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Everything posted by Goosey

  1. Misogyny by definition is "dislike, contempt, or prejudice against women." You're using that word very loosely, as if it applies to every situation in which a group of men decide that their gender is going to be the commonality they try to build a voting block around. Acknowledging your gender is not misogynistic nor does it make you a misandrist. Everyone in the game searches for similarities with the other players to try and secure themselves further, especially when they're facing down TC. They were never fielding the idea that they were better than women or that they deserved to be here over them solely because of their gender, they were just grasping at whatever the greatest common factor among them was. Something all players must do to survive, lest they find themselves on the outs. The idea that using your gender to form an alliance defaults to misogyny is a double standard. It's the same as creating an all-female alliance, an all-minority alliance, a cop alliance, a firefighter alliance, a hometown alliance, an alliance based on age, or whatever other similarity you decide to rally behind for that stage of the game. It's not misogyny, it's not misandry, it's not racism, it's not ageism, it's not prejudice of any kind. It's about finding the majority or the GCF among a given group of unique individuals in a numbers game. You're only diluting an otherwise very powerful term.
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