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Shadow Lass

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Everything posted by Shadow Lass

  1. Bobby never turns down the chance to eat something. The peanut bowl scene is hilarious, too.
  2. I don't know if I've mentioned it here before, but I was just rewatching "Undaunted Mettle" and love the symbolism of the display on Laurette's desk--the three red apples set in a row on a tray. But voila, once the confrontation scene comes with Meredith, there are now three green--presumably sour!--apples lined up on the tray instead. Talk about unmitigated gall, THREE wives and still fooling around with the blondes in the office!
  3. Watching the end of "Smothered" and chuckling through the scene where Roger Jameson and Goren are having their "eye duel" (it's when he's talking about having scars on his genitals from torture). Just the posturing they do with their eyes and little flicks of expression.
  4. Honestly, it just "got" me yesterday for a silly reason...I wouldn't write any Goren/Eames fanfic until I knew all the canon about both, and then I somehow missed that scene...more than once??? Still don't understand! So the family relationship in my fanfic is cousin, not niece. (Although if he is her uncle, why doesn't Molly call him "Uncle Robert" in the letter?) And so that bothers me because I'm anal that way...LOL. On the other hand I played really fast and loose with the "Nicole Wallace resurrection" episode ("The Catacombes") in JO, too, so I have no room to talk. There is a long fic where Bobby finds a half sister who's the daughter of Mark Ford Brady, but I can't read it because the author tortures Bobby physically and psychologically through the first fifth of the epic, then he's messed up so bad he ends up in a mental institution after trying to kill himself, and I can't do that stuff...messes with my head. The parts I have read have creeped me out enough. Now that I think about it, I can work a scenario where Molly is Frank's daughter, and make it logical: say Molly's mom (let's call her Jane Fry) gets that "call" that a lot of people get: they want to leave the country/the Midwest/the Bible Belt, etc. and go to the big city to become a singer, an actor, a dancer, or she's just bored with the "Green Acres" life and wants some excitement. Jane's a little older than most, but does just this, and somehow runs into Frank during one of his "good" periods (we see this in "Endgame," where Frank's nicely dressed because he made good at the horse track). She falls for his good looks, charm, and excuses (just like Evelyn Carlson did--it's not his fault, Bobby doesn't understand him, Mom always liked Bobby best--which of course is a damn lie, Bobby poisons Mom's mind against him, yadda, yadda, yadda) and eventually gets pregnant, only to have Frank relapse into his old ways. She eventually decides neither Frank nor NYC living is for her and goes home. Molly grows up on the farm. Bobby reconnects with them after Frank's death (maybe Bobby finds a note from Jane in a search of Frank's apartment and a pic of Molly), so we get the scenes in "Faithfully."
  5. I watched "Lady's Man" today, because it's a favorite, but also "Faithfully" because I've watched it maybe three times and wanted to see the episode they were supposed to lead off eighth season with again. And I was totally flabbergasted by something... I've always complained about "Faithfully" not explaining about Molly and her family, and I only recalled the two scenes: the dinner table scene at the beginning and the photo scene at the end. Today I noticed a scene I swear I had never seen before--which I don't know HOW--and I was baffled. It's just a few seconds: Eames walks up to Goren where he's looking at a photo of Molly on his laptop; he says to her that this is his niece and she's nine years old. So I'm completely puzzled now. I can understand why the LOCI Wiki says Molly is Donny's sister--it's a logical reasoning, but she can't be. Evelyn Carlson definitely didn't live in Michigan, and why would Frank have been in Michigan? Is Molly Frank's child? Does Bobby have a sister or brother he doesn't know about? If they'd filmed a full season instead of only 16 episodes, might we have gotten an answer to the mystery? Theories? Comments?
  6. I watched "Lady's Man" today, because it's a favorite, but also "Faithfully" because I've watched it maybe three times and wanted to see the episode they were supposed to lead off eighth season with again. And I was totally flabbergasted by something...so I'm going off to the eighth series thread to talk about it.
  7. Watching "The Consoler" with the creepy Monsignor now. Another "Eames gives Goren a look that would kill" episode after he disses Joe Hannah.
  8. Olivia, Declan (which I'd never heard until I watched L&O shows), Robert, Alexandra, Nicole...
  9. Me, too! I didn't mind Nichols with Wheeler, but God, Stevens...don't get me started on Stevens. I liked Nichols and Muller trying to outwit each other. The story could have easily been done with Goren.
  10. Watching season 2 today. Already watched "Bright Boy" -- I always bleed for poor Robbie. He was smart, but not a genius, and just wanted to be a normal kid. I hope he had a better life with his uncle and aunt. And of course "the Polaroid episode" (LOL). Watching "See Me" now -- it's possible to be repelled by what Dysart did, while also feeling sorry for him -- and next is "Probability," one of my favorites.
  11. I really wish we could see the Toronto series! I saw the promos and it looks interesting.
  12. Watching Charge! and "Posthumous Collection." Waiting for Alex's portrait session, still not looking forward to Spencer's horrible sister's tale. Talk about characters whose rage you understand...
  13. I don't know if Zainer was social climbing as much as he was obsessed by getting his kids into a good school (shades of "Kissinger" later on). People do weird things to get their kids into a better school. The lady across the street from us lied about where she lived and then when she got found out, the whole family moved so her kids would go to a better rated school.
  14. I hope he's just retiring and not sick. I've seen too many older actors who "retire," and then they pass away not soon afterwards because it turns out they were hiding cancer, etc.
  15. Well, we get a Howard Hughes type vic, two selfish family members, plus a commentary about the shitty way rich people treat their help.
  16. Been watching Season 1 on Peacock yesterday and today. "Enemy Within" is on now. That was one crazy old guy.
  17. So we had the big news on The Mothership: Sam Waterston's last episode is February 22. And he's being replaced by...ta-da! Tony Goldwyn! (I never knew he was the grandson of Samuel Goldwyn.)
  18. "Seizure" is the episode where it's introduced that someone in Goren's family is schizophrenic. I don't know if schizophrenia just fascinated Balcer and the other producers, or there was someone in their family with the condition; it seemed that if someone had mental difficulties on CI, it usually involved schizophrenia, not bipolar disorder or anything else.
  19. Has this L&OT:CI preview been posted here? It's a tour of the set by the correspondent on a breakfast show like Today.
  20. I know he was getting lots of flak at one point for sticking up for the new Disney Daredevil series. The rumor was that it wasn't going to be as gritty as the Netflix version ("Disneyfied" as it were) and the fans were up in arms, arguing with him. But he did say several months before he didn't know if he was going to stay due to Musk's policies, so I don't know if the fans actually harassed him too much, or if he just got tired of it. I do miss him, though. It was always enjoyable waking up to a Vincent poem or skyline shot. Someone on Facebook wondered if his divorce had something to do with it. Since the strike has ended, Kathryn is posting less as well. I haven't seen anything from her in weeks.
  21. Some favorites here: "Dead" with Jay O. Sanders as the hit man, "Bright Boy" with the interaction between Goren and Robbie, "Malignant" (that man whose wife died due to the cancer drug dilution is so heart-rending), "Suite Sorrow" (if just for the Polaroid scene), "See Me," "Probability," with Mark Linn-Baker's great performance, "Cherry Red" if just for the Ferrari scene.
  22. Hey, Bishop wasn't bad when you compare her to Stevens. Dear God, Stevens was so forgettable.
  23. "There they go, Oceans Two." And Colm Meaney as one of the scummiest villains ever, bragging about raping a fifteen-year-old. Not to mention a big hurrah to Tiana's mom for reading Faith Yancy the riot act.
  24. Anyone watching Echo? And who misses Vincent on Twitter? I'd quit, but you have to pay to get back on now, and JMS is occasionally amusing.
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