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Lowcountry snark

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  1. "They were eviscerated for “kissing the ring” — despite calling Trump a “fascist” in the months leading up to the election." The last time I watched MSNBC Mika was cry-screaming that "he's Hitler," and in reference to women's health, "he wants to kill us."
  2. Are there any shows keeping a running tally of the lies, illegalities, and grift?
  3. Did she really say that?
  4. Morning Joe should keep a tally visible on a white board behind their set. $800,000 deporation flights Fired employees in ATC and a fatal airliner crash Eggs not available in some areas, for-profit shops are charging around $9 a dozen Deported migrants and farms can't work any longer... Etc... etc... Documenting this and keeping it visible is a slam dunk. Easy, easy TV.
  5. That episode was absolutely off-the-charts nutso. Joe done lost his damn mind. It seemed to me that he held zero respect for Chuck Todd. If little insignificant Chuck Todd could have that job as moderator/host of Meet The Press, and because Joe felt he was superior to Chuck Todd, the show then belonged to Joe. Joe made an enormous ass of himself, and that's saying something as making an ass of himself is his stock in trade.
  6. Um, that's the byproduct of propaganda. Joe Biden was a statesman and a public servant, simply doing his job. That this ENRAGED people has nothing to do with Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. Being a good faith public servant has nothing to do with knowing how to redirect a tsunami of social media hate, social media falsehoods, bad actor nations' propaganda in social media, and home grown right wing propagandists that staff cable media, social media, and the radio. If Biden has to be trump to defeat trump... I don't know what we're doing any longer. Politics isn't entertainment. Get your graduate degree and apply to the State Department and see how serious the real world is.
  7. "Stupid?" Did Rahm Emmanuel say it was stupid to slow the spread of a deadly disease because Democrats may lose votes?
  8. Um... what? Was Mika dipping her toe into the use of sarcasm?
  9. Heh. So Joe wants almost no government at all, but at the same time wants work camps that rake the desert and maintain every plant, he wants government control of the Santa Ana winds, and control of rain. That he tables the idea that "if only fire hydrants worked, damned libs," means his discourse is disingenuous and he's simply looking to play in that day's news cycle... not looking for truth or solutions or an honest discussion. He's an empty fire hydrant. There talking about how the fire is a net loss for the libs because optics. Those fire hydrants would have to be the size of the Empire State building and there'd need to be hundreds or thousands of them.
  10. Since the election I haven't watched MSNBC once, and my YouTube TV is no longer even making it a top option for a channel to select. I had it on probably 10 hours a day for maybe a decade. Now it's weather and cooking! (and the weather channel is no easy watch these days, ugh) Is Joe asserting that the fires cannot generally be curtailed, or that a human or political party must be blamed and made to suffer as a consequence? And I thought the libs could control the weather in order to punish Florida? This is a great opportunity for Joe to be a sympathetic do-gooder and lead with ideas and charity and empathy, and at the same time mock and eviscerate all the right wing who think liberalism=uncontrollable fires. Joe could make this his brand and distance himself from his own worst instincts and the goings-on of the past two months. Bring on insurance adjusters, financial CEOs, architects, visionary climate-focused start ups, water engineers, botanists, the mayors of those cities, etc... Mika could get out there and teach business ladies to know their value. (seriously though, she could help structure micro-funding for woman-led businesses to help them get back on their own two feet and more)
  11. Olberman: I mean, obviously you have to fire Mr. and Mrs. Scared-Bro. However: Continue their banal but largely benign political coffee klatch show without them and their insistence we all join their MSNVichy.
  12. Has it ever been made clear why they have this event in Dubai, of all places? The cynicism of hosting it there is mind boggling. Perhaps in 2025 she hosts it in Asheville, NC to, you know, help those who need help? I guess in Asheville there are no butlers to massage her in her private marble spa, nor Hermes gift bags, nor handsome princes hanging at the hotel bar. KYV is not even grift. It's plainly cynical and is fooling no one. That she has this platform, and just absolutely squanders the opportunity to do real good for people, is.. well.. to be expected. She's < Less than.
  13. Wow, Newsbusters is creepy. THIRD RUNNER-UP “There is an entire right wing media ecosystem that doesn’t exist on the left and it does not exist in the center or mainstream.” — PBS News Hour White House correspondent/CNN analyst Laura Barron-Lopez on CNN’s Inside Politics, November 7. Um... she's right. That is some garden variety gaslighting propaganda, Newsbusters. Proving her point.
  14. Are you new to the show? Mrs. Scarborough sometimes plays the Tradwife role. She doesn't have a ton of cogent opinions so it suits her to sit quietly and admire Joe's loud mouth.
  15. Did a 12 year old write that? That's embarrassing, not even including the misspellings. Wild, just wild that this frame of mind won all elections by landslides.
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