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Dots And Stripes

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Posts posted by Dots And Stripes

  1. 30 minutes ago, Wanda said:

    I actually got goosebumps when the good place committee welcomed Michael and said they wanted to make him an architect (before knowing it was a scam). I’m way too invested in their afterlives.

    I think the magic door will be like the door on How I Met Your Mother. It’s just a closet, but it’s all in knowing that it exists and that alone will make everyone’s’ existence better.

    I like that idea. There is something really depressing to think about the best people to ever exist committing some sort of eternal suicide. That was my problem with this episode.

    My fear is that our four humans will walk through the door next time. It's funny you mentioned HIMYM because that's where my mind went when considering whether the ending will have some really dark undertones. I trust that Schur would have some sort of uplifting spin on the ending, but tonight made me wonder if the finale is going to give me some existential dread.

    • Love 14
  2. The winner is based on the last week alone, not the whole competition. Given that, I think Brother Andrew probably earned the win tonight. I wasn't happy about it as he was my least favorite in the finale and I didn't think he was impressive most weeks, but I understand it. I don't think they rigged it for him to win. He did have the strongest showing in two out of the three rounds (and came second in the technical) so I can't argue with the win. I just wish Dana wouldn't have forgotten he crackling or that she would have executed the showstopper a little bit better. The prize win doesn't really matter, although I did find the desert plate/trophy an amusing American addition.

    • Love 3
  3. On 12/20/2019 at 10:11 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    I cracked up when Midge's friends at the diner didn't even try to hide that they were listening to every word of her conversation with Benjamin. I'm glad he finally got to have that last conversation with her so he could get some closure.

    Benjamin got closure but I also felt like the audience needed some closure there too.  We had to wait a long time to find out how she dumped him and why she didn't even try to make it work. I was so cheering for Benjamin when he told her that he's not Joel and doesn't have the same hang-ups as Joel.  I always thought it strange that Midge didn't even entertain the idea of balancing marriage and work given that Benjamin had been supportive of her career all along. 

    • Love 12
  4. 1 hour ago, TexasTiffany said:

    Does Paul not like Mary? I haven't heard of anything bad between them. 

    The gossip is that there is bad blood because Mary didn't like the way Paul treated his now ex wife during their split. 

    1 hour ago, Kroliosis said:

    Is this actually filmed over 2 days?  I noticed they wear the same thing for all 3 segments that supposedly span 2 days. Also sugar cookies?  What’s next week - pb & j sandwiches?  Incredibly basic. 

    The British show is filmed on the weekends with the bakers wearing the same outfit both days. The British show also makes it clear that the bakers return home during the week when they continue on with jobs/school and get to practice their bakes. I've wondered what the schedule is like for this version because I don't think they are filming on the weekends and flying everyone back and forth. I do wonder if the bakers have less time to practice and therefore the overall quality of the bakes suffer.

    • Love 4
  5. I was sad to see Tanya go. I agree with Paul that she had been consistent in past weeks but this just wasn't her week. I was also glad that he offered her encouragement after her elimination.

    Alex isn't my favorite, but I wanted to reach through the tv and give him a hug in the second episode. The judges were harsh tonight. 

    • Love 4
  6. I liked Ricky and Rose a lot tonight. Those were probably my two favorites.

    Marybeth shouted a lot. she sounded nice outside of the chorus, but when that chorus hit things got rough. I was surprised John said multiple times what a great fit the song was. 

    Hello Sunday's arrangement was rough. It sounded like when Kelly referenced Lauren Hill that she may have actually sampled Doo Wop (That Thing). That was a little distracting. Overall I've never cared for that songs melody and messing with it didn't help.

    • Love 5
  7. I liked that there was a different narrative structure. I also appreciated that Michael articulated something that the show has been getting at for a while: trying to do the right thing matters.

    My biggest hang up with the experiment is the amount of lying and deception needed. It’s hard to imagine that proving humans are good (or at least can be good if they try) requires so many lies.

    • Love 10
  8. Michelle and Gio were by far my favorites this week. I like their partnership overall and this dance was a lot of fun. I wish it had a little more Foxtrot and a little less skit though. 

    I also liked Saffron. She's growing on me, probably because of AJ. Aljaz has made me like Emma W more as well. Aljaz looked surprisingly good as an old man. 

    I think Alex was overscored. It was a tough position to be in. Kevin learned the dance quickly so of course he's not going to match her as well as Neil would have. As much as I dislike Kevin, he was very gracious about the whole thing on twitter and admitted he messed up because he had just learned the routine. 

    • Love 1
  9. Payton was very forgiving of Skye. He's glad she didn't go to jail for trying murder him so she could become class president. 

    I'm glad they revisited some of the Payton/Alice stuff that wasn't addressed earlier. I did wonder why Payton didn't look back. I still wonder about the Alice/James dynamic. Didn't James say it started before the break-up and thus before Payton failed to give Alice the assurances she wanted.

    Payton's new set-up sounds very AOC influenced. A young politician running against a New York institution who is so well-connected that they don't think they need to campaign. I wonder how much real life events inspired that ending.

    I'm excited to see more Judith Light and Bette Middler next season.

    • Useful 1
    • Love 1
  10. I also thought the robot was recording them. Who knows, we could still find out that it is.

    Lauren Ash did a nice job with the scene watching the security videos. Dina is such an exaggerated character at times, but she knows how to dial back when needed.

    I thought the Cheyenne story line was done in a strange way. It was set up to look like Cheyenne was in denial, but outside the jail it seemed like she knew all along why she didn't want to go to visit Mateo. It seems like the show just wanted to have her make that big reveal later on but their stall tactics didn't make much sense. I also don't think Amy really took Cheyenne's suffering seriously. Amy just treated Cheyenne's suffering as something to push aside.

    Every time they mention Dina's birds I can't help but remember how unbelievable that whole thing was. (Dina bringing the birds to work, every single bird flying out accidentally, every single bird making it around the store to the exit instead of some getting trapped in the store, no birds going back to Dina.) Overall I like the show but I think it has some funny moments (the robot pushing Glenn was funny) but it doesn't quite pull everything together in the way my favorite shows do.

    • Love 4
  11. I would take that article with a huge grain of salt. It's some poorly sourced gossip. We also watched Adam's meltdown play out over the course of last season. His battles with TPTB were about more than just another coach.

    The Blake being the OG stuff felt like a fairly standard bit that we see in the blinds. At the end of the day, this is a tv show and the coaches are there to entertain. 

    • Love 12
  12. The heavily themed dances are really helpful because I've only heard of one celebrity (Michelle). Now at least I know that Nadiya's partner is an athlete and Dianne is paired with a DJ. 

    I'm excited that AJ and Gio have the opportunity to stick around a while. I'm also happy Neil finally has a chance and has someone with potential. 

    Poor Luba. That's a tough break for her first partner to be so wooden. On the other hand, I am loving seeing Kevin with a dud. He seemed to think if he over-danced enough no one would notice her.

    Finally, I am most excited to see Anton with someone with a dance background. His latin is still terrible, although the choreography team should mitigate that a little. If Janette got a ringer in the past let Anton have one now and again too.

    • Love 1
  13. On 7/19/2019 at 2:38 AM, justmehere said:

    I wondered if the choice between sending home Janusz or Patrick was down to Janusz having won 3 challenges to Patrick's 1 time in the team challenge. Janusz is going to have to step it up again.

    I was surprised the non-elimination round didn’t factor in at all. Janusz’s bubbles were clearly the weak link the week before and I thought that might give Patrick the edge. I wouldn’t be surprised if Janusz’s body of work swayed the adjudicators. 

    • Love 1
  14. I'm happy Deborah won! I was rooting for her for a while. I completely get why she would alienate some viewers. I personally tend to like outspoken reality show contestants. I also liked that she wore her heart on her sleeve. Her pieces were a lot of fun because of how unexpected they were. For all of her competitiveness, she was consistent in her solidarity with other women in the field.

    It's funny but I feel like Janusz got a rough edit this episode yet somehow I ended up liking him more. I felt like Deborah had more snide talking heads throughout the season yet in this episode they played up that side of Janusz. That felt like a deliberate editing choice. What made me warm to him a little bit more was seeing him be more vulnerable. I think that when he looked like the inevitable front runner he was less interesting, but when he talked about not being accomplished enough I could connect more.

    I think Janusz would have benefited a lot from a round like the technical on Great British Baking Show. I agree with everyone who would like to see the show expanded and a short technical round might be a good way to do that.

    • Love 6
  15. This episode reminded me why I don’t root for Ruth. I’m not sold on the idea that she would still be with Russell after the time jump. The distance has been too difficult all along. But anyway, they’re still together. Confessing her feelings to Sam was a bad decision all around. She betrayed Russell and took a huge emotional risk at a time when she knew she couldn’t handle the consequences. Not only that, but there was no way that conversation with Sam was going to resolve itself quickly enough for her to get back to Sheila. The whole thing was selfish and reckless. I agree with those who said Sam did the right thing by telling Ruth she didn’t get the part before they slept together. Sure he was blunt, but that’s the guy Ruth was signing up for. 

    • Love 8
  16. I loved Sheila burning the wolf costume. It felt like something that had really been building.

    I personally responded more to Jenny telling Melrose how she felt by the rocks where she expressed her feelings about having to play that character. I didn’t like the campfire quite as much and I can’t put my finger on it. It could be that I think Melrose would have had a personal experience to share dealing with anti-semitism in the US. 

    I also felt like Melrose relied on a lot of stereotypes about Jewish mothers when talking about her own mother. Kind of stood out to me because this episode felt so much with stereotypes.

  17. 10 hours ago, Snapdragon said:

    While I think Bash could have said it in a nicer way, I'm actually on his side about extending the show for nine more months.  I mean, that's how shows work.  If you don't want to do the show anymore, then you quit and they replace you with someone else.  If Debbie doesn't want to extend her contract (which is totally understandable, given her circumstances), then she can just quit and they can either switch one of the existing wrestler to her role or hire someone else.  Why is she trying to get in the way of everyone else earning money?

    I agree with this generally, except Bash could have also brought that up privately the first time they spoke. He could have said if she didn’t want to stay they could discuss her exit. She really would have no reason to sabotage him if he wanted to keep going Vegas and she didn’t have any interest in continuing GLOW at all. I guess Debbie kind of forced his hand by taking a major risk in front of Geena Davis. Really though, I tend to think this is an error by the writers. They want to introduce conflict but in truth both Bash and Debbie could have easily figured out they could go their separate ways. Then again, Debbie and Bash tend to do the exact wrong thing, so maybe them getting into an irrational and pointless fight is just in keeping with their characters.

    • Love 4
  18. 16 minutes ago, MikaelaArsenault said:

    Why Gwen? I'm a fan of her and her music, but they should've picked someone else instead.

    My best guess is they had very limited options because the blinds start filming soon and a lot of stars are probably booked. I’m sure TPTB will be happy to milk the Blake connection too.

    • Love 4
  19. 1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:

    Adam is leaving and is being replaced with Gwen for next season. The strangest part is NBC announced all season 16 coaches would return just last week.

    Adam has been checked out for a while. Addison was the last artist he seemed really invested in. It’s time for a break for him. I hope we get to hear some gossip about this rather than just a lot of PR spin. I’m so curious how this all went down!

    • Love 6
  20. I don't like that Hinder song and I haven't liked Andrew in the past... but I really liked that performance. Probably the biggest surprise of the finale.

    Maelyn clearly has the best voice. I wish she had done a less tired cover and didn't do so many strange things with the pronunciation, but the end was effective. There's a reason that show is done over and over on these shows.

    I liked Dexter's cover too. His tone is nice.

    I didn't like any of the originals except maybe Gyth's was ok. I thought Maelyn's original felt too much like a Florence reject. Andrew's was my least favorite. Did he sing something about shooting a stop sign? I remember something ridiculous about shooting.

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