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12 Good
  1. agreed! i've been trying to figure out what bothered me about her video all day...it's her feet! there are several times when her feet leave the floor that they aren't all the way pointed or flexed. it looks like she's trying to point them, but the energy doesn't go all the way through her toes. we used to call this having "biscuit feet" at my old dance studio 😂 you can really see it here in her turn:
  2. the technique looks like it's there for madisyn! i just wish she wouldn't have pushed for so many turns 😬 while doing 5 turns (even if there's a hop or two) is impressive, for me at least it's much more impressive to see a super clean triple turn. i'll be interested to see what madisyn was cut for...possibly something related to power and punch?
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