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Posts posted by AngieBee1

  1. I liked "The Old Guard" but it felt like a fake movie to me; many Netflix (Amazon/Apple+/Hulu) films seem that way to me despite the millions being thrown to make them. It feels like they take a short-cut somewhere whether it's the score/soundtrack or f/x.

    But when she said fake she meant that it feels like they don't exist due to the lack of talk surrounding the film. Something, I am also in agreement with.  When a film comes out in theaters it's generally guaranteed to be a point of discussion on social media as people try to see films on the first week out; whereas on streaming it's scattered viewing. It's a rare thing, to me, to see a streaming film dominate social media or in person discussion. I can only think of "Bird Box" doing that. 

    This is the full interaction from which he quote stems. 

    Aronson: I have a line that if you put a film on TV, no matter what it was originally made for, it’s a TV film. Put it in a theater, that’s a movie.

    Jenkins: And by the way, aren’t you seeing it? All of the films that streaming services are putting out, I’m sorry, they look like fake movies to me. I don’t hear about them, I don’t read about them. It’s not working as a model for establishing legendary greatness.

    Aronson: It’s true, you can make 75 movies a year, and it’s almost like watching 10 trailers in a row. You’re not going to remember any of them. [Looks at the audience of theater owners.] In case you missed that, 10 is too many trailers to play.

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  2. 7 hours ago, mledawn said:

    Ok, weren't the boxes made by a niece or something? Am I misremembering that? A niece indicates a sibling for Nate, so what's up with THAT person?

    Yeah, he designed it with his niece.

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  3. Quote

    So is the sister taking over running the Criminal empire? Is it because Katy got invited to join the Avengers over her. I like Aquafina but am confused why she was chosen along with Shung-Chi. I also thought that they were setting up a romance with Shang-Chi and Katy. 

    I think Xialing is running the empire moreso because she always felt that she was in the shadow of Shang-Chi and he was more favored by her father.  This is her taking - what she feels- is her proper place in the family business. 

    I don't think Katy was chosen insomuch as she and Shang are a package.  Just like she wouldn't let him leave town without her, he's not going to do this without her at his side.

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  4. 3 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    (I do wonder if they were hinting that Katy might have actual feelings for Shang-Chi on some levels.) 

    I felt that too. I hope it manifests in the future.


    3 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    I really want to know what the deal is with Wong taking Abomination around to fight clubs for what seems like some kind of training! 

    I took it that they partnered up for these rigged fights to split the money; hence Wong reminding him about controlling his punches. 


    2 hours ago, angora said:

    Wenwu's account of the fake Mandarin in Iron Man 3, complete with bemused contempt for the name "the Mandarin."

    I loved that scene. Great way to address the Orientalism of the character's history as a poke to those who felt a man named after a chicken dish or an orange was the big bad.

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  5. Spoiler

    Was Xialing taking over as a crime boss? Turning the place into a martial arts academy? Dance studio?

    My take?


    The former rather than the latter. And it's perfect because I was thinking why would they cast Ronny Chieng in a small role (the man running the fight club) and now he's Xialing's right-hand man.


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  6. Nate needs to be struck off.  This was one situation where Beard's zen like demeanor realy annoyed me.  He should have went harder on Nate.  And all this talk in the thread about something dark happening I really worried that Colin would try to kill himself.  Glad that wasn't the case.  

    As usual the show is wonderful in dealing with relationships in a mature way and not dragging drama out.

    • Love 11
  7. 22 hours ago, Anduin said:

    One mid-credit sequence. I hope another one isn't added in, like Joss did to one of his Avengers movies.

    There is an additional scene. One mid-credit and an end-credit.  

    Solid film and yes, it does get unwieldy towards the end but it's the same for most (all?) Marvel films where they just have never-ending fight scenes that become a blur.   Really, really good time and a great film to see in the theaters.

    • Love 4
  8. James Gunn headed the Twitter watch party the other day for The Suicide Squad and offered up some tidbits.

    -If you notice Taika has his arm around little Ratcatcher 2 on the tower the same way RC2 puts her arm around present day Bloodsport, giving him the love she wished she could. And Bloodsport finds his truest redemption in being vulnerable, not in power. #TSSWatchParty

    -I shot this comedy scene with Flag & Harley & Bloodsport (she catches them sneaking in) the day I found out my 16 year old dog was dying & I flew from Panama back to Atlanta to be with him, shutting down production for one day. #TSSWatchParty

    -“Obstacles are opportunities” is MY motto, which I say all the time both while making movies & in life. And, also, I drew Ultra-Bunny, the character on Rick’s T-shirt. #TSSWatchParty

    -You’ll be able to see the deleted scene on the Blu Ray. Thinker tries to manipulate Polka Dot Man into helping him and PDM almost gives in but instead shoots him in the ear. #TSSWatchParty

    -So @Dastmalchian started crying when we first tested out the body-horrific polka dot makeup (also practical) because he always loved Lon Chaney & Boris Karloff #TSSWatchParty

    -Important to note if you look at the life signals in the Comms hub TDK isn’t dead. @NathanFillion #TSSWatchParty

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  9. I think this season is dealing with reckoning of ones' self but I do not see it taking a dark turn at all. That would be such a huge departure from what the show is.  

    For example in the Brett Goldstein Indiewire posted up-thread and he pointed out some things that went over my head; especially in regards to Nate. He says Nate has always had that mean streak in him - pointing out when Nate yelled at Ted and Beard before realizing who they were and how he had his take down for all the players at the ready. He's someone who has just never felt emboldened enough to show that nasty streak in himself.  Goldstein also pointed out his self-loathing (spitting at himself in the mirror). 

    So I think as some people are showing more of their true selves: Yes, Roy has always been gruff but we knew in S1 he had a soft interior the way he stuck up for Nate and his interactions with Phoebe.  Jamie was a selfish, arrogant player, but we knew he was willing  to change and we're seeing proof of that this season. Meanwhile, Nate is showing the less kind side of himself and Ted is showing the side of him that isn't able to bounce back quickly with a quip; someone who struggles.

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  10. The Hollywood Critics Association's TV awards were announced tonight.  TED LASSO won four awards. 

    Best Streaming Series (Comedy)

    Best Actor in a Streaming Series (Comedy) - Jason Sudeikis

    Best Supporting Actor in a Streaming Series (Comedy) - Brett Goldstein

    Best Supporting Actress in a Streaming Series(Comedy) - Hannah Waddingham (a tie w/ Hannah Einbinder of HBO Max's HACKS)

    • Love 14
  11. 12 hours ago, possibilities said:

    Now I have to decide whether to cancel my Peacock sub or whether there's anything else over there I want to keep it for.

    If you like British television Peacock has distribution rights to a few I've enjoyed like "We Are Lady Parts" (comedy), "Code 404" (comedy), "The Capture" (drama).  I didn't love "Intelligence" but some say it's good (comedy created by and starring Nick Mohammed of "Ted Lasso"). 

    Of Peacock's original programming I liked their adaptation of "Brave New World" and "Saved by the Bell".

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  12. Quote

    I guess this show has decided to abandon its original theme, that Ted can turn underdogs into winners. I find it really strange how lost Ted's character has gotten.

    But was that the original theme? Even Ted says to Trent Crimm The Independent in the episode of the same name that he's not concerned with winning or losing. And considering Richmond still went into relegation shows it's more about turning them into winners - the Lasso Way is to give his team guidance on being better versions of themselves on and off the pitch.

    • Love 5
  13. Quote

    And I hate Campbell, and think she's a poor influence on Abby,

     I love Campbell and her friendship with Abby, though I do see that side of Campbell which is selfish and wants to keep Abby to herself and their circle.  S2 it seems fine because now what Abby is out of a relationship and Campbell is in her grief they're relying on each other. The real test will be with Abby gets back onto the dating scene or when she's ready to stand up to Campbell and put up perimeters for their friendship.

    • Love 2
  14. Quote

    I get that Bruce can get into Arkham if he wants, but why is security so bad?

    I think it's indicative of how lawless Gotham is. A place rife with crime and desperation is going to have people on the take: cops, politicians, prison guards.

  15. 18 minutes ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

    Only one question:  I loved Higgins talking to Beard. But why didn't Beard break up with Jane then?

    It's realistic, though. So often I've seen friends be in bad relationships w/ the absolute worst people and we counsel and give advice, but people do what they want to do and have to find their own breaking point. And it's obvious Beard is as obsessed with Jane as she is with him. 

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  16. Quote

    I liked how Bruce has learned from his mistakes with Dick and is trying to be better for Jason, who clearly needs a TON of help. 

    I loved those elements because they came straight from various comics.  When Bruce feared that Jason tossed a pimp off the roof he sent him to Dr. Leslie Thompkins. The difference is that Jason never attended a session.  And when Bruce "died" and Jason watched his video message to him Bruce apologized for not getting him the help he needed.  Also, Jason melting under Bruce calling him son.  


    Who took Jason's body when he was dead? But evening knowing how messed up Jason is, and feeling some sympathy, I still don't forgive him for killing Hank. 

    The two headscratchers for me. I assumed Crane and Jason had a fake out planned but no, Jason went in half cocked with no plan and got slaughtered.  I'm assuming Crane had the guy who provides him with his weed and fire at Arkham to transport dead Jason.   

    Comics! Jason's motivations make sense to me. He's trying to burn it all down because Bruce didn't avenge him and because he hates how Bruce tiptoes around doing what needs to be done (in his eyes). But in this incarnation he really wants to kill the Titans because they weren't welcoming? Or chaffing at the bit under Bruce because he has the temerity to not want Jason to be a psycho? Madness.




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  17. Dang, now that it's out there in the atmosphere I wouldn't mind Rebecca and Jamie.  I went from Trent Crimm, The Independent / Rebecca; Sam/Rebecca (maybe too meta a "Cheers"  reference) and now I'm all aboard the Jamie/Rebecca train. 

  18. Now I'm thinking the Bantr buddy is Sam. I watched an interview with Bill Lawrence from October and he said the reason why he wanted Sam to be the one to implore Rebecca to join the team for their team de-ghosting or whatever ritual is that they had hopes for a second and third season and the writers had plans on how Sam and Rebecca get to know each other.  

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  19. 5 hours ago, Phishbulb said:

    Just realized where I know the actor who plays Trent from and it's because he played Ben in the first series of "I'm Alan Partridge".

    Looking back I realize I've seen him on "Absolutely Fabulous" but the first time I actually recall noticing him was on "Being Human". He was only 2 episodes but he was so great in it. A real stand out.   Lance said his manager wanted him to audition for Higgins but he knew he would never get it.  He was more attracted to Ted Crimm and asked to go for that role even though he knew (assumed) it would be a one-off.

    • Love 3
  20. 4 hours ago, possibilities said:

    I think this was the least comedic episode. The show is really more of a drama than a comedy anyway, but this one was particularly serious.

    Like "Atlanta" and "Dave", this is more of a dramedy.  There were really nice comedic touches to this like Garrett Hedlund as the Native American fetishest. As soon as Bear's mom woke up and they panned to the portrait of the stallion I wondered if it would turn out of he was a chaser.   Her fantasy sequence where he asked the servant, "What is this herb? Is it an Indian herb?" And she replied "Mint". had me howling.  The dick microphone and the acoustic version of "Greasy Frybread" that closed out the episode were nice, funny touches. 

    But yeah, this was definitely leaning more on the drama from the seemingly impending friendship fracture between Elora and the others, to poor Bear and his trifling father. 

    I also love that Rita isn't just made out to be a self-sacrificing single mom. She's on the pull and was even willing to let Punkin sleep on her sofa because she wouldn't  mind sleeping with him again.  

    • Love 7
  21. Quote

    The lady that left the earrings did not have holes in her ears to able able to wear said earrings.

    She slid them off so easily makes it seem to be clip-ons.


    The richest man in Miami said he would take care of his mistress, why is she living in the worst of the worst part of Miami?

    Rich people stay rich by keeping their money. Also, some rich men like to think their mistresses like them for who they are, not their wealth so they don't extend anything to them. 

    I loved the world building and chemistry between Jackman and Ferguson.  Also, it was a helluva lot less complicated than "Westworld'.

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