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Everything posted by finnzup

  1. Crazy, right? The little excerpts that are talked about are really unbelievable. She really wants us to believe that she would have turned down Live! because Regis and the suits disagreed? Well she was a quick study then because she certainly caused her own drama with Strahan when she threw her hissy fit, very unprofessional, btw. I also laughed at her comment about Reege 'looking past her' and couldn't look her in the eye, rofl. What in the fresh hell is she talking about?? I don't believe that for a second and she was either the most insecure person on the planet to take everything he said or did as a slight to her or she really is the biggest jerk in the business. I have a feeling it's a bit of both with a healthy dose of narcissism thrown in for good measure.
  2. Ha ha! I really did enjoy MARK CONSUELOS!!! today. It gives new meaning to 'crap-chat' -- "Essie, will you be doing a #1 or a #2??" I can hear Essie screaming all the way over here in Jersey, lol.
  3. According to US Magazine, KLG has commented about Kelllmeeee's book and was interviewed by Roseanna Scotto today, I'm sorry I missed it. The details of the interview are reported in the US Magazine article. KLG seems to be as upset with Kelllmeee's misrememberings as Reege's fans are and said she hoped that Joy and Reege's girls haven't read the account. Also mentioned in the article is the fact that Kellllmeeee is now griping about "seniority" as it applied to Reege and not to her in later years. And also that her name had to appear smaller than his name in all the branding. Kellmeeee's hubris is astounding! On another note, thought Michael's interview was ok, of course he was there to plug a movie executive produced by his parents' company which they all joked about. He seemed a bit more sure of himself than his previous interviews but I could not take my eyes off of his unpolished shoes, yikes! He seems so meticulous in his styling I was surprised daddy Mark didn't school him in the fine art of a good shoe-shine. Pull the plug!!! lol
  4. Yes, yes and yes, marmalade! I guess the term 'misremembering' is the entertainment industry's synonym for 'big fat lie!' Her book is full of misrememberings I'm sure, although I have not bought it and don't intend to. I make this statement just based on her recollections that she's spread all over IG and other media outlets. She is absolutely shameless and I just wish someone in the industry would call her on it. In the real world, not Kelllmeeee's world, any joe schmoe that looked to publish a book of 'short stories' would be laughed out of the publishing world, lol. Who are these celebs that get to tell a paragraph a page as a story and call themselves "author?" It's laughable and only in their world does this make any sense. On a more current and Live!!! related topic, I have another gripe (what a surprise, lol.) For several months when Kelllmeee and Ry Ry make their entrance, they are enthralled in a very private conversation, mostly Kelllmeeee yipping and yapping to him, laughing hysterically at their private joke. Don't know why but that bugs the heck out of me. Then she sits down, crosses her arms, starts shaking that leg and stares at the camera. How about you share the funny as hell story you and Ryan were just talking about? And....speaking of shaking that leg, noticed Ryan has been nervously shaking his foot almost non-stop when interviewing and only stops when he must realize he's doing it or maybe Gelman magic-markers him a message to 'stop!' The both of them are a hoot.......pull the plug!!!!!!!
  5. Kelllmeee's parents are staying with her and Mark in NY since Essie's procedure.
  6. Anybody else see Kelllmeee on Andy Cohen's Live show last night? She looked good, I thought, but then again she's in her element with Andy and no parameters on her behavior so she was much more ebullient, lol. She was there mainly to push her book, what a surprise; she was the only guest, he usually has two so the entire show was all about her. Have to say I watched from beginning to end because she did share some tidbits from her book and it was a different setting than Live! and she was a bit more forthcoming, I thought. So Andy coaxed her to tell the story about Melanie Griffith when she was a guest on Live! back when Reege was still there. She told the story, much to Andy's delight, because she got to say pu$$y....a word Kellllmeeee says she rarely if ever uses but she was more than tickled to tell the story. Then, she doubled down on the Regis story about her not being in touch with him after Live! and not being asked back to the show. Well, according to Kelllmeeee, it's all untrue and the reason she never corrected the untruth as told by Reege is because she was told by her advisors that she "should let it go, who cares, you know the truth, what's the big deal, blah, blah, blah." And, just to be clear, in TV speak that means "Shut the fu*k up" when you're a woman in the entertainment industry. Once again, Andy almost soiled himself he was so thrilled she used the F word. Another big push for the book and they were out. P.S. She did tell an endearing story about Reege when he babysat her kids (a total ruse, she and Mark were there the whole time, lol) and when Reege had toddler Lola brush her teeth, he said, "You're a little lady" and Kelllmeee thought that was so sweet. She's right, it was. Kudos to her for sharing that and I do remember that segment and it was a very sweet moment with Reege and Lola.
  7. marmalade I could not love your last post anymore! It is spot on, in particular her comments about Regis. He gave her her entry into the world of fame and fortune and this is how she repays him?!? She is truly a repulsive individual, imo. I can only wonder what Joy and her girls think of Kelllmeeee's remarks. Did she really think that a third-rate soap actress who made guest appearances at malls in NJ on the week-ends would garner all the perks of someone that had been in the business for umpteen years? Did she think she would walk on the set of Live! and they would all bow down to her? She is truly delusional and I do believe that she has re-written her history at Live! for the benefit of her book. And what a hoot that she is so petty that she canNOT even sit in the same studio with Michael Strahan for an interview. I would venture to guess that she tried, in vain, to negotiate that MS be absent the day she was interviewed. It never even occurred to me that was the reason she was interviewed by Gayle King (duh!, lol.)
  8. Yes, saw that too and thought it was in poor taste. I will say they both are really playing up the 'sex' angle with this book. We've heard how she passed out during sex with MARK CONSUELOS!!!, we've heard Mark himself read an excerpt about sex alluding to the fact it lasted 4 1/2 minutes, and all the other stuff about sex never being an issue for them, it's always been great. She is pushing so hard to get this book out there, I'm almost embarrassed for her. Almost, lol.
  9. I don't, lol. I tune in long enough to see if it's pre-recorded and to hear crap-chat....I'm usually out after the first 5 minutes. It seems you and I and lookeylou have the same watching habits--record--if there's anything interesting, I'll watch. Honestly though, I hit "erase" more times than 'watch' so there's that, lol. Did see part of Kim Kardashian's interview. Wonder how many sales she lost after Kelllmeeee raved about her Skims push-up bra?? Do we think she was wearing it today?? rofl Oh my goodness, she's a hoot. And I say again, pull the plug!!!
  10. How is this show even on the air anymore?? Pre-recorded on a Monday?? Sorry, not sorry, but Kelllmeeee's dress and her cleavage are so off-putting. Not an attractive look at all. Ryan's suit and form-fitting shirt? Ridiculous!! Pull the plug!!!!!!
  11. Wednesday's and Thursday's chat really put the crap in the chat. Omg, who is producing this stuff AND getting paid for it?
  12. And yet, she still continues to use "Albert" even when I've heard him on air say Aubrey would prefer she not. I just don't get her. Well, I guess I do, it's her way or the highway, lol. On another note, she and Mark are really pushing her book and her meet and greets. For a minute I thought about going to the NJ date but then thought better of it. Glad I did. Their latest IG post talked about how "dirty" it will be since it's not morning tv. Sorry, not interested in listening to two middle aged folks talk about their sex life and to Kelly dropping all her F-bombs. Btw, I saw some excerpts on her IG from the book and if that's what the book consists of -- various musings about nonsense -- no thanks, lol.
  13. Are the Thursday and Friday shows supposed to be 'previously recorded' this early in the new season? Or maybe it's just the way it is from now on, lol. Heading out, happy week-end all!
  14. Maybe his Ryan Seacrest Foundations? I think he just completed number 11.
  15. Just a couple observations on the new season; I've been watching my taped episodes, just bits and pieces, usually just crap chat. Anyway, for the positive, I like Kelllmeeee's hair, it looks less dirty and I like the length and style. (I'm sure she's thrilled she has my approval, rofl.) I've also noticed a bit of snarkiness on Ry Ry's part directed at Kelllmeee. She made fun of him for not being able to understand the British accent, he countered and really didn't let it go, with humor of course. And yesterday there were other instances that escape me but he is not letting her little digs go, he's challenging her remarks. I thought her comments to him today about his charity work were so rude. Ryan was about to mention his charity work at a new hospital, I know he has many centers, it's a Seacrest something or other for very sick kids and Kellllmeee hijacked the talking point, said something about, 'yes, searching for the new Ryan Seacrest' and finally Ryan got to explain what he and his family are doing for the families of seriously sick children. It was heartbreaking to see the short video and those poor kids.....I was furious with her. When she realized what an insensitive jerk she was, she then began pontificating about the horrors of childhood illness, blah, blah blah. She really is so full of herself it's hard to form any kind of appreciation for her, at least for me. And the last observation, she still can't speak! How many pauses, stutters, empty air space while we wait for her to form a complete thought? OMG! Lots of pre-empting too for the Queen -- RIP Queen Elizabeth.
  16. What happened to Kelllmeee's mother?? I'm watching my tape and she's mentioning a heart surgery? Did she mention anything yesterday? I already erased the recording.
  17. Sometimes there is more to a relationship than looks. I don't remember saying anything about their relationship. Kelllmeee and MARK CONSUELOS!!!! seem very happy together.
  18. and remember, tv and photos add an extra 15 lbs! You can see she's very proud of herself and her body, to each their own, lol.
  19. Noticed Kelllmeeee's Instagram posts have become increasingly R-rated and imo, really crude. To each their own but for someone in her position, I'm surprised she shows that side of herself in her social media.
  20. Did anyone else check Kelllmeee's IG saying Lola's 1st single will be out in a few days?? They must be so excited for her. Wonder if she's any good?
  21. Did Kelllmeeee not get the fact that her 'daughter-in-law' (missed the whole set-up with that gem) was poking fun at her and all the other Hamptonites?!? And Kellmeee was laughing the loudest! This from the woman who wouldn't even let the word "Hamptons" leave her injected lips for the last 10 years! Sshe's a hoot! P.S. Kellmeee's dress was horrific and her stylist should have been fired on the spot, lol.
  22. I kind of felt a little bad for Ryan today when Kelllmeee was talking about "Alfred" and he corrected her and politely said "Aubrey." And then it seemed Kellmeee just didn't want to let it go.....and Ryan kind of seemed disenchanted with the way she kept it up. His face just took a different look and I felt for him and Aubrey and her family that he said were watching.
  23. No I don't and that's probably why her 'look' and behavior are so jarring to me when I do catch her show. I remember her as she was on 30 Minute Meals before she went loud and boisterous.
  24. Saw the The GOAT show today and omg, what a mess!! I swear she was so drunk or so high on something.....she was rubbing raw garlic on bread that John had grilled and then poured olive oil all over it with sound effects!! Everything about that segment was just so wrong, she had to be on something or three sheets to the wind. Then she interviews Jaques Pepin and is sitting at her table with her hubs and again, she looks to be in a drunken stupor. Not only that, she looks so unkempt and dirty and it goes without saying John looks like he hasn't bathed in months. She really used to be entertaining many years ago when she first started, now she's a trainwreck.
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