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Posts posted by fireice13

  1. I could also see them not having as many kids because Anna will put up a good front with the family and in public, but in private Josh may be in another bedroom. If she truly doesn't trust him. However, with how she was raised she may trust him because it's what was drilled into her from birth.

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  2. I think you can also update travel information with the State Department. Maybe you could put in your daughter and grandkids information with them? That way if something horrible happens (which hopefully it won't, but another contingency plan) the State Department already has their information. 

    • Love 6
  3. I do wonder if Anna will make sure her kids are more educated and able to stand on their own if need be; especially her daughters. She might think that she couldn't go anywhere, but she'll make sure her own daughters don't end up in that situation. I can only hope she thinks that because sometimes in these cases, instead of opening someone's mind they just close it further.

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  4. Here is a link to a Buzzfeed article discussing the legality issue. http://www.buzzfeed.com/claudiakoerner/release-of-josh-duggar-police-report-was-legal-under-arkansa#.eqWZ2yK0PJ



    The more I read about the interview, the more I think it did more harm than good. They really didn't help themselves at all. I don't think Jill and Jessa speaking out will necessarily help them at all. It could just cement it more in people's minds that they're the survivors and make people more wary about watching them. If TLC does go the route of a new show focusing on them, as the rumors have stated.

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  5. I'm not an expert, but I remember reading articles about studies and how we take in so much information through our eyes and ears. Our brains learn to filter out what is important and what isn't important. Maybe now that Maisie can hear better and hear more things, her brain isn't filtering out the not important white noise or her brain thinks it's important? I'm sure getting the hearing aids now though will help tremendously for her developing brain.

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  6. happyfatchick  - if you were under the age of 11 when you had hepatitis you can give blood. It's only if you've had it over the age of 11 that you're permanently deferred.


    The reason why they're so careful with infectious diseases is that there's some we can't test for like Creutzfeldt-Jacob (Mad Cow), Malaria (the test is too manual and time intensive to test blood donations), and Babesiosis are the ones off the top of my head. That's why travel history and family history is so important. Also there's a window period where new infections can't be picked up by testing. HIV is 9 days, so if somebody was infected in the past week and gave blood then it might not get picked up, but could infect a patient. Hepatitis C has the biggest window period of 12 weeks. 

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  7. Wanderwoman - I'm the type of person who will shove everything aside and deep down to deal with a crisis and then when that crisis is over, everything hits. I obviously only know what you've shared here, but is it possible that now that Maisie's home you're letting yourself (subconsciously) feel everything you didn't or couldn't when she was in the NICU? 


    You should definitely do whatever you think you need to do to help yourself. I know this phrase can be very cliched, but I think it really is helpful to remember "this too shall pass."

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  8. I'm in laboratory transfusion medicine and therefore know quite a lot about blood products. When you donate a unit of whole blood it will be separated into red blood cells, platelets, and then either plasma or cryoprecipitate. Depending on the blood centers abilities you may be able to do apheresis donations where they take only the product they want and give everything else back to the donor. This allows for centers to collect more of something from one donor. There's apheresis platelets, red blood cells, and plasma. 


    Platelets are only good for 5 days post-donation, red blood cells are good for 42 days at 1-6C (they can be shipped between 1-10C and are good in a box under melting ice for 24 hours), plasma and cryoprecipitate are frozen and good for one year at -18C or colder.


    O negative people are the universal red cell donor. However, AB people (positive or negative) are the universal plasma donor. If there's a trauma and the blood type on the patient hasn't been determined then they will receive O negative red cells and AB plasma. Although, a lot of hospitals will give males and females above childbearing age (55) O positive red cells in a trauma and save the O negative units for women of childbearing age. This is because Rh negative people can form an antibody known as Anti-D when exposed to Rh positive blood through transfusion or pregnancy. If a person forms Anti-D, they must get Rh negative blood, but if it's a female it can cause miscarriages of Rh positive fetuses. That's why women of childbearing age would get the O negatives, but it's not as much a concern if a male or female above childbearing age gets O positive units and then forms an Anti-D. I'm sure a lot of people have heard about Rhogam and that protects Rh negative moms from forming Anti-D if their baby is Rh positive, but it can't protect against the amount of blood if a trauma patient who is Rh negative gets Rh positive units.


    I'm sorry if this got too detailed for people, but I find it fascinating. Transfusion medicine is a lot more complicated than most people realize. 

    • Love 8

    On a serious note, if/when (soon!) gay marriage is legal everywhere in the US will Josh still be so vocal about it? I can't see it being a winning issue, like abortion. You don't see people still protesting interracial marriages, etc. Half of his job is about to go away. No wonder he's pissed.

    No, they'll just turn their focus to "religious liberty" laws. He'll still have plenty to talk about at those conservative, religious, values summits that seem to always be taking place somewhere.

    • Love 1
  10. I think Loretta will take out Boon. He told her in this episode to always go for a head shot in case the person is wearing kevlar. I think that will come back and haunt him when she shoots him in the head.


    I don't see this ending with Raylan in prison so either he gets away with everything somehow or he ends up dead. This show does love twists so maybe Ava was calling Vasquez and it turns out he was working the wrong side all along.


    I really want Wynn to survive, for some reason I just love him. 

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    I feel like Boyd is probably doomed -- he's just gone too far over a certain line -- but I'd love it if he redeemed himself in some surprising way in the end befitting all his complexity.


    Maybe Boyd dies by stepping in front of a bullet meant for Raylan. Instead of those two taking each other out, maybe Boyd saves Raylan's life again like he did in the mine all those years ago. That would definitely be a surprising end, but I think it would redeem him in some ways. 

    • Love 3
  12. I think Boyd, Zachariah, Avery, and Boon will all die. I'm really hoping Boon dies from Loretta's apple pie. I'm not sure about Ava. I do think a "good guy" is going to die so it might be Raylan, but it better not be Tim. I don't see how Vasquez will let Raylan go with his badge intact and I don't know what else Raylan would do so it makes me think he dies. 

  13. Do previews for the next episode from the network count as a spoiler?


    I think Mikey is dead and I have a feeling Wynn is too. Avery loves Katherine and might forgive her for going after his money since she thought he was the snitch. He and Katherine will probably figure out it was Wynn and Avery will blame him for everything. I see those two going after Wynn and Boyd.


    I was shocked by Ava's choice to shoot Boyd and take off. I don't think she'll get very far though. Even if Vasquez couldn't have put her back in prison, she didn't seem to realize that because she apparently never spoke to an attorney of her own about the CI deal. However, now she's gone and done something they can put her in prison for so I have a feeling things won't turn out well for her. 


    I'm wondering what is going to happen with Boon. They're playing up a showdown between him and Raylan which makes me think there will be some big twist and Boon will end up killing someone else like Tim. Which I really hope doesn't happen. I don't know if Avery warned Boon to check the glass or not, I'm hoping not so that Loretta can take him out with some apple pie.

  14. I saw someone mention in another thread that they could very well end up with 100 grandchildren. That many grandkids, plus then great-grandkids, will probably cause the family to drift apart/break apart. I don't see Jim Bob and Michelle being able to control that many people. At that point statistically you're going to have ones who are gay, ones who start thinking for themselves, ones who question everything, probably have one or two "stray" and get pregnant or get someone pregnant out of wedlock. Their whole belief system/premise just isn't sustainable over the generations.

    • Love 9

    I don't mind getting a new character, but I will be p@ssed if he ends up killing Raylan, Boyd, Wynn, Avery, Katherine, Loretta, or Ava (or any other major character). Please don't do that to us, show!


    I feel the same way; like he hasn't earned the right to kill one of the major characters. If they're going to be killed, which I'm sure some will, it needs to be by one of the other ones and not some new guy who just showed up.

    • Love 2
  16. I feel like there's all this stigma against "homes," but there are some good ones out there. My grandparents got into a great one and Medicaid is paying for all of it. After my grandfather died, my grandmother did get a roommate but they ended up getting along great and becoming really good friends. My parents had the choice between nursing home or moving my grandparents 2000 miles away to where my parents live. By putting them in a nursing home friends and relatives could still visit and they could still have that social interaction.


    Everyone needs to do what's right for their family, but also nobody should judge anyone else's choices.

    • Love 3
  17. The only thing I was really wishing for was a Mags/Avery showdown. I have to say that Loretta was a very close second to that wish. I'm really hoping she makes it out alive and ends up running Harlan's weed business. 


    I also really want Wynn to survive. He just seems like the type to do so, which means on this show he's probably a goner. I wonder if Katherine and Avery would go against each other if they found out the other actually wasn't the snitch. If they teamed up completely that could be scary.


    I don't think Ava is making it out alive and I doubt Boyd will. I'm still not sure about Raylan.

  18. wanderwoman


    I work in healthcare and as long as it's the families talking and not the healthcare workers then it's not a HIPAA violation. Healthcare workers can't talk with other people about patients if they don't have permission, but family members can talk to each other all they want.

    • Love 4
  19. I really think Raylan is not going to make it. With Winona talking about how she preferred the uncertainty of him coming home, rather than the certainty of him not, that just makes me think he is going to die. Also, I just don't see him as the family man type so I don't think there's a way for this to end with him living happily ever after with Winona and the baby.

  20. I had a friend who had a preemie. Not as early as Maisie but still early enough that she had problems holding her sats. They ended up going home with oxygen that she used while sleeping and in her car seat. Even if she was awake when they put her in the car seat her sats dropped. She was on the oxygen for 6-8 weeks (I can't remember exactly). Everything worked out fine for her.

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