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  1. Just watched the pilot episode and was really not impressed with Karen Grassle. She played Ma so rigid and cranky. Glad they softened her up for season 1. It was so bad she’s lucky Ma wasn’t recast when the series was green lit. The real ma always written as soft, steady, stern but firm. KG played her as fearful, snappy, weak. So glad that did not continue or it would not have made the series as warm and supportive as it was.
  2. I just started rewatching the show last August. I took about a 10 year break. Anyways, I am so bored with Rey so he needs to go jump on Elena. She's more his speed. And the sexual tension between Sharon and Adam has gone on long enough. Let's put them out of their misery and give them a romp.
  3. Hello! I just finished watching the 2-part He Was Only Twelve season 8 finale. I wondered if the Ingalls family cast new this was their last season? Has anyone ever read or heard comments from Karen Grassle or the kids to say they were aware they would not be back for Season 9?
  4. Yes she's a high maintenance control-freak. I would not be surprised by that either.
  5. I've got an x-rated comment to inject into the otherwise g-rated LHOP commentary. I have just watched the marriage of L and A and now they are living their married life. I think it was a very missed opportunity to not inject some 14+ extra movie whereby those of us who had such a crush on Dean Butler could have seen some wild kingdom on the prairie. 😜
  6. I think it is hilarious! I love the Grand Phoenix names. You are all very creative. 🤣
  7. Yes and "oh Rey, I love you and need you and you can't leave me". Watch, this time next week she'll be boffing Adam on the couch while catatonic Chelsea sits in her chair around the corner. 🙄
  8. 🤭Mean comment alert: Recall that Michelle Stafford did a stint on GH as Nina Webster? The actress that now holds that role has got a weird face. Like melting jowels off a wax figure. Sorry, I just can't help myself. You know how you see someone you don't think is attractive and you wonder how they get on a TV show that has a cast of good-looking people. I realize this is more about GH than Y&R but I thought it seemed super bitchy to just roll in there and say this and roll out. 🤣
  9. I don't find Kyle attractive at all. And his pursed lips/tucked chin/stupid look that seems to be permanently on his face. I must be getting old as I'd chose Jack over Kyle any day.
  10. Did you ever think you’d actually be happy to see Nellie reappear?! It sounds unbelievable but she really mellowed out with Percival. I was happy to see her grow up and find love.
  11. That is unfortunate that the Little House cast was unable to be paid for the reruns. Jerry Seinfeld is worth almost a billion and most of that came from the reruns in syndication. His situation was a bit more unique in that it was his show and he made sure he got a large share. I wish our 70s TV stars could have had theirs as well. Sad that they got screwed.
  12. Yes! This is so me!! About a week ago I posted asking about where I could possibly watch the 3 TV special movies that came after the series was cancelled. Several of you gave great feedback and, unfortunately, due to living in Canada, the streaming services suggested don't always show up here. I've decided to buy the movies. Got all 3, including shipping, for under $20. As much as the show can be so cheesy, I do have my favorite episodes and it will always be in my heart. It's only been in the last 3 years or so that I was able to see the pilot episode on Vision TV. As far as I can recall, I had never watched that before. I was 4 when it first aired. I was 5 years old when my Aunt bought me one of the books - These Happy Golden Years - as the TV series was coming out. I loved it all. I teared-up yesterday in the Laura Ingalls Wilder 2-part marriage episode. That final scene where Eliza Jane is narrating her thoughts as she hugs Almanzo. Her departure from the show. I wish they could have hooked her up with Harv Miller but it certainly made for a very moving ending. Does anybody know if the cast receive any royalties from the show being in reruns for all these years? I hope so. Such a lovely group of people. I hope Jonathon Gilbert is happy in his quiet existance somewhere and hopefully cashing his cheques.
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