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Posts posted by riley702

  1. When Beethoven died, he was buried in a churchyard. A couple of days later a person passing by heard some faint, unrecognizable music coming from the grave. Frightened, he ran and got the town soil scientist.

    When the soil scientist arrived, she bent her ear to the grave, listened for a moment, and said, "Ah, yes, that's Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, being played backwards."

    She listened a while longer, and said, "There's the Eighth Symphony, and it's backwards, too. Most puzzling." She kept listening; "There's the Seventh... the Sixth... the Fifth..."

    Suddenly the realization of what was happening dawned on the soil scientist; she stood up and announced to the crowd that had gathered in the cemetery, "My fellow citizens, there's nothing to worry about. It's just Beethoven decomposing."

    • Love 6
  2. I have a house I dream about sometimes and I'm positive it's me. When I was diagnosed with cancer in 2010, I dreamed that I was just puttering around all day and suddenly noticed it was dark, the curtains and windows were open, and the front door wide open. I ran to shut everything in a panic and later realized I was blaming myself for the cancer - that I'd somehow thoughtlessly left myself "open" to it. Not true, but understandable.

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  3. I'm glad I didn't rant about Sat. before the conclusion today. Last Sat., I came out after a horrible day at work to find my car towed. Out of a handicapped spot and I have a handicapped tag. After the car was towed, they filled the slot with barricades and signs saying not to park there. They are blocking off parts of the garage at a time to do something with the pavement. Anyway, I call and get a message that no one is available until Monday to release my car. Paula had taken her Mom to Illinois to visit her dying sister. A coworker took me home (thanks, Carla~!) I was so angry and frustrated, it brought on another headache. I called in Sunday. Today, they basically admitted that they had goofed in not marking the spot I'd parked in, and so they had towed my car into a place that was barricaded then, but open today. And no charge - go get your car. Hallelujah!

    • Love 7
  4. 6 hours ago, GoodieGirl said:

    @Katy M, I call that "martyr syndrome", when someone complains constantly about how hard it is but when offered help they throw a hissy fit and refuse the offer. This woman has gotten to be insufferable, but she loves the attention all her "chaos" brings her so she'll make even the simplest of tasks seem like it was planning a rocket launch. Need a meeting set up? She'll huff and puff about how she can't find the time on her boss' calendar, tell everyone within earshot that she can't make it a 25 hour day ya' know! Finally, the meeting will get scheduled and she'll tell you how hard it was but lucky for you she was able to "shift things around to make it work." Thank god it's Friday and I won't have to hear it for the next 2 days.

    Ugh. I have someone ;like that at work. She constantly complains about her late lunch every day, but finds a million reasons to refuse help. Argh!

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  5. She doesn't get in trouble because the technology clears her of any wrong-doing. She just has to bring the bus in so they can pull the tapes and prove she wasn't doing anything wrong. And sadly, a lot of these people are more worried about their late start to work than the kids.

    • Love 6
  6. 19 hours ago, forumfish said:

    Re: stupid people behind the wheel -- today I wished for a cop to be nearby as I watched a woman pull out of the "enter only" drive at the elementary school across from my house. (This is a recurring peeve of mine, due to safety reasons.) Today's driver had to squeeze by a school bus that had pulled in to pick up students, so she had to have known she was driving the wrong way. What I really wanted a cop to witness, however, was the smartphone she was holding pressed to her ear as she talked and drove. Being a school zone, the $200 fine she'd have been given may have gotten her attention.

    My SIL drives a bus, and people will frequently call in to the school to complain a bus is too slow because they don't exceed the speed limit. The speeds are recorded and she would be fired if she ever speeds. Shortly after one of those complaints, there was another call, accusing my SIL for driving fast and erratically. Apparently he was unaware of the 3 cameras onboard that showed the only thing amiss that day was someone impatiently tail-gating her. 

    • Love 13
  7. Ugh, I've had a bad headache off and on for a couple of days now. I barfed at work today an hour before leaving and then barfed again when I got home. I then stripped to cool down and slept. Now I'm awake and the headache is starting to twinge again. Hopefully, the Excedrin cuts it off.

    • Love 2
  8. I booked my hotel today. Decided on the Inn at Herr Ridge, which served as a field hospital during the conflict. Per reports, the most active rooms are in the old part, rooms 1-4. I booked room 4. They have a touristy, "extra" thing during my stay I'm not so sure about - dinner with a ghost, where they try to draw out spirits on the premises while giving you the history of the place, and after dinner, conduct an "investigation" with various paranormal gadgetry. Sounds like a lot of hooey. I'm tempted to instead just take a recorder to my room and talk and ask questions and see if anything answers. Not sure about haunted tours - seems like they promise the possibility of much and probably deliver nothing. Going on one might be interesting for the historical info.

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  9. Chloe's last kitten has a cleft palate and may not make it. It will depend on whether or not anything else is wrong with her, and whether she can get tube feedings without aspirating anything into her lungs until she's old enough for surgery. Usually 3 months.

    One of Ramona's kittens died a day after birth of Fading Kitten Syndrome, where they are lethargic, don't want to eat, have low body temp, etc. It can often mean there are other defects not visible.

    One of Rula's kittens is missing the pad on the bottom of one foot.

    These are all due to not spaying/neutering, and inbreeding in outdoor colonies. The rescue has over 70% of this colony (200+ cats) spayed or neutered.

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