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Posts posted by Faceplant

  1. Farrah is handling her two day relationship breakup in the usual mature way - sharing dick pics of her ex on Instagram. Never change, Farrah. 

    Some Farrah word salad from her story to make you feel smarter:

    “I get the universes [sic] message. Don’t give anyone a chance anymore, don’t let people come out in public, unless they are public, & globally know [sic] or I’ll have someone telling me were dating but to the world they don’t know me,” Abraham wrote over the uncensored photo.

    6 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

    Shockingly, the guy has a completely different take on her "boyfriend" story:

    "It was surprising to wake up and discover I had acquired a girlfriend overnight because I certainly never agreed to that.. with anyone."


    She has a history of saying she's in a relationship with dudes who have been photographed with her once. Remember when she tried to comvince everyone James Deen (from her porn video) was her boyfriend? She's saying this last guy was abusive . . . after one date that was obviously staged for the paparazzi. He weirdly has a lot of nice things to say about her and points out what a great mother he thinks she is. I wonder if that was before the dick pics were shared by Farrah. 

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  2. This article has a good summary of the finale and I love this quote in particular about Julie:

    This season of "Homecoming" shows how time can advance a person up a ladder of growth, with each passing day leaving them better equipped to handle what they'll come up against in the next. Or it can bury them deeper and deeper under a heap of their own demons and insecurities in such a way that they later reemerge as the main character in a "Babadook"-esque horror story of their own creation that should have been, could have been, a happy little look into the life of someone many of us entered into adulthood with.

    There's a fine line between part of good television in a way that leads to more opportunities, and forcing television spectacle in a way that will likely land you in divorce court, or jail.

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  3. Shocking to believe, but she's single again after a two day relationship. I really thought those two crazy kids would make it. They seemed so in love based on all the pics of her tongue down his throat. And aren't you supposed to wait before dating when you're newly sober anyhow? She's the worst. 

    But in a plot twist, Farrah exclusively shared with E! News that she remains single.

    "I decided not to date Mack. He could not handle public attention well," she said. "I'm more confident in my life at this time and while I'm dating on new terms and rules from my 12-step principles program and taking it easy, I look forward to dating as I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life and I want to share that with someone special."

    "I'm at a university full time & working on my comedy TV specials," she said. "I need someone who can keep up and not make me feel like a sugar mama."

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  4. I found this on Julie's website under the research & therapy tab. I thought this part was interesting:

    She subsequently developed a deep interest in how chemical compounds affect and illuminate consciousness, and has become passionate about the roles of psychedelic and psychotropic compounds in personal transformation, growth, healing, and therapy.

    Why couldn't she have talked about that on the show? Now that I'd actually have been interested to hear about. 


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  5. 11 hours ago, DawnDavenport said:

    What a lumpy mess her ass is! Don't even get me started on that hair. Did she have them also shave a horse mane and attach it as well? It looks dirty and matted! 

    I'm not a woman so can someone please reassure me that in the frontal picture above that her nether regions are peaking out and that's just a liner of sort? Please?

    So much for her stay in rehab. Seems like she is back to her old ways again. I also assume she is there on someone else (a john's) dime. Hopefully Sofia is not with her.

    I'm a lady and that definitely looks like her lady parts sticking out the side of the denim bikini she has wedged in her crotch. And sorry to disappoint, but Sophia was indeed with her in Hawaii for her bday. She even sang happy bday and gave her mom a cake. 

    In other news, Farrah has hired another actor to play the part of her boyfriend. Truly gross pictures and a weird and uncomfortable video Here. I feel like there would just be so very much spit everywhere between these two. 

    I am strangely fascinated and repulsed by Farrah. . . and I never even watched Teen Mom.


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  6. On 6/3/2022 at 3:38 PM, EdnasEdibles said:

    All that being said, I would never in a million years show someone a dick pic of a loved one. Like what the actual hell? I feel like that's so disrespectful to the person who sent it to me. They meant for that to be seen by ME and not by my roommates from my 20s? 

    I'm curious if Julie would be totally fine with her husband showing pictures of her vagina to his friends from his twenties. Just heading over to LensCrafters to find his old college roommate and then shoving a picture of his wife's vag in his face. I'm a little worried that Julie would actually be totally fine with that. She needs all the attention. 

    I wish Kelley had been more direct and said, "I'm not comfortable seeing pictures of your husband's penis." I would like to have seen Julie try to convince Kelley that they were just shirtless pics. 

    I'm disappointed they spent so much of the episodes on Julie. It would have driven her crazy if they just completely edited her into the background and focused on the other six. 

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  7. Not sure how long it will be up, but it looks like the entire season is up on youtube and also the Chicago season is there. I used to love this show so much. I remember MTV would always have marathons before they new season would start and that was an entire weekend of entertainment for me. Now I can't even get through one episode without being bored.  

    Here's a picture of David holding an orange drink. Because why not?


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  8. I started wondering what happened to the other two girls from season 1 of 16&P that didn't appear on Teen Mom. I really wondered if they were better off than the four that stayed on with Teen Mom. Quick answer: no, not at all. 

    Whitney Purvis and Weston Gosa

    They went onto have another child a few years after the show. He was arrested a few times after the show for various things - DUI, tresspassing, etc. She was arrested for stealing a pregnancy test from Wal-Mart years ago. Earlier this year, she was arrested for making terrorist threats against Weston. She texted him multiple ways she wanted to kill him. He previously had a restraining order against her. She broke into his home in 2015 and attacked him with a broom. Weston has had custody of both children since 2018 or 2019. She is reportedly several thousand dollars behind on child support that she owes to Weston. She started a catering business earlier this year. 

    Ebony Jackson and Joshua Rendon

    They also went onto have another daughter shortly after the show (after having one miscarriage). They were both arrested in 2011 and lost custody of their daughter for a while due to disgusting condition of their home. She blamed it on depression from the miscarriage. There was reportedly human and animal feces everywhere in the home. He was kicked out of the military. They split up and she went onto have another daughter with some dude in 2014 (after another miscarriage). Joshua was arrested earlier this year for seven charges, including stealing a car and attempted first degree murder of a police officer (he tried to run an officer down with the car). Joshua previously had sole custody of the oldest two daughters. 


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  9. 9 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

    I can see her privates 🤣

    Wow, I didn't even notice that. She always keeps it so classy. I still cannot believe that 1) someone designed a bikini out of cutoff denim bottoms and what looks like duct tape attached to a chain for the top, and 2) that someone actually would buy and wear it. A lid for every pot kind of thing, right? 

    And one more picture just because I can't unsee it. This is after she flew to England last week to have her butt fixed. This is what fixed looks like. . . with a denim g-string. 

    farrah butt.webp

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  10. On 5/23/2022 at 1:24 PM, Lindzkh07 said:
    On 6/11/2014 at 5:30 PM, KYBlonde said:

    Farrah is a vile waste of space. She can't do shit for herself yet criticizes everyone willing to be crazy enough to even help the little bitch. She is a terrible mother and daughter and a disgusting human being. If I was her mother, who is a saint BTW, I would beat her ASS and put her in her place. 


    I was having a really hard time picturing Debz OG as a saint, but then I realized this quote was from 8 years ago. Still not a saint back then, but she seemed slightly less insane back then. In 2014, she wasn't yet the rapping granny we know today, but there were signs  everywhere. I remember so much taxidermy in her house. That right there was a big red flag.

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  11. Just a portion of the about section on Farrah's website. I'm so curious about the 1.97%. What does that even mean?? I particularly like "windowed teen mother".

    Farrah Abraham a windowed teen mother, survived single parent to only child Sophia Abraham, model, music artist, reality star born on MTV, a minority of only 1.97% in the nation achieving success when all odds against her and strides not recognized. Farrah Abraham a serial business woman, entrepreneur , sex symbol, keynote speaker for entrepreneurship, motherhood, sexual health and wellness, and unplanned pregnancy.

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  12. 7 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

    It's not that I ever want bad things to happen to people on Real World, even when I don't like them, but maybe Soulgear not shooting into the stratosphere was good growth for him. That's keeping in mind that "failure" for a Jamie is always going to be a softer landing than it is for a lot of the rest of us.

    That's part of what makes Jamie so likeable - there's this feeling that nothing too bad is ever going to happen to him. He talked on his podcast about his realization one day that he was 35 and still single, still acting like he did in his twenties, but then he immediately finds someone to marry and start a family with. Problem solved. I feel like that is how most of his life goes. He just keeps swanning along. 

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  13. 19 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

    Poor sofabed! She has no chance to be normal and have a boring normal life. I bet she is illiterate with Farrahkins tutoring her.


    Free Sofia! 

    Isn’t Farrah studying to be a lawyer? 

    I'd like to think that she will grow up and realize how ridiculous her mother is, but realistically that doesn't seem likely. She is "home schooled" and  has no friends or normal people in her life. 



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  14. On 5/13/2022 at 6:00 PM, Bluesky said:

    She looks like a 45 year old fading alcoholic former country singer.  

    This is a satisfyingly specific description of her. If you replace country singer with porn star, it works as a description for Farrah as well. 

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  15. From Farrah's latest blog. She has dropped the people pleasing. . . because she was such a people pleaser before with her pleasant demeanor and sparkling personality. 


    This May is unlike any other May, this year is unlike any other year, I had the blessing, the biggest act of self love, to look at my mental health over my entire life and get to know me better then ever and start living in my true authenticity (dropped the people pleasing, over working, over doing, honed in on how to understand my inhibited energies,perfection addiction, heal our trauma’s from every part of our lives and walk forward as our very own person) with no guilt or shame WHEW! LET’S DO IT! Not just a relief, it made my month, my year, and my life! I wish this mental health clarity and recovery for everyone.

    • LOL 7
  16. Saint Farrah has cured this man of homelessness (if only in his heart) and feels that she has graduated life . . . doesn't that mean death? That looks like an open bottle of wine in her cupholder. 


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  17. When Sam walked in on Jeff in the bathroom, she apologized and said they have a no locks on any of the doors in the house policy. I feel like using the bathroom at her house would be terrifying. Just anyone can (and does) walk in. 


    I thought it was odd that she just chose to drive off into the night and leave her own dinner party in her own home, but it's not the first time she's done something similar. I guess it's fitting. 

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  18. On 3/29/2022 at 7:16 PM, chocolatine said:

    BTW, did anyone catch what Max was doing at the bank? She can't really apply for a loan, can she? She has no credit history and no collateral.

    Was this ever answered or just a weird scene that was shown for no reason?

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  19. 2 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

    I can't be the only one thinking this has a whiff of high-end prostitution, right? In all those words, I still can't discern what this company even was, let alone how it could have been worth so much money. 

    Yeah, it seems shady. She said she was a businesswoman so many times that I couldn't help think of Romy and MIchelle.



    romy michelle.jpg

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  20. 4 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

    Sounds like Flora hasn't really changed in the 25+ years since RW Miami, I know nothing of her life post RW, but I have trouble imagining that she worked her butt off and was able to retire early because of her own actions. She seemed like a grifter back then and those people often don't change. And her personality was always abrasive and swear-heavy.

    I don't think I have much interest in a reunion of this season. Looking back on it, I don't like too many of the cast members and I can't think of any particular relationship among this group where it had long-term close friendship potential.

    She seems exactly the same. Anyone who is saying they are rich and retired that often makes me wonder. I always remember the time she got mad and took off into the night on her rollerblades on the Real World. Such a nineties moment.


    She said she regrets nothing that happened on the show and never watched her season. After the show, she said she ran a socialite publishing company with a friend. She also said she started another business after her husband died in 2015 and that she sold it for a lot of money and is happily retired. I can't find any info on that second business. For the socialite magazine, I found this:

    Socialite Ru is a Russian Media company, which publishes a bi-monthly publication distributed to an ultra high net-worth audience in New York, South Florida and Moscow (http;//www.socialiteru.com )Lux Liaison, spearheaded by Ekaterina Mironov, is the official concierge and Public Relations arm. Socialite Ru, owned by Flora Garber and Allison Aronov, has an on-line subscriber-based audience of close to 5,000 and another 25,000 subscribers who receive the physical publication. Together with Lux Liaison, they advise and organize itineraries for the niche audience they cater to.

    Russian Global Media House Inc was founded in 2008. Russian Global Media House Inc has 5 employees and estimated revenues of $240,000.00.


    A few pictures from 2018 with a boyfriend




    flora 2.jpg

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