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Everything posted by ljr

  1. Was there an ending to martins alimony story and stealing deceptor idea?
  2. Violet is annoying. I muted her singing
  3. When will the story about Spencer choosing his brother over Trina end? He doesn't have a job and he doesn't go to school. I don't know why Trina is with him. She has all these plans and he just hangs around. He can't raise his brother better than Esme
  4. Are Charlotte and Jake cousins? They have the same grandmother.
  5. How long did those actors have to stay underwater? Why is this show always having someone with amnesia have two accidents?
  6. What happened to martins alimony story and Blair?
  7. Are they bringing back Blair? Is Martin going to tell Lucy she had the deceptor idea? I still don't understand what deceptor is
  8. Why is Blair Martin's third ex wife? Is there more to their story than the deceptor
  9. How does Blair know Tracy?how long was Blair married to Martin?
  10. Why didn't sasha leave town when her husband died? She's always getting drugged. It must be exhausting for that actress to always be playing someone so tortured
  11. Who were those kids Gregory was talking to? If ned thinks he's Eddie why doesn't he remember his mother and daughter? Why isn't he going to a doctor? Who's buying his clothes? How does he get around town?
  12. What is pikeman? Why are sonny anna and valentin involved? Where are they going with this Eddie Maine story?
  13. Does the same nanny watch Avery and Donna? If she does why didn't sonny tell carly about who the nanny is?
  14. It was funny when mac said who is Harry styles. How much will carly charge for blts to get 5 million from kellys?
  15. I'm surprised finn didn't know Liz liked to paint. They've known each other for a while. Why were chase and Brooklyn at the metro court pool? Why doesnt the quatermaine mansion have a pool?
  16. The new nanny looks like esme. Why did ava just stand there and let that woman slap her? This isn't the same ava who bashed her husband's head and shot sonny's girlfriend.
  17. Is ned just going to wander around town unsupervised? He lives with sonny. Why doesn't ned have a bodyguard? Is he getting psychiatric help?
  18. How much does sasha get paid? How does she never have a clue her money is disapearing?
  19. Who are Martin's ex wives? Why does one of them live in pine valley?
  20. How does sasha still have a job? She's always a mess
  21. I guess Noone called Curtis dad or aunt?
  22. I've been reading the comments and I agree that viewers are obsessed with fictional couple having sex.
  23. Can this show stop with the love scenes for joss and dex? Dex gets into a bar fight and then that turns them on. How is violence sexy? So is this the end of Trina and Spencer?
  24. I don't know if I missed it but how does ned/Eddie explain that he's in port Charles?
  25. How did ned know to go the savoy if he thinks he's Eddie?
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