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Everything posted by Jewelz726

  1. This episode was mind blowing to me. The misinformation about how deadly fentanyl is was reckless and disappointing. You can’t die from giving someone mouth to mouth who has ODd on it for starters. And saying you can on national tv is dangerous. And may prevent others from helping someone who really needs it. Fentanyl is a dangerous drug TO DO! Absolutely but purely being around it or getting some on your skin, or touching someone’s lips who used it WILL NOT CAUSE YOU ANY HARM. You will def not die “instantly “The rates of fentanyl deaths are off the chain but they are all from users. If it were as deadly as they are saying we’d have thousands dead just from being somewhere it was. And that’s just not the case. Do better bc this false narrative being so widely believed is preventing proper timely care.
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