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Everything posted by lilybell1425

  1. Yes, she posted a few months ago that she had delivered a baby she knew would not survive. It was about 18 weeks? Heartbreaking.
  2. On Nicole Bulcher’s Instagram, she has a reel in her stories advertising that she was interviewed on a podcast. Full podcast drops tomorrow. In the reel she’s telling the story of when the “nutritionist” raids her refrigerator. She calls her a “fake” nutritionist, it and sounds like she was completely set up for this story. She had approved a camera crew to come and do a backstory on her because the show had not done one yet. She was completely blindsided by someone coming to read her refrigerator. Might be a juicy story there. Sorry, don’t know how to post the link to Instagram.
  3. This! What a waste of time. They highlighted 3 ladies in long talking heads. And the two coaches repeating how much they love the women. You don’t get to see more than a few seconds of even the three women’s solos. 🤦‍♀️ I really hope this would NOT be the direction of a new DCC Making the Team show.
  4. I watched it a lot yesterday (background noise at work) with no problems. But there are some days where it seems that none of the channels will play the shows. Like it won’t load or something.
  5. Well, in Season 2 it is obviously they were looking for someone pretty, not someone who could do the choreography, kick, and do the splits (Loni).
  6. I accidentally turned it on a couple days ago right when they were cutting Brennan. I had to quickly turn it off ☹️.
  7. And so many of the girls knew her and seemed to like her, so that comment did not make sense. Now, what they showed of her dancing, especially on her turns in her one solo, did not show her to be great, so I can see why they didn’t pick her for training camp. Speaking of solos, I wish they would have shown more of Christina Murphy’s solo (season 2) so we could see why Kitty got so emotional. They few seconds they did show looked like nothing special. I really wish the DCC would have followed her story throughout the season. I am fascinated by how she could have learned all the dances w/o hearing the music well. She only stayed one year, and I wish I knew why.
  8. Season 15 is on again, and I wanted to see enough to get to know the newer cheerleaders, but I did not want to see the vets’ cuts. I unfortunately turned it on at the wrong time. Meredith‘s cut was just heartbreaking. 💔 I don’t wanna watch any more. 😭
  9. Thanks for this! I had no idea. I’m glad some of you are not seeing the Botox commercials because they are so incredibly annoying! And they are played at every commercial break.
  10. Unfortunately, because of the time it was on, I couldn’t watch any of it except the very last episode that I could watch while I was getting ready for work this morning. I haven’t seen any of this season, but the last episode was actually kind of sad the way Judy was so emotional talking at the end. I still don’t know anything about the rookies that season. I’ll need to catch it the next time around. It’s miles better than the horrid Botox commercials that run during EVERY commercial break, tho. The one with the woman is especially annoying! And there’s no escaping it. If you try to change the channel, it’ll be running on the next channel you pick. 🤬
  11. It looks like Pluto TV is finally going to show the season from the Covid year. According to the guide, the first episode is at 9:30 tonight.
  12. Watching seasons 4 and 5 with Rachel Buckmaster. In season 4, they knew she was not right for the team. I’m not sure we heard too many compliments on her through auditions and into training camp.. Season 5 she tries out again, and the judges have the exact same comments for her. Why did they take her back a second time? Are we to believe that despite all the negative comments they had about her, that she was still better than all those girls left sitting in their chairs? That’s just one of the things I don’t understand about this team. Just like Kathryn Dunn. Why in the world would they take her the second time when they had nothing positive to say about her except that she was pretty? I think if I were sitting in those chairs, I’d be furious every time I saw these reruns.
  13. Reading this form over the past few years and being able to watch the episodes on Pluto TV has made me want to make so many comments, but I won’t bore you with all of them right away. What I will say is that no one will ever convince me that Vivian‘s Tin Man routine was legit. I think it was totally contrived for the show. It was just so ridiculous. And every time I see Season 2, I want to be Miranda James’ best friend. She is just so sincerely excited for Natalie Woods, it just touches my heart every time. I look forward to finally be able to participate in this forum!
  14. First of all, Hi! I have been reading this form for a few years and kept saying I was going to join at some point. I guess today is the day! Regarding Carla, the way she was treated was abysmal. I always looked at it as if they blamed her because they thought she shouldn’t have taken the pictures in the first place. Which is of course none of their business. I cringe every time I see that episode. That poor girl was so victim shamed. I am so glad I am not the only one who thought that! Every time I see that episode, I wonder why the heck these ladies had to sit there with their bathing suits on. 🤦‍♀️
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