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Posts posted by kassa

  1. She could still ship out on a different kind of commercial fishing vessel, though.  And she seems like the type who would.  You know he's weighing "at least that would be safer" with "nothing's safer for her than this boat, with these guys." 

    • Love 2
  2. I think Sonja’s idea of a "breakup" is when they file a restraining order.  Or stop picking up the check for their “I haven’t seen you in ages – let’s grab dinner some night” get-togethers.


    I believe Mario was singing about his vodka.


    I think he was singing to his own sweet self.  And later he’ll play it back and use it as mood music... when he’s alone with himself.

    • Love 6
  3. I want to catch the repeat so I can watch Sig's face when Edgar tells him about lighting Mandy on fire.  Because I swear he was on the verge of laughing, and probably pulled himself together because he knew his wife would see it.  I think he was just roiling with all the different reactions that would be reasonable -- anger at Edgar?  concern for Mandy?  laughter based on imagining her reaction?  In my mind that's why he settled on a weak... um, did you burn her?


    I missed Elliott's mouth thing too -- guess I tend to look away when he's on.  I don't feel the need to experience it for myself. 


    I don't care for Bill but I cut him some slack in this case.  It aggravates him enough when Zach lets his criticism roll off his back instead of taking it to heart about work ethic and other things.  But this was pretty elementary safety.  I presume he is getting additional compensation for being the engineer.  I think as the captain Bill was completely within his rights to come down hard when he didn't get (at the least) a heartfelt apology from Zach and promise to never let it happen again.  


    Talk about nepotism -- if the other deckhands see the engineer get off scott free because he's the captain's son, that's bad.  If the boat sinks because the captain's son blows it, that's the worst case scenario.  Nobody likes to be yelled at by their boss, but errors that can kill people aren't something that demand gentle human resources  behind-closed-doors chats.  

  4. I too noted that Jocasta and the other dark haired gal (who calls herself a princess) were absent.  Caught a glimpse and thought - oh, yeah, they're in the house, too!


    On BBAD, however, Jocasta had a nice long talk with Cody and she knows what's going on in the game, and not fooled by anybody.  She, Frankie and Brittany would be unstoppable if they joined forces.  I have no idea why she's not getting airtime, unless she has been purposely keeping her mouth shut and it's punishment because they hired her to be the brash, outspoken religious lady and she didn't deliver what they ordered.  

  5. I definitely sensed tension in the Caroline/Carole relationship.  Not about Carole going to the apartment while Jackie was dying, but overall, because of the inclusion of the story where Carole mentions how serious John and Carolyn are, and they'll be engaged soon, and Caroline dismisses it out of hand, saying she barely knows Carolyn and therefore it can't be anything really serious.  


    Meanwhile, of course, Carole knows just how close John and Carolyn are and that Caroline is completely oblivious to how John has kept this most important of relationships from his sister, so much so that she's making embarrassing denials in front of people who have inside information she doesn't have.


    It's a great story to have in the book, but it completely debunks the myth that John and Caroline were as close as close can be, a myth apparently Caroline herself believed.  Choosing to include it was a conscious choice to point out that she was more in John's inner circle of confidence than Caroline was.  It's the sort of story that you might want to share but would regretfully edit out out of consideration for someone's feelings.  Obviously that didn't happen.  

    • Love 1
  6. Kristin's marriage is over.  Oh, they may not formally separate for a while, but he’s done and she’ll get there sooner or later.  Her nagging and not letting go of anything are the death cries of trying to make him different from what he is.  Once she accepts that he is not going to change and she can do better, she’ll be out of there.  Or he’ll dump her for a mistress first.  Hard to say.


    I thought it was interesting that he basically ignored one point that Kristen was trying to make:  if he got stuck on a call or in a meeting and he was going to be late for a business appointment, he would find a way to let the person know. He apparently doesn't feel that he owes the same consideration to Kristen.



    Precisely – if he had a separate appointment at 6 pm with a different important client, would he manage somehow, despite the overwhelming and impossible odds that only entrepreneurs can possibly comprehend, to relay the message to his 6 pm appt that he would be late or a complete no show?   He would.  We all know he would.  So does she.


    If they actually wanted this marriage to work, there are simple things they could do like oh, say, never expect him home before 7 pm.  Most people I know with 9-5 jobs don’t get home until 7 because of their commutes.  For his part, he could not schedule routine calls/meetings after 4 pm at least a couple of days a week.  Yes, things come up, and there may be time zone issues, but despite not being an entrepreneur and therefore incapable of understanding these things, I doubt that he is on the phone/holding monumentally important meetings every moment from 9 am to 6 pm.  For one thing, I don’t think he’s going to the gym after work.

    • Love 6
  7. I'm assuming that Meri/Robin got separate rooms.  You know why.  (So Kody could get a good night/s sleep in each one)


    It's not like he'll be taking his turn with Janelle and Christine in the RV with half the kids in the same bed with them.  However, I don't blame Janelle and Christine because I'd just as soon not wake up with any of the three, myself.  I didn't see anything wrong with what Christine said about missing the older kids -- we've seen how tactile the older teens are with the little ones.  There seems to be a lot of genuine affection, and where Aspyn adores little kids, I can see how she would voluntarily distract/entertain a kid who was melting down and otherwise be a great help without ever being asked.  I saw it more as Christine giving the older kids credit than bemoaning having to do everything herself.  


    It's sad, but inevitable what contempt the teen boys have for Kody.  They're at the age of rebellion anyway, when they're going to consider their parents the lamest lame-os in the history of the world...but then add on top of it Janelle's sons seeing how she gets treated like crap.  Then add on to THAT the awareness that pretty much the entire viewership of the show confirms their perception that Janelle gets treated like crap.  Where do you go with that kind of anger if your mom won't hear a word against the guy?


    I think the reason they came down on the kid who told his sister to not be stupid was that everybody was ignoring her and could have continued to do so and wrapped the prayer up and been on their way, but he chimed in and prevented that from happening.  


    They took home a lot of leftovers from that steak challenge -- everybody else probably got a diet coke for dinner and they divvied up the leftovers with a box of rice pilaf.  Dinner for 14 for $400 isn't that bad, especially if picked up as a production cost.

    • Love 3
  8. Keith's more of an intellectual than the others (no reflection on their intelligence, I think he's just better educated and well read than the rest of the current cast.  I don't see most of them kicking back in their bunks and reading for pleasure.  Well, maybe reading for pleasure, but not reading for pleasure.)  Keith has been pretty active in the union or whatever they have to negotiate the crab prices each year -- in an earlier season they showed him doing that.  I assume he's pretty effective or he wouldn't have been sent as their rep to Congress.  Or, at any rate, he held whatever elected position that resulted in his going. 


    I liked him a lot in the beginning because he was a bit of an outsider (not raised in a fishing family, etc.) but the temper eventually got to me.  As the old reality show saying goes, they can't show what you don't give them.  And he's given them way, way too many extended freakouts that I would find terrifying if I were on the receiving end of.  Personally, I think Wild Bill is acting his rants more often than not.  During the whole "get your muthableeping bleep off my muthableepin deck!" speech he seemed like he was trying to remember something he'd written ahead of time. 


    Not that he doesn't have a temper.  I just think that he decided that was his hook and so he's playing it up now.


    I'm glad Sig seems to have dropped that hook (out of control temper that people at home find amusing).  He's definitely the captain I think has changed the most through the show. 

  9. Also, Carole snarked about Reid in one of her blogs - looks like bringing the husband into it to me.



    I'm trying to remember -- didn't one of the husbands get into it with Carole over the book thing at one of the parties?  Getting into "women bizness" (TM Nene Leakes)?  Was that Reid?  because if he got into it face to face with Carol, she is not required to remain hands off him as a spouse (in my opinion, anyway).  


    I just have this vague memory of one of the husbands who wasn't present at an event mansplaining to a woman who was actually there what actually happened.

  10. I think it was editing hijinx -- from the previews I thought that the blond son was pitching a fit about Missouri = misery.  But when we saw the actual scene, he was joking.  Complaining through joking, obviously, but not lashing out about it.  Just acknowledging that RVing cross country in small containers was not their idea of fun.  


    As for the faces they were making during the "this is what we're doing on our vacation" scene, who knows how long they were forced to sit there before and during Christine's presentation about the world's largest ball of string, or whatever else they're going to see along the way.  

  11. I was really disappointed by that rude old cowboy jerk who had the audacity to randomly grumble at them, "Get real, girls." WTF??



    He looked about 30 to me.  It was rude, but I assume it was in connection with their swanning in like the local gentry deciding to slum with the village folk, camera crew in hand.  I don't think he was out of line assuming they were there to mock it, or that it would come off in a positive light.  


    Did anyone catch what Heather said in the stands at the rodeo after Luanne and Kristen went off to the bathroom? She said something about how Kristen has a nanny sleep over and then doesn't get up with the kids. I don't even know what the significance of that is supposed to be and what import it had on what was going on between them.


    She said Kristen gets up with the kids even when the nanny sleeps over, as an example of what  a control freak Kristen is.


    I've really gone off Heather.  As unreasonable and annoying as Kristen is, and as low a blow as the Jonathan remark was, I think Kristen's hateful remarks are made in frustration and not giving a damn what comes out of her mouth when trying to win a point in an argument.  It's a lousy quality, to be sure.


    Heather's digs, however, are delivered very intentionally and with clear malice.  She was coming after Kristen in a way I just don't understand (before the husband comment.  After the husband comment I understand anything she wanted to dish out).  At any point she could have said "You know, Kristen, I hate that we're fighting.  I was drunk and being silly and I'm sorry if I made you feel bad."  Likewise Kristen could have said "I was having a rough day and you're my closest friend here and I felt like you abandoned me and I'm sorry I lashed out."  Done and done. 


    But they both dug in -- Kristen in wanting people to back her up that Heather was horrible, and Heather in wanting people to mock Kristen's bad behavior to avoid acknowledging her own.  

    • Love 8
  12. I'm sure they've done this before and I just didn't notice, but the caption under Robyn's oldest daughter was "kody and Robyn's daughter"?? He's her stepfather and I know they call him dad, but it still seems weird to me.



    I noticed that too (and wow -- she has really grown a ton this year!)  I feel for her biological father, but I think it's the kindest thing for her sake, if every other child is identified as "Kody and _____'s daughter/son."  To label her as "Robin's daughter" would create a distinction she wouldn't necessarily appreciate at her age.  She seems to have glommed onto her new family pretty strongly.  

  13. I suspect the combination of the guys making digs about it and the camera guy pestering him for a quote about it upset him.  He worked with her all summer so it's not like she's a completely unfamiliar element on the boat.


    She didn't replace anybody, did she?  So they're not "down a man" because she's on board.  They're just annoyed at wasting time while she tries different positions and having the burden of making sure she doesn't end up overboard.  But I imagine her father would have her up in the wheelhouse the moment weather gets rough -- for EVERYBODY's safety.


    The interesting thing to me was how bent out of shape Matt was about it.  Edgar and Norm had no comment (not unexpectedly -- why hurt their niece's feelings?)  Nick didn't approve, but didn't seem personally offended.  Probably more annoyed that the storyline for tv and Sig's fatherly indulgence was going to delay the real work unnecessarily, making them work double time to catch up.  I assume Jake took it somewhat personally, but maybe not as much as shown -- it's not hard to see that she's getting the grand tour and he's letting her see all the different sides of things, then he's going to drive her to the airport.  Jake wouldn't honestly believe she has jumped the line ahead of him in any real way.


    Matt, though -- Matt seemed furious.  Maybe that he can't similarly indulge his daughters?  Or his father never indulged him that way?  Or he was forced to bathe and clean his room or something?



    Any good Capt would never have let the ice build up so much.


    I don't think it's that he "let" it build up so much -- it just built up at a much, much faster rate than he was used to/expected, so at the probably perfectly reasonable point when they went out to break ice it started building as fast as or faster than they could clear it.  I know we've had snowfalls where by the time we've shoveled the drive, it's almost as full as when we started and we've had to start over.   


    Elliott and the girlfriend... wow.  I was hoping that would be this episode, but at least we got the guy busting the crane/whatever.  "I'll fix it for you for free!"

  14. As far as the giggling girls go, my boss had to film a tv segment once where he walked into our office and he handed me a piece of paper and we had to pretend to speak briefly about it... and we both kept laughing so much they finally dumped that segment.  


    I can totally believe that the girls were self conscious to the point of giggling because of the cameras.  Bad form for Christine to imply they were all gaga over Logan.  Even if it's true, which I can also imagine because he's goof looking AND good, which is an awesome combination.  And the polygamy thing would be a bonus for girls looking to piss their families off.

  15. I must confess I think Paola was tanking it.  Not sure why she WOULD, given her vulnerability, but I find it hard to believe she went from being so incompetent she was dangling off what appeared to be a very comfortable swing, to getting way more in her glass and passing more of it to her partner than the other two women did.  


    If it were later in the season and I were Donnie, I'd assume the fix was in to get me out, and Paola was in on it.


    Frankie grew on me a bit this week.  Once he calms down he's rational and somewhat clever.  Wish he'd ditch the Big Brother Larger Than Life Gay Guy With the Smart Mouth character he was cast to play.  He's got more to offer.


    Devin, Devin, Devin... it was nice looking at you.

  16. I can't imagine handling a bucking camel with much more grace than that.  


    I think Heather was nasty, and I think she was totally marking her territory against the newcomer.  This is HER show.  SHE is the athletic mom of young kids cast member.  She's friends with Kristin, may or may not have worked to get her on the show... but Kristin is the new girl who should be gradually being worked in -- not hopping in with both feet, filming with everybody WITHOUT Heather even being there, and while Heather "gets" to have the women over to her house in the Berkshires for her hosting gig, Kristin gets to host a luxury trip to an even greater outdoors and gets to direct where they go and what they do there.  Suddenly they're... equals? Say it ain't so. 



    As for geocaching being boring, I don't know.  I've never done it.  But I've been on long, tedious car rides with friends and had a blast.  I'm sure with a little effort on each of their parts, strolling through the beautiful Montana countryside could have been wonderful fun.  I'm not sure how that activity is more boring than sitting on a boat or by a pool, which seems to be the kind of vacation many of them find "exciting." 


    LuAnn and Carole made an effort, and enjoyed themselves - just as they did with the swing in the Berkshires.  One of my favorite lines from a movie is from Rear Window "People with sense can belong wherever they're put."

    • Love 6
  17. The moment the guy told Terra that Elena would look better in the negligee and my jaw dropped while hers didn't, I realized this was scripted.


    I'm not saying the whole thing is.  But if it's Elena's show in the sense that she was the driving force behind it, I can see her pulling her ex into a storyline where she's the wronged woman.  (Why he'd do that, I don't know, unless it was his nature anyway).


    Just like Walter on RHOA, if you frame his behavior as he's playing a part and she's flipping the script a bit, it makes more sense than if they're actually together and he behaves that way on camera.  But it's not even so much how he reacted but how SHE did (or didn't).


    Her talking heads were full of hurt -- yet in the moment when he grossly insulted her by throwing in her face the name of a woman he knows she's jealous of, her reaction is to smack him jokingly.  Not MY reaction if my man compares me unfavorably to somebody we know while I'm modeling lingerie for him!  Of course, I'm not her.  But I suspect it's also not the reaction of the woman doing the talking heads. 

  18. So... what does Devin DO?  I mean, you don't retire from minor league baseball with enough money to retire, so ... what's he hiding?  Or maybe his money comes from something else?  Or he has some other career he's not allowed to disclose on tv?  Hmmm....I like him and he seems smart and God knows I could look at him all day... but he's working too hard, too fast.  


    I don't think Cody's that good looking.  All his features are fine, especially in profile, but head on it's like his face isn't long enough for them to all fit in proportion.  But he seems super nice, and he's good looking, just not worthy of the instantaneous adoration he's getting.  Maybe he smells nice.


    I never heard of one the most famous people on the planet, either.  I accept that she's legitimately famous.  However, I wonder how famous she is with people over 25.  We constitute quite a large percentage of people on the planet, after all.


    A great Big Brother season would be to cast all relatives of famous people.  And record them disclosing who their famous brother/cousin/father/best friend is.  And then watch them all gleefully expose their massive secret to a person in the house whose celeb connection is 10x greater.  

    • Love 4
  19. I don't completely understand why the ship needs a greenhorn.  I get that by using a greenhorn, the captain fills the fourth man slot without having to pay out a full share.   But if greenhorns are such a liability -- as they appear to be this season -- wouldn't it be more cost-effective to just pay an experienced hand if the job gets done faster and more efficiently?



    That's why the Northwestern doesn't really bother with greenhorns (except for the show.  And note how the low men on their totem poles always pull their weight and then some?  Because they're not hiring idiots in a bar, or people who write them fan letters.) 

    • Love 2

    I don't mind Juliet as much as I did before but would someone just snatch the dead mammal off of her head? The side pony is the tail, has to be. She doesn't own a brush?

    Every time I see her talking heads, I think of some PBS WWII era drama about women running into bomb shelters.

    • Like 1
  21. She's been on the boat for other fisheries, just not crab.  (I believe Andy's daughters also have spent a lot of time in calmer seasons on the Time Bandit.)  I think Edgar and NIck both said in early seasons that no way did they want their sons becoming fishermen (Edgar seems to have softened on that)  I was struck in the early seasons by how many interviews included men from all the boats talking about how they weren't fit for anything else, and wished broader horizons for their own children than that brutal industry.  So I don't think Sig necessarily would have pushed a reluctant son into fishing, though I agree he might would have taken him crabbing before he was Mandy's age.  What a school vacation week!


    I kind of laughed at the dirty crab, because I had thought "grrrrreat, Phil's ghost led him to the crab!" (as the maudlin tweets were proclaiming.)  And my first reaction when it came up was "Wow - that's FULL... oh, they're bad."  But then they let us see Josh celebrate before they revealed the truth.  Well played, show.


    I appreciate that the captain of the Cornelia Marie is actually listed as its captain.   

    • Love 2
  22. It doesn't make sense to us because we're not mentally ill.  They have a form of obsessive compulsive disorder.  Ironically, it's their desire to get rid of things in the "right" way that paralyzes them.  


    Hoarders (the tv show) went down the wrong path when it came to the human waste collecting people.   It's one thing to tune in to spectacularly delusional people who will stand there and make an irrational case for why they have christmas ornaments stacked to the rafters so that they haven't had Christmas in the house for 20 years, or craft supplies stacked so high there's no room to do crafts, or collect toys for grandchildren whose parents won't allow them to enter their homes.  If they're still functioning in the real world, go in there and help them.  If they're willing to air their dirty laundry (so to speak) in return for therapy and assistance, more power to them.  


    When people are so mentally ill that they're home living on disability amid piles of their own waste, they need to be relieved of the responsibility to care for themselves because it's beyond their capabilities.


    If a crazy old bat has heat and hot water and thinks rotten pumpkins look swell on the coffee table, or an old guy thinks appliances that have been sitting outside in the rain and snow for years just need some "fixing up" to be as good as new, bring 'em on!

    • Love 6

    That phone conversation/argument didn't seem like it was all about Emma's needs - more like "I can't handle all this, so you need to come home right now."


    In my worldview of marriage, that's a pretty legitimate request to make of a mate --- that they help you shoulder burdens you can't otherwise manage.  One of them is dealing with their daughter while coping with the loss of his son/the daughter's brother. 


    Of course all of it is moot if Robin's being held against her will, and we have no reason whatsoever to believe that she COULD just up and leave.  But I don't think Patrick is wrong for expecting her to come if it's remotely possible.  And I gather from his side of the phone conversation that her side of it was "what I'm doing is sooooo important - why can't you GET that?!" and not "listen, dumbass, I'm in the Cassadine's basement - you think they'll let me leave until I finish?"


    In short, the writing stinks because they COULD both potentially be completely right while completely at odds (she has no choice because of the threat to her family/he thinks she had one and therefore is heartbroken), but the writing isn't taking advantage of the tragedy of the situation they're in by showing her side, just using it to make excuses for him moving on romantically.  


    And I realize it's all about her schedule, but they should have written and filmed it when she was around -- it was an obvious plot point. 

    • Love 1

    know a pre-nup is not a will. BUT why didn't Kandi ever say "if anything happens to me I want everything to go to Riley."

    I think if you're worth millions, you can leave your kid "everything" while still throwing your widower a hundred thousand to buy himself some life insurance.


    I'm choosing to think that the real bachelorette party took place after that foolishness was over.  The real destination probably refused filming, and they needed something for the show, so Phaedra came through for a couple of clients.  


    I hate to think what Todd's real bachelor party entailed.  

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