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Posts posted by KittyQ

  1. 1 hour ago, ffwbe said:

    I’m not a fan of the Heater story but I did love Alexis bringing up Diane taking on Franco’s case and how getting him off could set a precedent for Heather. Diane certainly never gives a damn about the murders and attempted murders her clients have committed and the effects it has on their victims/families when she represents them so it’s nice to potentially see the shoe on the other foot when it’s something that happened to her. 

    So true - Diane hasn't shown any concern about any other victims of Sonny or Jason, etc. and would have said she was "just doing her job" (which is true), but now she wants everyone else to just let Heather's case be, because she was the victim. And everyone else who has been complaining to Laura should also consider how they felt about Sonny et. al. getting off so many times. I think that Port Charles has a population deficient in self-awareness. 

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  2. 41 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    the gift would be for her, not for the baby she will (supposedly) hand over to her sister and her domestic partner.

    I thought that was strange, too. Why give a baby present to someone who is not going to have the baby for more than a few hours after giving birth? Is Kristina supposed to hand over this present to Molly when she takes possession of the baby? Or will Kristina hang onto it as a memento so she'll have something to focus on when she's feeling depressed and deprived? 

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  3. On 5/31/2024 at 6:21 PM, eel2178 said:
    On 5/23/2024 at 8:34 PM, Tango64 said:

    What an odd mashup of Shark Tank and … I don’t know,

    The Apprentice

    My thought, exactly! Make the contestants create something "exciting" in 24 hours with little guidance or experience, score them on it, and then "fire" the person on the losing team who may be the least effective. 

    My other question was, if this is a contest for Food Stars, why is there so little emphasis on food

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  4. Does TJ actually think that using a surrogate that is not related to them would be easier to deal with than Kristina?  Can you imagine him trying to tell someone that they can't see their father or what they can and can't do? I think that person would tell him where to stuff it! Also, do they have a contract for this? I can't believe Alexis wouldn't have insisted that they draw up a contact with whoever is the surrogate, outlining expectations and responsibilities. If there is a contract, Kristina should be getting it out and highlighting all the issues. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

    I liked that Alexis pointed out to Laura that Laura couldn't control the outcome of Heather's case if it does get reopened, and that could mean Heather being set free. But I wish this whole story would be dropped without another word. It's so dumb. 

    Virtually everyone Laura has talked to is worried that Heather could go free, but maybe Laura dismissed that because they just butted in. Perhaps Alexis' opinion will make that concern a little more concrete. Of course, I think that a lot depends on which lawyer Laura chooses to bring this issue forward. If she's clear about what she hopes the outcome to be and doesn't hire some hotshot who wants to just "win", it could be fine. Of course, no one on this soap will do anything that sensible, so look for Heather to be out later this summer. :-)

    • Mind Blown 1
  6. They could have done a lot better with the "previously"! As commented, they went too quickly through everything, and I could barely figure out who was who and what exactly happened. I didn't go back to watch a couple of the season 2 episodes before watching this one, so perhaps if I had done that, things would have been clearer.

    Overall, it was an ok episode, setting up threads for the season. I did wonder, though, how using a big explosive on the Aryans (?) would play with real world entities like the news, police, and the public. Where I live, even car chases get coverage (followed by criticism), so how is it that all major news organizations weren't flocking to town, asking questions? 

    It did seem clear that Mike and Iris are no longer a "thing", so it might be time for her to move on. 

    Also, what was with Kyle dropping his wife off to have the baby and then returning home for the hospital bag? He just left her there? Why not just call home to have Mike or Iris look for the bag and bring it to them? That was a puzzler for me. 

  7. 22 hours ago, Blackie said:

    Ugh I liked Finn's dialogue yesterday about not being an alcoholic so I was bummed that they had him doing shots today. Yes lying and drinking are what alcoholics do, but I don't believe he is an alcoholic just because he had a drug problem before. Not interested in that story.

    Even if Finn isn't an alcoholic, as a doctor he should be aware that after not drinking for a while, alcohol will hit him harder than it did before. He did have that sip of champagne and at least one drink of bourbon (?) but doing shots like they showed is bound to make him buzzed. He shouldn't be driving or taking care of Violet at this point. 

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  8. Whoopi was rewriting history, perhaps as she'd like it to be?  WACs and other female military personnel weren't in combat like Normandy invasion. They did serve in some hazardous situations, but not in actual combat. I'd also like to emphasize to her that we (the U.S.) aren't the only ones to "not always get it right"; no one "gets it right" all the time, and some never get it right. Additionally, what is "right" at one point in history may turn out to be "wrong" in others. 

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  9. I don't watch basketball normally, but that video looked like this was purposeful shoving, not a question of overzealous play. That looked like a playground bully pushing someone over to establish dominance. I'm surprised that some of the ladies seem to be rationalizing it as if this is something that shouldn't be disallowed.

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  10. 5 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    Exactly.  it's not like she's going to be free, at best she'll be moved from a maximum security facility to medium security.

    It's a fundamental part of our legal system that if a person is not mentally responsible for their actions, we don't punish them for those actions. To take that away would take away some of our humanity. Portia going all Karen and going to Molly while Curtis talks to Laura doesn't make me think much of her intelligence or his. (That social media is almost entirely against Laura for this tells me how badly this storyline is being written.)

    What I found odd was that Laura stressed to people that she wasn't asking for Heather to be freed, just investigating the situation, but everyone assumed that Heather would be wandering the streets, causing havoc. I think Laura is in a difficult position, because there is a lot of responsibility in being the Power of Attorney (either for Health or Financial, or both), and you have to be acting in the best interest of the person, not what you might want to do yourself. Even if Laura finds some reason that Heather should get a new trial, that doesn't mean Heather wouldn't still be imprisoned. Although, the various places for incarceration in Port Charles seem to have very porous boundaries, and prisoners sometimes end up in the hospital under the watch of a single bored looking guard while everyone in town traipses into their room.

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  11. 3 hours ago, Shrek said:

    It is mainly for those reasons but I have never had my luggage searched getting off a plane. No doubt it would be different if they were driving/walking to & from Russia and these other places but nobody is, whereas the USA/Mexico border that you talk of is a major & somewhat troublesome land crossing for drugs etc. and also comparing what the USA border guards do on that border & what other countries do at airports. 

    Admittedly, this was a number of years ago, but I recall returning to the U.S. from overseas business trips and our luggage had to go through another X-Ray machine before eventually ending up on the regular baggage carousel. Additionally, the Customs agents do a quick interview with people entering the country, although citizens and members of select (friendly?) countries go through different lines. I have seen passengers have their luggage searched. At the time I assumed they were looking for drugs, because the guys being searched looked like stereotypical drug users. 

  12. Everyone is intent on getting Laura to stop her one-woman Innocence Project for Heather. Although, since Heather really did commit those crimes, maybe it is more of a "Mitigation Project". And no one seems to understand that no matter what Laura does, she isn't the one to either a) argue that Heather was unable to distinguish between right and wrong or b) decide what the outcome might be, and none of those people (primarily Portia and Curtis) are in a position to make that decision either. Going to "fight" Laura on it? Exactly how? Perhaps through social networking? 

    Also, how will they all react when PC's favorite mobster is also shown to be influenced by his medication (or lack thereof)? 

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  13. Maybe I was a little hard on Brittney Griner for overlooking that bit of THC in her luggage. Lately, there's been a number of tourists to Turks and Caicos who have been jailed for having ammunition in their luggage. I guess many people don't empty their luggage completely after a trip! It is also strange that these things don't seem to be found when entering the country, but when the people are leaving, which seems backward to me. Why would customs care about items that aren't allowed in-country when you are leaving? Clearly the workers manning the incoming stations aren't doing a terrific job if everyone is accidentally bringing these things from home.

    Still, I think you should be more alert when you are going to places where they are very clear that there are severe sanctions for having some items when you travel.

    • Like 1
  14. I happened to see this episode the other night. I was confused by the map the firefighters were using because I live in this area. I don't know why a map would have an area labelled "Klahanie" (a neighborhood / community) and Issaquah (a real city) but not include actual cities like Redmond, Sammamish (which encompasses Klahanie), Bellevue or the very significant Lake Washington that lies between Seattle and the East Side (where Klahanie and Issaquah are). 

    Obviously, TV and movies make free with geography for the sake of the plot, but this seemed really gratuitous. That map looked either completely fictional or was created 40 years ago. 

  15. I'm being shallow here, but I wish everyone would brush their hair once in a while. I wonder if Imogen really believes in her ability to get the truth, or if she's playing out a personal psycho drama.

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  16. 56 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    After Elizabeth pointed that out, Portia pouting her lip and stating that her feelings were hurt resulted in Elizabeth caving and sharing Finn's personal business. I absolutely expect blowback from Portia.

    This is why it is tricky to have personal and professional relationships with the people at work. If the person you are talking to has any requirements to report things, they can't "not hear" what you say. Elizabeth would have been better off to just say that she felt Finn wasn't handling his father's death very well at the moment.

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  17. Anna says, "I hope I didn't discourage you from reporting..." and "The law is the law" - right after she lays out all the ways that reporting Sonny could affect the rest of his family. Since when does the Police Commissioner care about how charging a criminal with a criminal offense affects the rest of his family? She's not a social worker. 

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  18. 21 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

    I know it's a fool's errand to try to apply logic to the plot, but two things bug me about the Dex beating:

    --Since he got treated as a hospital, it's strange he didn't have to answer questions from law enforcement. 

    --Wouldn't the most sensible plan be to document Dex's physical condition now, then have him report the crime after Kristina delivers the baby? I think victims have more leeway to report than a couple of months. 


    Doesn't Dex still have to go to work or the academy? He's going to show up looking like that and offer NO explanation? I think his superiors are going to need to hear something, because if he wasn't attacked then was he in a fight? That wouldn't go over well, considering that some of them didn't really want him there in the first place. 

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  19. Discussion about taking a break from dating - I think that Kate Hudson was well advised to "take a break" because she'd made many bad choices. I think that along with not trying to meet someone to date, it is helpful to try to see what you are doing that contributes to these bad relationships and figure out what is really important to you before you try to meet someone new. Otherwise, you might just keep doing the same old thing, not learning anything, and making yourself (and other people) miserable. BTW, I think this applies to other things, too, not just dating - any time you can see that you've developed some unhealthy or unrewarding patterns in your life, it helps to stop what you're doing for a while to figure out how you can change things for the better. 

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  20. 24 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    I actually liked the Sonny/Dante scenes. Sonny is always all about himself. Kristina is pregnant. She doesn't need this.

    I did too. Regardless of his medical condition and whether he's medicated or under medicated, Sonny has always been narcissistic, and it is typical that he expects that he can just "explain" away how he beat up Dex (and Cyrus before that) and justify his job and behavior for years as the result of being misunderstood.

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  21. 32 minutes ago, Blackie said:

    I think if there is a death in the home the police have to come just to make sure it wasn't anything suspicious. Not sure who that guy was talking to Finn, I assumed police.

    I have experienced this both ways. My mom had in-home hospice care, and when she died, we called the hospice people first and then the funeral home. No police. When my aunt died, she was sick but not in hospice, and we called the police for lack of any other idea. When they arrived, they did ask us questions and then they called someone to confirm her death and called the funeral home. A death at home is a confusing situation for most people. 

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  22. I was surprised to see Bill Maher on the show. I don't agree with everything he says (by far!) but he's generally more articulate and knowledgeable than some of the panelists here. I think Sunny underestimated him, and he gently punctured Joy's hyperbolic "joke" about how every MAGA hat should have a swastika on it.

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