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Everything posted by whirlygirly

  1. Hmm. Wonder what happened to make Michelle leave Josie in the hospital to try to stop a convenience store from selling beer? One of the kids ordered beer-battered chicken strips in a restaurant?
  2. So here's something interesting: http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/josh-duggar-sex-scandal-rehab-no-show-rehab-meetings-church-services/
  3. I know there were at least a couple times she posted pictures on Instagram of roses he'd gotten her "just because."
  4. Or vice versa? (Not at the time, obv. But looking back, knowing what she knows now?)
  5. Marathon? Lol. Pretty sure it was only a 5K. Not that there's any shame in finishing a 5K, just that nfw could Josh do a marathon.
  6. Joy would be my #1 choice for a tell-all. Jana would probably be my 2nd choice. But I'd totally read one by any of the kids, Anna included.
  7. Yes. She could leave and legally separate from him but not actually file for divorce. That would keep all of her options open for the future while giving her some time and space to figure out what she really wants.
  8. Joe Smithson is a gunmaker. http://www.smithson-gunmaker.com/about.html I think a big part of why there seems to be so much more outrage over this than over the molestations is that the people who defended him during the first scandal are feeling personally betrayed. I mean they've spent the last three months arguing that he'd made mistakes in the past but had repented and was now a good and Godly man, and now THIS? They must feel like the rug has been pulled out from under them.
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