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Posts posted by Ashforth

  1. 9 hours ago, gutbuster said:

    I adored this one, too!

    The ending was a bit vague, but during Hugo's speech at the train station he says "he's home". And then Patrick asks if he really means it, and Hugo says yes. So I think that Hugo realizing he was 'home' meant that he decided to stay. Yeah, it could have been a lot clearer.

    But I loved almost everything about this movie. All of the characters were adorable.  I enjoyed seeing the main couple acknowledge their feelings relatively early and actually date a bit. We got a little taste of what their relationship might be like instead of one kiss as the movie fades to black.

    I interpreted the ending as that Hugo was moving home to Milwaukee. He can practice law there, work on Patrick's non-profit, do his woodworking, and continue his quest to solve the mystery of the train station and save it.

    4 hours ago, Bill1978 said:

    Finally found a way to watch this movie here in Australia, and as a gay man I must confess that I had no idea how much I needed a movie like this to be made. Sure I've watched a bajillion Christmas movies like this before but seeing the same cliched plot applied to two men just warmed by Grinchian heart (or maybe it was Patrick). Can't really explain it, but there were lots of little subtle things that I connected with that I'm sure if one of the leads were a female I wouldn't have even noticed. Strange I know. So happy they made this, and I hope more get made. Because surely I deserve eye-rolling, cheesy predictability every Christmas. The movie really has re-ignited the Christmas spirit in me.

    Patrick! So good looking. Way upthread I linked to an interview with the actor who played Hugo. In it, he talked about how much it would have meant to him as a teen to see a movie like this. I'm happy to hear that it can have the same effect on adults! 

    • Love 6
  2. Haha! I think Gus is cute and his inclusion is sweet. I wonder whether Katie and Ryan have decided not to show Iris on TV or social media. It's a smart thing for people to do, in my opinion, celebrities or not. I'm not a social media person, so idk whether Katie is posting photos of Iris online.

    Of course, the other The Kitchen members don't seem to hesitate to showcase their kids on TV. Especially GZ, shilling his daughters' cookbook. The kids are all appealing, and seem to enjoy it (except Ava, and I'm hoping that if she doesn't like being on TV that's the reason we haven't seen her in recent episodes - she deserves to make that decision for herself), but there's an exploitation factor and the potential for negative outcomes that make me feel unsettled.

    • Love 1
  3. I watched a few of the movies this weekend. 

    Too Close for Christmas was not bad (except for the ridiculous reason that she was mad at the guy), but echoing what's been said before, what the hell has Jessica Lowndes done to her face? I think last year her lips were gigantic. This year, her lips are more normal-ish, but her whole face looks like plastic. I actually looked her up and saw that she is 32. 32! She looks at least ten years older, like a 45 year old trying to look 35. And why did Chad Michael Murray have a pronounced Southern or Western cowboy accent? No one else in his family did. Plus the mother was a weird control freak who had the whole family cowed. Other than that, it was okay 🤣 At this point, my judging system is whether the movie is so bad that I turn it off.

    I liked A Christmas Exchange, I thought both leads were appealing and the storyline that they were strangers getting to know each other through texting and calling while living in each other's houses was fun and different. Laura Vandervoort is 35 and doesn't look like she's doing any Botox or fillers, so she looked natural and so much younger than Lowdnes.

    I started Christmas Ever After and it was just okay, but I grew tired of it and turned it off. As others have said, the female lead was pretty over the top. Maybe since she's a Broadway star she's accustomed to having to make it BIG! to reach the audience in the back of the theater.

    Time for You to Come Home for Christmas was meh. I watched it all the way through. Why did the male lead keep it a secret that he was looking for the owner of the watch? Only so they could have the drama at the end. Plus, I have to say, if a single mom meets a grown man who shows an inordinate amount of attention to her child/ren, that is a warning sign of a possible pedophile. I know that's not something Hallmark would ever say, but it's presented as being so wonderful! Too often, it's not.

    Finally, The Christmas Setup! One of my most-liked so far. I could have done without all of the screaming from Fran Drescher, but when she wasn't screaming she was pretty good. I loved the leads and they had such great chemistry, which makes sense since they're married in real life. And I thought it was smart that they didn't save the train station, thus leaving it open for a sequel. Which I would look forward to watching.

    There were others that I tried but had to change the channel on. One of them only because there was the requisite snowball fight.

    • Love 2
  4. 34 minutes ago, bosawks said:

    I’m not going to lie I’m really looking forward to her cooking outside in February during a Nor’easter.

    Only if she wears the silver glitter disco outfit while doing so! At least she has her selection of wigs so she won't need a hat.

    • LOL 3
  5. All of the perfume ads are bad, but especially the Valentino one with Lady Gaga in a dramatic red gown, bellowing her song and emoting so hard that she looks like she's struggling to push out a particularly large, dry turd.

    On the other hand, I'm super amused by the Buick commercial full of people who bought SUVs for Christmas - for themselves! It shows a great sense of humor about the usual "surprise your spouse with a new car" trope.

    • Love 4
  6. I just watched Let's Meet Again at Christmas on Lifetime. It was good! It started out weak and the lead actress's baby voice bothered me throughout. It got better as it went along. The billionaire couple getting married in two weeks with no preparation was silly, but they were likeable, along with their daughter, and Uncle Bernie tied the story up nicely. I loved the male lead, Brooks Darnell, he is handsome and charismatic and I thought he made up for the weaknesses of the lead actress (don't know her name). Overall this one was a success for me.

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  7. On 12/2/2020 at 10:57 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I stopped watching when Dr. Emily left.    It just wasn't fun any more for me.    I wonder if Emily and Tony ever sold the Michigan house?    Nicole seemed nice, but I guess I just had my fill of prolapses, and clients who won't stop breeding dogs for profit, and some clients that don't seem to bring animals to the vet when they need to. 

    I watched this show for the first time today, and I was enraged at the woman who was griping about missing a Tigers game to bring in her little dog who was struggling to deliver her pups, and also enraged at this vet practice. The vet said the dog is too small to deliver naturally and the pups may be dead or die, so they did the THIRD c-section on the poor abused dog and were all, well, maybe if this happens again the dog should be spayed. Ya think? How about NOW? The pups lived. Then they took the little moneymakers out to the awful owner to congratulate her.

    I won't be watching this again.

    • Love 2
  8. I loved Alex's elf sweater! Noticed she wasn't wearing her big ass engagement ring. When is the last time she mentioned her fiancé? It used to be multiple times each show. I'm not the biggest fan of provolone or of setting food on fire (especially unintentionally! I once had carrots catch on fire in the microwave, no lie) but the toast looked fabulous and I'm sure the cheese would be good as well. 

    • Love 1
  9. Sunny is making a smoky nut mix in a sauté pan on the burner of her grill. She uses liquid smoke to give it that grilled flavor, even though she is STANDING BESIDE A GRILL. Now, I know that a gas grill doesn't really give you a lot of flavor unless you use wood chips, but what the actual hell? SMH

    • LOL 5
  10. On 12/17/2020 at 11:20 AM, Freezy Katz said:

    I’m home this week & it’s the first chance I’ve had to watch a couple episodes of the “Sanitized for your Protection” version of TPIR.   Like everything else this year it’s definitely “different”.   It’s okay, but demonstrates how much a live studio audience contributes to the show.  

    Drew reminds me of Papa Smurf with the beard and goofy glasses.  It appears, based on the “outfits” he’s been wearing that the CBS brass must have TPIR wardrobe department working from home.      What’s up with the band ring he was wearing today on his left hand third finger?

    I happened across TPIR this week and while they were attempting social distancing, it was disturbing to see the contestants screaming at the top of their lungs at the bidding stations. Even at six feet apart, this is not safe! Then one of the men, who won the Safecracker game, ran over and hollered right in Drew's face. Don't, people. Just don't.

    • Love 2
  11. On 12/17/2020 at 8:12 PM, bankerchick said:

    Or, perhaps you could offer to take a shower with him and you could hold the loofah.  Yeow!

    I'm a little slow these days, so it took me a minute get "hold the loofah" 🤣 🤣 Love it!


    • LOL 3
  12. 33 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    Tom Selleck has become the new Wilford Brimley only with an addition of smugness.  He sounds like a bloated walrus.  And he's using "old timey" phrases to appeal to older people.  Why, he's been around long enough to to know what's what.  He has no time for your shenanigans!  Don't be newsy.  Now get off his lawn, youngsters! Just a bunch of hooligans . . . . Next thing you know he'll start speaking in the Pepperidge Farm remembers voice. 

    This isn't his first rodeo! (breathes heavily). This isn't a scheme to take your home (shifty eyes). Don't you dare question him!

    36 minutes ago, Bruinsfan said:

    My dream life insurance ad campaign would be Angela Lansbury as Jessica Fletcher advising viewers that you never know when your time might suddenly be up, so be prepared. She could walk through settings/situations like Dennis Quaid does for Esurance, only someone in the background dies in every commercial.

    This is simply brilliant.

    • LOL 3
    • Love 7
  13. 1 hour ago, sempervivum said:

    Current favorite: Lenny Kravitz for Y/Yves St. Laurent perfume. What an amazing looking man.

    He is HOT HOT HOT even though rumor has it that his personal hygiene leaves a lot to be desired. Fortunately, I will never have to be concerned about that! He is a beautiful man.

    • Love 3
  14. 1 hour ago, aghst said:

    There's a Toyota commercial running with a song of a distinctive style playing while showing a young black girl in some Holiday scene.

    Anyone know the artist that song seems to be mimicking?

    OK, the commercial is called Mailbox:


    Is there some reason to say she's a young Black girl instead of a young girl? If it was a young White girl, would you feel the need to point that out? I'm genuinely curious, not trying to be rude.

    • Love 2
  15. On 11/29/2020 at 9:13 PM, saoirse said:

    Well that was...an ending.

    From what I can tell, this was set up to be a Nicole Kidman vehicle but I honestly feel it was Hugh Grant’s pretty much the entire way. I just rewatched Notting Hill, and he definitely showed some range from that role!

    I talked to a friend a couple of days ago who said that she loved The Undoing and thought that Kidman was great and that Grant stunk. I was a little dumbfounded, but then remembered how mileage varies! I did mention that I thought it could be better if Kidman's face could move, and she said, well, yeah.🤣

    • Love 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Haleth said:

    It's been my experience that docs have no idea what meds cost so it's not surprising that mom would hand over the scrip and find out it costs a whole lot more than she expected.  A doc once prescribed a med for my son and when I found out it was going to cost over $500 I called him on vacation and insisted he prescribe something cheaper.

    My dermatologist prescribed a non-essential medication and when I went to the pharmacy it was more than $200. I didn't even know she had called it in along with the one that I really needed. I bought the essential cream (which was about $15 as I recall) and left the other behind. I've never had a doctor discuss the cost of prescription medications with me.  

    • Love 6
  17. 1 hour ago, Haleth said:

    It's been my experience that docs have no idea what meds cost so it's not surprising that mom would hand over the scrip and find out it costs a whole lot more than she expected.  A doc once prescribed a med for my son and when I found out it was going to cost over $500 I called him on vacation and insisted he prescribe something cheaper.

    Going to small talk with my story of prescription sticker shock.

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