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Posts posted by zxy556575

  1. I suppose the reenactor actors are used to looping dialog, but dang, they all do such a good job. I usually listen to the teevee in the background while I'm on the computer, but I actually watch this with my eyes.


    Paget's "moth!" was killing me.

  2. There was a show years ago that matched one person with three different dates, and each of the couples then had to spend a week living together. It was interesting because the forced physical closeness made people open up to and learn from each other, even when their first impression may have been, "ugh, no way." There was also a panel of experts (or family, or a mix of the two?) that initially paired up the couples.

  3. I fixate on this because it has personal meaning in my own romantic life, but I always look at the body language when couples go through a door. The man should obviously let the woman go first, but it's when he puts his land on her back to give that small guiding motion that seals it for me. Tonight, Doug was holding Jamie's hand and went through the restaurant door first, pulling her after him. Vaughn did the same. Boo on them. We either didn't see Jason/Cortney, or else I had left the room.

    My other thought was that he hit it and was just ready to quit it.


    Mine was still that he's gay. But Monet was in no way willing to indulge his feelings, or even let him speak without interrupting.

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  4. I couldn't figure out if Bright was stunned or possibly in on it.


    Hasn't he always disliked/resented Morse and wanted to take him down? I'm only going on this series since I haven't seen the others.

  5. Redneck TV. By which I mean the plethora of programming now devoted to the good ol' boys, the 'real' Americans, those craaaazy southerners, etc.  Honey Boo Boo, Duck Dynasty, Pawn Stars, Storage Wars, American Pickers, Lizard Lick Towing, etc.


    I'll expand that to include all ripoff TV. Duck Dynasty is popular? Let's throw on a spitload of shows set in the South or a swamp or Alaska or that showcase any sort of blue collar "folk." I've never seen it, but I'm sure that show about toothless rednecks in Beverly Hills is quality television. You like Fast 'N Loud? All righty! Here are a bunch of copycat car makeover shows. You want to see people bid for or dicker over the price of collectibles? Gorge yourself, because there are 6-7 variations of that. People want to see tattoos? HERE YOU FUCKING GO!!


    Let me add that I have disabled entire networks like Spike, Velocity, Outdoor Channel, and Country Music or whatever, so I'm sure there are more examples I'm unaware of.


    On  an even more encompassing note, network TV in general. My DVR has season recordings for 57 shows and only 4 are network.


    Not show-specific, but I cannot watch any plots that involve innocent people being set up to take the fall, and any news shows that involve a surprise ambush. Cannot watch


    Generally shows that go on forever because the creators/networks are all about more seasons rather than telling a concise story.


    Lack of effort/motivation/persistence here, but I tend to lose interest way before the general populace, so the fact that shows like Grey's Anatomy are still on ... why, again?


    I stopped watching Revenge, for instance, because Nolan is the personification of all that I've mentioned.


    See also: Felix on Orphan Black. Which I also gave up on after 5-6 episodes.

  6. And then there was Morse knowing what sandwich Thursday had because it was the day Thursday.


    How can Thursday possibly not know which sandwich he has? Is he being sarcastic when he always tells Morse he ruined the surprise?


    Monday - cheese and pickle

    Tuesday - lunch meat

    Wednesday - unknown

    Thursday - ham and tomato

    Friday - corned beef

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  7. I really do think that Rosie is waaay past herself of seven years ago.  She's lived through a lot in that time, and she's a smart lady.  As the Who sang - Won't get fooled again.


    I like Rosie fine but I don't think her core personality has changed. I'm giving her two weeks before she explodes; not necessarily on the show but on her blog or Twitter or something. She is unable to shrug off a slight or ignore people like Trump who attack her. The truth is that she is widely despised, for whatever reason. She will respond and it will make "news."

    • Love 1
  8. I mean, I noticed the moles but I don't find them to be ugly or off-putting. Cheese, they're even referred to as "beauty marks" when (certain) women have them.


    Anyway, a story. Back in the 70s I met a guy through a personal ad in the paper. He and I corresponded (i.e., wrote letters) for a while and talked on the phone. He was an aspiring cartoonist and would sketch funny drawings on his envelopes and had what I thought was a carefree and fun personality. After we scheduled our first date, he showed up at my house wearing .... a polka dot clown costume. Wig, red rubber nose and all.


    Doug strikes me as somewhat the same, as in, "Dude. Stop trying so hard."

    • Love 3
  9. Well, hell. I think Brandi was unpleasant at times and is at a very high risk of backsliding, but the woman lost 151 pounds and should be congratulated. I can't castigate her for failing to achieve unrealistic and punitive goals established solely for the purposes of television without much consideration for her own well being or psyche.

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  10. We only see a tiny number of the other competitors each episode, but I'm a little surprised there aren't more duplicate characters. I think it was Yaya who said during judging that she had seen a lot of Tardises over the years. It seems like the people cast for this show, at least, take a lot of pride in coming up with either original ideas or different takes on existing ones.

    • Love 1
  11. I don't want to like this show, but I do. Even though I didn't know who he was, I started from the first epi and just can't quit it.


    What was your prejudice against liking it? Not snarky, just curious.  :)

  12. The people on FB are ripping her to shreds but I blame the experts totally. Also, the people ripping her to shreds were probably never in the position of having 0 attraction to someone that they were already involved with; in her case married, in my case met online.


    If the preview scenes are true, Jamie does apparently come around, at least a little.

  13. At least Jamie knows the "truth" about Preston now and that Roy wasn't trying to gaslight her. I don't suppose we're rid of Preston entirely but sorry, something about the actor's jawline and mouth bothers me when he talks. While I'm going there, I also hate Knox's pornstache.


    Do we think the blond city council woman will turn out to be Roy's ex? She seems icy enough.


    That was sure a targeted molotov cocktail that kills (I assume) the guy in the wheelchair but not the woman hugging him.


    Good grief. I was cruising IMDB to find the actor who plays Knox and just now realized that Dec is Gregory Harrison. For some neurotic reason, I realize I'm getting old but am always surprised when actors age. They're supposed to stay the way they are in my memory!

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