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sugarbaker design

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Posts posted by sugarbaker design

  1. I'm still waiting to see if he's more sinister in motive than just a jealous husband or if his pettiness is what will bring about a massive f-up because he keeps blocking Jack's path.



    Boudrea has already forged the president's signature on a document, that's pretty sinister.


    Every time they show her big expanse of forehead to eyeballs with no brow definition I get distracted. It's not a good look!




    I know the last time I was posing as a Ukranian immigrant sleeping with a tech whiz, trying to get his singular technology to give to my terrorist mother, the only thing I could think of was eyebrow definition!

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  2. If they are writing him as a selfish, self-seeking, hypocritical, flip-flopping asshole, then the writers are doing a great job!!!



    Sounds like Bill to me. At this point, you have to pick your poison.


    I'm not so blinded by my hate for Ridge that I can't see your point, and it is valid, but Ridge has been pissing me off for twenty years, long before $Bill even came to Los Angeles.

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  3. Trinity and April both got shafted and should have stayed around a lot longer than they did.  Both of them looked gorgeous.



    Trinity was gorgeous, she also couldn't get Chaz Bono's name right during his interview.  She deserved to go home.

    • Love 1
  4. I don’t think I feel comfortable with how Arya is developing into a killer.



    I sure do, she's a teen-age girl with a target on her back, half her family has been slaughtered.  Either she kills or she's going to be killed.

    • Love 10
  5. All caught up with last week's episodes, the writers really stepped it up with Aly/Ollie/Thorne/Taylor.  I despise Taylor and even I felt for her, the writing and Hunter Tylo's understated acting, (her real strong suit, leave out the histrionics!), the acting of the actors who play Aly and Ollie were all top notch.  I'm glad Aly's had a breakthrough but I still want her to be a little bit of a loose cannon where Quinn is concerned.  Aly snarling "I'm not afraid of you" is still one of the high points of the year.


    Unpopular opinion, I'm sure, but I love Quinn.  She adds an excitement and a level of looniness this show needs desperately.  RS is bringing 100% at all times, she is definitely not phoning it in.  This show has a proud history of wacky women and Quinn is proudly upholding that tradition.  The main object of her vitriol and contempt is Liam, a character I don't really care about so I don't see the big deal about deleting messages and locking in steam rooms.  Yawn.


    I've never seen Brooke smile so much as when she is with Bill, I've never seen Bill light up so much as when he is with Brooke.  I love these two together.


    The one huge drawback is Ridge.  He's always been a major asshole as far as I'm concerned, but the way he is being written and performed now is pushing him into total asshole territory.  I FF when he's on, because its so predictable what he's going to say and because he and Katie have absolutely no chemistry.

    • Love 3
  6. What a game!  Roger Craig betting the farm on a DD (complete with Ken Jennings egging him on "Do it! Do it!") and losing $10K!!!  I thought I had FJ in the bag, except my math was way off, instead of 30 years I went back 40 years and said Network with Faye Dunaway and Peter Finch.

    • Love 1
  7. Could someone explain how "the last American President" was George Bush?


    TJ enjoyed this challenge a little too much.


    I did enjoy CT's little squirrel brain going into overdrive trying to figure out the national language of Uruguay.

  8. In Clue Boom!  Rita Wilson had the word lesbian, she started off with "not a homosexual"?!?!  Why didn't she point at Jane?!  


    I did enjoy the final round, I'm not familiar with the actress but she was the right amount of pop culture savvy, common sense and nervous jitters.


    Did not like the IPad drawing game, at all.

  9. "The Unicorn and The Wasp" was a treat for Agatha Christie fans, the writer tried to jam as many AC titles in the dialogue as he could.  There were quite a few.


    One of my favorite episodes "Midnight" aired during the Donna Noble season, but Donna was not featured that much, instead we get a razor sharp performance from Lesley Sharp of Scott and Bailey fame.

    Right after Midnight was perhaps my favorite from the Donna Noble season, Left Turn.

    • Love 2
  10. While it's true that Sharon and Dennis aren't related and weren't raised together, they were regarded as brother and sister for many years.



    By whom?  Sharon and Vicky didn't even know of Dennis' existence until Sharon and Dennis were well into their thirties.

  11. After Emily had the fight with the guy at creepy cabin she noticed a hypodermic sticking out of her leg.  I thought she passed out after that, and everything that transpired after that; Victoria killing Aiden, David killing Conrad, was part of a really intense dream.  I kept on waiting for her to wake up like Pam Ewing and say "what a crazy dream!".

    • Love 2
  12. I must give kudos to the writers for this decision to revisit the "Taylor causes Darla's death" story: it uses history and is a big payoff for long time viewers, and it furthers the Aly story in the present.



    Same here.  I'm happy, the scenes were better than I had anticipated.  Granted, I am not a big fan of either Taylor or Hunter Tylo, but I could see Taylor's point that Thorne postponed his happiness for Aly's sake, and now that Aly has grown he wants to proceed with Taylor.  I can also understand Aly's resentment and anger towards Taylor, but it was an accident.  For the sake of Aly's mental health I hope this begins some sort of acceptance of what really happened.


    Does FC HR department have some sort of rule pertaining to medieval axes?




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