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Posts posted by Scorpiosunshine

  1. I think he didn't text back because he thought that she was trying to start an argument about school tuition. Kali is the one who has cultivated this bad co-parenting relationship. Not only has she started verbal altercations with him but also physically attacked him and lied to the courts saying that he did just so she could get a no contact order on him. I'm not blaming him for not engaging the crazy but I WILL blame her for playing cute and being cryptic. What if this was about something actually serious like a peanut allergy. Would it be acceptable for Kail to not relay that information with words and instead send Jo a picture of a peanut?

    It wasn't about a serious, life-threatening issue; it wasn't even a cryptic text. It was picture of a sign that every other parent understood. Why is Jo too dumb to understand the same sign? Why is it cryptic when directed toward him?

    I have no doubt that Kail would tell Jo about a serious issue. I agree that she has fostered bad blood, and I so get the points made about that. That being said, she is a responsible parent who loves her child, and she wouldn't risk Isaac's life to spite Jo. I have full faith that she'd verbally relay that type of info.

    **sorry for the double post**

    • Love 4
  2. To assume that he can't figure out the meaning or suss out the meaning of Kail texting him a picture of a sign from their child's school, is pretty insulting to his intelligence.

    Jo is not an angel, as evidenced by the previews of him calling Kail names. He used to be seriously ugly to her, and while he has grown, he is not perfect and not blameless. I'm sure he gives as good as he gets. Jo is not some wimpy guy being bullied by Karl. He's just the lesser asshole these days.

    For the record, I like Jo way more than I used to and Kail way less than I used to, but I don't let that blind me to common sense. If he is too dumb to ask why she texted a sign, then he is pretty dim. (Which we know isn't the case--he isn't dim and he did know about the graduation)

    **FTR, I am not saying that posters w opposing views don't have commons sense; the common sense comment applies to Jo knowing what the sign means, etc**

    • Love 5
  3. I just don't see how Jo missing the ceremony is Kail's fault. It's Jo's fault. He is an adult.

    Kail has a lot of shitty qualities, but that doesn't mean she is responsible for every single thing that goes wrong, or that she is this evil, nefarious being set to sabotage Jo at evey turn. I don't buy it.

    I think it's a huge reach to blame Kail for Jo missing graduation and Jo being late for the game. Kail texted Jo a pic, which she didn't have to do, but that's somehow not good enough AND it's another example of her evilness....because she didn't type it out to him like he's a child? Sorry, that's crazy to me, and as much as my opinion on Kail has taken a turn for the worst, I don't see how sending a reminder isn't good enough just because she didn't type it out.

    If she wanted Jo to miss it, why even send the pic? She reminded him, which she didn't have to do...but she DID do.

    I think something else is going on with Jo, and it has nothing to do with Kail. But if Jo and Vee are stressed, I guess that's her fault, too. I just don't see Jo suddenly letting Kail have that much control over his life. If they have issues, like normal grown people do, then that's on him, and it's on him to separate that from his responsibilities to Isaac. He should have been there, stupid ceremony or not. If it were anyone else, they wouldn't get a break or have so many excuses made for them/blame put on someone else. Because it involve Kail, he gets a pass / treated like some simpering wimp who is too shaken by Karl to show up / show up on time. That's a reach IMO. Jo and Vee are not intimidated by Kail, never have been.

    • Love 7
  4. I am a super compassionate person, but I couldn't feel sorry for Brittany, mainly because of the very kids she kept whining about. Each and every time she whined at Heather/"Bryon" that she went too far for bringing her (Brittany's) kids into it, I said out loud, "No! YOU went too far! They are YOUR kids!"   If she is angry about the kids getting involved, she needs to be angry at herself. How irresponsible that she would do that without ever having met this person! Geez!!


    She practically said that she can't be alone because she's used to being with somebody. OK, now tell me how you're **that** lonely with 3 kids??!!  I get needing adult/romantic companionship, but I don't get being desperate for anything, so much so that you'll delude yourself and drag your kids into the delusion.


    Why don't these lonely mothers use that time to be good mothers to their kids, or educate themselves, work, do family stuff, yoga, volunteer, hang with friends, etc, or the million other things that don't involve delusions, broken hearts, and humiliation? 


    And as others have said-- the voice ... how could she not tell? It's so obviously not a man's voice! 


    Sorry, but this is one of those times where I was more pissed at the so-called victim than the Catfish. 




    **edited for additional content and typos, bc I know the difference between "you're" and "your"  ;)

    • Love 17
  5. I developed much earlier than my friends - first period at 10, at the same time I started popping out of my blouses. My mom and our neighbor had to talk me into wearing a bra, and I was bigger than anyone else. At the time, it was a curse, not a blessing, because the boys made fun of me - they had a nickname for me, which I never figured out - "TM". This was in the late 1950s so it was just "boys will be boys." Over the past 50 years, my size has gone up, until I'm thinking about a surgical reduction.

    Be careful what you wish for!

    I recall girls who developed much earlier and faster getting a lot of attention, and not always positive. My heart would go out to them, because even though I so desperately wanted my own breasts, no young girl wants THAT kind of attention. I remember the giggles and names and questions, but I was always the one defending people rather than offending.

    You never figured out the TM? That would've driven me crazy!

    Me too! My brain immediately went to deciphering what TM could mean. Sorry CousinAmy, but all I came up with is "titty machine", lol! ;-)

  6. I haven't read the thread yet; I just came to post this:


    I'm 8 minutes in and tearing up already! Panda just had his first weigh-in and is leaving the kids at his camp. The level of emotion from them shows not only how much they must care for him, but more importantly, how much he cares for them. He must be so good to them, because it is obvious they sure love him. That kid crying and hugging Panda, then Panda gives him his hat -- it's killing me! **leaky eyes**

    • Love 1
  7. My 39th Anniversary Gift To Phillip (You Know Him As Dr. Phil)

    By: Mrs. Robin McChub

    (Obviously the comments were disabled for this video)



    Why is Guy Fawkes making an anniversary video for Dr. Schill?


    But seriously:  I get the sentiment, I do, but really? I laughed so hard!  She looks ridiculous! If she were genuinely trying to be sweet and sentimental, she would have kept it a private gift, but no, not Flobbin (Flaunting-Robin).  She is trying so hard to look 25-ish, which is exactly the age-range I can see doing this type of video. 


    Don't get me wrong, ANY woman/person of ANY age could do it if they want; I'm not ageist (I am 43, ftr) Sure, it's kind of corny but also kind of sweet...just not in this case. It's "Wheeee, look at me, I am forever young and never-aging!" disguised as sentiment. 


    The thing is, when your overworked-face looks like you have tightening screws hidden behind your ears, you lie and claim "no plastic surgery",  and your talons and legs look like the Crypt-Keeper's in contrast to your frozen face, it's a bit  ridiculous to flounce around like this. 


    When I saw her hands and legs, I said, "YEP, there is the proof she is lying". If she had some miracle potion/exercises as she claims, she needs to put it on her legs and hands. Believe me, I pay close attention to mine, as well as my chest, neck, etc. They can age a person so fast!


    Someone up-thread said the cameraman must use a ton of Vaseline, and I believe it. The lighting they use is supposed to make her look younger, but it makes her look so weird! In this video, I actually saw imperfections, so at least there was that. If she'd let her flaws show a bit. she'd at least look human. I don't see her very often, but each time I do, I am **shocked** at how weird and overdone she looks. 


    I just cannot stand her and her ridiculous lies. 


    Also, I love that song, so eff you Robin for ruining that for me. :p 

    • Love 9
  8. All the malapropisms, solecisms and downright blunders on this show kill me. It's like watching The Sopranos, without the action and accents.

    Mikey, during the discussion after the wrestling date; I'm paraphrasing: "I want to see where this goes, so I'm putting my best foot forward."

    Really, Mikey? I don't think that's what you meant.

    • Love 3
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb2xTSikPdg


    For your viewing pleasure...Nick's winning BP3 moment. Note the massive standing ovation from the audience after his badass speech.


    Rachel: "You are such a f***ing schmuck." 

    Nick: "I'm a schmuck with $250,000!"

    Oh. My. God.

    That was the best thing I've ever!

    I didn't watch BP (didn't know it existed, unfortunately, until it was too late), but that makes me wish I had seen that season. It seems like everyone got what they deserved, and her calling him a schmuck and saying he wouldn't be there if not for her just sealed it. Good for him!!

    **Sorry for the brief OT**

    • Love 5
  10. I was thrilled to see Leslie! Good for her and good for her now-adult children; I'm happy for them all!

    One reason Carrie may still look somewhat healthy is that she's not yet shooting up. Once she starts that, her looks will quickly fade. Not that smoking dope won't affect your looks, because of course it will. She's also a relatively short-term addict, so once smoking can't get her high enough, she'll probably start injecting. Hopefully it doesn't come to that and she stays the course this time.

    I hate to read about relapses, but many will say that relapses are a part of recovery. Some can stay in recovery and never relapse, while others get caught in a neverending cycle of relapse and recovery; for many others, that one and only relapse is enough to remind them of how much they don't want to go back to that life.

    • Love 2
  11. I never thought I would be able to tolerate JJ, let alone like him. That overblown patriotic send-off was perfect! I hope his girl takes him back, as stupid as it was for him to leave.

    Samantha's turn around has nothing to do with drama, since she was the one brushing off the drama, saying to ignore them, and is fully aware that she's part of it; her turnaround has everything to do with fresh bone arriving in camp.

    As far as being pretty: Her eyes are a pretty color, but her face is pinched and old-looking...not in a wrinkly way, but how someone looks when they have no teeth. There's something weird about her mouth. Idk., but she's far from perfect. She's more like a Kentucky 8, a New York 6, and a California 4. **My scoring system may be plus or minus a bit ;)

    Joe is getting what he deserves.

    I'm over Juelia ! They didn't realize how ridiculous they sounded juxtaposing Juelia's single mother status with the blather about finding love, what's she supposed to do, how much she loves her daughter, etc. I don't remember exactly what was said, but my answer was, "If that's the case, quit famewhoring so much that you're now convincing yourself that Mikey is the one, and go home and raise your daughter you supposedly miss so much!

    Ashely Eye --wahhhh. He was never into her, Kaitlyn is his excuse, and whoever said she has issues is right on. I've never met a 14 year old who acts like she does, never mind a grown woman. She is worse than...

    Clare: I love Clare. I had mixed feelings about her on JP's season, but she grew and grew on me. I would like to have seen her stay and find someone.

    I cracked up at Ashey S and her drunk antics. She sounded trashed, but alcohol and pills don't mix well anyway, and I suspect she has a fair supply of benzos.

    I DIED at her Grandpa Dan comment! Lol!

    Eta: A pug, yes! Joe looks like a pug crossed with a troll doll. I didn't like him in Kaitlyn's season, so I'm not surprised by his douchiness. I never found him attractive. Blech.

    • Love 10
  12. Regardless of age (teen or adult), unfortunately, there are girls who will make up lies about being on the pill or using contraception. There are guys who will push their girlfriend to have a baby for selfish reasons. I have been over this before and I won't change my mind. It is an ugly term but sadly, there are ugly people, like Kailyn, who will throw aside birth control to become pregnant.

    In that case, the guy should pull a condom out of his wallet and put it on his penis if he doesn't want a "trap" baby. Problem solved. He doesn't have to worry about her lying. To me, that's why trap babies don't exist.
    • Love 11
  13. I don't care about people using the show, because this show is such crap anyway. Even the "behind the scenes" shows are lies, so they can have a seat with that mess.

    What bothered me about Hundra is the way she was talking about Geralyn and lesbians in general. Insinuating that she was turned is not only a lie, but is harmful. Not for nothing, but that's why gay men and women have been beaten and murdered, over bullshit beliefs like that. So yeah, that little rant of hers was bound to ruffle some feathers, and is just as bad as any other stereotype.

    As for MGK missing Father's Day, why come on the show if it's that important? Does the outcome matter? You missed Father's Day either way, dummy!

    Edited : I just read the recap and see Tara hit the nail right on the head. I'm still laughing at "affectation toothpick" haha.

    I also want to add that while MGK may get a slight pass for being so pissy, I think calling someone a "piece of shit" for being a lying liar who lies on a show known being a lying liar of a show who lies, is a bit overboard. That bothered me more than anything, I think.

    • Love 1
  14. I just want to throw out there that his daughter is mixed--her mother is black, so without trying to turn this into an "I have black friends" sort of comment, I don't think her race had anything to do with it. From what I know of him, he's far from any kind of racist. (Eta: I think I originally misread the comment I was replying to, and after rereading, I get what the poster was saying. I'll let this stay anyway, just for clarity. Sorry for the edits; this is what I get for posting this late!)

    I think he maybe saw it as an integrity thing, but since most of us viewers know this show lost its integrity a long time ago, I'll give him a slight pass on that, lol.

    So who is this guy?

    I think he's dating Amber Rose, but I'm not sure.

    I know who he is and I know he has a huge following, but all my info is passive, just things I've picked up from reading various sites.

    ETA: Darn it, I meant to reply to two comments but somehow forgot to quote

    • Love 1
  15. A note about Ken's raspy voice:

    A good friend of mine had recurring, benign polyps and granulomas in his throat, and he'd have to have surgery when they got really bad. He sounded exactly the way Ken sounded --always raspy, but it would get progressively worse.

    I'm thinking Ken may have something like that. (I believe GERD is one reason for granulomas and maybe for polyps, too, but there are also other reasons for both. ) No matter what, I also hope he's ok. I like Ken a lot.

    • Love 1
  16. What exactly is there about Fallon that has anyone thinking she is beautiful, hot, sexy?

    She's got a very plain face, long drab hair, skinny body except for her obviously man-made backside.

    Why she thinks she is God's gift is a mystery to me.

    If Chris actually found something appealing about her, I don't think I would want to be involved with him because he can't be very smart.

    And he'd do well to watch his back.........she seems like a not very normal thinking person with a hot temper.


    Fallon thinks she's the hottest thing ever , but long hair , a skinny body, and a big (yet flabby, and not the most shapely ass ever) do not a hottie make.

    Fallon is "at first-glance" hot. The hair/petite body/butt are all things that are often associated with being attractive; however, when you look closer and for longer, the true picture comes out. She isn't ugly, but she has a very plain, almost manly, pinched face. She's skinny and has no muscle tone, her hair is too long and scraggly, her eyebrows are jacked up and make her look permanently surprised, etc. (I could go on but won't )

    Would I feel so strongly about her looks if she wasn't such a narcississtic, manipulative, princessy-woman-child, drama queen? Probably not.

    The reason she keeps getting her heart broken is because she's too focused on trashing other women , and because she thinks the way to get and keep a man is too just be "hot" .

    As soon as she starting mouthing off about being the hottest woman on the platform, I had a feeling Chris was about to dump her; I thought I was being too hopeful, so I was pleasantly shocked when he actually did dump her. I laughed out loud and scared the dog , haha.

    • Love 5
  17. If anyone is interested to see a few different sides of Rachel, there are videos of her on YouTube.

    A few are from her singing career--it seems she actually had some success early on, though I don't think it was anything major. In reading the comments, seems she had at least one song that a lot of people remember.

    Also, there is this Britney Spears impersonator video:


    CW is a shit for lying. How gross to straight up lie to her face when he knows it is all on camera.

    I wonder if the previews are playing tricks, or if something inappropriate really did happen between CW and Danielle.

    Rachel may grate a little, but she's harmless. CW, however, is not harmless. Three recharge nights a week, but no date nights? A coupon for dance lessons, but they were booked that weekend (suuuurrrrreeee they were); three years later and still no dancing?

    Leah says, "I'm so happy," but looks and sounds anything but happy. She kills me walking around with her Bible and chastity sweater. It's like she's trying too hard to project an image, but she's so miserable inside that she can't even fake sounding happy. Maybe she's depressed. Nahhhh, she's forgiven herself, so she's fine. ;)

    Hue needs to appreciate his beautiful, kind, somewhat dim but harmless, thoughtful wife. He's is too focused on himself, his needs, his activities.

    • Love 2
  18. Heidi aside, this episode had me tearing up at every turn. Mitzi is one of those people who radiates a genuine warmth and good heart. I was rooting for her!

    I felt awful for her during her multiple ambushes; however, she managed to not only push through each hurdle, but to handle it all with grace.

    I'm happy for her and hope she enjoys all her well-deserved and hard-earned success.

    • Love 3
  19. The more I think about it--and upon a second watching of the runway-- the more I love Swapnil's design.

    On another note, I do wish they would give them more time. I understand fashion is a high-pressure environment, but I'd love to see what some of these designers could do with even a little more time. I think it would be worth the extra production costs.

    • Love 5
  20. I agree with the top two--Edmund and Swapnil were my favorites.

    I love all kinds of styles,but while I'm not usually drawn to too much busyness in clothing, I would absolutely wear Swapnil's design. I loved it much more than I thought I would. (I've checked out his work, and if he's able to navigate the confines of the show, I think he'll go far and possibly win it. I think he will be fine even if he doesn't win.)

    Edmunds dress was lovely. I also thought I saw a gap, but I still thought it was a beautiful dress and a deserved win.

    If Swapnil had won and Edmund been in second, I **think** I would have been OK with that, too.

    I thought Kelly and Blake were safe, not winners.

    IMO, there were much worse than Amanda, though I didn't like her skirt.

    My heart went out to David, but he used too much muslin and not enough cards. I would like to have seen more from him, but as someone said, I knew he was toast when they showed his phone call to his husband.

    • Love 4
  21. I felt bad for the Catfish, but that's no excuse for what she did to Ayissha. I can understand wanting to find yourself or to be someone else-- someone who is confident, hot, and out. The method may be madness, IMO, but I get it.

    What I don't get is why it takes the Catfish standing in front of their victim with a tv crew for them to get that it's not OK to hurt others just because you've been hurt. Not to be too succinct here, but... DUH!!!

    WTF is wrong with these people? Sociopaths?? Famewhores?? Both??

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