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Posts posted by sigmaforce86

  1. 54 minutes ago, realityobserver said:

    Rumors of ABP and the show... read here

    That was interesting - seems that nobody knows for sure where Matt's accident was.  Guess we'll have to see next week - is it an obvious fake re-enactment, a very well acted re-enactment or a "this actually happened in B-Town" event?

    Also from that sites recap of this weeks episode, might be the funniest thing I've read this month (credit to Reality Observer):   In SoCal, the Snowball is out loose in the street making ridiculous noises and trying to attract a peacock that the producers have set down in the vicinity. The peacock comes close and eats some food that Snowflake has set out. Two birdbrains in one scene. The production staff chases the peacock down and returns it to the trainer who rented it out to Discovery.


    As for the episode - DVR has its benefits, anything with Noah got a FF except when Matt came and gave him the news and some of the cleanup stuff.  Why did Matt have to wear a suit to make his way back into the bush?  Amy's sickness is real so if we assume that the kids reactions are also real Bird's seems the most worrisome, she may come out of denial but if she doesn't that's going to be a huge problem emotionally if the worst happens.  

    • Love 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Barb23 said:

    Oh my, about the JB house Jill & Jessa toured.  An indoor pool with the house built around it in a U-shape?? I wonder how much it cost. It definitely needs a lot  work & I'm sure it's mold infested with the pool.  It sounded like JB has owned it for awhile.  Why aren't the kidadults working on it since they have plenty of time to spare?  Maybe this can be House #6 for Austin & Joy.

    That house could be used as a horror movie set, the flagstone floors, the glass walls, the green glass around one of the doors, the weird pit in front of the fireplace (obviously where the last owner buried the bodies of those nosy kids).  Not sure what the point was, to pretend the girls were house shopping, to show what a "find" JB invested in or will we get a future show with the howlers fixing it up while wearing flip flops.  Jill finally said something fully intelligent when she saw how dark and creepy it was and said she wished they'd brought the guys.

    Poor Jinger - married about two months and her sisters are already looking for the baby news.  Please, even if she's your sister just don't ask!  I think from her and Jer's interviews and from Jinger's face when they asked; the real answer that she's thinking but can't say is we have no baby plans for the near future.  But that would be close to admitting they're using family planning and some sort of birth control and I don't think she'll ever share that even with Jessa.  The family can assume or suspect but it'll never be said out loud.

    Why are all the girls so lost when they marry?  It's "quiet", and "I didn't know what to do with my time" - how about take a class and expand your world beyond the dining table classroom, get your real midwife certification <jill>, volunteer, take up a hobby, join a women's book club or exercise class. Try to overcome the programming that your whole life must be taking care of husband, home and children.

    I never thought Joy was dim, maybe she didn't get enough screen time until now.  She can use those power tools even if they screw up the floor so she's not totally dumb she's just......would we call it slow on the uptake?  But then she says that Austin can't do two things at once and can't even talk while he's doing that one thing?  This does not bode well - their married life communication should be - interesting

    Edited to add:  Also the camera showing Jana when Jinger talked about boyfriends.  Had to be a TLC tease or an FU Internet moment, as much as we root for a free Jana outcome there's no way that girl is courting.

    • Love 4
  3. Where are the ###!!??##!!! Smoke alarms?  I burn toast and mine are going off....they have that huge house, the crap in the bottom of the oven burns and nothing.  There"s something wrong there, please say the were temporarily disconnected for the shower.

    Josie using the ballon inflator the way she held it will never not be funny.

    An hour and 15 in and no labor yet, there's very little birth in this birth special.

    • Love 6
  4. I can't snark on the Ami parts of the show because I'd feel bad but I don't think she's faking it.  I do wonder why they had to go all the way to California for a biopsy - treatment maybe, if it's cancer you'd want to find the best place even if you had to (and could afford to) travel but there's a cancer treatment center in Anchorage so very curious why they didn't confirm the diagnosis close to home by doing the initial tests and biopsy there.

    So it's hard not to go off on them because so much doesn't make sense - if there's no diagnosis yet they wouldn't know how long they're staying so why not a hotel near the hospital instead of the house that seems to be way out of the city - so they can live in the urban outdoors and Bear can tumble and be extreme in the backyard?  Which, by the way, on the list of things we can laugh at - "extreme juice" - really Bear, punching the hell out of the fruit over a questionably clean piece of plastic tarp (or maybe it was a garbage bag, hard to tell) makes the juice taste better than squeezing it in the house at the counter.  Couldn't you just fix it in the kitchen using your extreme knife skills?

    I'll give credit to Rain though - the sundress was nice, the short hair suits her, she almost looks like a different person.

    • Love 5
  5. People has an article that has me wondering - are they owned by the same company as Disco?  Because they're reporting both Ami's issues and Matt's accident as real life, in the bush, caught as it happens danger.

    They even, with no irony at all included the below quote in the article (bolding mine); "aformentioned events" refers to Ami's health and Matt's accident when it's common knowledge that Matt's accident most definitely was not in real time or even at Browntown.  

    ""The show reveals that season 7, which premieres Wednesday at 9 p.m. ET on Discovery, will continue to document the aforementioned events as they “continue to play out in real time.”""


    Either People needs the extra articles or somebody is getting paid big bucks to try and convince folks that this show is all real all the time.

  6. 7 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:

    I am babe overload. Someone really should count and see how many times they say id during an episode.

    Still think Spurgeon is so adorable.

    Jing watching babe workout. Thought the film crew was gonna have to turn the hose on her.

    Every now and then a piece of true reality sneaks in and Jinger staring at Babe was definitely one of those moments.  Good for her, if she made it through the honeymoon and into married life with a guy she didn't really "know" (considering all the stuff they didn't get to to learn about each other) and had never kissed and she can look at Babe like that; she's doing it right and maybe she's even happy.  Plus she's wearing pants now, they seem to be looking at actual family planning and pacing themselves since the 1 year plan doesn't sound like it includes a house so they're not jumping into anything before they're ready.............seriously, good for them.

    I never realized how short Joy is compared to the rest of the family until she was shopping and you could see the younger kids were pretty much the same height as her.

    Josh's banishment really made the accident awkward - Anna returns with a kid that just smacked his head and got stitches and the concerned father is conspicuously absent not because he doesn't care about his son (we assume) but because he can't be shown...........awkward.  

    Josie's feet as she ran down the hall - pure black on the bottom.  After the talk about Joy's feet last week I sense a new drinking game coming on.

    The rest is just typical Duggar stuff.  Yes I'd need pen and paper to figure out the number of birthdays but I could do it, I doubt some of them <jill> could manage it at all.  And the talk about re-arranging house duties to fill Jinger's spot - not one mention of what Michelle does and heaven forbid the menfolk chip in on laundry or cooking (what do the teen boys DO all day?) but it does highlight why Jana the family nanny might still be single and un-courted, if she's not careful she'll end up living in Grandma Duggars side of the house with JB and Michelle one day while either Jill or Jessa (my bet is on Jessa) takes over the "big house" with their growing brood.

    • Love 7
  7. On Matt's accident - the rumor (dug up between the Inquisitor, TMZ and Facebook so take it for what you will)...........they definitely weren't filming when Matt actually had the accident which as everyone said was supposed to have happened in Hoonah.   But the film crew was in town and it's been claimed that they managed to catch footage after the accident.  So my guess is we'll get a re-enactment of the accident and immediate aftermath all moved to brownietown mixed with actual accident footage of the ambulance ride and at the hospital in town to make it "real".

    Also rumored; the Browns are no longer allowed to have weapons or explosives of any sort in brownietown - not taken away by the state but, from the rumor, disallowed by the insurance company (can you blame them?).  So at some point, possibly before filming if Matt's accident was the trigger (pun not intended), the insurance company decided they were too much of a risk and any guns you see are supposedly filled with blanks or unloaded.  

    Again all rumors and the sources might be a little sketchy but honestly the way this family lies about their rough off the grid life I wouldn't be at all surprised if most or all of this was true.

    • Love 4
  8. I loved Edgar's "Hi Mommy".  They're big tough fisherman........then they do something like that and make you go awww.   

    Jake loses another crew member but good for him for seeing it before they went out and not taking him on the trip and hoping he'll straighten out at sea.  It was sad though to hear his almost maniacal speech at the airport and watch Jake's face sink realizing the guy still isn't all here.

    On the reverse side cannot believe Bill brought Nick back for a second chance after he not only did drugs on the boat but had snuck his buddies on board while at port.  Hope Bill trusts Nick but is also watching him closely and checked his bags.

    Is it just me or is Keith generally more laid back this season; maybe the divorce mellowed him?  Maybe he's actually enjoying having his son on board or maybe something hasn't hit his anger trigger yet but he seems generally calmer lately.

    • Love 4
  9. 9 hours ago, Chicklet said:

    And that was a whole lotta eggs for those tacos seeing as only 2 people were eating.

    I wasn't as distracted by the number of eggs as I was by her putting them and everything else on serving dishes to walk them less then 2 feet to the table.  That's nice for dinner sometimes but when it's just two for breakfast in a small apartment................. Can't decide; is she spoiling Jeremy because she wants to serve her man or is she so bored and housewify she needs the extra dish washing to fill her time or has she just never heard of serving out of the pan?

    8 hours ago, Annb67 said:

    Did anyone see Miracle Josie? She didn't get sent away like that Gosselin kid did she? 

    Compared to last time Josie was glaringly absent from the bride room and the wedding; I couldn't spot her at all.


    The wedding had good spots - Joy's dress was nice, basic but nice which is right for her.  Bridesmaid dresses weren't anything special (again, basic) but I did like the colors with the orange flowers. Even if I don't agree with the no kissing rule the teasing was a little cute (probably because the guy managed to tease without being lewd <cough> jimbob <cough>) and Joy even seemed to be having fun with it. Extra points that Derrick didn't jump up and grab Jill to walk her back up the aisle this time.

    But on the other side - first, never, ever let JD lead anything musical ever again; we laughed through that whole thing.  He wasn't moving his arm in time with the words or the music or even the general beat he was just......moving his arm.....in the most random uncoordinated way possible.  Joy is scary in her "whatever you like I like" submissiveness.  The older people in the audience looked pissed at the confetti.  I'd go into the lack of food, music etc at the reception but we all know what Duggar receptions are like so expectations are pretty low on that anyway.

    Now we get to rewind, watch them get engaged, pick out a dress and plan a wedding that we've already seen.  And they certainly weren't "buying used" on that little date night shopping trip - do they even pretend to be thrift shop savvy anymore?

    • Love 11
  10. 21 hours ago, anneofcleves said:

    And if you haven't seen the show yet, friends, don your sun glasses -Ree just had her color done.  grisgris did warn us, and I should have listened.

    And I could deal with the hair if she managed her skin color better, no tan, no blush, no tinted foundation just pure geisha level whiteness.  She's past white and is moving to translucent; she's going toward clear and not in the crazy Scientology sense.  Somebody really needs to take her aside and help her manage the hair/skin/makeup balance.

    As for the show - I usually like just watching, half paying attention to see what she'll come up with.  Once in a blue moon something pops up where I think maybe I'll try that.  But this time, it was a half hour show for only one true recipe (the buns).  The potatoes weren't really a recipe, the ham even less (brush on honey aaannnnnd - done) and the rest came down to take out of package slap into skillet.  She managed to make her show into five minutes of "cooking" and 20 minutes of merc commercial. 

    • Love 7
  11. Before I read Derricks post I thought he was giving thumbs up to some sort of vanilla pudding dessert with lemon on top.  Seriously; that white blob that looks like pudding is actually creamy mushroom soup?  Which supposedly college educated, lived in the real world Derrick thinks counts as a vegetable?  "Almost" all the food groups only because "good for you in any way, shape or form" isn't a food group.  Geez, at least throw some broccoli in there or peas or something.   So he doesn't/can't cook for himself (wimmens work you know)......................Even ordering Domino's has got to be better than that.

    • Love 14
  12. On June 7, 2017 at 1:13 PM, Sew Sumi said:

    So, you're saying that we're all Duggar rubberneckers? ?

    I don't think you can put Duggar and anything involving "rubber" in the same sentence.   It's like side hugs, get too close and it must be sinful 

    • Love 2
  13. 33 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

    This show is highly contrived, but Sabrina & Jeremiah's problems are not, given their arrests & the loss of her children are on record. So Carmela really does live with an abuser. The saddest parts of this show are the most real, unfortunately.

    This is why I just took the show off the DVR schedule.  I only sit through this suffer through this because my Mother wants to watch it and thinks these shows are real (disclaimer; she's old, she lives with me, I humor her sometimes).................but it's the small part of realism that makes me want to walk away.  If there's another season I'm just not going to tell her it's on and hope she doesn't see a commercial because at this point watching is like giving them my "approval" plus adding to the ratings.  I just can't when they try to hide the worst qualities of a person like Jeremiah and give him any forum for validation that he and his actions are in any way "OK".  Plus parading Sabrina's issues in front of us.  Not that I think she should hide in a corner but she doesn't need that spotlight in her face, she certainly doesn't need a way to publicly say how it was all a mistake and woe is me while, given recent events, clearly not getting help or even being ready to want help.

    I think Kate must have been the smartest of the bunch, she was thinking long term, kept up with her fashion training, honored the contract and appeared but jumped ship as soon as she could.  I really hope the update on Abe and Rebecca is true, I hope they saved most of the TLC money, that he gets a good job where he can be home more and that she really does get her education together like she says she wants - if they keep their heads they could probably make it.  The rest are doubtful.

    • Love 1
  14. On 6/3/2017 at 10:43 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:

    I wonder how long it takes them to realize they can do what they want to now. After years of never being allowed to be alone, I'd imagine this isn't instantaneous.

    Jeremy and Jinger said they spent a lot of time talking the first few days after the wedding - that's one quote I fully believe as not edited/changed/added even with the sexual freedom I can see that happening with Joy and Austin too.  The sudden ability to say anything and everything without a third party listening in and knowing your secrets and thoughts must be almost intoxicating.   But I agree it's not necessarily instantaneous, imagine all the things you don't know about your partner when you court so quickly and using the Duggar rules.

    The wedding pictures made me realize they've reached a point where it's highly unlikely that they won't have at least one pregnant bridesmaid in any given wedding from now through Josie.

    • Love 3
  15. 10 hours ago, Nalan said:

    With a bag.  That's my answer to that.  I'd keep mine in case there was something I needed from it.

    In any case, Tara & Joey and London & Logan seemed not to have been hindered at all by keeping theirs, so again, I remain unimpressed by Brooke & Scott not keeping theirs.

    I've spoken, I've opined, and now I rest.

    Not arguing the strategy, mostly because I don't care either way if someone else would choose to keep or not keep the backpack but....................If Brooke had that much of a meltdown trying to run with just the little fanny pack can you imagine the whining and complaints if she had the full pack on her?

    Well I got what I wanted; Scott won.  And what I didn't want, Brooke won.  She really is insufferable - back to the old "I can't" at the racetrack, the arguing on the street when she didn't want to run anymore (which Scott made the mistake of getting sucked into so they both stopped moving at one point) and what was with the constant "don't yell at me" in the subway unless the amazing editors left something out he was barely raising his voice.  And yes, I like to complain about Brooke.

    I don't mind the use of smart phones or anything else they can find.  But I agree it would be fun to design a leg where the clue said you can use maps or ask for directions but may not use any technology - just to see how it plays out and if any teams mess up reading the clue.

    It took me until the last episode to figure out why I don't like Joey - and it actually isn't him it's that he looks like Leo Rossi, the actor who was in The Accused (if you saw it he's the one who recognizes Jodi Foster in the store and taunts her in the parking lot)...so all season he annoyed me and I just realized it's only because he looks like a film character who was a jerk.

    • Love 3
  16. There's a great series of interviews with Randolph Mantooth on You Tube.  It's one of these below but I don't remember which and didn't have time to watch them.  Anyway - he talks about ground rules they layed out when developing the show specifically that they'd be based at the Firehouse or Hospital but never go into the casts homes (although they tried for one or two episodes in the first season).  And when it started the studio tried to add rules of no blood and nobody dies -  which they let go eventually and it seems funny now.  He also mentions how the writers reacted to the requirement that all the rescues be from real rescues that happened somewhere in the country.

    I think Emergency worked because we got to know the guys at work, they had their funny moments at the station but it didn't get bogged down with seeing them at home, bloating the cast with everyone's wife, kids, girlfriends, boyfriends.  I wonder if creators and writers would have the restraint and creativity these days to do a reboot with those same rules because I think that was part of the shows success.


    Interview 1

    Interview 2

    • Love 2
  17. I just caught up on Duggar news after seeing a blurb about the engagement on MSN, in that interview (which seems to have come through People) they quoted Kendra as saying she was excited to "step toward a new season in life" - Oh My God - She is 18 years old and she already uses terms like season of life, Joe got himself one that's just like his Mom and sisters for sure (well, maybe like just most of his sisters, a few are showing sparks of independence and personality).

    • Love 5
  18. 16 hours ago, Roccos Brother said:

    Tara was dismissive of the challenge right from the start, and that's why she did terribly with her defeatist attitude. I remember they showed her screen at several times where she was attacking without even being near or facing the opponent -

    There were times when she wasn't even touching the joystick or was just nudging it with one finger.  Looks like she thought if she just randomly pounded on the buttons long enough she'd win.  

    Joey, I know you're tired, I know you see the end and want to be in the final but no, the gamer isn't obligated to "let" your partner win or go easy on her.  Sorry the challenge sucked but face it - if a gamer went easy on another player you'd be complaining they got an unfair advantage.  It is possible to pick the wrong person to play against - Tara's opponent seemed to have had his sense of humor removed at some point but that's just luck of the draw.

    Not sorry to see Matt and Redmond go - I don't think I hated them even though they're annoying at times but they did see themselves as better than the other racers and after awhile that gets old (and entitled).  I'd be happy with any of the remaining three coming in first except I want Scott to win but not Brooke, is there a way to arrange that?

    • Love 2
  19. The playing of the idols was one of the funniest things I've seen on this show in awhile.  Zeke when Sarah pulled out her advantage, the applause at the end.  Well, except for Cirie but she does get to carry a Survivor first with her forever.

    Who told Brad to dress as Mr. Incredible for the finale?

    Glad Sarah won if only to keep the other two from winning.  And I'm not buying Brad's apology to Tai.  Nice that Zeke and Jeff made up although I'm a little torn on Jeff having so much redemption that he was allowed to hawk his book on the show, that seemed like a little too much "reward" when he should still maybe be a little contrite (at least in front of the cameras)

    Bring on next season with actual new faces!

    • Love 7
  20. 48 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

    I did wonder why Phyllis seemed to take it so personally (from what I recall, she got teary when the choice was made) that Shelagh chose Sister Julienne to be her midwife.  I didn't get the impression Phyllis and Shelagh were close, or that Shelagh had particularly relied on Phyllis during her pregnancy.   

    I think Phyllis thought they were close - she was the one Shelagh cried with at the clinic and she helped at Dr Turners practice when Shelagh was in the hospital including charming the inspector.  Plus (and I had to go double check this because it seems like some of these characters have always been there)...........Phyllis didn't join the midwives until after Shelagh left the order and married Patrick, so she never saw her as a Nun and probably had no idea how close the bond between Shelagh and Sister Julienne really is.  

    I loved so much about this episode and hate that it's the final until December.  Shelagh finally got her moment to become a Mom, the singing from both sides of the door, Trixie bonding with Christophers daughter.  But as sad as the Mother with the blood clot was the crying moment hit for me when Reggie came into the shop with those flowers for Violet and called her Mum.

    As for Delia and the comments on her personality.  I get what everyone is saying - the weird thing is she wasn't like that before, she was more outspoken almost the leader in their relationship.  Like the time she and Patsy were on a date and some guys tried to pick them up; she was the one who snapped "We don't like cake" in a don't even mess with me tone and she was the one who talked Patsy into getting an apartment together.  She's definitely not like that now but where they failed was it's not clear why - is it an acting choice by Kate, is it the writers trying to change her character mid-stream or is it on purpose to show some personality change after the accident?

    • Love 4
  21. 2 hours ago, AWu1977 said:

    I am sorry for this stupid question, but can competitors help each other during a roadblock? For instance, at the very beginning of the shrimp trap roadblock, Becca noticed right away that Floyd dropped one of the shrimp traps. Becca said she can not say anything, but can Redmond had alerted Floyd? Or when Matt already dropped off his load of shrimps traps and--while cycling back to Redmond---he saw Floyd's shrimp traps scattered all over the road, is he allowed to pick them up and bring them back to Floyd? Obviously, those two scenarios will never happen (because rraaaaaceee!), but is it still within the race's rules though? Just curious!☺

    The other teams could have told Floyd he dropped the traps.  Basically the rules come down to if you do something that slows you down or jeopardizes your chance of getting to the mat it's allowed and if you do something that gives you an extra advantage it's not allowed.  So Becca telling Floyd is an unfair advantage but if Matt, Redmond or anyone else told him they're only making it harder on themselves since they risk him finishing the task first so it's allowed.  There are some exceptions, usually when the clue tells them to do something a specific way and they don't even if the way they chose to do it slows them down more than the "right" way they can still get a penalty.................but mostly the rules come down to the line between advantage/no-advantage.

  22. 9 hours ago, PoshSprinkles said:

    The reason the report was open to the public is because Josh was never prosecuted and charged with anything. Had he been "dealt with" through the proper legal channels, then the report would have been sealed and inaccessible to the public. The police officer simply gathered information and interviews and the department concluded no charges could be made and that was that. 

    This, This, This!  I was going to say the same thing and I wish it was part of the news stories because it's probably the most important point AND it throws the blame for the info becoming public right back where it belongs; on Jim Bob.  As tough as it must be to take your child through the legal system (in "normal" families), if he had followed through and let the court and CPS handle it from start to finish then whole thing would have been official sealed as juvenile court  records.  His choice to sweep it under the rug, not get Josh real help, tell the girls it was no big deal and not allow full follow up left them with an informal report that has no privacy protection for the family especially the girls.  

    A legal suit probably won't have a chance, that can't go by a vague moral "right or wrong" only whether they got the info through completely lawful means.  A civil suit has a better chance but I wonder if they've considered who they're dealing with?  I think Jim Bob has gotten his own way in his family for so long the way he rules over them and he has such a well developed ego that he believes his word is law with everyone and everything he encounters.  He probably thinks he can do the same thing in this case and he might be in for a very rude surprise when the magazine doesn't just knuckle under and fights back for real.   

    • Love 8
  23. 13 hours ago, Miles said:

    Am I the only one here who is actually mad at the race designers for getting Floyd to that point? What dumb rule was it that you had to take all of that stuff back when you lost something, in that heat?! They must have seen it coming that somebody could very well get a bad case of heat exhaustion from this. It's not like this hasn't happened before, but until now there wasn't anything anybody could have done, here they could have.

    I agree too - not in that heat - hopefully the planners will change that up for future tasks, they should have to try and take everything the first trip but if some is lost been allowed to off load what they had and go pick up the rest.  Even if he had to go back to the start with an empty bike then return it wouldn't have been as hard on Floyd as doing the back and forth with a fully loaded bike.  The tasks need to be hard but not harmful (thinking of Margie fainting because Luke couldn't pull the rickshaw)

    Brooke continues to annoy - and the thing is I think I could like her a little more if her complaints were valid and spaced out not constant and immediate,  The minute she saw those stairs to the mat she stopped in her tracks and whined about how it was impossible.  Well that's where the mat is and teams ahead of you did it so suck it up, say it's hard as you go, say you're tired, but keep going and raaace.  I could see Floyd and Rebecca being invited back for another race.  I can see Scott running far and fast the minute this is over and I can see Brooke believing she should be invited back and believing she can do better because it's everyone elses fault.  If there's ever a solo version of the rest she'd be her own best partner

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