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Posts posted by JNavarro

  1. I'm surprised at how patient Rey has been with Sharon.  Yeah, he should have known what he was getting into it, but he does at least seem to realize that now.   And yeah he's kind of bland,  but in a non-soap opera esque kind of way, and I think that's a good type of character to have.  

    Faith IS in a lot of trouble, but she's also taking advantage of that.  This is probably going to be derailed by Sher-dog's high school antics of her own, but I wish they didn't go down the usual route of "poor baby says they're not being listened to, so it excuses everything they do".  Kids can be disciplined and held accountable, while also being loved and respected, but shows never seem to go there.  

    Elena and Devon are both coming across as increasingly weird and gross.  Nate, this has done nothing but cost you so far.  Get out of there.  

    Victoria is such a miserable sad sack.  Get a life.  



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  2. I really don't get what it is about Sharon Case's "acting" choices that she randomly plays Sharon as the wide eyed (ex) ingenue, usually at the most inappropriate times.   Like once in a while Sharon actually seems somewhat of an adult and even likeable imo, but today she was a barely there ditz with Rey.  

    Devon...is kind of a sleaze, and he doesn't play it well.  His flirting is cringe, too.  Funny that he and Amanda were talking about chemistry, because they have absolutely none.   I do like Amanda a LOT more than Hilary, though, and I'm impressed with how much MM gives her an aura that's completely different. 

    LMAO at Nate going from simp to savant in five seconds, which apparently was about how long his latest round with Elena went.  But good for him.  




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  3. Summer is going to "rip Sally to shreds"?  She's not a pack of lip gloss, so good luck with that.  

    I'm honestly confused that we're supposed to see either Summer/Kyle as in the right, or at the very worst equal with Sally.  Those two are trash, and it seems like everyone forgot about what an evil monster Summer was when she came back to town, since she got away with everything.

    Poor Jack, he's trying to the do the right thing.  Dude should just go for it.  





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  4. So I stopped consistently watching years ago, but basically have had the gist of where the story/characters are.  

    I take it's safe to say the network is still letting MB treat the show as nothing but his manbaby fan fiction playground, right?  

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