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Posts posted by Scorpiosunshine

  1. The only chance either of them has is via their fathers.


    I think Jo is an awsome father to have been a teen when things went down.  He honestly wants the best for his son and will do what's in his power to be there for him.  What I found interesting about Jo was his lovey dovey interest in Lincoln (who is so adorable and kind of demands that reaction).  I could see Jo honestly spending time with BOTH boys, since they are brothers so that Issac will never feel that he has to choose one family over the other.  Issac has Jo and that is alot.  Kail is loving, she just needs therapy to overcome her childhood.  That being said, I am shocked to see I am the only one who doesn't like Javi.[\b]

    You're not ! I cannot stand him. He's no victim + he has major issues. Javi doesn't have me fooled at all.

    At first , he seemed like a decent guy, and I thought he might be good for Kail. As much as she's getting on my nerves right now, Javi is much worse, and she needs to get away from him. His control issues and passive-aggressive behaviors are scary.

    • Love 1
  2. Shane was lighting up around EJ and Jeff! I enjoyed seeing that. When not surrounded by emasculating leeches, he is pleasant and happy,and dare I say,downright normal!

    Then... those two life-sucking hyenas roll up and ruin the party. Ugh. Shane shuts down again.

    Let's see if EJ and Jeff put up with their shit. Oh, but I bet they won't be as lazy or as mean-girlish around men they don't feel they can use and intimidate.

    No wonder Shane has issues with women. Seriously, I sort of can't blame him.

    Shane is obviously a special personality, and I get that some can't handle it. I'm one of those who can---it takes a certain amount of patience and finesse to deal with someone like Shane. He obviously needs compassion, too. Dani seems to have much more compassion for animals than for fellow humans, and Alana just grinds my nerves, same as she did her first episode. She had the same mean girl spirit then.

    With Shane, not only can some not handle his personality, but they will often take advantage. I'm truly sad for Shane, and I hope real life is much kinder to him.

    As much as he can easily offend or come off badly, I believe he's a sensitive, hurting soul, most likely he is truly harmless, and is so self-deprecating as a defense mechanism. People take it the wrong way and he never really gets a chance to recover from that first impression. Idk.. I feel for the guy!

  3. As soon as Laura pitched her Hoarder-fit about "I'm moving out, yadda yadda", I knew it was all a crock. I said to myself, "As soon as she realizes the gravity of that hollow threat, what it means for all her precious crap & what it means for her laziness , she's going to act like it never happened and breeze right over the fact that she said all that. There is no way in hell she's going to leave!" Sure enough, that bag-of-crazy not only retracted, but acted like she never said it and that it was all the Doc trying to make her sound crazy. (Ummm, lady, you do a fine job of pulling off crazy with no help from anyone.) She never intended to leave -- she only wanted more ass-kissing, and thought a threat would get everyone off her ass. Ooopsie! 


    When Laura was trying to backpedal, I kept hoping out loud that John would "Thanks but no thanks" that idea. I was so happy when he went ahead and broke it off, and I was happier that he capped the storage offer at 2 months. 


    Of course, I also knew she'd still be there at the end of the month, which was the case.  I'm sure she hasn't touched any of her stuff (to get rid of it, I mean); I hope it all gets tossed, and I hope he tosses her shortly thereafter. He seems like a decent guy, and I hope that he gets a chance to be a father, and that the courts see a copy of this show when Laura tries to use Angelina as a pawn (which I am sure will happen). 


    Laura should be ashamed; if for nothing else, I wish she (and the rest of these selfish assholes) could see the truth of what this does to their innocent victims. 

    • Love 4
  4. Suboxone isn't an opiate. It's actually the medication they give opiate addicts, it blocks the opiate receptors in the brain so the opiates have no effect on you.


    (I know this is an older post, but I'm catching up.)

    Just to clarify: Suboxone isn't a true opiate, but it does contain an opiod (narcotic, and in the case of Suboxone, it's basically a partly synthetic opiate. Not all opioids are synthetic).

    Suboxone is actually made up of two parts: buprenorphine, which is the opiod, and Naloxone, which is an opiod antagonist. It's the Naloxone part that counters the effects of opiates/opioids.

    Suboxone is used to help with withdrawals (but can also cause it if administered incorrectly), to help wean off opiates/opioids, and even for pain control. It can be abused and one can get high from it (see Amber from TM OG).

    Just wanted to clarify for info purposes ;)

    • Love 2
  5. There are ways (other than bleaching) to beat a hair follicle test, though non are guaranteed. I know at least 3 people who have done it -- 1 female, 2 male; they were all current and more than occasional users of multiple substances, but mostly opiates, benzos (mainly Klonopin) and daily to occasional use of marijuana. (As to why I know so many people who needed to beat a drug test, it's a long story, but I'll say a combination of former in-laws and a former spouse, lol. FORMER, lol)

    I'm sure Leah is not innocent in her substance use, and instead of lying and working around drug tests (if that's the case), the best thing for her and her children would be to admit to any existing issues and get help. It isn't easy, it isn't fun, and it can be embarrassing, but it's a lot more fun than losing custody of your kids, overdosing, going broke, etc, and less embarrassing than nodding out on TV.

    I agree with the "no opiates for headaches" chorus. I've been there, done that, and in some cases, opiates can often make headaches worse.

    Also, I just cannot tolerate Leah and her bullshit. Now she's blaming Miranda for her issues with Corey. Leah accepts zero responsibility and can't admit the slightest fault.

    What is she going to do with Germy and Germy's money gone? Frankly, as long as the girlses have everything they need, I wouldn't mind Leah falling on her ass. That girl needs to learn a thing or two about work and the value of a dollar.

    She should thank the stars for Corey. He does what a dad is supposed to do, and she doesn't have to beg him to be a father like most of these MTV dads. Any other dad would have ran her through skewers and humiliated her for her shenanigans, but not Corey ; he tries to sit and talk with her like an adult-- I believe truly trying to do what's best for the girlses--and she always ends up making it about herself-- me me me me! For all her talk, she's one of the most selfish of all, because she works so hard to hide who she truly is, and puts more energy into covering her faults and lies than she puts into mothering. She is despicable.

    Janelle is psycho. I truly cannot stand her. She's Farrah-level of "in another world", IMO. her thought processes and ways of thinking are both so incredibly screwy, it boggles the mind. Barb has issues, but Janelle seems to have issues that can't be chalked up to bad or inept parenting. There is something off with Janelle, very off.

    Kail and Javi are reaping the seeds of what they've sown over the years, BUT...

    IMO, Kail knew Javi was itching for a way to keep her from going, and I think that text was just the ammo he needed to get what he wanted. If one seemingly innocent text throws that much distrust into a relationship, there are way bigger issues. Some were saying that there had to be more, but if it were already an issue, wouldn't he have said so before and not agreed to her going and possibly staying the night? The trust issue wasn't mentioned until after the text, and I swear, Javi looked absolutely gleeful at Kail not going. He knew if he played the "won't pick him up" card that Kail would be forced to stay home.

    I don't think Kail is cheating (I know she cheated on Jordan, but people make shitty mistakes --not excusing her AT ALL--but Javi knew about that), and I really don't think she's secretly texting and flirting and thinking of cheating.

    Javi seems to me to be a certain type of guy --controlling (but not necessarily dominant ), insecure, passive-aggressive, not necessarily a bad guy, but a very immature guy.

    Kail has many, many, faults, and there are times when I just don't get why she is so snappy snd short, but while I could be wrong, I have a feeling she was truly innocent here. She had the demeanor and emotions of someone truly torn and truly desperate. I think she was angry, because she said Javi always backs out or finds an excuse, and that's exactly what happened. At the same time, I think she was frustrated and emotional, and also trying to convey that it was an innocent text. I believe her. I felt she was being genuine --albeit at times with her typical attitude-and I think she was truthful when she said Javi is controlling and insecure. I don't blame her for not wanting to give up her privacy, either. It has nothing to do with privacy or hiding things or being guilty of something inappropriate , and everything to do with honoring boundaries and having respect. A marriage is not a license to expect the other person to give up their autonomy and every aspect of their privacy. Furthermore, if you have to demand it (trust, for one), it doesn't exist.

    Javi seems to be "one of those guys" ; he'll squeeze and push and pull and demand, thinking he's creating trust when he is really creating distance. He will make demands above "no passwords", and for every one she meets he will set the bar higher. Kail can't do anything to make Javi trust her --Javi needs to work on himself (Kail does too, boy does she (!!!), but I'm really talking about this specific thing). If Kail gives in to that, she's setting a tone which will be hard to undo. What demands will he make next? When will enough be enough? Does he think having a password is going to stop her from cheating? If he really thinks she's cheating, why was he seemingly Ok with her going before the text issue?

    I've always had more male friends than female. I grew up in a neighborhood full of boys, have two brothers (didn't have a sister until I was 22), and for various other reasons it just turned out that way. My boyfriends (and even my ex-husband, who was physically abusive) were fine with this, and if they weren't, then they weren't for me. For the record, it went both ways when it came to having opposite-sex friends.

    There are plenty of men (and women ) who are jealous and insecure , and through no fault of their partner. I see the signs and have zero trouble believing Kail when it comes to this.

    Now, I'm not saying Kail is an innocent party in her marital issues. She doesn't know how to talk to people, she's seems to get easily frustrated, not to mention the fact that she put her hands on Javi (inexcusable). That doesn't mean she's being or considering being unfaithful to him.

    All that being said, if Javi does have female friends, she better damn well be as accepting as she wants him to be, otherwise she's wrong, wrong, wrong.

    Chelsea -- who knew she'd become my favorite Teen Mom? I hope her guy is legit; she and Aubree deserve it!

    Eta: typos, add'l thoughts on Leah and Chelsea

    • Love 5
  6. That was very sad.


    When they were sitting around, quiet, not talking, all just staring into space with that "look", I kept thinking that we've all been there at some point, and it **hurts**. There is nothing to do but try to reconcile reality with the fact that you can't believe it's real.


    No matter how much I snark on this show, my heart very much went out to them, and still does.


    On another note, Nettie looks awful. (this isn't snark...just an observation)  I don't know if it's the blond washing her out, the blond plus the lighting, or if it's that she's doing the THs after all the stress, OR if it's from being sick. Her face looks weird, but in a way I really can't explain. It's almost like her facial skin is super thin and her brow area is sunken and strained. I know that sounds weird! She looks sort of half-frozen, but none of it's in a Botox way. I am thinking it's stress and illness. She needs to chill out with the drama and really take care of herself. I hope she doesn't do this show at the risk of her health. 

    • Love 3
  7. Thanks. I m watch the 10 pm eppy then.

    I don't think Phaedra made the cast of 12, did she? Was she the Miley 2.0 woman?


    Yes, she is Miley 2.0, and you're correct - - she won't be on XL. (Her partner Hakim, aka Black McGuyver will be.. )

    It's going to be interesting to see how these personalities mesh on the XL episodes.

    I'll be watching to see if any assholish behaviors pop up from the same people as before. It's easy to explain it away once, but not so much when it happens repeatedly.

    The dynamic will be fun to watch. Will the group splinter ala "Lord of the Flies" ? If so, who will be Piggy?

    • Love 2
  8. Oh, and I can't wait for the XL episides---some of my most and least favorite players will be featured, "most" being Laura, Hakim, EJ,& "least" being Honora, Alana, and Phaedra.

    Edited to add Phaedra, because I'd forgotten how childish she acted, especially after Hakim was so caring and thoughtful.

    • Love 1
  9. So the cast introduction episodes are just repeat episodes, I'm guessing to refamiliarize viewers with cast who will be on the XL episodes.

    Alana immediately starts working my last nerve, just like she did the first time I watched her episode, lol.

    • Love 1
  10. I've also seen both episodes, so I'm not sure why it was marked as new. I don't consider it "new" just because they throw in pop-ups.

    I quit watching a little while in since I'd previously seen both episodes, so I missed the previews for XL. I wish the descriptions would be a bit more clear, but I don't know if it's the network or DirecTV who's doing shoddy work on writing up show descriptions.

    Also, I agree that Ryan kicked ass! He truly did thrive in his environment.

    • Love 1
  11. The special remind me of how disgusted I was by Honora and how strongly I disliked Aften. They were two of the bitchiest and most worthless women ever on this show. I see time hasn't given Aften any insight , and though Honora may have some hindsight, I get the feeling she's still a horrible person (who most likely doesn't see how horrible she is but clearly sees the faults of others).

    • Love 1
  12. The nose job fix was beautiful! Nose jobs that don't look like nose jobs used to be rare; to me, they almost all had that certain look (see Janet and Michael Jackson).

    I think Ashley Simpson's was one of the first truly beautiful, natural-looking nose jobs I saw. To me, this one is up there with Ashley's--it is well-done and a definite improvement. Good for her!

    • Love 3
  13. I believe Meghan dropped the banana pudding, but I think the TV drop was a recreation, stitched together with actual cry face, as if the cameras jusssssttt missed the drop, filmed the cry face (it did look real; no woman would make that face on purpose), and when Meghan calmed down they had her reenact the drop. It looked like they'd scooped the already-dropped banana pudding into a foil pan. The difference between that one and the real one was obvious. Also, I'm Southern, and we have two ways of making banana pudding,--one requires a quick bake for the meringue, the other is no bake. I thought her real banana pudding (the one In the glass pan) looked fine.

    Those two biddies are NOT representative of the South nor of Southern mothers-in-law. Let's say her pudding tasted awful--most people would be polite, just like anywhere else in the world, and if Meghan asked and expressed that she didn't think it was good, maybe then a MIL would discreetly and sweetly (not passive-aggressively fake sweetly) give her tips, just like anywhere else. Southerners are not these freaking caricatures , but there are always snotty bitches wherever one goes.

    Josh is one of those guys who sits back like a king while his wife spirals into a depression trying to live up to his nasty mother, when he should come to her defense to his mother (she's HIS mother; I'd do it for my husband, if I had one and if my mother were a bitch, so moot point all around lol). He doesn't have to be disrespectful, so that's a cop out. He should reassure Meghan that he doesn't wanna be married to his Mother...unless he does.

    I think Josh is selfish anyway, and that really came out in the last episode. Did anyone catch the way he snapped at her at Match Day? I know he was nervous, but still; that was very telling to me. Idk ..I feel for Meghan and hope she tests Josh's promise to follow her, too; she needs to spread her wings for herself a little.

    • Love 3
  14. Truth in every word, Scorpiosunshine!   Most of these guys are very unattractive--what a collection of rat faces.  JJ, with his lartern-jawed potato head, bad teeth and beady eyes reminds me of a Pixar character:    



    Surely if Britt had been the Bachelorette this wouldn't be the dismal crop she would have had to pick from.  No way would those be the "dates" she'd have been subjected to either.


    I hated this episode.  Everything about it was so fake and gross from the "bromance" to fishing around in the faux dirty toilet to the ultra cringe worthy sex ed "class".  The awful parents of those creepy little meal tickets should be flogged.

    Hahaha, omg, that cracked me up, Mocking Bird! That picture is so perfect!

  15. Yes, the episodes are a bit slow, but I'll hang in there. I don't mind, and I kind of enjoy the low-key pace. I do hope they don't pace themselves out of a second season, because I'd love to see them get a little taste of success. They seem to work really hard. (I, too, enjoyed that song Joy Anna played on; it was beautiful.)

    I quit watching the Duggars a long time ago, bc I could no longer take them. They've always been more of a guilty pleasure for me anyway. I started watching again recently, mainly bc I caught them by accident and got sucked in. Lucky me, I was just in time to catch the implosion, lol.

    What I like about this family is that they are so normal. Their parents teach them their values and don't feel like they have to monitor their every move out of fear that they break the rules. It seems like the parents are confident in the job they've done teaching the children and turning them into productive, upright citizens. To me, that way makes sense. What's the point of beating them over the head with your ways if you don't have confidence in what you've taught them and if you don't trust them ?

    I also sense real warmth and true affection between the siblings. There is such a huge difference in what I saw with the other family.

    Although I am not religious (& I actually have pretty strong beliefs about it), they don't put me off at all, at least not yet.

    I also think that they are ambitious, but they seem to work hard, so I can't fault that. I'm also sure they have plenty of imperfections, so maybe we'll see drama after all. (Though I somehow doubt Mama and Papa Willis would tolerate too many shenanigans,lol)

    ××edited accidental use of the word "seen", bc I'm not illiterate, lol××

    • Love 4
  16. Just found this site yesterday and I'm bursting with opinions since my old Bach-watching buddy isn't around to laugh and discuss with me anymore. Doing that made the show for us..practicing our snark.. yet sometimes buying in hook, line and sinker to possible true romance.

    There sure is some delicious snark on this site.. some posts have me laughing long after.

    I'm not a fan of either girl, but can not honestly say I don't like them..They're okay.. I really don't know them.. but that's the appeal of reality tv and the forums. I can judge and opine anyway. So fun.



    Welcome! Snark away! :)

    (Also, I agree with much of your post)

  17. IMO, this is truly the worst group of guys ever put together for a Bachelorette.

    I find about 3 - maybe 4, 5 if I'm being very generous- attractive and tolerable.

    JJ is fugly,at least to me. He's got the rat teeth and the wide jaw with the small top of the head, almost like part of a peanut.

    So many of these men look roided-up, have weirdly shaped faces, and look like the busted/time warp/alt version of a celebrity. It's almost like they are the inverse of the celebrity they represent, and they are as ugly as said celebrity is handsome. So many of them look like they've been hit too many times in the face.

    It's kind of like if you look quickly you think they're handsome, but the longer you linger the more their faces reveal. At first glance you see The Rock, at second glance you see Rocky from The Mask.

    For Clint and JJ, I think their inner ugliness is manifesting in their faces. They're not attractive, not to me. Yuck.

    Does JJ slap himself next week? My god, these men truly are pathetic.

    • Love 13
  18. Did I just hear Dallas , of all people, call someone a whore ? In the season previews, she leans into a limo and is yelling to Annie, "Let me tell you something, if you're a whore you're a whore!"

    Oh, Dallas; I guess whore-spotting is easy when you know what to look for.

    I'll have to comment more after I re-watch the episode; thanks to thunderstorms, I dozed off during most of it.

    • Love 1
  19. Oof. I hated the live format, though it is something to see the hoard live, in full array HDTV. It looked unreal.

    Jim's update saddened me and pissed me off for the family.

    It was good to see Dr. Tolin (too bad it was in a sucky "TV show host" position. Really, show?).

    It was also good to see Matt and Corey. I've always crushed hard on Cory, but I'm crushing harder now that he's on his way to becoming quite the silver fox!

    • Love 1
  20. I didn't see a huge difference in her new nose, but I do know it takes at least a full year for you to see the nose you'll end up with. I was born with a Roman nose, too. (additional comments below)


    I ended up getting a rhinoplasty by an ENT during a second septoplasty. Dumb decision on my part but I thought anything that would make my nose smaller would be an improvement. Back story: as I grew up, my classmates were relentless with jokes about my big nose. I was called Barbara Banananose (for Streisand) and Barry Banananose (for Manilow). I was also constantly told by kids, and adults alike, that I looked like Streisand and Manilow. Talk about wearing down someone's self-esteem and self-confidence during my formative, growing up years, that'll do it. My rhinoplasty improved my profile by about 50%, but I ended up with a sideways dent that is obvious. I'm not going to have anything more done to it. It is quite interesting that one of my sons has a Roman nose, which fits him and his face very well. In fact, he's always been/being told how good-looking he is. Guess the big difference is which sex the Roman nose is attached.

    That is incredibly cruel!   :(   It makes me sad and mad to see/hear people being bullied! My cousin suffered through terrible bullying over her ears, so I've seen how it can hurt.  I am so sorry you had that experience.


    There does seem to be more of an "acceptance"  of quirks (if you will) on men's faces-- they are called "ruggedly handsome", or have a "Roman profile", etc.

  21. I loved this episode.

    I thought I was going to be annoyed by Saggy Dolly, but she was a delight. She was beautiful inside and out , before and after. I'm glad the doc was able to fix her up so she could feel good. She looked fabulous, and I agree that her husband was quite a catch ! I laughed at the girdle burning.

    Two-Spirits was an interesting case. I had a feeling they weren't going to do the pec implant, but Daniella seemed fine with what the doc said. I'm also agreeing about Terry and his dumb comments, not only about topping , but about Paul's weight. Terry needs to tone it down.

    Dances with Noses teacher made me tear up! Rarely do I have much of an issue with the "before" nose, and they're rarely so bad where , if it were my nose, I'd have surgery. In this case, it made sense, and I don't blame her for wanting to get that hatchet job fixed. The nose is a focal point on the face, and I can imagine that for some, having to live with a really bad nose could be depressing and have a serious effect on the self-esteem. Her natural, pre-surgery nose was bumpy but wasn't terrible, but the after was awful. I truly felt bad for her.

    After the second surgery, I didn't have high hopes and I wasn't impressed when they first unveiled her new nose. I paused the DVR and took a longer, better look, and that's when I saw what a great job he did-- it looked so much better! I thought it was a definite "B+". She had a nice tip, nice definition on the sides, and though it wasn't small, it fit her face and didn't look "nose jobby".


    Edited b/c I caught a few typos

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