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When Robyn talked about Christine and Christine’s children being part of her bigger “pitcher”, it made me think that her anger and crying (yes she mostly does the fake sobbing but I actually think this was somewhat real this time) was because Christine put a major dent in her plans for the celestial after life stuff that they believe in. I think that she and Meri are the true believers and maybe one less wife on the planet knocks them down to a different level in the after life or something. Robyn appears miserable, I think she wants to be in control and also wants everyone to like her at the same time, and it’s plain to see Janelle and Christine have no interest in a close friendship with her; I think that frustrates her.
I saw that clip, and Kody says Robyn gave everyone an A+ when she came on board and now he is a B+ and the wives all went downhill. He doesn’t even try to hide the favoritism, such an ass.
So Meri and Kody stopped being intimate 10+ years ago. That was when Robyn joined the family. Wish they had brought that up. So in their religion, the man is not allowed to spiritually divorce a wife? Is that Kodys excuse for keeping Christine and Meri in limbo? Little confused by what he was saying about a double standard in that context.
Wow. So Meri has made peace with the fact that she and Kody will possibly never be in a “fellowship” again. I don’t understand why she would put herself through this.
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So frustrated that there are no hard questions being asked. Interviewer should be asking Meri or Kody why the intimacy stopped 10 + years ago, not just after catfishing.
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I don’t like to make personal remarks about any of them as far as looks go, but Robyn just appears like this lifestyle/fambly or whatever it is has really taken it’s toll on her. She just looks stressed and worn.
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I noticed Christine said that their church or faith would need to spiritually release her from Kody but as far as she was concerned that was between her and her Higher Power. I kind of hope she did end up going through the unsealing process or whatever they call it just so Ramen noodles doesn’t think he still technically has her in his count of wives to qualify for his planet.
Glad Christine stood her ground and firmly told that jerk he was no longer welcome in her bedroom; she is realizing her worth and not settling for a sham of a marriage. Interesting things that stood out: Kody saying rumors went around the fambly for years that Christine was threatening to leave him. It’s demented that he twisted that into Christine’s “betrayal” and so that justifies him cutting off the intimacy. Based on what Christine was saying, he was punishing her for being a “bad” sister wife by withholding. He’s really a dirt bag. Also, Kody’s comment about not having to care about the adult kids or however he phrased it; sounds like he is looking for an excuse to justify totally ignoring that they even exist.
Kody is such a coward because of this; he strings along the wives, forcing them to make the decision to split; in his statement on social media about the divorce w/Christine, he says she decided “to leave”. As if he was committed to her in any way. Another one of his manipulative maneuvers. He is only in love with Sobbyn, and all of the hot air he blows is to skirt around that increasingly obvious fact.
I also think he is giving the younger siblings moral support too. I think the kids in this family seem to be stable and have a solid head on their shoulders, I suppose in an effort to be the opposite of their father. I do recall Gabe saying that Hunter was a big support for him when they moved to Flagstaff.
I didn’t think it was possible to despise King Kodouche more, but I’m proven wrong tonight. My heart broke for Gabe. What a mature and strong young man, and to hear him say he and his siblings were jealous of Robyn for getting to see Kody more than they do was just so sad, especially considering Kody didn’t seem to even register how tragic that comment is. His true colors were revealed when Gabe said he quarantined for two weeks from his girlfriend so that he could see Kody and you could see him fumbling to explain his way out of that one; looks like he knew but decided not to see Gabe anyway— and his excuse? That he doesn’t know who he can trust! What a sick dude. Now Kody’s not beating around the bush about things at all; he likes Robyn best because she’s obedient to him! Wonder how she feels seeing these episodes… Very happy to see Christine getting stronger and confident in herself. Heartbreaking about Janelle’s mom. When Janelle was saying her mom wanted to be with her husband in heaven, was she referring to Winn? I assume so but was not totally sure…
Robyn threw some major shade when she stated “my kids respect their dad” because they don’t socialize outside the home. IMO Gabe and Garrison having jobs, girlfriends, etc. are legitimate reasons to be outside the home but we don’t know how much they are socializing. But if they were to follow King Kodys rules to a T, does she really think he would be spending ample time at Janelle’s? Highly doubtful. I admit it was extremely touching when Meri reunited with Robyn’s kids; there was a genuine bond there. Meri’s desperation for a chance with Kodouche is really sad to watch. The way I see it, in polygamy, the women have to watch their man fall in love and start a family with other women, and still be grateful for the little time they get with their spouse, but this rule doesn’t apply to the man. So Kody’s ego is still bruised over the cat-fishing unbelievable; instead of seeing that as a sign of Meri’s desperate loneliness and his failure at plural marriage, he holds it against her and no doubt she feels she is the failure. The double standard makes me sick.
One thing I caught is that when Robyn talked about the other men who were proposing to her before she joined the Browns, she referred to a couple that proposed to her or wanted to date her or something. That struck me as odd, considering she was making the point that she was turning down monogamous relationships. Perhaps she was looking to be a third or fourth wife rather than a second…not sure what the benefits would be…she probably also saw the TLC gravy train coming as well though…
This episode was definitely juicy! Overall it’s just sad how this family is functioning now. I really think that Janelle’s frustration, her “F off”and her kids resentment is less about COVID rules and more about the fact that Kody has obviously chosen to be with Robyn. I’m sure content is pieced together and timelines are skewed, but there doesn’t seem to be a clear story on exactly how Kody is spending his time. Kody said in the last episode he has Christine, Janelle and Robyn on a “rotation” but then Gabe mentions in this episode that he’s been with Robyn for 9 months and Robyn is also saying he is with her constantly. The wives are all sick of Kodouche and Robyn pretending like they’re all innocent and this is all about COVID, when in reality the two of them trotted out these rules after months and months, and Meri’s the only one who is on board with it because she is desperate for any brownie points with Kodouche. Christine and Janelle aren’t buying into this charade and it enrages Kody. And that freakish grin during their meeting —even Robyn knew he looked deranged. So happy Christine got out of this mess and hoping for a miracle that Meri and Janelle follow suit.