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  1. Wow. Ok. To each their own. I think Mauricio being on the girls trip is odd, but funny and cute. He's a huggy bear that serves as my 'eye candy' (me being straight and all...lol). Calling them a Coven is, I hope, merely in the spirit of the season. Do I bash them from time to time for their antics? Hell yeah. But IRL, I don't think any of them are "witches". They play to the cameras for ratings and for job security (contracts with Bravo).... which makes us watch them more. Who can blame them for that? Rinna is the most "needy" on the show and her antics are always way over the top.....due to her emotional need for attention and craving for those ratings. I think she loves playing the villain.
  2. It's not just that. It's the possible damage to the new-found relationship with Kyle that's at stake. Rinna needs a new crown to wear. She should be forced to wear it. One with horns. She is very defensive. I try to put myself in her place, tho. Having all that wealth and luxury, to be on top of the world....and to suddenly have it all ripped away and be blamed for what your husband and his law firm did? I can't blame her for defending herself as she thinks necessary. I understand it. Most people under these circumstances do NOT make good choices because they're under stress and over-emotional.
  3. He is quite a hunk, and unlike most really good-looking men, he's also a decent, nice (and likable) guy. That makes him a real catch these days. I'm betting Kyle's biggest fear in life is losing him. And I wouldn't blame her for that fear. PK seems a bit snobbish and arrogant at times. Not sure I could get along with him at all. I think if they're going to bring on any new HWs, they need to pick ones that actually DO have a "present" husband....for a refreshing change....lol. These MIA husbands, or ex-husbands really aren't cutting it with me.
  4. It's like everything else in life. People 'think' they can handle it....they think 'that was them, we're different'....and their arrogance in that respect always comes back to bite them in the end.
  5. The more HW drama, the better the ratings, and thus, the better chance of increases in salary from Bravo. That's how things work in the real world. Money makes the world go round, especially in the realm of the entertainment industry.
  6. Yeah, I really liked Eileen. I liked LVP, also. It seems that Rinna has a lot of notches on her belt to be proud of. Can't wait to see Kathy fire back. I didn't think I was going to like Sutton at first. That "southern bit" threw me off (and I'm southern). But she has grown on me, as has Garcelle. One question. If the show gets rid of the main villain (Rinna), will it still be as watch-worthy? Or....are we, as viewers, also addicted... to the drama. lolol Rinna knew exactly what she was doing there. As usual, she plays the Devil, not the Devil's Advocate.
  7. You know, I think a contest of "who to pick" for next season would be fun. I wonder if there is one somewhere....? I can't even think of anyone right now that would be a good fit. Anybody? I'd be willing to bet money that Kathy won't come back on the show. Rinna will be there until they kick her to the curb. She is addicted to the attention. Where 'else' is she gonna get it? Certainly not from her mostly absent ""husband"" and family.
  8. Yes, Kyle has her own demons poking her, but from my perspective, she is merely reacting (most of the time) to what outside forces have said or done. Outside forces (Rinna, Kim, Brandi, etc.) that always seem to love causing drama. She does love to control the conversation though. Speaking of drama, I have often wondered if the HWs create the drama to get more viewers' interest. Are they really that bad IRL? Or are they constantly playing to the camera and ergo, to the ratings? Sibling jealousy, rivalry and competition can be a vicious thing. I've seen in-law family members IRL hold hatred for one another throughout their adulthood over spats that began in their childhood and teens. They didn't need Covid or politics or mandates to divide them. They already were completely divided. Am watching The Monarch currently, and seeing a sibling rivalry in that show. Haven't decided if I like the show well enough to keep watching...yet.
  9. You're right. Kathy has her own eccentricities to wrangle with. But hey, if the HWs were all perfect, we wouldn't be tuning in so much. I mean, how boring would that be (June Cleaver TV), eh?
  10. His acting career is still pretty active. Come to think about it.....coming out as "gay" would probably give him a career boost in Hollywood these days, instead of being detrimental. So nevermind. Oh, ok. Thanks for the splain.
  11. Holy moley! You go, girl! Kathy tellin it like it IS! Can't wait for the whole show.
  12. Exactly. It's not that she has to rent the clothes....it's that it's pot-stirring, trouble-making Rinna. I almost feel sorry for her.
  13. I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking (or knowing in my gut) that Rinna was behind the "puppygate" fiasco of breaking up Kyle and LVP's friendship. It's how Rinna rolls. She's miserable and wants everyone else to be, also. It's really pathetic and I should feel sorry for Rinna.....but I just can't seem to force myself to.
  14. Rinna is a severely unhappy person....and yes, misery does apparently love company, judging by how Rinna loves to spread that misery around. Her jealousy and envy of the other housewives is palpable, if not painful to observe. Had to laugh at her comment about Kathy re: "I hope she gets the help she needs". Pure projection on Rinna's part. Quite honestly, it made her rear end look huge. Somebody should have advised her against that plaid outfit. She usually looks pretty good though, so one slip up on occasion is allowed.
  15. It's illogical and improbable. And it's probably just Rinna leaking to the media like she has done in the past. I seem to recall an episode where Rinna even mentioned something about it......right before LVP and Kyle's friendship went down the toilet.
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