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Posts posted by SJC

  1. On 6/7/2020 at 9:59 AM, LisaM said:

    the show did not hold my attention and grab the "feels" like the original series did. I really did not like the fat jokes, Emily/Real Estate Agent seizing on the misfortune of other diner owners for a bargain location, Rory being Logan's girl on the side, Rory working for free when she had no other income, Rory/Lorelai at the pool, Lorelai and Emily fighting so much

    In addition, Lorelai and Rory weren't close any more. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Katy M said:

    Lorelai was always the richest poor person in the world

    Yes !
    For example...in 'A Scene In The Mall', Lorelai claimed that she had no money to shop, but all of a sudden--!!!!--she had plenty of $ to buy a ton of food/drinks for her, Emily & Rory. Just plain ridiculous. 

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  3. I'm resurrecting an old thread here, lol. 
    Just wanted to say how dreadful Chris is & how utterly, utterly amazed I am that anyone--thankfully only a few !--can defend this useless man-child.
    And this notion that Lorelai kept Chrissy darlin' from Rory is laughable. Did she install a douche-repelling force field around her house ? Or perhaps a moat with alligators in it ? 🤣😂
    So he wasn't ready to be a parent at 16 ? Neither was Lorelai !
    And how about when he was 21? 25 ? 30 ? 35 ? Etc., etc.
    Now I know there are much, much worse parents out there....however that does not excuse him one iota.

    Okay...rant over. 😄

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  4. 20 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:
    On 7/6/2022 at 2:12 PM, SJC said:

    I gotta say that it baffles me to no end when folks say that it's clear that Emily loved Lorelai. My response is, "HUH ?" 

    I saw it because Kelly and Edward, especially in the early seasons, would play Emily and Richard as having love for Lorelai. It wasn't ever present like with Rory but we'd get these moments with Lorelai where they would let the love be revealed. On paper Emily and Richard seem to full on hate Lorelai, and the latter seasons seem to play that up, but what people are talking about is what Kelly and Edward brought to the roles.

    I do think the original plan was for Lorelai and her parents to all grow beyond her teenage pregnancy and have an improved relationship. That's where the little love reveals of the early seasons come in to play as they help lay the foundation for such a resolution. Instead the Ps played up all the fighting like they did the quips and pop culture references so the only real resolution that I can see for Lorelai and her parents is that they all liked having Rory around and stuck with Friday Night Dinners out of habit.

    I agree Kelly & Ed's real life affection for LG showed at times.
    The Palladinos LOVE, LOVE, LOVE drama though. Yuck...no progression in the Gilmore relationships.

    15 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

    I thought that was where it was going with Lorelai and her parents'. That seemed to be where it was going in the early seasons. But they didn't and instead doubled down on all their worse traits. I don't even know why. One of the best series long stories was watching Lane and her mother come together and create a new much better relationship.

    THIS ! 👊

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  5. 1 hour ago, scarynikki12 said:

    When it comes to recounting her childhood I always side with Lorelai. The reason is because whenever she tells one of her stories in their presence Emily and Richard don’t dispute what she says. They insist she’s making a big deal of whatever she said but don’t respond with their version and leave the truth ambiguous for the viewer. 

    One of the stories Lorelai tells in season 1 is about how she burned her baby pictures* because Emily had told her over and over about her excessively large head and left her feeling insecure. Emily didn’t respond by saying “Lorelai I mentioned it one time when you were twelve and the next thing I knew all your baby pictures were destroyed” but confirmed her account while saying that Lorelai grew into her large head. In light of the pandemic Emily forcing Lorelai to attend the Christmas party the year she had rubella is also appalling. And Emily doesn’t dispute that story either.

    I think Lorelai started the series a responsible and mature adult and regressed due to being around her parents regularly. I’m not saying she didn’t have a sense of humor because she did but she had a handle on her life and her relationships with the people in it. Once she’s back in the Gilmore orbit on a weekly basis both she and her parents regress to where they were when she had Rory.

    *Which was of course a retcon as we’d already seen a baby picture of Lorelai from when Rory stayed in Hartford during that snowstorm. 

    I so agree with this post.

    I gotta say that it baffles me to no end when folks say that it's clear that Emily loved Lorelai. My response is, "HUH ?" 

    ETA: Emily's attempt to split L/L in S5 did it for me. Emily cared not one iota about Lorelai's happiness, she only cared about the precious Gilmore name. A shame really. 

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  6. 6 hours ago, junienmomo said:

    Emily would gaslight her, criticizing everything she did and blaming her for things that weren't her fault. 

    And then when Lorelai defended herself Emily would sulk.
    Lorelai inherited her tendency towards self-absorption from Emily.
    IMHO Emily didn't love Lorelai in the least. Sad.

    5 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    R&E would either deny that it ever happened  or tell Lorelai that she was just being "dramatic".

    They were both terrible liars. 

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