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  1. They did find one house in season 1 that had no ghosts. So it was feasible that they found another.
  2. Fair enough. Sorry you didn't like it. Though have to admit the editing choices of CBS don't help either. The little quips they have removed do take things out of a lot of scenes. Things like the monocle gag 'where did you get that? Over there' in the middle of Mike going 'she's everywhere' bit through the pictures of Fanny lightens the tone. Without it makes Mike just look strange to be wearing it. Even the clip from the xmas one they are showing have a sight gag taken out. Sure Julian is a bit down over being dead during Xmas, but when he says 'Bah Humbug' and Alison asks him about it, he's actually talking about a jar of candy - you can see it on the kitchen table beside him. Removing it does take the balance out of the scene.
  3. Well there isn't much I can say if that is what you think. I personally like the slower pace of the arcs and seeing Alison and Mike becoming capable in their situation and getting the small wins with less support than Jay and Sam did (considering the state of the house, less money and not having any link to any background that knew how to run a B&B and ghosts who can actually help but don't a lot of the time compared to all bar one ghost who can actually do something to really help). Because really? Trevor the investment bro can work out how to work a dating app but can't read up and tell Jay and Sam how to invest their cash in todays markets to get a good yield outside telling them to contact 'Bernie'. At least it is pretty clear that the things Julian mostly invested in when he was alive were not ethical or legal so there is a reason not to get him to help with the finances. It took me watching half a season of the US show to get the humor was light and bright but not always kind when I thought about things. But that is US humor so I watch it for surface fun and the UK show when I want giggles and the pathos. Also where else would I find a show where they rhyme 'police academy' with 'apothecary'
  4. It is defiantly a matter of perspective and getting it was written with another audience in mind. The US show is very much for a US audience where the wins which seem to be a lot easier than the UK one. The UK does have little wins just not so much headlined as such like the US show does. Such as a good night out with people who want to spend time with it is a win considering they were so alone in season 1. Then there is them finding the humor in random things that lightens proceedings that wouldn't work in the US show though a lot of what the UK show does is lost thanks to the editing. All I can say is try the next episode.
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