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  1. Don't trust those poll numbers the media puts out, like that stupid one from ABC/Washington Post, which claims Biden is trailing his predecessor by ten points with people in the 18-39 year old range. If you want a better read on the nation's mood, look at the byelections that take place in off years, which shows Democrats kicking ass all over the place. Don't trust polls, don't trust what the mainstream media puts out, because they're of no help to the public, and don't trust Bill Maher on this because he has lost whatever common sense he might have once had.
  2. There is absolutely nothing wrong with President Joe Biden! The people who claim he has a problem are doing this because they have their own personal agendas. Whatever reasons Bill Maher has for wanting him gone are clearly stupid ones with no basis of logic or reality to them.
  3. Stephen Colbert looked so happy being back in front of an audience, telling them the news of the day. Or, in this case, news of the past five months. He did a pretty good job of getting as much out of it, as possible. Of course I had a smirking chuckle over Jimmy Fallon not being banned from travelling to Russia. Even Russia thinks Fallon is a useless flyweight not worth being concerned with. And I'm sure if he wanted to, he could have mentioned Nancy Reagan and cocaine, as if to say she was into "blow" again! (Get it? Blow? 'Cuz she was known in the past to give...ah, you already know!)
  4. Biden is far more healthy and aware of his surrounding than his age shows. He was born with a stutter and has successfully managed to control it whenever he speaks in public. He could easily kick Bill Maher's skeezy ass around without breaking a sweat, and he'd certainly have reason to. This is all about getting sucked in to the mainstream media's narrative so that they push a horserace they so badly want. That guy is a full blown liar who fibbs like he breathes. He's always spouting his mouth off because he feels the need to dominate the area he's in. Plus, he's know to slur his words in a bad way, and his train of thought makes him out to be a complete idiot. If anyone's frail and not there, it's that guy, and definitely not Biden! Again, this is yet another narrative the mainstream media is disingenuously pushing out there in order to narrow the polling numbers. I think Bill Maher needs to have his ugly face slapped and fist blasted to Kingdom Come, because he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Again! There already has been a couple of debates between the two, and Biden handled him easily. Bill Maher from previous years wouldn't have said this stupid shit that the present day Bill Maher spouts on a regular basis. Because Bill Maher today has become another Fox News talking head pushing stupid shit around. The sooner he's taken off the air, the better.
  5. So Bill Maher, who once told people to leave old people alone because they're still productive, wants President Biden to step down because he thinks his age will cost Democrats the White House? And this after he demanded Kamala Harris be dropped from the ticket in 2024 because she's a liability? Does this goddamned dumbfuck have any inkling of a clue what would happen if all that were to happen? It would end up being the mother of all Democrats in Disarray narrative the mainstream media loves to belt out incessantly! It will give independents the idea that Democrats don't know what the hell they're doing and vote Republican, tumorous warts and all! It'll send the message to POCs that dropping Harris means Democrats don't give a fuck about POC and won't vote for them in 2024. His suggestions are just handing Republicans everything for 2024, which is the absolute worst thing that could happen to America. Bill Maher has shown he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. The only thing that will make his show interesting is if someone were to get up and viciously beat the living shit out of him to teach him a lesson that his opinions and his show are just fucking shit now. And we all saw how Bill Maher wanted to desperately suck the Florida governor's little prick for his stance on vaccines, the pathetic bumwipe that he is.
  6. While it's nice that the show is back, some stories could have been given more attention, like the previous president getting smacked with all these criminal charges against him, as well as the courts dissolving his empire just last week. And what the fuck is wrong with John Kennedy? For someone who attended Oxford, he always sounds like a marble mouthed moron. And, as always, the American public, by and large, doesn't really care about the health and well being of incarcerated prisoners. In fact, this episode may make some people believe prisoners have it too good, and will now attempt to make life worse for them as a result. So angry voice guy is all better now. Good to know!
  7. trow's website has next week's guest list avaliable! https://www.interbridge.com/lineups.html#SC
  8. Some people may think the sheep will get high from eating that weed. But the worst that can happen, when you eat them raw, is get an upset stomach. Those weeds need to be dried out first, then heated up via smoking to release all that THC and CBD goodness.
  9. I'm thinking that with a lot that has happened in the past five months, while they were off the air, Stephen Colbert will be interviewing a lot of media personalities and politicians that will talk endlessly about what's going on and what's going forward.
  10. Bill Maher hasn't had a whole lot in the way of Hollywood actors and performers come on his show in the past several years. And the ones that do show up are usually "friends" of his (Rob Reiner, John Watters). After the little stunt he tried to pull - trying to come back while the writers were still on strike - good luck in him trying to find ANY Hollywood personality wanting to appear on his shit show.
  11. Because who's better and more knowledgeable about marriage, relationships, and the feelings of women than a well known sexist, misogynistic narcissist who has no interest in getting married whatsoever?
  12. The majority of those affected actually support the strikers. The strikers issues are their issues as well. Instead of attacking the strikers, the attacks should be directed towards corporate. Case in point, the Big Three Automakers all claim if they give in to the demands of the workers, they'll go bankrupt. This despite hauling in record profits.
  13. No one in their right minds wants to strike. It's the only move the workers have to get management to take them seriously in negotiations.
  14. He never seriously though this through, which is par for the course with him!
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