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Posts posted by HelenBaby

  1. I believe he's doing these travel shows to, um, keep his show going.


    Kevin Reilly, who became TBS and TNT's president in 2014, challenged Conan to try new things, and all these travel shows are a result. (Reilly was NBC entertainment president in the mid '00s when Conan did Late Night.)


    I doubt Conan's getting canceled anytime soon.

    I agree. It seems like TBS has made Conan their anchor personality, if you know what I mean. I think he is producing many of these new programs as well. I don't know how their ratings are compared to the big networks (pretty sure they're a fraction of what the others get) but he just seems so comfortable now. I used to watch The Daily Show/Colbert Report, but even before Jon & Steven left, I was starting to watch Conan more often. I might catch some of Larry's show toward the end of Conan's show because I rarely watch the musical acts or comedian that come on last.

  2. I really want to like this show, but I just don't. I don't find any of the characters likeable, especially Sidney.


    Yeah my SO said at the end that this show is intense. But James Norton is so nice to look at.

    Film noir this episode? Actually why couldn't Amanda be a vicars wife?

    Because her dad sort of forced her into a marriage for money. It looks like she got the gumption to change things a little too late.

    I do think that Leonard's headed for a terrible consequence to his dalliance with this guy, whoever he is. There were terrible punishments for being gay back in the 50's. So I fear he's either going to end up in jail or that guy will try to blackmail him. He's so sweet though I'm going to hate whatever it is that trips him up. (Please excuse all the misuse of prepositions. Too tired to rewrite it at this time.)

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  3. I noticed someone else said something funky is going on with the broadcast feed. One day last week my local channel started showing that day's game but after the first commercial they went to the previous day's game. Then last night during Double jeopardy it cut off, went to commercial and then there was final Jeopardy. The show was over 7 minutes early. LOL

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  4. I seem to remember that this was in fact the case - that she was the original choice, but that the studio was afraid she was too much of a mess at that point. And that Dean Martin refused to do it without her, and it only got made without her after she died. I read it in Nick Tosches' biography of Dean Martin.

    Actually, I think that was Move Over, Darling which was a remake of My Favorite Wife. It was originally supposed to star Martin & Monroe but she died. It was then made with Doris Day and James Garner. If I'm remembering correctly, there's about 15 to 20 minutes of that film floating around with Monroe but she was so messed up at that point it would take hours if not days to get her to the set.

    ETA: it was called Something's Gotta Give when it had Martin & Monroe.

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  5. Seriously, I want to know why Ice Castles was condemned!

    On the TCM message board someone posted some pics of Robbie Benson from the film. He was wearing tighty whities where his family jewels weren't very well disguised. I'm pretty sure that didn't help anything. ; )

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  6. My SO blurted out Higgs immediately and he'd had his headphones on during most of the show. I don't think Hawking has won a Nobel prize so I knew it wasn't right but I couldn't think of anyone else, so I conceded that win to my guy. : (

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  7. Aside from all that, Rinaldo, I'm curious whether you thought it was a good movie. "A movie they'd never make these days" is not always synonymous with "a movie worth seeing." Haven't seen it myself.

    You didn't ask me but if you like Tennessee Williams, I think you'd like it. It was very reminiscent of his work, at least to me.

    And while I don't know how Hiller got involved, Martin was appearing in some dramatic fare at that point in his career. It was a small window but I can see why he was cast.

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  8. I felt so badly for L's mom. When they showed the photo of Christy Lewis, I said out loud, "He looks like Joe Louis!" Funny he probably even knew Joe Louis personally. I was confused by the ending of the episode. Did she meet her birth mother? I'd like to hear her story. And speaking of L's mom, lady looks fantastic for 70 years old.

    Yeah, I think Gates said she was able to meet her birth mom, but those people they were meeting at the end were her half sister on her biological father's side, that lady's son and the first cousin whose DNA they initial linked them. The only thing I was wondering about is how the young boxer from Arizona met a girl from Virginia and how & why things happened.

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  9. We didn't stick with this very long. Maybe I'm mistaken, but this started in 1973 and I don't remember punk/glam rock or hip hop taking off until a few years later. But I didn't know everything about music. Come to think about it I did know about Roxy Music around that time but it hadn't seemed to take off until a couple of years later.

    Anyway, it's seems like Cannavale likes to take risky roles and good for him. I just don't enjoy watching drug and alcohol fueled characters as the anti heroes. Brings up too many bad real life memories.

    • Love 3
  10. I'm a relatively heavily tattooed female who often has unnatural hair colors, so I generally root for anybody who appears non-mainstream.  Society is slowly changing, but unquestionably certain types of people regularly question my intelligence/morals/attitude based on my appearance, so I appreciate all examples that refute these prejudices.

    I feel the same way but due to my Southern accent. I graduated cum laude from my university, yet most people who aren't from the South treat me like I'm some stupid hillbilly. That's why all these southerners as contestants recently have made me very happy.

    • Love 4
  11. Wasn't there an honoree a few years ago whose wife snuck out of the box and went on stage as a surprise to introduce her husband's segment? (bestyboo probably knows if I am remembering right.)

    Laura Bush did the tribute to George Jones when he got his KCH. I may have missed one or two tributes through the years but that's the only time I remember someone from the honorees section appear on stage.

    I haven't gotten to watch yet because someone in my house just had to sleep through the LSU game. Heaven forbid I change the channel while he's listening with his eyes closed & snoring.

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  12. I thought the new champ looked terrified throughout the game. At the end when she had won she looked frozen in place. Then, one of the others congratulated her and she snapped out of it, smiled & then thanked them. I was pulling for her.

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  13. I know that the fashion show in The Women brings the story to a halt, but I can't help but love it and all the wacky fashions. I really love the movie even if it's old fashioned and maybe sexist. My life in no way reflects anything we're shown in that movie but it's got top notch performances in it. Yes, even Rosalind Russell, who really got to let loose. Everyone in it is so different than they were in just about any other movie they made, maybe with the exception of Russell and Fontaine. Joan got a lot of mileage out of that meek simpering persona for a while.

    I wouldn't want the kind of life the characters had, but I love it for what it was.

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  14. I sort of felt bad for the woman in the middle. She had a nice smile and seemed sweet but I think she was nervous. However when she had Belize I thought that she obviously didn't know What NATO was. And I'm pretty sure Belize has more than 400,000 people.

    ETA: I'm wrong. The population of Belize is 347,000 give or take a few hundred. Surprising.

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  15. What cracked me up was when Stewart & Debbie were telling Dean about the incident between their Mom & Yao, and that the mom was standing up yadda yadda yadda, Debbie said "She was really into cross fit at the time". That throwaway line caught me off guard. Lol

    • Love 10
  16. I missed last night -- what was FJ?

    I may not have this exactly right, but it was something like

    Between 2005 & 2014, this person won Oscars for best picture, writing, directing and acting.

    I was confident that it was Clint Eastwood. Turns out it was Clooney.

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