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Everything posted by Tgodwin59

  1. I love Sophia bush. She is a great actress. I don’t miss lindsey though. Also, i think halstead is the best cop in the intelligence unit. I do miss Antonio. I really miss al and i saw someone say something about how stupid it was that they got rid of the intelli-board so that they could go back to a white board? I HATED that scene! I was so excited for them to start using that amazing technology all for al to make them get rid of it so that they could stay in the 1970’s. Why on earth would anyone want to use a white board when they could have everything they could ever need to know on that board with the touch of their fingers?!?! That was a terrible decision. Also, one more thing, i think that training officer was way in the wrong, if anything he was disrespectful towards adam, i think he was nothing but a bully and it really shows how petty patrol is when they stop giving back to intelligence for nothing. I really hope ruzek beat the officers ass and after he beat him i hope he told him “how can I respect a trash bully cop like you who disrespects this uniform just by wearing it when your sorry ass couldn’t beat someone half your size, since you like bullying so much how does it feel to be on the receiving end and getting your ass kicked. You wanted respect and you were cocky enough to think you would win, now look at you, you got your ass kicked and lost my respect for good.” I know i got carried away just now, i just really can’t stand that officer and I really hope adam beat his ass good. Anyway, yeah that’s my thoughts on this episode, haha.
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