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Posts posted by kassa

  1. In about nine hours of research, it looks like I have two direct ancestors through whom I can gain membership to the DAR, and one of those I traced back to one who was born in England in the 1600s and ended up in Virginia. As long as the information is accurate, and right now I have no reason to believe it is not.



    I'd be cautious, because a lot of lazy people will glom onto "known" trees with little support and slap them up on ancestry.  Then others come along and because the names match, they assume they're legit.  So the key will be getting the documentation, generation by generation, to link yourself to one of the known branches.  From there the genealogical societies will have reliable documentation.  Just double check the work!   If your ancestry sources are documenting, you can double check.  If not, more leg work.  


    If they're really well known lines, the work is probably done for you well into the 20th century. 

    Skip Gates is filming another season of his genealogy show (Finding your roots?)  Not sure if it's celebs or not, or African American or not.  Starts airing in September.  


    Can't wait - I always thought it was the best one!

  2. He said he was a cop, not an undercover detective.



    I could have sworn he said undercover.   I don't think he was infiltrating biker gangs or anything -- I took it to mean he was a baby faced narc.  A few years ago he definitely could have "transferred" into a school and blended in.


     It's tempting to cast Caleb and Cody as the scarecrow and lion, respectively.  Except the scarecrow actually did have a brain and the lion actually did have courage.



    Or maybe they didn't, but simply believed whatever they were told.  Tell Caleb he was too big a threat because he's smart, and he's going to agree.  Tell Cody he was too big threat because his social game was so amazing and he'll agree.


    Caleb if he makes the jury he will vote on who wins more physical competitions. This could backfire because Derrick has not won a lot of competitions. I could easily see Caleb using this against him.



    Ah, but remember -- Derrick plans on a final two with Victoria.  And Victoria doesn't have a penis.  Victoria could go on a run of HOH and Veto wins from now til the end of the game and Caleb will consider Derrick a bigger threat than Victoria.

    • Love 1
  3. Cody does seem to have moments where he sees clearly (usually prompted by Donny), but I think he doesn't have the energy or bravery to make a move for himself.  So he tries to convince himself that the alliance with Derrick is solid and the only way to go.



    If he's truly confused and doesn't know what to do, staying with the one what brought him is the psychologically safer choice.  If Derrick stabs him in the back, he can say "I was betrayed."  If he turns on Derrick and it turns out Derrick was the good guy, then he's got to live with the regret of having thrown his whole game away at the last minute.


    If you're going to lose anyway, better to be taken advantage of than be a traitor. 

    • Love 5
  4. I agree it's a risk, but I also think she isn't drawing a show paycheck to weasel out of competing in this goat rodeo.  She knew the terms when she signed up.  


    If the pageant itself is a Bravo fabrication, then I suppose losing it would still give her the out of it not being a "legitimate" competition.

    • Love 1
  5. Someone from Joker's did the yelling. They actually didn't say anything about Caleb lol. They said, "Attention Frankie, America hates you. Zach, we love you. Frankie, you're disgusting."



    That makes more sense.  I couldn't imagine anybody actually screaming "Beast mode" without collapsing into laughter.


    It's too bad he's so delusional too, because he will have no concept of people disliking him when he gets out of the house.  It will be everyone else's problem, not his.  Jealousy, homophobia, etc.  But definitely no self reflection.



    I have a feeling there will be a dismissive "I was playing the villain role!  You don't honestly think that that was the real me, do you?   You must not understand the business.   I'm a social media mogul -- I knew what production wanted, so I provided it, week after week.  The goal was never to win, but to make amazing television, which was a complete success!   If you don't get that, you're just a hater.  Whoops, gotta run -- Ari's hot tub isn't going to fill itself!"  


    I think he's a shoe-in for All Stars, and that probably was his goal more than actually winning the regular show - six months of screen time!  When he does come back, I anticipate he'll be a different "character"... as long as it lasts, anyway.   I do think it will sting to be unpopular -- the last houseguest relation had a despised sister (Rachel) and came out on top  -- he must have thought that Ariana's popularity combined with his own amazing personality would just rain rose petals and sunbeams down on him.  

    • Love 11
  6. The transgender lady was hotter than I've ever been right after her transition, going by the pictures of her.  But then she ... changed.  I wonder whether there's more body dysmorphia in the transgender community?  Because it seemed odd that she'd take that monumental step to have reassignment surgery, have such magnificent results, then transform herself from a really beautiful woman into a drag queen parody.


    Cleft palate lady was yet another gloomy gus with a  loving, supportive partner - must be part of the casting listing!  I smiled at her walking down the aisle as well -- I put it down to the expensive heels that nobody will see that she HAD to have to make her day perfect.  



    Nassif has very little patience for the fame whore-iest people.  When the "model" was rattling off all her prepared "baggage" material, he looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there.

    • Love 3
  7. I work in medicine and I don't know any doctors who introduce themselves (to patients) as Dr. FirstName Lastname.  They might Firstname Lastname without the "Dr." (to colleagues, staff).  


    There have been at least a couple of ear harvests -- last night he also talked about it being the first option with the cleft palate lady (second option being needing to go in and take some rib), but they didn't follow up by showing the bloody bit he usually shows.

  8. I laughed at the tearless sobs, too.  And the husband reminds me of one of My Three Sons, all grown up (showing my age, there)


    So Mrs Massachusetts lives in CT?  (They made sure to point that out)  And you just submit an application and check and get picked that way?  And purchase your own tiara and sash?  O-kaaaay, then.


    Vanassa's husband, who's "part owner" of Foxwoods.  It's owned by the tribe, as far as I was aware, with tribe members getting a cut, getting priority jobs, etc.  Is she really going around saying "he's one of the owners" when his share is 1/5000th or something?  Or is he actively involved in some directorship capacity with a larger stake? Does his money come from something else? 

    • Love 2
  9. WHAT was with his passive aggressive muttering yesterday "I wanted to wear these glasses before but I know how shit disappears around here so I hide them." And then he repeated it when no one commented or reacted.


    Wasn't one of America's Team challenges to make stuff go missing and create havoc that way?


    Christine – Moron I’d Like to Forget


    Like somebody upthread I thought that maybe production regretted the ripples caused by cheering for Donnie and decided to use Zingbot to support the dominant alliance’s belief that Donnie’s meaningless in the grand scheme of things.  In that case it HELPS Donnie’s game.

    • Love 7
  10. The "expensive to get married" thing seemed odd to me, too.  I can understand earlier times when people might live far, far away from settlements with actual churches (heck, even in the US frontier people would have ceremonies and then make it "official" eventually when a preacher came by, or they happened to pass through someplace that had a church).  But it didn't make sense to me in the context of this story, unless there was a corruption angle they just didn't want to get into, where local priests literally might not offer the sacrament unless a "donation" was made.   


    The theme of the season is Gunshots in Bed at Night. First Cynthia Nixon's ancestor shot her abusive husband in bed, then Jesse Tyler Ferguson's grandfather shot his aunt while they were sleeping in the same bed, now Valerie's gg-grandmother's story. Makes you wonder what's in store for us with the rest of the stories!

    I immediately thought of Kelsey Grammer, because I know his father and his sister were both murdered (separately).  Didn't want to post that without double checking, so I double checked, and was horrified to find out that his father's murderer's (last) name was Niles!  Geez!  How on earth did they ever go with that name for the show? 


    I hope he finds some happy family history, because he's pretty much got one of the most miserable family of origin histories out there. 

    • Love 3

    My grandfather's older brother was born 2 years before his parents legally married and my grandfather barely made it in on the "legal" side.  The marriage license record I found said they married in April 1897.  My GF was born in August 1897.  I guess they didn't want to push it with 2 babies out of wedlock.

    I remember waaaay back when I was in college and Gae Exton was Christopher Reeve's girlfriend, and she said (about themselves) "One child out of wedlock is romantic; two is tacky." 


    No exotic names in my tree, but my friend has a 4x great grandmother named Ardilda.

  13. Rihanna's brother tweeted a video of Frankie's reveal to the girls in the living room, saying "So glad I'm not like this"



    Oh, what I would give for an old style "tell us which headline is true" competition


    "Houseguests, which celebrity tweet actually happened?


    Kim Kardashian:  Donnie is the sweetest houseguest!


    Rihanna's brother:  "So glad I'm not like this"

    • Love 7
  14. I think they need to make the Veto competition more random.  When they make their nominations, they shouldn't know if there will or won't be a veto competition. Maybe some weeks there will be one, some there won't.   Might cut down on some of the backdooring, since backdooring has become Plan A and it's boring.  


    Now of course that opens things up to producer manipulation, so maybe they can choose a Yes Veto/ No Veto coin or something, 


    They also need to introduce more individual comps determined solely by how bad you want it.  That soccer kicking thing was a good one.  Everybody who does x number can compete in a veto competition.  Or you have a choice - compete in Veto or have good food/special privileges.  Those on the block would still obviously want to compete, but you'd begin to cut down on those just going along with throwing competitions or winning them for their alliance mates.  (Yes, an old Survivor trick -- offer people food to not play and see who's left standing.  Eyes are always opened)

    • Love 1
  15. Just watched Brooke Shields and laughed -- her paternal GRANDMOTHER was a Princess, as you could see very clearly in the scroll as they raced up it to get to the "banker."  I agree that the banking story was interesting, but found it funny that she talked about her dad's side of the family being "some kind of nobility" and yet neither she nor the show mentions Grandma Princess ______.  


    Note: I don't blame her.  Presumably they spend hours going over lots of material that doesn't make the show.  It just seemed silly to me that they SHOW us her father's mom was a Princess and yet hope we didn't notice.


    I also don't buy that a Princeton French Literature major didn't know that the Louvre was a royal palace.  Acting!

  16. No interesting names on any side of my tree so far.  John, Charles, Henry, Mary, Sarah, Bridget -- generation after generation, ad infinitum.  One Jeremiah.


    Best discoveries -- my mom's maternal grandparents were divorced.   It wasn't even that long ago, and yet neither my mom nor any of her siblings or cousins were aware of this.  They knew they lived separately, but he died when they were still fairly young, so they thought it was just one of those devout Catholic separate lives things.  Nope - complete divorce.  Trying to get the documentation through probate.  She was a very devout woman, so I kind of fear the results, because it must have been momentous for her to make that break so absolute.


    They also thought their paternal grandfather had died in an accident in the trainyard where he worked.  I got his death certificate and he had a stroke, at home!  However, months later, digging through their paternal grandmother's side, I discovered that HER father died in a logging accident, which might somehow have gotten confused in their minds as kids.  


    Most scandalous discovery - My 4x great grandmother was a widow, and I got a lead that she remarried a guy by a certain name and had more children.  So I tracked it down, the actual parish registers of weddings/christenings are online, and could see on the same page of the church book that she gave birth to a baby, two weeks later the baby was baptized, and two weeks after that they got married!  And went on to have more kids.  


    But she'd been widowed for a while.  Just makes it a mystery why you'd go the whole pregnancy and actually have the baby and only THEN make it legal.  Need to follow up and find out if he was in prison or the military or something.  I considered that he might be married, but it wouldn't have been a Catholic marriage, then.  


    Total fluke that all those entries appeared on the same register book page and jumped out at me.  Ancestry had given me the link to the page for the wedding record.


    I did feel that twinge of guilt of digging up the woman's secret that she had buried for 140 years. Seeing the words "natural child of" definitely make your eyes bug out and a "whaaaaaa?" spring to mind.  But good for her for pulling it all off.

  17. I don't know what was funnier -- the bizarre yet compelling reaction shots of Andy over Ramona's shoulder as she was sharing Deep Thoughts with Aviva, or the thought that somewhere in NYC that dark haired housewife prospect who lasted two episodes was watching and wondering why she was not up there on that stage.

    • Love 1
  18. Translucent breasts are freaky.  


    Awake during tummy tuck lady was said to have had "extreme" anxiety both before and AFTER surgery.  So my guess is she pitched a nutty when she woke up and couldn't calm down, and they a) don't want that on camera; and b) don't want to spend the rest of the afternoon peeling her off the walls before they can safely discharge her.


    I'll go to tell for saying so, but it seems to be a common theme among boob obsessed women that their face is not their fortune.   I found myself staring at thin dark haired gal and wanting to give her a flattering haircut and some perspective.  Her boyfriend seemed really nice and truly loves her, which is good, because he's in for a long, rough ride.  

    • Love 5
  19. I get the impression that Amber and Tiny Jim thought they'd stand apart from the other dingbats and be held up and admired. Surprise!



    Absolutely.  They consider themselves a cut above the Giudices and Gorgas of this world.  Completely blind to their own faults, they came in thinking they'd be the voice of the people against the criminal element, the outrageous brawling element, and the shit stirring element.  Even after everything went wrong at the party, Amber still came into the lunch with Melissa loaded for bear about her starting trouble and backing out.  And yes, it's true... but you were there, honey, and she didn't run with anything you didn't give her.


    I'm sure they read social media on the show, planned their approach, congratulated themselves incessantly on how their business would prosper as they became Bravolebrities, and like the obnoxious egotists on Survivor who start playing too hard, too soon, they're flabbergasted that it all went so wrong, so fast. 


    Amber was positively shell shocked on WWHL.  If they were able to recover at some point during the rest of the season, I think she would have just sat back and said "Keep watching...." with a sly smile.  The fact that she didn't indicates to me that she spends the rest of the season convinced that whatever is heaped upon her, she's the darling of the viewers, so she keeps doubling down.


    And now it's all on tape, there's no going back, and she knows she's got 2 months of God knows what about to play out.

    • Love 8
  20. Boy the "danger" and "10 year retrospective" episodes sure showed how everybody has aged.  Even Phil looked young!  


    Made me miss the Maverick captain and crew.  


    They also cleared up the Time Bandit guys being around to help the Cornelia- sounds like when the alarm went out to production to send more help, they came along.  Some more good scenes of Scottie.


    The captains really creamed the Disco guys at bowling.  Do they bowl a lot in Dutch out of boredom, or just residual skill from throwing the hook? 

    • Love 2
  21. I too wondered why they parked the way they did with the hurricane coming.  It may be that the other berth wasn't available when they came in, or the storm changed course.  


    Or just got a lot worse, a lost faster than forecast.  Maybe the winds were forecast to be 60-80 mph, and the tie lines would have been fine in that, but pushed up to 100 mph, not so much? 


    Even in these sophisticated forecast days, I know every once in a while I leave for work expecting a "flurry or two" and come home at the end of the day with 8 inches on the ground.

    • Love 1
  22. I agree it was a weak season, but the Cornelia Marie having to move in the hurricane scenes really brought me back to why I originally loved the show so much.  Pure astonishment at the danger they face and ingenuity they have to show to work with the elements. Lots of dramatic, organic tension.  I hope Casey sticks around, though it will be interesting to watch him deal with both Harris brothers.  


    I don't know what the one crew member was being a baby about; if the CM had come loose, it would have grounded on the rocks of a jetty but they were in port, not out at sea. The boat would have been damaged but the crew would have been in an area that they could have been easily rescued.



    I don't think it would easy to rescue them.  Any boat that tried would be beached, and climbing down from the land side could be fatal in 100 mph winds.  Helicopter out of the question.  Remember that scene years ago of the boat that beached on the rocky shore and the coast guard hovered helplessly overhead due to winds (if they got closer they'd hit the cliffs so they couldn't help) and the crew created a kind of ladder of crab pots to make a run from the boat to the shore, then climb the cliff to where the coast guard could get them?


    Just transitioning from the boat to the shore it was already crashed on was a deadly chance to take -- being crushed was a genuine possibility.  I think that CM crew member was thinking of that scenario.  The game changer was the tugboat.  With that additional mechanical assistance, it became much more do-able.  I actually feared more for the guys working the lines from the dock than the boat!


    If the crew member's hesitation prompted Casey to ask for additional help, that's great.  If he was planning on that anyway and the crew member just hadn't grasped it, oops.  

    • Love 1
  23. I cringed for Ramona during the Hamptons/Berkshires conversation.  By trying to pose as a sophisticated person, Ramona merely exposed how completely unsophisticated she is (flashbacks of her pride at appearing at the Learning Annex).  She doesn’t seem to realize that real affluence means being able to do what makes you happy – not merely what other affluent people are doing.  Or were doing when you first saw Working Girl back in the 80s.   An apartment on the upper West/East side (I can never remember which is better).  A summer home in the Hamptons.  The “correct” schools for her child.  And because she was so desperate to arrive, once she did arrive at those places, it never occurred to her that anybody might have moved past it.  I mean, I like Molly Simms as much as the next gal, but if she’s the hottest invitation of your summer in the Hamptons...


    Say what you will about Sonja and LuAnn, when they talk about Saint Tropez, I believe they lived/visited there.  Ramona, on the other hand, likely picks her vacations out of her travel agent’s Big Book of Manhattan Luxury Package Escorted Tours.


    Money can't buy you class... elegance is learned, my friend.  But you have to be willing to learn.

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