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I thought that it was funny that Becky complained about Darlene having left a post-it telling them to empty the dishwasher, because Ben confessed that he had put some dirty dishes into it. Bu then, he did what I would have done - run the dishwasher again. Except that I would have put some detergent into it. I did not see him or Becky put detergent in it. He just closed the door and pressed the button to start it.
Why the HELL did that woman bet $8,700 of her $8,800, considering that the guy had only $400? Why didn't she make sure that she would finish in second place by betting less than $8,000? There was no way she could have caught Ray, so why did she bet so much? She cost herself $1,000.
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ITA. I was so angry. His answer/question would have been correct if the clue had been "now you say three of the four words in the first sentence of "Atlas Shrugged." I suppose "You may call me Ishmael" would have been an acceptable response to the first sentence of Moby-Dick. It's bad enough that Ken said "close enough," but I was really surprised that the judges didn't say anything afterwards. And yes, the new champion wouldn't have had a runaway, and there's no telling who would have won.
Mont Blanc was NOT a TS. It was the answer to a Daily Double that was missed. The other two contestants did not have an opportunity to answer it, so it wasn't a TS.
This is late, but I disagree that the question "What is peroxide?" should have been answered by Mayim with "Be more specific." I say that Mayim should have said, "Need more information." Because, as stated upthread, the answer called for a compound, and providing the other part of the compound (namely "hydrogen") would have been providing more information. But I have no real problem with Mayim's complete rejection of "What is peroxide?" because a compound was called for. I'm reminded of the times that an alliterative term was required, only for one contestant to ask "What are toes?" (when they should have asked "What are last legs?") and "What is a door?" (when they should have asked "What is a Dutch Door?")
The Big Bang Theory - General Discussion
DedicatedFan replied to Bort's topic in The Big Bang Theory
I thought that both of them mean sex with someone you just met and/or don't know very well. -
The Big Bang Theory - General Discussion
DedicatedFan replied to Bort's topic in The Big Bang Theory
Okay, that didn't occur to me. Priya made it clear that she didn't like Leonard hanging around with Penny so frequently, but I thought that Emily was intimidated by Penny because Penny was so pretty. IIRC when Emily was okay with Raj dating her and Lucy, she didn't know what Lucy looked like. So are rigid contacts! But it's really hard to get used to sticking your finger in your eye. And before that, you have to let the optometrist stick his/her finger in your eye. I originally wore hard contacts. So not only did I have to get used to sticking my fingers in my eyes, I had to get used to walking around with what felt like dimes in my eyes. I'm so old that I thought that a one night stand and a hookup are the same thing. Well, they are, I thought, if the hookup happens only once. I mean, you can have a hookup with someone once and then again (and maybe again and again), but if it happens just once, isn't that a one night stand? -
The Big Bang Theory - General Discussion
DedicatedFan replied to Bort's topic in The Big Bang Theory
Okay, so we don't know if Leonard's contacts were soft or rigid. And it's not surprising that he's wearing prescription contacts so soon after his first appointment with an optometrist. I am somewhat surprised that he apparently has already mastered the art of putting them in his eyes, but that's okay. I just saw the episode in which Penny and Emily met, where Emily didn't like Penny because Raj had told her that the two of them had had a one night stand. I was surprised, because in the episode in which Raj said that he told Emily and Lucy that he was dating both of them, he said that Lucy had mixed feelings, and he said that he told her, "Emily is cool with it. Emily is great. Why can't you be more like Emily?" I don't know why Emily doesn't mind that she and Raj aren't exclusive, yet she has a problem hearing about a former hook-up. (And this is another example of Raj not knowing how to talk to women. Meaning that I am not surprised that his relationship with Yvette the vet never got off the ground.) -
The Big Bang Theory - General Discussion
DedicatedFan replied to Bort's topic in The Big Bang Theory
Okay, disposable contacts means soft contacts, right? I don't know if Leonard's contacts were soft. I remember at one point, he said that one of his contacts had gone into his skull. I know what he meant, because I've been there (with my current rigid gas permeable contacts), but it doesn't really go into the skull. Apparently, he went back to the optometrist, because he wore an eye patch when going to sleep (and I hope that means that the optometrist succeeded in taking the contact out of his eye). Do soft contacts move away from where they should be? -
The Big Bang Theory - General Discussion
DedicatedFan replied to Bort's topic in The Big Bang Theory
There was an episode in which Leonard said that Penny wouldn't let him wear his ewok or wookie coat when out in public with her. In another episode in which they made lists of changes they wanted in each other (Leonard wanted Penny to read more, so she read a book about getting better abs), Lenny asked her "What do you mean, my eyebrows are stupid?" and then said, "Never mind," because as he continued to read her list, he saw why she thought that his eyebrows were stupid. I assume that she wanted him to change them. In another episode, Sheldon said that Raj once waxed Leonard's eyebrows, but I don't know if it was because of Penny. As someone who has worn contact lenses for 55 years (I am old), that episode with Leonard trying to get used to his new contacts struck a bad note with me. When I first got contacts (back then, there wasn't any such thing as rigid gas permeable contacts or soft contacts - all contacts were hard), I was first fitted with blank non-prescription contacts that I wore while I wore my glasses, in order to see if my eyes could adjust to them. After a month, when I finally got used to having things in my eyes, prescription contacts were ordered. I don't know what kind of contacts Leonard was wearing, but I'm surprised that he was fitted with prescription contacts at what I assume was his first appointment with an optometrist and was expected to wear them all the time. -
The Big Bang Theory - General Discussion
DedicatedFan replied to Bort's topic in The Big Bang Theory
I bet all those people were glad that she was sitting in their row! Is your area known for being hot and humid at the end of June? If so, then outdoor graduations and weddings are a bad idea, unless there are tents and beverages and battery-operated fans. I remember going to an indoor cocktail hour with hors d'oeuvres before a wedding reception. There weren't any chairs. I guess they figured that people like standing non-stop while wearing high heels. And there wasn't any place for us to put down our purses or our drinks or plates of hors d'oeuvres. Meaning that it was impossible to eat something properly that required a knife and fork, and it was difficult to take a picture of someone while holding a drink. The Big Bang Theory was not the first time a sitcom used the Schrodinger's Cat thing in an episode. In "Return to Fantasy Island," which first aired in 1978, a couple wanted to meet the daughter they had given up for adoption. Even though I remember watching this episode, I don't remember why they had to give her up. So they were introduced to three little girls, all of whom were born on the same day and all of whom had been adopted (and knew that they were adopted), and they were told that one of them was their biological daughter. But I do remember that none of the girls' parents objected to their daughter going to Fantasy Island all alone. None of the parents accompanied them. So the couple managed to meet the girl they gave up, even though they didn't know which girl she was, and they wound up feeling that now they had three daughters! -
The Big Bang Theory - General Discussion
DedicatedFan replied to Bort's topic in The Big Bang Theory
I read this summary of that episode: https://bigbangtheory.fandom.com/wiki/The_Locomotive_Manipulation IMHO we were supposed to know that the relationship between Raj and Yvette was doomed from the start. Raj doesn't really know how to talk to women he's dating. In one episode in which he asked Bernadette for help in getting back together with a woman (the one who escaped through the ladies room window IIRC), he asked if he should tell her that he has painted a picture of the two of them and their future children (and possibly their future grandchildren - I can't remember). And he thinks that Cinnamon can understand what he says. And what Leonard says - he asked Leonard to tell Cinnamon a bunch of baby-doggie talk, and Leonard started to do so, and then said that he couldn't finish. He wanted Cinnamon to see Leonard and Penny have sex. I think he believed that Cinnamon understood him when he said that he would have considered poisoning her months ago had he known that it would have resulted in meeting Yvette. If he could tell Cinnamon that, I bet he would have told Yvette that. And Yvette would have been horrified, and Raj would have wondered why, since he obviously didn't poison Cinnamon, and he had said that he merely considered poisoning her. I think that when we saw that scene, we were supposed to think, "Yeah, they were never going to get together." Yes, it would have been nice to get some closure. Even if the actress hadn't been available to shoot another episode, Raj still could have told his friends that after dating Yvette a few times, she dumped him because of X or Y. But, as we learned in another episode, we don't always get closure. (I love that episode!) Penny suggested that Sheldon make up his own ending of the TV series. I've made up my ending to the Raj-Yvette romance. Do you think it's plausible? -
The Big Bang Theory - General Discussion
DedicatedFan replied to Bort's topic in The Big Bang Theory
Yup. -
The Big Bang Theory - General Discussion
DedicatedFan replied to Bort's topic in The Big Bang Theory
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxM4TWhoTd0 Here's the episode in which Howard and Josh met. Yes, Josh said that a lawyer was trying to contact his father, but he doesn't specifically say that it was the lawyer who told him the truth. He also doesn't say that Sam was the one who told him the truth. And I don't know why Josh said that the lawyer was trying to contact his father, since the lawyer had already succeeded in doing so. I'm not sure if a lawyer would be allowed to spill the beans to the child of someone he/she was looking for, but then, I'm not a lawyer. But isn't that what all of us do? 😄