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Posts posted by SJC

  1. And another unpopular opinion. (this is fun !!)

    Richard initially resented Rory. I've read other posts about their golf date and how he was so disinterested in her 'til he realized that she was smart + interested in traveling. I believe that deep down inside he had resentment for her, believing that her being born was ruinous to Lorelai & Crapstopher's lives.
    I think Emily had a little resentment for Rory at first as well, but she got over that when she started spending more time with her.

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  2. My millionth unpopular opinion is that Lorelai and Rory are not close at all in AYITL.
    Oh sure..they had a few sweet moments, but overall there was a huge distance between them. I believe that they had a major falling out between '07 and the revival. 
    Yes, a parent/child relationship will change when the child grows up, but it is possible to accept the changes & still be close, it takes effort but can be done.

    *If* there is a 2nd part of AYITL I firmly believe that Lorelai & Rory's relationship will be as bad or worse then Emily & Lorelai's in S1. 

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  3. 16 hours ago, ABay said:

    Is Cindy Lou named after Cindy Lou Who who was no more than 2?

    LOL ! Good one !  
    She is named after my friend's cat who passed away from feline leukemia.
    Cindi Lou the first was named after a famous model.  :-)

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  4. Vincent Kartheiser comes across--to me--in interviews as being arrogant, boastful and sarcastic. I saw one interview he did, at one point it came up that the interviewer had lived in Canada, Vincent then proceeded to say "I bet I've been to more places in Canada then you have." And he was dead serious. What a douche!

    And then this lovely quote from this self-important twit:
    "I'm an asshole. I'm really unsupportive of my fans."
    Wow, just WOW.

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  5. On 3/1/2022 at 9:55 AM, Cloud9Shopper said:

    Also to the person who mentioned the GG Reddit, there is a lot of drama over there right now it seems, although I don’t post much since I’m still going through the series. But show subs on Reddit in general tend to be filled with petty infighting and insults like that. I have legit had lots of things assumed about my life on another show’s sub for not liking a popular character. People get way too intense, which is why I prefer the more nuanced discussion of this place. 

    The GG sub on Reddit is getting worse every day IMO.
    It's gotten to be the 'Emily Is The #1 Gilmore Girl And Her AYITL Storyline Was Awesome' sub now.
    I find primetimer much better.  :-)

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  6. 15 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

    Same. I liked Emily seeing how vapid and useless her society friends really were so I'd keep that but the Berta story didn't work. I can buy her wanting consistency after Richard died but she didn't even try to learn Berta's language so they could communicate properly. This is another reason I wish they'd either given Luke and Lorelai at least one kid or set it only a year or so after the series so she could be written as pregnant/trying to get pregnant. I can buy Emily softening up and focusing on her new grandchild since we saw that with Rory. 

    Great answer. 
    I'm not crazy about Emily's storyline in AYITL.
    For one thing I firmly believe that she 100% stopped caring about Lorelai by 'Fall.' So sad.

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  7. 2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    I'm watching Law and Order, Criminal Intent episode Playing Dead right now. Scott Cohen (Max Medina) is playing a pedophile.

    He was on an episode of Blue Bloods. (S1)
    His character was very arrogant.

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  8. 5 hours ago, Dmags21 said:

    One of the most ridiculous scenes for Lorelei to make was the scene where she seems shocked and appalled when Rory tells the Thanksgiving crowd that she had applied to multiple colleges.

    That was an awful scene. Lorelai acted so absurd. IMO Emily & Richard should have kicked her out.

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