is tricky, because I think Because You Left-The Lie-Jughead-The Little Prince-This Place Is Death are all FABULOUS. Probably my favorite stretch of episodes. And I ain't gonna choose just one of them. Okay if I had to then it would be TPID. But I won't. Dead Is Dead, The Incident.

    So that was a lot more than 10 episodes.

    5) What were your favorite actual/would-be romantic relationships?

    Zzz. Charlotte/Daniel, Juliet/Sawyer, Rose/Bernard

    6) What were your LEAST favorite romantic relationships?

    Kate/Jack, Kate/Sawyer, Claire/Charlie

    7) What were your favorite friendships/frenemyships/non-romantic relationships?

    Locke/Ben, Ben/Alpert, Locke/Jack (Jack was mostly irritating in this duo I thought but it was also kind of amusing just how goddamn angry he got while Locke was mostly zen, at least in the early seasons. Locke with anyone, really.

    Boone/Shannon, who were kind of romantic, friends and frenemies all at the same time.

    Any of the female friendships, really, which doesn't give me a lot to choose from. Kate/Sun. Aaaaand, that's it, isn't it? I did like Kate/Cassidy. I thought Locke/Claire had good potential, but it never built very much. Claire/Sawyer too.

    I haven't mentioned Sayid a lot. He was just kind of a solid, good character you could almost always count on, but never really made it to favourite status.

    • Love 1
  3. I've read some about it too, seen some pics, watched part of the demo (with Ramuh), and at most it looks like if Squall took a road trip with some of his SeeD classmates (you know, in an alternate universe where he had any friends). These might be the most well-rounded, interesting and diverse cast of interchangeable white dudes ever (doubt it) but I don't know why SE doesn't play to their fan base. I would think it would be easier and more rewarding to get their fanbase back and strengthen it than trying to recruit new, casual players to a fifteenth sequel (because we all want to control a white boy band in our games, right?).

    I know I haven't played a FF since IX but from what I've seen at least X to XIV looks like they're part of the series (albeit less and less...).

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  4. Just jumping in to say that I don't think I ever had much trouble seeing both sides whenever it came to an argument between major players. I might agree with one side a little more than the other but I've never held the other sides view point (too much) against them, especially in the first four seasons. The only time I can think of off the top of my head where this was not the case was Empty Places where I went "Oh FFS, Buffy". And Willow and Tara's incredibly forced fight in Tough Love where they both acted pretty dumb.

    • Love 2
  5. Silly me, I didn't think of there being a physical copy of the remaster, just the download version. The download version is $40 (at least it is for me) but I see you can find cheaper physical copies. Thanks!

    Too bad there's not a Wal-mart in Sweden, though.

  6. Ok, it's in my hands finally! 120GB too!

    I forgot to ask about PS2 games on PS3. I know you said I can't play PS1 games, but could I buy a used copy of FFX and play it on my PS3? The one on PSN might be better quality but an old would certain be cheaper.

    • Love 1
  7. Outlander, [---] I am giving up on this homophobic torture porn.

    This made me very curious! I only watched the first episode but I've been thinking about a season one binge, and people are saying how feminist it is. What about it is homophobic torture porn? Because that I have no interest in.

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  8. I hope it's true and that Alana survive. I'm just surprised there hasn't been any set reports that it's taken this long to find out. I guess the show isn't big enough? Abigail Hobbs is very dead.

    Margot at Alana's new love interest... Interesting. Always good to have some gay action. But it's always the presumably straight female who gets a girlfriend. Never the presumably straight male who gets a boyfriend. Sigh.

    What happens to Alan(a) in the books?

  9. Yeah, CC was never out in EU (I had a NTSC copy). I can sort of understand why some games weren't distributed here back in the day because of the costs of physical copies and adverts for games that weren't part of a series and so on. But online games! Games that are now tried and true classics! How hard would they need to advertise those? A couple of banners here and there spreading the word to forums and you're done. Sold. Language is a non-issue. Every game ever sold here has always been in English (at least in Scandinavia and presumably most other European countries). So basically it's bureaucracy bullshit. I don't even understand the licence issue? Isn't it all Sony? Why would (presumably) a Sony exec in one territory say no to (presumably) another Sony exec? Or is it Square who says no to Europe? Why would they? Who are these people not handing out licences? There's probably a very reasonable (hah) explanation I will never understand.

  10. Yeah I'm in Europe. That's alright, I guess I shouldn't have assumed things would be better now than it was in the old days. Why make it better! Right, Sony? Ugh. I doubt if they haven't made CC and other games like it available by now they ever will.

  11. I understand wanting Scully's shorter hair back. When I think "Scully" it's certainly how I picture the hair, season 3-5 hair, but personally it will probably not distract me if her hair is longer and wavier in the reboot. If her hair ain't red, though, that would be a massive distraction. That's the most important thing.

    Anyway, this post was mostly just an excuse to post this great link that I just remembered exists:


    I wish the poster didn't stop after season 1.

    • Love 1
  12. X is a bit pricey now. Hopefully there'll be a sale soon and that FFXIV is a fun one. You can get 13 pretty cheap used I've seen, but the linear story sounds a bit... Meh. But surely there are some other FF-esque games out there too to discover.

  13. So I just read that FFXIV is one of those online multiplayer or whatever games. Sigh. I've never played one and I was looking forward to a normal FF but it looks like I'm gonna get my hands on XIV, so, what is it all about? Is there a proper story, beginning and end? Or do you play against other real players, or what? Maybe I'll just buy FFX off the shop first thing. Doesn't look like XII is available on PS3.

  14. That sounds great as well! Turns out a friend of mine has a PS3 he was thinking about selling anyway (he upgraded to a PS4) so it's mine for about $75 bucks, including a few games like FF14 and Heavy Rain (we were out drinking and he said $55 but I was like, that's far too cheap! Another 20!)! It's a slim with 80Gb, I believe. Don't think I can get a much better deal than that!

    • Love 3
  15. Trixie winning the reading confused me. She was good but not nearly as good as some of the others. Did they edit something out?

    Katya pretty much ruled the episode. Ginger was great too, and I love her more often than not, but sometimes she comes off as meaner or more above the rest than she has to, you know? But her and Katya are my favs. I don't even know who else I want in the final three. Pearl doesn't deserve it. Violet mostly annoy me. Kennedy has great moments but then I kind of forget she's there for some reason? Trixie also has very good moments, but top 3? Eh.

    Pearl has gotta go soon, right?

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