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Not quite the ending I wanted but I'm grateful for the many McDanno essentials I was needing - the fear, the love, the 'I love yous', the acknowledgement of the 'person you care about most in the world', the hand holding, the familiar scenes and the familiar snark, the love ...oh did I mention that already? Well, there was plenty and it pleased my McDanno worshipping heart. By my estimate there was only one scene where Scott Caan was even with the rest of the cast (loading him into the car, but even that could have actually been a double) which I found rather sad and symptomatic of how his character was sidelined over the course of the series. Of course we all know of SC's (preferred) reduced hours so that could have been a reason and maybe he and AO wanted it that way for most impact but it still left a bad taste for me. The ending for Danno was really so sad but his badassery was just great! I was in tears at all the good byes but don't understand the necessity of introducing yet another character so late in the day to be given such a main role for such a crucial final episode. The writers knew it was ending and Cole was OK but just....why? The mirroring of parts of the very first episodes was effective although the villain was less than impressive and, as others have mentioned, there were some hand-waved holes in the plotting (as ever!). Never was a fan of Catherine but I guess the ending was believable enough although I will be seeking solace in fan fiction that sees McGarrett enjoy a healing gap year before returning home to 'the one he cares about most in the whole world'. Finally, BW Manilowe, my thanks too for all the effort you've put into this forum and to everyone here whose views here I've enjoyed reading over the years. Aloha!
It's rather sad isn't it that so many actors feel they have to be seen to "do their own stunts" - how often have we seen interviews with leading men (because, let's face it, it's still mainly men who get the action leads) who proudly claim it? AOL did. It's a like a badge of courage or dedication or something. All kudos to them - There have been some exceptional fight/action scenes over the years in this show - it's what many loved most, I guess. It certainly must take a lot of hard work and hard knocks for any of the actors that do it but while the stunt team are paid to make them look good and I'm sure are excellent at training them, the kind of injuries AOL is suffering is a result. Of course, action sequences can be ruined if they're poorly directed and show someone taking/giving the hits but looking nothing like the actor who is supposed to be at their heart. There have been a few of those too over the years in H5-0 - most often IMHO with stunt doubles for Scott Caan, which suggests to me that he is one actor who would rather not get hurt unnecessarily. I'm one of those who, though sorry to see the end of the show, actually believes it was somewhat overdue but I do believe Alex O'Loughlin has done an amazing job with his role and has been truly dedicated to his responsibility as the lead. It's just, like I said, sad that misplaced macho pride (or is it industry/gender expectation?) has seen him pay the price with his health.
Well, personally, this prospect pleases me - I do love hurt Danny and it sets up the premise of Danno & Steve both retiring for health reasons and heading off together to look after each other.
S10.E18: Nalowale i ke ʻehu o he kai (Lost in the Sea Sprays)
Roselle replied to BW Manilowe's topic in Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Yes to this - I just always rather wanted it to be a bit more, y'know, especially when we saw the core actors were so capable of it. Judging from the many Danny/Scott Caan detractors out there, I really don't think it would fly at all. I am not amongst them - Danny was really the main reason for me to watch and to see how the writers spoilt the character through the series, underusing Scott Caan, has had me raging. Of course, yes, SC opted to cut his days on the show (paid accordingly) so some might say his lack of storylines was self imposed but it felt vindictive to me on the part of the writers. I really think he came to care very little for his character & possibly the show beyond the money and the friends he made & the responsibility for keeping people in work. I don't think he would have stayed even if CBS wanted him to. I imagine he is very happy to go. -
S10.E18: Nalowale i ke ʻehu o he kai (Lost in the Sea Sprays)
Roselle replied to BW Manilowe's topic in Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Such sad news about the show ending. But then again... This episode rather exemplifies some of the series' issues - too many storylines, a cast too big to have them all work on a single (good/credible/suspenseful/building) arc and a writing team that seems altogether too happy to simply throw in elements off a very predictable checklist. So here we have a whinging mean spirited Danny; Adam, bloodied but victorious and righteous and then not mentioned again; a full on fight in which Tani came away without so much as a bruise; a whining Danny; yet another plot about a team member who's relative was killed, who's parents are less than supportive and during which yet another team member is found to have experienced further heartache in her background too - ie: Quinn's brother; a huge shoot-out in which at least 8 bad guys were killed; and then the "final feels". All without giving any real depth to any of them beyond the cliches. I have enjoyed Hawaii Five-0 but the show has also driven me crazy in so many ways. On the whole I blame writers who IMHO quickly became lazy and uninspiring for most of its run. But then again, it has been hugely successful - so what do I know? It's certainly been a winning formula for CBS. I'm sure we are going to see a lot of Ohana stuff in these last episodes. -
Adam has some skills - to put a camera in the right place, in the right tree, in an entire rainforest and catch a murder (or was that two? wasn't absolutely clear to me whether he had also managed to put a second camera for an alternate angle, y'know for arts sake)...just wow! I'm so happy for the Tani/Junior thing although I really wanted a slight reshuffle of the rear POV fireworks shot to show a certain other pinky cuddle going on too. *sigh*
It was really nice to have an episode that showed Danny as a competent, experienced cop with good instincts and a good heart. Nice too that he had more than just a very few lines of dialogue and that some of the rest of the team were used effectively - I say some because the hostage drama was just ridiculous filler.
Wow, Chi - over the top or what! All those tears and all that looming were a too much. Grudging kudos though to an actor who persuades a show to let him write scripts to give himself so much...well, just so much. The eggs McDanno moment was weird but at least the writers are still valuing the friendship and the concern at the beginning was credible. I'm predicting Adam will be gone at the end of the season - some self sacrificing act to save 5-0 after his idiotic actions lead him down a dead end. Can he really claim noble excuses when he's helping bury four dead bodies in the woods.
S10.E11: Kā i ka ʻino, no ka ʻino (To Return Evil for Evil)
Roselle replied to BW Manilowe's topic in Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
This felt like 'old school' 5-0 ... like the earlier seasons when I enjoyed the show most. The Yakuza stuff is a complicated threat involving personal and criminal threads that (as was said by many last week) was so horribly wasted in Adam's story line before. Yes, it's wash and repeat but it does still have great possibilities. I don't want Adam to be *bad* exactly but as a character with 5-0 friendships and a genuine established Yakuza heritage, this at least makes him and the conflict more interesting. Loved that the Steve-Danny partnership was back. Love that Danny is going to be living at Steve's longer - makes for many possibilities with the banter/friendship stuff. Wo-Fat has been done and done and done again ...but his wife? Okay - I can enjoy that threat too. It's so wonderfully personal. Didn't miss Quinn at all and with Adam off on his nefarious activities the cast suddenly becomes the right size once again. Really it's that simple. Just two other things... When Wo-Fat Wife pulled off her rubber Mission Impossible style mask & set fire to, my first thought was for the sink 'cos, wow, that's gonna leave a mark! Also, Wo-Fat Wife's henchman clearly visits the same barber as Danny ( I may be in the minority here but I actually quite like it). Maybe Danny will try a little pony tail thingy too? God, I hope not. -
Well, I very much enjoyed the naked Adam fight - maybe we could have naked fighting in every episode? Adam's Yakuza family ties are a great thread that was somewhat wasted IMHO when he was first brought into the team so maybe the writers will address this further. Thought it was very nice of Boss McGarrett to allow Adam the day off claiming "we have nothing much going on" while he was looking at three murders. And that when Danny was also off AGAIN!!!!!. Interesting how new girl was filling the Danny role as Steve's second. I really only watch the show for the McDanno stuff so I was rather surprised at myself for following this one through when it became apparent that SC was away once more...guess that naked fighting really drew me in!
This was such a "meh" season finale. So much convoluted computer/weapons/incidental characters only there to be blown away stuff, and a re-used 'villain' who is totally uninspiring. I realise it must be hard to keep coming up with decent end of season episodes - or indeed any episodes - (except, that is what writers are paid for isn't it?) and it must be odd for them to be working away without knowing that the show would be renewed, but this was weak. The victim is clearly not Steve, it's Jerry, but I really don't care.
S09.E21: He kama na ka pueo (Offspring of an Owl)
Roselle replied to BW Manilowe's topic in Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Oh wow - you are absolutely right! We didn't actually meet Mr Pickles's owner did we. You are a waaay more attentive viewer than me. Thanks for clearing that up! 🙂 -
S09.E21: He kama na ka pueo (Offspring of an Owl)
Roselle replied to BW Manilowe's topic in Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
I know these things really shouldn't bother me but, continuity wise, surely the old lady would have been more likely to leave something in her will for Jerry since he befriended her and understood her loneliness during the stake-out episode, even taking her out with the gang at the end. It also seemed rather odd that Steve & Danny both dismissed her as someone they didn't know and had no feelings about when that episode clearly aimed to convey a caring attitude towards her amongst the team. Other thoughts...Mr Pickles is great! Love him. Also, Steve cuddling Mr Pickles is oddly hot; the debate over cat-people vs dog-people was a neat vehicle for Steve/Danno banter; Rachel/Danno is clearly still on the writers' to do list; the heart to heart between Lou and Adam was another painfully shoe-horned dialogue just kinda plopped in there, apropos of nothing else at all - the show just doesn't know what to do with all these characters now it has them. -
While it's certainly sad/terrible that the issues are genuine, current and so destructive, I do feel somewhat bludgeoned with the morality stick after this episode. Not just one but two important discrimination story lines - I'm not sure both were needed. With more effort the writers could have used the LGBTQ story better and developed it more thoroughly for an episode of its own. And surely, neo-nazis carrying out a mass bombing campaign is enough of a threat, without Lou's own experience of injustice and bigotry so oddly stitched onto the end - it really added nothing IMO. I did like the team feel of the episode however, and the mixing up of the pairings, although I simply cannot find Jerry credible in the field at all.