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Posts posted by galax-arena

  1. I liked the juxtaposition of Scott kidnapping Liam the first time, and then when they were discussing how to get Liam to Lydia’s house, indignantly exclaimed, “We’re not going to kidnap him!” Okay, Scott. At least he learned from his mistakes? 



    Kira's slow mo walk down the stairs to entice Liam felt a lot like emotional manipulation of a much younger teen.

    Well, I think she was definitely trying to manipulate a certain part of his anatomy… To be serious, though, I didn’t really see anything wrong with it. All she did was gliiiiide down the stairs – or try to, anyway, and I’m still not sure why the pack decided to send in its most awkward member to do something that generally requires more social finesse, but I digress – and then ask him to a party. High schoolers flirt, and while it's generally considered acceptable for upperclass boys to date down but not upperclass girls, I say that what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Kira wasn’t pulling a Kate or anything.

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  2. I’m not thrilled with any of Stiles’ romantic prospects.


    1. Never liked him with Lydia because he morphed into a Nice Guy around her, which… blech. I hate Nice Guys, and for a while I hated Stiles. They’re better off as friends.


    2. Yeah, there’s no canon basis for Sterek. Like, at all, IMO. Doesn’t mean that I don’t get why people ship it, but just because you ship something doesn’t mean that it should happen in canon. I mean, I ship Joan/Moriarty on Elementary, but I absolutely do not want to see them happen on the show itself, because there is no way that could happen without completely ruining Joan’s character. Similarly, there’s no way that Sterek could get together without making Stiles and Derek (more so Derek IMO) wildly OOC. Stuff like Sterek and Joan/Moriarty belong firmly in the realm of fanfic. If we’re going to see a slash pairing on TW, I think that Scerek or Scisaac or Stanny would make more sense, even though I don’t ship any of those (m/m ain’t my thing). Except I guess Scisaac and Stanny are no longer possible…. R I P Danny, we hardly knew ye.


    3. And finally, I’m not really on board the SS Stalia due to reasons that have already been hashed out on this board, although I guess this is the least objectionable pairing for me among the three. The dubcon-ish stuff in that earlier episode, where Stiles didn’t seem exactly thrilled with Malia breaking in, bothered me, but it seems to have been a one-off thing and my guess is that Jeff didn’t realize the unfortunate implications in what he was writing (he rarely does). I don’t think he realized the unfortunate implications in Stiles’ Nice Guy attitude towards Lydia, either, but that wasn’t a one-off thing, so it’s harder for me to ignore.


    Too bad Cora decided to leave Beacon Hills in the dust….

  3. Brandon's actor's face just irritates me. He always has such a hangdog expression, and there's something about the shape of his mouth that I find weirdly repulsive. /shallow


    I noticed that Jude's video game username was Judicorn. I like to think of Mariana agreeing to play the game with him that first time and making him choose that name, lol. 

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  4. The Scooby Gang wants to lure Liam to Lydia's house, so they decide that Kira - awkward, can't-flirt-her-way-out-of-a-paper-bag Kira - is the one for the job? Okay, whatever you say, show. 


    I noticed that Mrs. Yukimura wasn't on the dead pool list. Does she no longer have any supernatural powers? I don't remember the resolution of her storyline last season. 

  5. Lauren Toyota was born in 1982 and Phoebe Dykstra was born in 1988. So they're definitely not kids, but adults who should know better. Unfortunately, I think that their attitude probably isn't that uncommon among adults, either. It's just horrifying. That said, I don't think they believe that Yates is necessarily a victim, only that Maya shouldn't have butted in, which is bad enough. 


    Someone posted a recap of what they said here:

    lauren: "meddling maya" (then they even went and cut a short video of maya meddling in her friends lives....trying to help them.)
    "would never never have ratted him out"
    "it’s not her place"
    "he knew what was going on"
    let him make his own mistakes
    he’s gonna get caught anyway, let him learn his own lesson
    maya promised she wouldn’t tell
    tristan did the right thing by yelling in the hallway
    "we can’t get into discussions of the law because we’re going to get into some dark territory if i keep going"

    Seriously, what the hell?
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  6. It was a live after-show by MTV Canada that would have on various cast members to talk about the ep that had just aired. The Degrassi wiki tells me that the show was cancelled this month, though. Good. 

  7. What I think he's really trying to argue [very badly and incoherently] is that male prisoners represent the majority of the prison population, and yet we don't have a prestige tv show doing a nuanced humanizing take on them and that's unfortunate.  THAT is a valid point. 

    It wasn't, though. Men have already had their own acclaimed prison shows. The author can just watch Oz or Prison Break if that's what he's after. 


    I understand that now [you've voiced the frustration in a way that is clearer for me than I was getting before in the thread], but isn't that more a beef with Hollywood in general than this particular show?

    But the individual parts make up the whole. People can always, always, always find a way to rationalize why something is justified on an individual level. "But that's the story they're choosing to tell...." Well, yeah, obviously. Clearly they're choosing to tell that story because, well, that's what's on screen. But do we think it's a coincidence that these writers often make story choices that happen to jibe with the privileged/majority/stereotyped position? Note, I'm speaking more generally here because this is a line of reasoning that always comes up when it comes to issues like sexuality and gender and race and all that fun stuff. I didn't think that that guy's article on OITNB was ridiculous because "that's not the story the showrunners are telling", I thought it was ridiculous because men absolutely dominate the TV/movie landscape, and this writer guy's coming for one of the few shows that is incredibly woman-centric (and, as stated above, ignoring the shows out there that HAVE focused on men in prison)? GTFO, writer guy. 


    I feel like saying that it's not really this show's responsibility or that show's responsibility to do [The Thing] because the real problem is Hollywood as a whole, is a bit like the bystander effect. I realize the analogy isn't anywhere close to perfect, but there's still this sense of abdication of responsibility because there are a lot of other shows with the same problem.


    Of course, Carter Covington has the right to tell whatever story he wants, but other people have the right to criticize his choices. 

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  8. Also, I can understand Mariana wanting to be the only "minority" on the team as she doesn't want to be let go for another minority that's better at dancing than she is. 

    I don't think that's why Mariana voted against Tia. She voted against Tia because she thought that that was what Caitlin wanted. IMO everything we've seen Mariana do re: the dance team (e.g. dying her hair blond, throwing a party, espousing vaguely racist sentiments) has been connected to her wanting desperately to fit in and be accepted by the group.
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  9. which IMO counts as TV because they run the movies sometimes on TNT

    I think that's opening up a big can of worms because they show a bazillion movies on TV all the time. Almost all movies make the trek to television eventually, so if that's the rubric we're gonna use, then the distinction between movies and television becomes almost meaningless. /semantics


    That said, Vin Diesel is not black, or at least he doesn't identify as one, although he does identify as POC; IIRC he's said that his ethnicity is ambiguous because he doesn't know who his father is. I think the popular consensus on Vin Diesel, i.e. how he codes to the audience, is that he's "ambiguously brown", which allows him to play across the spectrum. So he can pass as white, but put him in a POC role and people aren't going to go, "What's this white boy doing here?" 

    • Love 1
  10. How old is she supposed to be? 

    I think Callie referred to Sophia being a freshman in high school. Speaking of which, studying for the SATs as a freshman? Pfsh, amateur. :P


    Oh, Mariana... she's so desperate to fit in that she'll go along with whatever she thinks the cool kids want. Yeah, it's definitely going to blow up in her face.


    When the show first started, I thought that Jake Austin was one of the better kids acting-wise on the show, but a lot of his line readings have made me cringe since then.

  11. With all the stuff about the Benefactor hunting down supernatural creatures, I have a feeling that Mrs. Yukimura is on borrowed time, which is why I was secretly hoping that her family would manage to sell the house and get the heck out of Dodge. Kira could move in with Derek...or something. It wouldn't have made sense, but since when has this show made sense? 


    Save Mama Yukimura! 

  12. I liked this episode in general, but I really wish Jeff Davis would get rid of his boner for Kira striking pretty poses with whatever she's holding at the time. 


    Beacon Hills must be really hard up for lacrosse players of any kind if Stiles is on the team, lol. 

  13. Ya'll are hopping on this dub/con train like Jeff and co fucked up the scene on a Cersei/Jamie Lannister not supposed to be a rape scene, rape scene.

    No one's acting like Stalia is comparable to Jaime and Cersei, which was straight up rape. The situation as depicted qualifies as dub-con IMO. Dub-con isn't the same thing as non-con. Yes, it's not clear whether Stiles is openly objecting to Malia, that's what makes it dub-con. If we knew he was saying no and that she was still over him, then that'd take it straight into non-con territory. 


    ETA: Yes, I think an overall relationships thread would be good. 

    • Love 1
  14. I don't really judge anyone who just stays quiet, but I do judge the people who speak up and say stupid shit. Like that one guy who was confronted with a racial profiling scenario, and when the "racist clerk" character tried to get him on her side, said knowingly, "Oh yeah, she was trying to play the race card, right?" And then when John Q approached him outside the store, tried to play it off as, "Yeah, it was so awful!" Bitch please, you showed your hand. The "race card" comment was a total tell. 

  15. I've been defending Malia against the Mary Sue accusations because I honestly don't think she is and think that phrase is thrown around far too easily when it comes to female characters, BUT I can also see why someone wouldn't be a fan of her.


    I like Malia so far. I'm not crazy about her - I wouldn't call myself a "stan" or anything - but I do like her and the actress. Malia's amusing, I like her bluntness. ("If hunting had been bad that season, I'd eat her. Then I'd leave.") She's good comic relief. But that doesn't mean I don't have any reservations about her character. I think she's being written inconsistently, but that's par for the course with Jeff. (I also don't like how Jeff has been writing Kira, and I like Kira, too. Consistency is not Jeff Davis' best friend. In fact, I think Consistency might have run over Jeff Davis' puppy at one point.) At this point, I loathe the Stalia relationship for the reasons already articulated here. And last but not least, I'm not thrilled that her storyline is tied to Peter or to the Hales at all, because I find Hale family drama boring and I absolutely loathe Peter. It's not really about hating Malia herself, it's about disliking what comes along with her. 


    I'd like to see Malia interacting more with the other girls. Kira is a bit of an awkward turtle to say the least, and Lydia can give attitude right back. It would be interesting to watch.

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  16. Also, how in the hell did LOU know Brandon's song? I wish she just stuck to backup vocals or something because that was too much for me. 

    She was following along with him. IIRC, she was really only echoing the chorus. I didn't find it implausible that she as a musician would be able to do that, just like that one other band guy was capable of following Brandon's lead on his own musical instrument, whatever it was (wasn't paying attention).


    I liked how relatively lighthearted this episode was. At least the party episodes; I really could not stand most of Lena and Stef's scenes, because it seems like all they ever do now is fight. Yeah, they kissed and made up at the end, but they've done that before and revert back to fighting in the next ep. Okay, it might be realistic to show a couple fighting, but it's not entertaining for me as a viewer to watch over and over and over again. I watch The Fosters for my cheesy heartwarming family drama fix, dammit. 

  17. I really don't like how the show is writing Stalia. Stiles talking about Malia breaking in 5 times and all that other stuff... they're playing it up for laughs but, I'm sorry, it's creepy. I don't mind Malia, but Stalia? No, thanks. And for the record, I loathe both Sterek and Stydia, so this ain't the contrary shipper in me talking, lol.


    I don't get what Papa Yukimura's deal was in class. Surely Kira must have filled him in on Malia? He's already aware of the supernatural, so there'd be no reason to keep him in the dark about that. So why single her out like that? Oh right, for humor. 

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  18. But I'm not trying to say that EVERY other name on TV is common.  Only that Malia is not one of the common names compared to some others which ARE commonly used.  

    Sure, but it's also not all that particularly exotic either. Your comment implied that Malia is a Mary Sue-ish name because it sticks out in a TV landscape where every third name in the media is Jennifer, Brittany, etc. I'm saying that, in my experience at least, that's not true, that there is probably greater variety on television because TPTB don't like repeating names and want to create memorable characters ("Bob Smith" just sounds boring), and that while Malia might not be ubiquitous, neither does it stand out as being all that unusual. How exactly is Malia a unique super speshul snowflake name compared to a lot of the other ones I listed? It's not like Jeff Davis gave it some trendy, try-hard spelling either. There's more to a Mary Sue name than simply not being incredibly common. 


    Now, if we want to talk about horrible names, let's focus on Braeden. I like Braeden and feel like she deserves a much better name than that trendy bullshit.


    (I'm sorry if anybody on this forum is named Braeden!)

  19. But as I mentioned, for TV/books it's not yet a common name.  It qualifies as "unusual or exotic" in the media world where every third girl's name is Ashley, Brittany or Jenn. 

    I really don't agree with this. I think what you're saying happens more often IRL. Names in the media actually tend to have much more variety. Take the Teen Wolf cast; there are two guys named Tyler. There's no way that a show would make two characters have the same name unless they were going to be a plot point or gag of some sort, e.g. Tina Chang vs Mike Chang on Glee.


    Just going from some of the tv shows I watch or have watched, I'll list the various names of as many of the female characters I can remember:


    Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Anna, Pearl, Quinn, Rachel, Brittany, Santana, Tina, Mercedes, Eleanor, Max, Karma, Amy, Spencer, Emily, Hanna, Aria, Cosima, Alison, Sarah, Beth, Helena, Mariana, Callie, Lena, Stef, Emma, Fiona, Holly J, Becky, Imogen, Jackie, Claire, Alli (NOT short for Allison), Jenna, Maya, Zoe, Anya, Marissa, Summer, Buffy, Tara, Anya, Willow, Nikita, Alex, Amanda, Peyton, Haley, Brooke


    And, of course, there's Teen Wolf -









    The only names repeated across shows were Alison/Allison and, surprisingly, Anya. I don't really see how Malia is anymore exotic than Kira or Cora or Erica. Hell, Teen Wolf has a character named Stiles. Yes, it's his last name, but still. Her name isn't really any more speshul snowflake than any other name on the show. It's not like she's called Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.


    (Bonus points if you can figure out all the shows I used lmao.)

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