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Posts posted by kassa

  1. On 2/18/2023 at 12:17 PM, Starlight925 said:

    So, I live in a "no-state-income-tax" state.

    The great news?  No state income tax.

    The bad news?  They gotta get it from somewhere.  The best place for them to get your $$ is from....you guessed it....your property.  Our property taxes are double, triple other states.

    Not to mention all the amenities they start demanding because they want life just like it was in the higher tax place they left... only without the taxes. Doesn't work that way.  In the meantime, the regular people who already lived there who don't have 10,000 sq ft houses watch their bills rise and rise.

    I assume the proximity to the other houses is because they're basically building walled city states and the front is just a facade for the street. Life is lived inside and out back where you can't see the neighbors.

    On 2/23/2023 at 11:31 PM, SilverLake0315 said:

    I was really struggling to find Altman’s fault in this situation. He asked if she wanted to stay at the house. She said yes. What am I missing, Heather?

    From what I gather, she wasn't included in the planning phase. As others have pointed out, they had a schedule, so she had to know what was going on. Sounds like she was trying to justify to herself that she couldn't go anyway because of her workload, but then it just festered until it blew up. She was tearful when she said she had to stay and work - the developer saw it, and so did the camera, but not her husband.  

    That said, she's a grown woman and has to speak up. I think the deeper issue is that in these situations "speaking up" amounts to asking over and over to be included, begging, if you will. You're not a principal player if you constantly have to ask if you can come, too. Maybe she had shrugged it off and figured she'd work and do makeup but the reality of the camera crew and everybody else leaving while she stayed back like Flagg's uninvolved boyfriend was a bad look for the client. 

    Whatever, there was no excuse for her behavior at dinner. That's a fight you have in the privacy of your room (camera crew optional). 

    Josh... I felt for Tracy in the moment and later as the enormity of it landed on her. Not just that it happened, but that it would air, and her daughter would have to deal with it. I do agree that she had let things slide letting her daughter air her antagonism so openly - inviting children into adult-style banter generally doesn't end well because one side or another crosses a line.

    As for Josh, the temperature in that car dropped about 50 degrees when he said that, and even after Tracy slapped him he kept grinning, pleased with himself. No, he can't read a room. 

    Josh's boyfriend acquitted himself well, but he has cartoon character features (couldn't say which one).  Good looking, but he looks like a drawing.

    I like the director's house pretty much as is structurally. Take out the dark bars and heavy draperies and the ugly wallpaper and I think you could still make it adorable without making it antiseptic. 

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  2. Was I the only one who thought Fraser was running off the ship to throw himself into Captain Lee's arms, only to see he was getting the cake?

    I took Lee's statements to mean he was panicked about his symptoms and the doctor basically told him it was sciatica and it sucked but it was a pain issue not a sign of anything more sinister that needed immediate correction and he decided to tough it out.  (Not dismissing the impact of great pain on one's ability to function, just saying that sitting on a boat in the Caribbean as you suffer increasing pain would be a frightening situation that you'd want to get to the bottom of ASAP.) So maybe all along it was "I need to get home for a drs appt and a CAT scan and best case scenario I'll need to miss 2 charters" as opposed to the open ended situation we were presented with. (Obviously had the testing/examination showed something that would have changed everything).

    Both Hayley (finally learned her name this week!) and Rachel need to tone things down. I noticed the last Below Deck rerun show where the old deckies watch episodes most of them visibly and audibly being disgusted by some of Rachel's statements. I hope production takes a hint. Even if they say nothing to her they don't have to air every scatological comment, especially when she's spiraling out trying to be funny.

    I was confused by the "they're the nicest people" "I wish everybody was that nice" comments from the crew and wonder if they truly were super nice (except for LaQuish) and maybe a little demanding, but the staff extrapolated their niceness to expectations of a big tip, and once they got the small tip they were angry and blasted them in their talking heads? If it weren't for LaQuish's demands and the gay guy's attraction to Fraser, did they provide any show content at all other than wardrobe changes? 

    • Like 2
  3. 16 hours ago, ItsHelloPattiagain said:

    When did Jackie supposedly have an abortion? Could that have been Little Andy? LOL. Did she pull a "Bobby Ewing in the shower" deal? 

    I immediately flashed to Fisher and how much worse that situation would have been had she been pregnant. And who's to say she wasn't? Would add layers to one of the best (and best acted) storylines of the franchise. Heartbreaking.


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  4. On 2/23/2023 at 7:06 PM, ofmd said:

    I think I'm done. Abbott Elementary and Frasier rewatches will have to do for my comedy needs.

    They've rebooted Frasier - no Niles, so be forewarned. 

    I get the whole rally 'round the expectant mother thing. Really... what can you say? If you believe and respect that it's a choice, you can't badger a woman into not making a bad one. What you CAN do is lay down ground rules - if you expect this family to help you raise this child, there's going to be a committee giving input. A discussion that includes Ben and Becky.  The family unit can work together to move everybody forward, but it can't be play it by ear day to day, and the heaviest weight can't fall on the people who aren't the parents of the child. They need a plan for the year, for the month, for the week. What needs to be done, who's available to do it. 

    I'd move Mark and Harris (until she has the baby) in with Dan and his wife who's barely ever there anyway. That way the older folks only get stuck with the least intrusive family members (and Dan's been lonely anyway).  When the baby's born, Harris and baby go to Darlene and Beverly Rose and Becky move back with Dan with strict house rules about living separate lives and no child care unless it's pre-arranged or a true emergency.

    I feel bad for Ben, but he's got to speak up, and in this family that means yell until you're heard. 

    15 hours ago, Linderhill said:

    That was ridiculous, before there were phone app we just used paper calendars and a pen or pencil.  No chance of gov't spying with that.  Not very difficult either.  Women were able to track their cycles generations before there were phone apps.

    But for a kid who never did that before, you can see how it could be something that slipped through the cracks when it was previously automated. 

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  5. 23 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

     Honestly, with many of these guests over the seasons, I feel like the crew members have much better manners, and awareness of what “high end, 5-star experiences” mean. At least while they are on charter…not so much when they are ashore for their incoherent drunken ass grabbing. 

    Nobody's snobbier than people who serve the ultra rich. Except maybe the nouveau riche.

    I don't know about the deck crew, but most of the chefs and chief and second stews we've seen have worked untelevised on superyachts and dealt with rich people one step below those who own their own yachts, and sometimes those who do own their own yachts.  I'm sure more than a few of them want a turkey club sandwich at an inopportune time, but they also sleep in, sit around, request a standing Special K and yogurt breakfast, go into town and shop/dine, go to bed early, and aren't keeping them running 24/7 in order to fit as much into their 3 day experience as possible. 

    I'm curious about the confines of the charters we're seeing. Do you think it might be the boat's owner or Bravo restricting their movements? As in no fuel allowance to move anywhere more interesting, access only to the horrible beach with no explanation as to why they are not permitted to go to one of the other 10,000 beaches within launch range? (Maybe Bravo would not pay the Dept of Tourism to film in good spots?)

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  6. All I get from Louie is that he's one of those guys that love bomb a woman and separate her from family and friends, enveloping her completely into his world at the expense of her own, egging on her every grievance, making himself her salvation. We know how those relationships end up. 

    I think Joe Gorga IS actually over it at last (trailing Melissa, who has been over it for a while). I find the whole Jersey Italian-American family dynamic (as portrayed on this show, but not unfamiliar to me from life) such a contrast from my Irish-American Boston family dynamic. Family members stop speaking... and nobody mentions it, EVER, let alone makes it the centerpiece of group interactions. Eventually at a wedding or funeral they will speak, pick up as if it never happened, and no one will ever refer to it again.   

    Don't like Dolores' new guy, especially since it seems his presence is focusing even MORE attention on Frank instead of less.  And who exactly is the market for this calendar? Is she counting on each model ordering a dozen for his friends/family?

    New blonde lady is exhausting. I like Jackie -- as close a housewife to me as there has been, except maybe Eileen from BH, in terms of reacting like a normal person in this weirdness.  I'm also no fashion plate - I don't really care about clothes. But that doesn't mean I don't know clothes out of hamper when I see them.

    Jennifer is going through some stuff this season, clearly. I've never been crazy about Bill since we saw him drunk (when I see somebody ugly drunk, I can't ever go back to respecting them) but he seems genuinely pained about shooting with her, as if they called the marriage off long before filming but are having to relive the breakup for a storyline.  And the whole kids/housekeeping/$ thing - she enjoys encouraging behavior that aggravates him, even if it makes her look bad and isn't good for the kids. I hope in the divorce he withdraws permission to film them. I know he initially permitted it which would normally probably override later objections, but I think between the first daughter's bullying and the way the other one is acting now, he can make a strong case that he is seeing the effect on his children and even if the kids want to film, they will regret having these scenes out in the world for the rest of their lives. 

    • Applause 1
  7. I can't truly believe that all those people were living in that hotel room together. Maybe a night here and there for the cameras, but weeks? There were no occupancy regulations? And they never discussed "well, this is the time for you guys to get working on your exit plan"?

    I just... don't believe that.  I CAN believe Tina agreeing to it as a plotline to keep the show going, and her husband not thinking it was worth it and wanting her to get out of it. And the producers saying the only way out of it is to do it during the bachelorette weekend (because of COURSE that's when you'd spring this on an unsuspecting freeloader). 

    • Like 5
  8. My favorite line from this ep was Sandy saying how amazing Fraser's composure was. And all I could think was "yes, because he hates your guts and will until the day he dies, but he doesn't want to sabotage his career. The show will end, he will keep working in the industry, and he will never stop telling people to beware working with you."

    I actually half believe she KNOWS he hates her guts and she kind of admires his ability to carry on in spite of that.

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  9. 12 hours ago, aghst said:

    When he told her about his foot at the volleyball, she said he didn't report it to her.

    I just wonder if they're playing with semantics. Seems like she'd be even more upset that he went behind her back to call the doctor and have someone come onto her boat without her knowledge than that he cut his foot and didn't say anything. Feels like a big puzzle piece is missing.  

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  10. I do retain questions about how the doctor/NP came to the ship. To my recollection we've never had the Chief Stew make such a call before - it always went through the captain. So did he go to her to request a consultation and she told him to go ahead and call, or did he just call?  If he just called without her knowledge, did she not know that somebody came onto her boat without her knowledge? She would be justifiably angry if that were the case. The fact that after the whole Malia business she kind of shrugged away the "I should have been told" as if it were a minor piece of the problem makes me believe she knew about the doctor visit and told him to have it checked out, and he didn't report the results to her... but she also never requested the results. 

    Maybe she was "off duty" in some capacity and he ran it through the first officer and she was aware that THAT had happened and so couldn't fault him on going around her back, merely on not filling her in on the diagnosis in time for her to reschedule her public shaming event? I hope they explain that bit of business, because something is being left out of this equation. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, racked said:

    I like Fraser and dislike Sandy, and she handled everything wrong. But he really is a mess as the Chief Stew. I wonder how things would have played out if Lee hadn’t left. 

    Lee's central rule is not to embarrass him or the boat. The passengers have been happy and given good tips. Other than drama within guest earshot, I think he would have stayed out of all of it. And if Alyssa said "cool, cool" to him he wouldn't have devoted screen time to pacing and tugging at his hair in "whatever shall I do, audience?" mode. He would have told her to watch her mouth or get off his boat, and she would have slunk off.

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  12. I actually agree that it's the grandkids that are making him crazier than anything. He seems to always have loved little kids (when they're at the Dad is Superman stage) and by everybody's account was pretty involved with them. 

    In his MIND he's still that guy. Pictures of Christine and Janelle with the grandkids make him go "awww - I need to get over there and have some grandpa time." Which he may or may not get around to in person. But he probably fires up the face time and gushes and talks about how much they look like him. 

    But seeing another man in the inner circle holding those babies? Having an ongoing relationship with those babies? That's one step away from making a painting showing Christine's New Guy in Kody's place. Because that's what divorced people DO, as he knows very well.


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  13. I can't see Camille being the reason. Fraser, maybe, but not Camille. I think he definitely considers Fraser and Rachel "his" and would flip if she fired THEM without his input.

    NEVER MIND - he has, indeed, said publicly that he was not happy that he learned about it after the fact, not before. Fine with the firing, but thought when she called him about it that it hadn't happened yet.



  14. Kerry won me over when he marched into the galley to tell the histrionic chef that she was inappropriate and abusive and it needed to stop or she was off the boat. How many years have I wished for that to happen with other chefs/crew? I like Lee, but he seems like a boss who doesn't want to know about personality disputes, which gives abusive folks a lot of leeway.

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  15. On 2/14/2023 at 10:24 AM, janiema said:

    I’m on Team Sandy too. Partly I’m basing my opinion on Rachel’s reaction. She seems to be on Team Sandy despite their earlier production driven problems. 

    I think Rachel's simply hedging her bets, assuming the captain has some say over future chef hiring decisions. Ben falls all over himself for her, too - if you think you'll work with her again, are you going to openly blast her? For somebody you don't care for?

    Fraser does have a lot of maturing to do in management, but unlike every other BD captain, Sandy can't stay away from the cameras. You find Lee in the wheelhouse, or occasionally getting coffee or a snack, or at dinner with guests. He's not standing in doorways, leaning against hallway doors, stalking the guest areas. 

    The "team building exercise" was merely the set up for the Captain Sandy Pulpit o' Bullshit takedown of the interior, featuring Chief Whipping Boy Fraser. Sporty woman lines up athletic jock squad against guest services staff in full knowledge of how things will work out so she can set up her guaranteed camera time touching monologue about what a failure you are until she absolves you.

    Except Fraser robbed her of her moment, so she spit out her thesis in a frustrated attempt to get some of it out there, and realized it made her look petty and then she really dug in against him.




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  16. On 11/19/2022 at 4:56 PM, ceecee said:

    Since Jake is considering moving to fish in Norway, and Sig might also fish there due to the closing of the Alaskan fishery,  might there be a season of Norway?  Is it feasible to bring their own crab boats there? Wild Bill also fished there with Sig, he might return. 

    A lot may depend on whether they have the legal right to work in Norway. Sig's wife is Norwegian (I think) so she could presumably buy a boat and hire him to run it. I can't imagine Norwegian fishermen (or their government) would welcome a mass influx of American fishermen/boats.

    It will be interesting to see if the DC boats move to other waters (New England, Gulf Coast, etc). They'd still get hassled for being outsiders, but it seems much more do-able and could make for interesting tv.

  17. On 2/7/2023 at 9:18 PM, RockShrimp said:

     And Especially the “omg a guy who was a German soldier in WWI had a kid who was a nazi?!” How is that shocking?

    I think what was shocking to him was learning that he was descended from both victim/perpetrator of separate genocides. That's got to rattle your brain a little. 

    His great grandmother must have been AMAZING, not just to survive what she endured but to go halfway around the world and start over. I wish there'd been more info about what kind of person she was later in life.  Was she kind and loving? Distant and tragic and unknow-able?

    • Like 9
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  18. If you've ever had a boss like Sandy, then you know exactly what you're dealing with. The "Cool" boss, ingratiating, friend and mentor to underlings, big public displays of magnanimity. But only to certain people, not all people. And you know exactly what side of the fence you're on if you're not one of the chosen.  They have their work buddies/favorites, and exhibit their tough side to underlings who don't make their personal popularity cut. They're not subtle about it. And throw in cameras and there's even more incentive for someone to demonstrate how "even handed" they are by loving on the in-group and cracking down on the outsiders.  (Which doesn't mean the interior doesn't have major issues - just that she's not interested in helping them so much as getting tv kudos for offering empty platitudes and then being tough on them.)  Other captains wait for problems to make their way to the wheelhouse - she's worming her way into every scene she can cram herself into. Except the deck team's sexual harassment lawsuit/industrial accident waiting to happen drunken escapades. 

    I respect the zero tolerance laws about not drinking/using drugs on board and how it endangers not only the safety of the people on board but the very expensive yacht itself.  Yet they have drunken cast members running up and down staircases, slipping around hot tubs... if there's a fire on board and 3 of them are passed out senseless and the others are staring  blankly at the wall shoveling cereal into their mouths... how is that not a danger to the boat? (I know, unseen crew would handle it  - but they'd still need to rescue the incapacitated people)

    Lee really likes Fraser, and I suspect Fraser reached out to him about what was going on. Hopefully he got some good advice. If the rumor is true that Capt Kerry is replacing him, that is a good move. Like Lee, he has no problem walking up to someone who's out of line and telling them to take a step waaaay back or they are gone. First time in any BD series a captain went up to a chef being an asshole and told her she was abusive and he wouldn't tolerate it.  Shut her up fast because she knew he meant it. 

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  19. 46 minutes ago, realityplease said:

    When things were at a fever pitch, they preened & patted themselves on the back as if it was their doing.  But now that it's stalled, it's not them, but the "market" that's at fault.  Shouldn't THEY be able to adjust for it? Ups & downs aren't new to the world of real estate.

    It's all about timing. They did (or Altman did) point out to one of the sellers that things were cooling off fast. I sold my uncle's condo a couple of years ago at peak market... well, one week off it.  Between interviewing brokers and hitting MLS two weeks later our price went up 60K on a pretty basic condo. Everybody was buying with no contingencies, bidding wars, etc, so we fully expected another 10-15 above that. The week before a comp went 19k above ask with 20 offers. We got 3, took the one at full ask. A week later we would have had to lower our price. Two weeks later it probably would have been down 20K. Just timing.  

    I respect the Mattel lady who said the right buyer will come, and I think if she's rich enough to carry the house til it does, she's right, and the agents merely are looking to get their cash NOW and move on to the next thing, rather than carry a listing that isn't selling which might reflect poorly on them. But that's a THEM problem. She's not wrong, so long as she's willing to hold onto it with everything that means.

    I do think the agents are honest with their clients who are in tight places and really NEED to sell but are hung up on getting a price they had in their head rather than what they're likely to get. In that case, getting them to take the money and run is in the client's best interest as well.

    I always liked Bobby well enough, but he was pretty snide and both of them could have handled it better. He seems to have gone on a plastic surgery binge since we saw him last, which is a shame. 

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  20. For whatever reason, I'm guessing Dorion was a key to this show being made and that's why they were falling over themselves to make him look good after his behavior at the party? Though it may also be a case of their knowing the guy who got into it with him, because he's getting messier as the show goes on and they may have wanted to nip that in the bud right away.

    I feel for Handsome Actor guy who feels the repercussions his family will face at home (get the feeling they already are bombarded with Other People's Judgment about their son/brother the Actor out in HOLLYWOOD), so throwing being openly gay onto the bonfire is not necessarily something he wants them to go through. It's his life, but he knows the world his loved ones live in, and it's got to be a struggle to be authentic AND try to avoid causing pain. 

    I like the bearded stress ball host guy. And I'm liking Todrick, who is being a voice of reason so far, and good for him. I'm only vaguely aware of Brad from seeing him here and there, but he seems good at what he does. He does seem like he'd be too much to be around and he will make trouble where there is none if it will work for tv.


  21. On 1/19/2023 at 11:46 AM, gaPeach said:

    The look of shock on Camille's face when Sandy told her she was canned, was priceless.  She really did not see that coming.  Even though it has been the elephant on the boat for the last 2 charters.

    I'm torn between she totally knew and was acting shocked and possibly she really was shocked because she hadn't been tipped off while chatting to production immediately before the call came in.

    I bet she got the same fawning producer feedback that that bonehead bosun got that year (Joao? - the one they got to brag about his obnoxious behavior as if it was adorable, which clearly egged him on to do more of it AND made him look 10x worse as they aired it?) That was the most egregious case I've seen on reality tv of somebody believing they were the darling while they were being diced to pieces in the edit).

    She may have felt that so long as production loved her she was safe and didn't realize that her firing would be just as valuable as her sticking around. 

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  22. At my grandfather's funeral, one of my (Irish) great aunts sat beside me and we had a great chat in which she told me that her dream was to be a gym teacher but her mother told her that was something only lesbians did and if she wanted to work it was nursing or teaching. She spoke with the candor of the 100 year old lady who's still annoyed with her parents. (She became a nurse.) 

    A generation earlier, nursing would have been just as questionable a pursuit as acting. It's sad she was held back from her desires. But then I think back and I believe every phys ed teacher I had WAS a lesbian and wonder how that became a thing.

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