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Posts posted by technorebel

  1. Nice to see the UK Travelers back.  I'm sure that boy, Alfie, has been on here before talking about his various business ventures.  It was odd to me that the announcer said that he's "discreet" about the amount of money he's making, as if we don't know that he's dealing in all cash to avoid paying taxes.


    I'm glad chunky bride Barbara thinks she looks like a model, but I don't see it.  Her dress was lovely, though, without being so large she can't get up the aisle.  It was particularly touching to hear her tell the baker that if anything goes wrong with the cake, "I know where you live."  I'm not sure that I'd do business with any of them.


    When Barbara went back home (driving blind), I thought those two little kids sitting off to the side were so sad, the little girl who said she didn't get any presents and the boy who was happy to have gotten an egg.  What was the deal there?  Were those the poor neighbor kids?  Too bad no one could've thrown a Barbie doll that little girl's way or some little something.

  2. I didn't take it seriously when Eseni said she wanted to punch somebody. Both she and Francesca behaved like immature teenagers who get mad when they get caught doing something wrong, even when they KNOW that they're wrong.  I was glad to see that Eseni apologized to Christie, but childish Francesca didn't return Christie's apology.  She said something like "you said everything I needed to hear", without acknowledging her own wrongdoing during that outdoor confrontation.


    During Francesca's conversation with Claire, it sounded like Fran thought that sister had advised them all to get plenty of sexual experience before going to the convent, and I was like "What?!!!" 


    I guess I had nun life all wrong.  I thought it was kind of like the Army where you join up, and then they transfer you here and there.  I had no idea that you pick where you want to be. 

    • Love 1
  3. I'm re watching S1 as my Christmas treat. Damn I love this show. Countdown to S2!

    I'd kind of forgotten that Brie isn't all that bright. First with her women are too emotional to make good leaders then her explanation of that with some bizarre point about successful women dating men so you have to give credit to men for what they do too because men are there. Or something? She could be such a walking, talking "bless her heart".


    I just re-watched last season, too.  Never liked Brie.  Remember when she invites them to her family's vacation home in Sag Harbor?  She tells Demetria to relax and put her feet up but "make sure they're clean".  Then she gets on Greg for picking up some shell knick-knack that is so priceless, it's sitting on a table on the patio.  Just don't invite people over, Brie.


    What is curious, is that the Brown women don't seem quite so desperate to have their time with Kody, although they live in different houses and probably don't see him every night even for a kiss. I almost feel like these women are brainwashed into living and dying for this man's attention which is kind of gross overall.


    I agree, we've had far less whining and general angst from the Brown women over their private time with Kody.  They seem to go about their lives when he's not there as if they're single moms (which they are).  Both families are/were members of the same offshoot, AUB, so I wonder if the different communities within that group are all that similar.  Kody Brown's family somehow seems more modern than the Williams Family. 


    At any rate, if I had to choose, I'd go Brown.

    • Love 3
  5. I got such a chuckle out of this episode.  Everybody dancing in their underwear at that club!  Having never been invited to a gay nightclub, I'm not too sure how "underwear" night would work.  Do you come dressed like that or do you take off your clothes when you get there and put them in a locker or something?  Bleona's performance was such a hoot.  She's supposed to be an amazing singer, but she was either lip syncing or singing along with herself on a pre-recorded track. I noticed when that one dancer sprayed the whipped cream on her and she scooped up a big mouthful of it, she stopped singing but her voice continued on the track.


    It's a good thing this show is almost over because I can't stand any more of Isabel, the sour-faced Swede. 

  6. I've been feeling like Brady reminded me of someone for the longest time, but haven't been able to place it. After starting season 3 of The Killing I realized - he is like a brokedown Peter Saarsgard. 


    I am not sure what to think about the switch to two nights with Brady. I get what Robyn is saying. It probably takes awhile to switch from single-mom mode to wife mode. Maybe two nights in a row would feel more comfortable. But, damn, how sad is it that after 20 years (give or take) you're still not that comfortable with your husband? I do applaud Robyn for having the nerve to bring it up to everyone, though, as she generally seems the meekest out of the bunch. 


    Like Rosemary, it doesn't really hurt to try, right? Nonie only went along with it because every other wife was okay trying it, but it was obvious that stick-in-the-mud did NOT like the idea. She can lose me with her complaining that being 4th wife meant she automatically didn't have as much time to get to know Brady - then don't BE fourth wife. Don't enter into this family! Maybe get to know the dude BEFORE you marry him? 


    At any rate, I get that going 4 nights without him is easier than 8 nights, but it's not like they won't see him at all. Don't they have dinner together every night, as a family? And he makes the rounds in the morning to say his goodbyes. It's not like he's going across town. 


    He does look like Sarsgaard!  Now that you've pointed it out, I'm not going to be able to un-see it.


    I knew that two-night rotation wouldn't last.  They barely get a piece of him now and complain about it all the time. There's no way they can go eight days without some Brady love.  If I were in this situation, I wonder if I might not prefer one whole week of Brady, and then four weeks off.  Why am I even thinking about that!

    • Love 1
  7. Too many mysterious deaths in the group around Scot Young.  Two falls from buildings and two deaths by falling under a train.  It's very strange, and I'm not believing in all these coincidences.  One of Scot's friends said he was previously dangled from a window by Russian mobsters.

    • Love 7
  8. Oh, I'll admit I watched it.  I just can't quit the Stanleys.  Mellie's pregnant again, and this one's a girl.  Nettie's happy since she just loves all babies.


    Kayla moved in with her hairdresser friend, Luke, who has a very nice home with expensive-looking antique furniture.  And he lets gypsies in the house!  Dude, haven't you seen the show?


    That "gypsy stew" looked an awful lot like different kinds of canned soup mixed together.  Then they throw a bowl of dirty coins in it for good luck, and Kayla's the only one smart enough to say "I'm not touching that."


    I did laugh at the end when all the girls had a talking head to wish us holiday goodness, and Mellie said, "Happy holidays.  Now fuck off." 

    • Love 2
  9. Yes, Forrest did get some applause when he told Golden to shut up, but I think most of the audience gasped in surprise, and then applauded and cheered Golden as she told him off.  When the show was over, Golden walked off the stage looking really pissed.


    Every time the camera would cut to Countess, she was giving Paula some major stink-eye, and I loved it.

    • Love 1
  10. I also wonder about Paula's mental state.  Why would a sane woman choose a man like Forest.  I just don't see it, maybe the sex is great, but that gets boring after a few months.


    How did Paula put it..."I am a card carrying pharmaceutical"?  I'm not sure what that means, but it might explain Forrest and the choice of Onederful as a name.  She just gets stranger and stranger.  And Forrest wanting the women to shut up when a man is talking.  Get outta here.

    • Love 1
  11. What happened to the scenes that were previewed from the last ep? You know Renee running through a park or something screaming her son wasn't moving or something also V Gotti was supposed to be in last night's and is now moved to next week.



    I believe those previews were of the entire season to come.

  12. When did they play this ep? I noticed they were repeating Vanderpump Rules instead.


    That shop is so 1990's!


    It's only on now at 11:00 PM where I live with no repeats.  I guess that means it's a goner.


    Sascha and his Rock Stars & Angels schtick.  I'm not fashionable at all, but even I can see that it's corny as hell and wouldn't be caught dead in any of those clothes.


    Massimo and his dance routine!  Bless his heart and his tight little pants, but that was awful.  I still can't stand Isabel.



    BTW, who is Natalie related to?  Every time they show her name, her cousin's name is blanked out and it says, "Philly crime family...allegedly."  


    I think Natalie's only relationship with organized crime is that she works at her grandfather's funeral home, and several well-known Philly mobsters had their funerals there.  Carto's may be the go-to funeral home for that crowd.  I don't know why they flash that phony business about an alleged cousin.  Jenn Graziano's doing probably.

    • Love 1
  14. The Praying Mantis is very gentle, there would be no reason to be a raving lunatic. My dad used to bring them home all the time, we raised 4 generations of them.

    They are fascinating.


    Unless you're a male and the female is feeling snack-ish after mating.  Or predaTori, one might even say.

    • Love 2
  15. The only good part of the episode (for me) was the wives movie.  When they came into Robin's bedroom and found her in bed with all of their Brady pillows, I cracked up.  At least they've got a sense of humor, though it didn't look like any of the kids got it.

    • Love 3
  16. I wasn't sure where to post this since there is no Polygamy USA thread. I assumed most people who have seen my 5 wives and sister wives have watched polygamy USA? I happen to see the Cawley family out shopping last week. I did not see Rose Marie with them and wondered if she had gotten married. I checked her face book and she last name is now Knudson. One of her dad's wives maiden name was Knudson and the Knudson family has a

    few of the nicer homes in CP. I curious who she married? I so wish they had another season of Polygamy USA.


    I loved Polygamy USA.  Now that was a look at a very different polygamous culture, a closed society, more or less.  So Rosemarie finally got a name?  I wonder if she came up with it herself or "the brethren" gave it to her, and what number wife she is.  To be honest, I would've married anyone just to get away from Michael Cawley's creepy voice.


    I also wonder about Kelly and that handsome young man she married (whose name I can't recall).

    • Love 1
  17. That's exactly what I was trying to get at. It's strange, since she seems fairly smart otherwise. And it probably feels even more bewildering since her mother is so wretched.

    P.S. I like your new picture!


    That's what a lifetime of emotional abuse from your mother gets you.  That is one seriously screwed up relationship.  I'm sure Joyce told Kandi over and over how she sacrificed everything to raise her.  Also, I think she made Kandi feel like she's not pretty enough..."short people with big heads".  She has done such a number on poor Kandi's head, I don't think it's even possible for Kandi to realize the truth about her.  And there's no way Joyce can pay for those repairs unless it's with money she gets from Kandi in the first place.

    • Love 4
  18. I'm waiting for the scene where Kandi sits in on Todd's business meetings and gets up in the face of his boss.  Yeah, like that would happen.  THAT pisses me off, frankly - that because she's a woman and maybe because she's somewhat insecure, her husband gets his hand in her businesses, but never the reverse.


    I honestly don't think Todd wants to deal with Kandi's employee problems, but she will do anything to avoid confrontation, including throwing her husband to the wolves.  The poor guy looked miserable.

  19. I noticed at the end of this episode, they weren't wearing make up.  


    I think this show is probably more real than most reality shows.  Sometimes I get annoyed with people who write articles like the one linked, it's like they're saying, "I know something you don't; I know the truth."  Like a person too cool for school.  


    It's just one person's opinion who has no more knowledge of the folks on this show than you or I do.  I'm not getting a fake vibe from anyone, and that's got to be rare for reality tv.  I don't know if any of the young women will take vows.  I don't think they know themselves yet, but I'm enjoying the look into a way of life completely outside my own experience.

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