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Everything posted by lmn

  1. One thing that I loved was the return of Hot Pie! It was nice to see that despite everything going on in Game of Thrones, that at least one character was going to be okay! Albeit, I shouldn't be assuming such a thing since it is Game of Thrones...
  2. So if you can't control your crazy wife, then kill her? Makes perfect sense! However, I am not complaining whatsoever. Goodbye crazy lady! But why was she so infatuated with Littlefinger?
  3. Agreed, it is always fun to see a new place in the opening credits. And thank you! I thought that man looked familiar.
  4. Go Tyrion... even though it will most likely contribute to your downfall. Damnit Game of Thrones, the feelings I get while watching, it is getting a tad bit much. So the place with the rolling coin in the opening credits is supposed to be Braavos? If so, nice touch producers!
  5. What in the seven hells?!? Littlefinger is behind Jon Arryn's murder, which means he was a major part in the conflict with the Lannisters and the Starks?!... I think I need to watch this episode again.
  6. I am getting really confused with the direction they are taking Jaime this season. They have him rape Cersei, but then show him giving Brienne a sword/armor telling her to protect Sansa [not to mention his scenes with Tyrion in the dungeon...ect.] What the frick people? Some continunity with character development would be appreciated. I have to admit, I loved the scene with Grey Worm and Missandei, it was actually interesting [and those poor characters, being taken from their homes so young.] Dany however, enough already [however, we are seeing what I assume to be her decent into madness...it will be interesting to see where that leads.] I am happy they finally went back to the white walkers, but I will be damned if I don't get nightmares from that last scene. Ugh, that poor baby.
  7. First off, damn you Game of Thrones! I should not be happy to see Littlefinger, I should not! However, like everyone else has mentioned, the man gives me the creeps. I would like to think that Sansa would be safer with him, but alas, I can see this arrangement going sour really quickly. Speaking of Sansa, I just hope that she gets away from Kings Landing and fast [but based on the preview for the next episode, I have a bad feeling that the Lannisters will end up finding her]. Now onto Arya and the Hound, I could watch these two characters for the whole hour and not get bored. The way that these two characters interact with each other is just fabulous. I have to say that for all of his faults, the Hound (like Davos) seems to have the most common sense as far as the world of Westeros is concerned. Man, there is so much to say about this episode [they sure packed a lot of material within a short amount of time], but I will just say this: *Oberyn continues to impress (his willingness to be blunt with/about the Lannisters, while somewhat idiotic, makes him a character that continues to intrigue me) *Tywin continues to be one step ahead of everyone else politically, no suprise, but the fact that he does not care about Joffery's death makes me wonder if he has a hand in the plot to kill Joffery ... or he just knows that Tommen will be a better king? *Jamie and Cersei... yeah, lets skip them [though it is interesting note that after all the development that happened with the character in season three, Jamie seems to be losing that now he is reunited with Cersei, granted it is too early to say]. *It makes me sad to say this, but the Dany storyline is becoming dull. I understand that they have to build up that story line before she can (or if she does anyways) comes to Westeros. But at least we didn't see much of her in this episode. I have a feeling I am missing some characters, but overall a good episode.
  8. Oh the sweet satisfaction from this episode! Though I have to say, they were really highlighting Joffery's shittiness throughout the whole episode. Well, they were highlighting his shittiness more so than usual. [The 'entertainment' with the dwarves was revolting, but it was telling looking at the characters reaction to the 'entertainment.'] Man, credit to Jack Gleeson for his spectactular performance. Shame that he will not continue with acting. Just like many others have said, I wish him well in his future endenvours. I do wonder though, did Sansa know that the new sword was from Ice? Also, I can't believe I am saying this, but poor Theon. I hope his sister comes for him, and fast! And I was starting to warm up to Shae, but come on! This girl cannot be this idiotic, or I assume so anyways.
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